Member Reviews

It’s no secret to those that know me, know I love the Stephanie Plum series!!!! They are just feel good and fun loving! I feel like I smile the whole time and always read them in one sitting. Janet Evanovich is a fantastic author with exceptional writing and the Best characters. I voluntarily reviewed a copy of this book provided by NetGalley.
** and waiting for my book to arrive in the mail.

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Dirty Thirty by Janet Evanovich is a wholly entertaining farce complete with Stephanie’s apartment being firebombed and yet another car destroyed. Morelli is out of town to testify in court and so Stephanie is babysitting Bob, which means trying to keep him from eating her furniture or the backseat of any car she is driving. Lula is at sixes and sevens because she believes there is a mythological demon after her extensive wardrobe. Then a fire destroys Lula’s apartment and presumably her wardrobe and she moves in with Stephanie. It is not a match made in heaven. Morelli’s brother and his wife are separated and he is at Morelli’s and she can’t stay there so she does the obvious thing and moves in with Ranger.

It is a complicated story (aren’t they always) in which a robber makes off with a bunch of jewelry from a local jewelers, despite the fact he has a “security” guard and that evening a tray of diamonds from the safe also disappears. Of course, the security guard and the robber are friends and both very odd, as is the norm in Stephanie’s life and run, which is also typical. She is a fabulous character, lovable and pretty incompetent, although she seems to be learning. Her family is made up of caricatures of real Trenton, NJ residents, including her octogenarian grandmother. Lula is the best character, though, never failing to amuse with her antics, her wardrobe, and her attitude. Although this book didn’t make me laugh out loud as some have in the past, it was a thoroughly humorous read, fitting right in with the series, with at least one serious twist that long-time readers will be amused by. It was good to be back with the gang!

I was invited to read a free e-ARC of Dirty Thirty by Atria Books, through Netgalley. All thoughts and opinions are mine. #Netgalley #AtriaBooks #JanetEvanovich #DirtyThirty

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This ARC was received through NetGalley for an honest review, all opinions are strictly my own and no way reflect the opinions of the author or the publisher. This book is a part of series while it technically could be read as a standalone, reading it in order will give you a full grasp of the characters.

This book did not disappoint!! As with all books in this series, there are themes to Stephanie’s fta and what is going on in her family life. The theme for this book is weddings!! One of her fta’s is a disgruntled ex-fiancé. Her side gig for this job is a jewelry store owner that everyone wants their engagement ring from. A cousin is getting married and she has to be an emergency bridesmaid. These things make Stephanie ponder her own love live and the two men she loves and neither will commit to her—Joe and Ranger. 5 Stars Janet!!

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It’s rare to find a series featuring the same characters that bring about surprise and intrigue thirty books in.

However, I am at the point where I cannot make justification for how horrible Stephanie treats Joseph. She constantly cheats on him and does nothing to show she actually cares about being in a long term relationship with him. I hate this even more because I am 100% team Morelli, and I don’t want him to “lose” because I think he and Stephanie are actually perfect for each other.

I want Stephanie and Morelli to end up together and will honestly cry and wish I never discovered this series if that does not happen.

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I have missed Stephanie Plum and am so happy she is back! The ending is absolutely unexpected and perfect!

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In the act of full transparency, I haven't picked this series back up in awhile. 10+ books awhile. I found the series to be too formulaic for me. It almost seemed like a big version of Fill in the Blank. After over 12 books, Stephanie was stuck in the same triangle with her two guys. Nothing really changed of any substance. So, I was very curious to be see what things were like in Trenton, these days, for Stephanie.

My impressions for most of the book were that nothing had changed for Stephanie. In many ways I found that comforting. It was fun to visit characters I loved and having caught up with in awhile. Lula and Grandma Mazur were still the go-to ones for funny lines. High jinks were still involved in Stephanie's captures. It was fun to chuckle and laugh at the hilarity of it all.

This installation, Stephanie is put on the case of Duncan Dugan who robbed a jewelry store. However, he has second thoughts as soon as he walks out the door and proceeds to drop the bag of diamonds on the ground before taking off. The book opens with him threatening to jump from the 4th floor of a building only to fall off it. He survives and leads Stephanie and Lula on a search mission for the missing jewels. Which then leads to other discoveries involving the store owner Martin Rabner.

