Member Reviews

This is a new take on The Great Gatsby. Jay is a white=passing biracial man in 1921 who fled Alabama and works in Chicago's underworld. He is drawn to Nelly Sawyer, a socialite who works as an undercover journalist for the Chicago Defender. As she investigates the "Mayor of Maxwell Street" and his hold on the underworld they work together.

I love the world building and its description. The 1920s is definitely one of my favorite time periods. I did feel that the descriptions made the book slow in places but I feel like this author is definitely going places.

Really wish I could give half stars because I would say this was a 3.5/5 for me.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for this digital AR.C.

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This book absolutely does not feel like it's over 500 pages long - the time spent reading it goes by so fast! The characters are strongly and quickly drawn, and it's full of fleeting little images and precise sensory details that really stick in the mind. An absolute whirl of speakeasies and parties and crime and hope and glamour and regret.

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The Mayor of Maxwell Street is a stunning debut and a compelling historical story.
The characters are complex at best.
In my opinion the book was a little too long.

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I enjoyed Nelly being focused on garnering the things she wanted, but at the same Nelly was not self assured. This frustrated me because her lacking so led to a very unhealthy relationship.

I felt this could have been shortened and focused more on Nellys investigative work in a healthier manner. I wanted to enjoy this one better, but it came up a little short for me personally. Still give this author a try!

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Amazing read! Great storyline & was deeply into this book. Held my interest from the first chapter. Highly pleased with this book.

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3 ⭐️
only because there wasn’t as much romance as I personally like in a book and it was slow-paced for the most part. However the prologue did reeled me in and Nelly kept me reading.

Overall I enjoy it but I wouldn’t reread it.

Thank you to Netgalley for a copy!

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I love this time period, there were so many great descriptions, and the story was intriguing. There was a bit too much going on at times, making it tricky to follow, but I enjoyed this novel!

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Avery Cunningham’s debut novel is lengthy but not coherent. Set in Chicago during the 1920s, a rich Black debutant with the help of a speakeasy manager try to uncover the head of an underground crime syndicate. While the premise is enticing, the story fell flat. There are times in the novel that the descriptions are helpful and necessary while other times it is just a bit too much. I would not recommend this novel but will look for other works in the future by this author. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher Hyperion Avenue for an advanced copy for a honest review.

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This was a beautifully written story set in 1920's Chicago. This book was a coming of age, romance and tragedy about life's twists and turns. My goodness, I could not stop reading this book. The scenes in this book were beautifully written. I love that in a history based book.
Thank you to NetGalley for allowing me to read the book for my honest opinion.

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This moved too slowly and seemed to have a lot of characters with too little involvement and too little development to make it worth trying to keep them straight. Almost gave up half way through, glad I didn't but felt the ending was too hasty and not exactly clear.

Short answer, too long, needed better editing and proofreading.

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As many other reviewers mentioned, this is a twist on the Great Gatsby. I really enjoyed Avery Cunningham's description of Chicago in the 1920's. Some parts of the book felt a bit slow, but it was a very good read regardless. I would recommend this to people who enjoy books set during the roaring 20's, and those who enjoy books with POC main characters.

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Richly textured and immaculately rendered, THE MAYOR OF MAXWELL STREET paints an incredibly vivid picture of Prohibition-era Chicago. What a great debut!

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Incredible debut! We need more Avery Cunningham. I want to read her perspective on every historical era in the US.

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This is a thrilling take on The Great Gatsby. Jay is a white=passing biracial man in 1921 who fled Alabama and works in Chicago's underworld. He is drawn to Nelly Sawyer, a socialite who works as an undercover journalist for the Chicago Defender. As she investigates the "Mayor of Maxwell Street" and his hold on the underworld they work together. The side characters, like Sequioa and Tomas, are fascinating. The action flags a little in the middle, but it's an enjoyable historical suspense novel.

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Thank you to Hyperion Avenue for my ARC in exchange for an honest review. This was okay! Nothing bad but nothing I LOVED either.

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I felt as if I jumped into the story in the middle and never really made my way around. The story of a well to do Black woman in the 1920s is always a good read. I just felt as if the saga started in the middle and I felt a bit lost for the remainder of the story.

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I am giving this book a 3 star.

I fell in love with the amazing artwork on the cover and this is what first drove me to read the book.

I found the book very long and even though it was long and will detailed in certain areas I didn't and couldn't get into the story.

I at times found some chapters needed more and alot of chapters needed less. This book should have been shorter in my view.

I could tell the author did a massive amount of research as they descriptions were all on point. This is one thing I liked about the book was the amount of research that went into the story and making sure it was historically correct. So there was no chance to second guess history.

For a debut book it's good however even though I love this genre this book wasn't for me unfortunately however I will continue to support the author.