Along the way to solving the case, Stephanie deals with a couple of fire bombs, checking out recently dug up dead bodies looking for a match and her Mom helping chase a suspect. Not to mention Lula being convinced she's being stalked by a demon Grendel. There's also a couple proposals waiting in the pages for you.

If you're in the market for a book that will have you giggling and laughing as you chase apprehensions, I recommend Dirty Thirty. There's nothing ground breaking in the story, but lots of fun. You see the long lasting triangle hint at a new shape in the future. This was a fun read.

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Dirty Thirty
Janet Evanovich
October 31, 2023

In the 30th book in her Stephanie Plum series Janet Evanovich puts Stephanie on the edge. She’s not having a great deal of luck finding her bond recoveries, consequently cash is low. Upon her latest trip to work at the Vincent Plum Bail Bonds she picks up folders for the only two skips. One being Duncon Dugan, a high ticket guy who skipped his bail on a jewelry heist. She heads out to the jewelry store to get information on what went down. As ever, her friend and partner Lula accompanies her. They received the story from the owner, a family oriented jeweler who maintains Dugan took a tray of diamonds and ran out the door. He brings up the security man he had on duty, Andy Manley otherwise known as Nutsy. As it turns out Stephanie knew him from high school. The entire book is filled with the adventure of trying to find Nutsy and turn in Dugan.
Dirty Thirty will be published on October 31, 2023 by Atria Books of Simon and Schuster, Inc. I was able to read and review Evanovich’s latest by NetGalley. What a treat it is to read this series. Dirty Thirty was delightful from start to finish. Lula was exceptionally entertaining as she was caught up with problems of a ghoul who slipped into her apartment on a nightly basis. This one is not to be missed. After reading all 30 I feel this to be one of her best. Do enjoy!!

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If you’ve read the Stephanie Plum series, you will be familiar with the various shenanigans that can happen around Stephanie as she works as a bounty hunter! If you are new to the series, you will be rolling with laughter at Stephanie, Lula and Grandma Mazur, various crazy characters and their names and more.

This time Morelli is out of town and Stephanie spends a lot of time with Ranger for various reasons – car issues, apartment fire, crazy criminals, etc. I’ve never been sure which man I would prefer Stephanie to be with -- Morelli is on the side of the law as a detective and Ranger, well, he handles things however he thinks best with his security company, so he and Morelli don’t see eye-to-eye. Plus, they’re both interested in Stephanie. I love it when Ranger says ‘babe’ to Stephanie, and it could be taken a number of different ways.

No one seems to age in this series with Grandma Mazur still feisty, Rex the hamster still keeping the wheel in his cage moving, and Bob, Morelli’s dog, is a menace when it comes to anything he can put in his mouth – nothing is safe.

Several years ago, Ms. Evanovich had merchandise for sale, and I bought a black Rangeman sweatshirt and it’s still one of my favorites to wear in the winter. Maybe I do prefer Ranger!

No spoilers but the ending had me with my mouth hanging open!

Thanks to the author, publisher and Netgalley for providing an ARC in exchange for an honest review. I enjoyed the opportunity to read this new book.

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Love reading this series. It always makes me laugh. If you haven't read it yet I highly recommend her and her books. Looking forward to the next book in the series

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#1 NYT bestselling author Janet Evanovich, the queen of fun and capers (favorite author), returns with her popular Stephanie Plum series #30, better than ever and one of my favorites —DIRTY THIRTY! I loved it!

Highly entertaining, electrifying, witty, superb characters, full of suspense, non-stop action with laugh-out-loud zingy one-liners—DIRTY THIRTY has it ALL! The usual fun characters are back, and the added side characters make this a WINNER. Plus, Evanovich makes me laugh.

A huge fan, I would not miss a book! I have read every book in the series and LOVE it. I always pre-order the audiobook, too, because I love Lorelei King (a favorite)! Gosh, I love her voice with Lula and Grandma Mazur. They come alive—It is time for another MOVIE! When I need a laugh, I pull out her Plum audiobooks.

The author cleverly showcases her STAR POWER with this installment! Please do not let this series end. With the cliffhanger ending, Stephanie has some big decisions to make. Ranger or Morelli? (lips sealed, you must read).

Plus, a BONUS! At the end of the novel, we get Thirty quotes from Thirty Books, and they are some of the best by Grandma Mazur, Ranger, Morelli, Lula (of course), Vinnie, Stephanie, and some of the fun secondary characters!

Stephanie Plum, a Jersey girl and bounty hunter, is growing up, and this time around, she is thinking through things a little more than her impulsive past. She thinks about the future and takes her bounty hunter position seriously because if she does not get the FTAs, she cannot pay rent.

All the fun and characters are back, but front and center is BOB, Joe Morelli's loveable golden retriever. He takes center stage.

Joe is off to Miami for a big case and trial, and he drops off Bob for Stephanie to babysit. Of course, Bob has been known to eat things, so off he goes on Stephanie's pursuits with Dog in hand! However, Morelli is gone for much longer than he thought because the department does not pay him to come on the weekends. He is gone the entire book until the very end. And man, is it juicy! Lots happening while he is away.

However, I bet Bob has gained 10 pounds with all the sugar he gets with Stephanie and Lula, even though he is lactose intolerant (darn, those pizzas), but again, maybe not with the criminals he is chasing down—he has probably burned off the calories. He will never be the same.

Of course, Lula is in rare form, as funny as ever! We also get Stephanie's mom, Grandma Mauzer, and Stephanie on a stakeout together! Stephanie's mom, the NASCAR driver (this was hilarious) in the Camry with the side mirrors and the alley—Three generations of women! A great scene.

Sexy Ranger is always there to save the day with new wheels for Stephanie a place to stay when she is housing Lula and Nutsy or her apartment is blown up. Also, all the luxury furnishings and the delicious food. YUM! Plus, he helps care for Bob (not even his dog)—points for Ranger.

Of course, we get donuts, donuts, donuts.....(not a lot of chicken this time), car bombs, house bombs, stun guns, real guns, digging up graves, someone falls/jumps from a building, video games, video characters, stolen jewelry, homeless men, viewings, crooked and corrupt jewelry owner and family, wild and crazy FTAs, plus Lula has a late night visitor (hilarious) and a new man (men) by the end. I hope to see more of this.

You must read DIRTY THIRTY. Hands down, the best. I read this in two sittings. It all boils down to Team Ranger or Team Morelli. Will she ever choose? Please let there be a #31!

I have always been a Morelli fan, but I am leaning towards Ranger more in this one until the end. As always, Lula is a riot, and I loved BOB! Stephanie got a lot accomplished in DIRTY THIRTY. She gets a thumbs up.

I will be glued to the audiobook come Oct 31st! If you are a Plum fan, you must read this one. My favorite!

Special thanks to Atria Books via NetGalley for coming to my rescue at the last minute with a digital advanced reading copy. (I was about to give up). Christmas came early, and I dropped everything! Of course, the audio and hardcover are a given.

Janet Evanovich, you are the BEST! One of the funniest writers out today.

Blog review posted @
@JudithDCollins | #JDCMustReadBooks
Pub Date: Oct 31, 2023
My Rating: 5 Stars +
Oct 2023 Must-Read Books
Oct Newsletter

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If I had a dollar for every time I have recommended a Janet Evanovich book, I'd be rich. If I added in another dollar for everytime I gifted or loaned my copies, I'm pretty sure I'd make the Fortune 500, maybe towards the bottom of the list but still. My entry into the Evanovich fan club started many years ago when my friend, a Jersey girl, gave me the first 3 Stephanie Plum books for Christmas. She's a really good friend, The cast of characters in these books are like old friends now and each time they come to visit, I know I'm going to love them more. Plum fans are typically divided as Pro-Joe or Pro-Ranger but I'm Pro-Grandma Mazur and Stephanie's long suffereing mother and father. This is book #30, yes 30, in this excellent, entertaining series plus there are numerous side stories and novellas. Yes, you could pick up any one of them and be instantly drawn into Trenton's most mixed up community, but you'd really miss some great reading. It's totally up to you, but I hope you have a friend that gifts you some of the early books. You're in for an unmatched treat.

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Stephanie Plum is back in Dirty Thirty by Janet Evanovich.

"Stephanie gets a free lance assignment from Martin Rabner, the local jeweler. He wants her to find his former security guard, Andy Manley (aka Nutsy) who Rabner claims disappeared with a tray of diamonds from the safe. Stephanie is also looking for Duncan Dugan, wanted for robbing the jewelry store on the same day.
Her boyfriend Morelli is out of town so Stephanie is babysitting Bob, Morelli'e giant dog.
And Lula thinks she is being stalked by a big-hairy Grendel demon.
Stephanie hopes she makes it through the week without her car or apartment blowing up. Oops..."

Sttephanie has changed over thirty books. She's more self-reliant when things hit the fan. The new Stephanie is right at home with her stun gun and some of Ranger's flash bangs. This book is all of the insanity and wild characters that you expect from a Plum book. One of the best character names ever - Farcus Trundle.

Changes are coming - Stephanie must decide between two proposals and a new place to live. Because rooming with Lula is not working at all.

Another great addition to the Plum story.

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The Stephanie Plum books probably aren't as funny as they were in the beginning, but they are still funnier than almost everything else I read. Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read this!
Stephanie is doing her thing, looking for people who have skipped out on their bond and flirting with the men in her life. She becomes involved in a situation where things are not as they seem, and Stephanie, Lulu and Ranger spend the rest of the book solving the mystery and seeking justice.
The mystery is satisfying -- someone is accused of stealing from a jewelry store, but the jewelry store owner is acting oddly. Lulu is just as crazy as ever, and everyone treats her with the same understanding and tolerance, leading to an incredibly funny situation where we learn the truth about what has been going on with her.
I recommend Stephanie Plum books to anyone who is looking for a light read, is in a reading slump, or who wants a good laugh, and I still laugh when I read them multiple times.

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As the title states, this is the 30th book in the Stephanie Plum series. I have been a fan of this series for years, and the newest installment certainly does not disappoint.

In addition to Stephanie's work for the bail bonds office, she is asked by a local jeweler to locate the person he believes stole a tray of diamonds from his safe. Coincidentally, Stephanie is already in the process of finding another person who robbed the same jewelry store and was arrested but skipped out on his bond.

Stephanie and Lula antics abound, and it is hysterical! I laughed out loud throughout the whole book. My son and husband just kind of look at me like I'm losing my mind. Bob, Morelli's dog, plays a huge role in this book, which made my heart happy. And when Stephanie, her mom, her grandma, and Bob go on a stakeout, hilarity ensures!

Whenever I am in a reading slump, this is my go-to series to bring me out of it. I can't say enough great things about this book. It's funny and thoroughly enjoyable to read. I would give it more than five stars if I could. Anyone who hasn't tried this series, you are missing out on a good time.

Oh, and Stephanie's love triangle? Well, it has just gotten a little more complicated, and that's all I'm going to say about that.

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I haven't read a Stephanie Plum book in a decade and it still makes me laugh, although not out loud. Good mystery, characters, and plot. Left a huge cliffhanger for the next book.
Thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for the ARC of the novel. I do recommend the series and you will laugh.

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Stephanie Plum doesn't fail to deliver. Same characters, same craziness, and, yes, cars get destroyed. Places get firebombed. It is a great, silly, and fun read. Bob, the orange dog, is Stephanie's main sidekick for this adventure. Grendel, the monster/demon, terrorizes Lulu. Grandma and Stephanies's mom go on a stakeout. And finally, there is Ranger....... "Babe"

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Janet Evanovich always gives us an entertaining, active mystery to read. Dirty Thirty is no exception! Fast- moving, drama-filled, laugh aloud humor and more sexy romance with Morelli and Ranger.

Thanks to NetGalley and Atria Books for the opportunity to read this fun ARC.

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Always entertaining , never changing. Lula will forever make me laugh!
Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.

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Janet Evanovich's Dirty Thirty, the thirtieth installment in the Stephanie Plum series, is a humorous and riveting return to the beloved world of Trenton's unconventional bounty hunter. The story follows Stephanie as she takes on a seemingly straightforward assignment to find a stolen stash of diamonds and track down a fugitive, but predictably, chaos ensues. With her boyfriend Morelli away, Stephanie finds herself embroiled in a romantic dilemma involving the enigmatic Ranger, while her best friend Lula is convinced she's being stalked by a mythological demon. Evanovich's writing is at its best, with a compelling mystery, hilarious antics, and the complex relationships that have developed over the series. Dirty Thirty is a must-read for fans and newcomers alike, offering a delightful escape into a world of quirky characters, fast cars, and unforgettable humor.

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This addictive mystery is dazzling entertainment.
Bright, quirky characters.
A woofy, zany dog.
Great villains.
A touch of romsnce.
And, a lot of mischief.
What a great way to spend lazy weekend afternoons.
Thank you, janet evanovich.

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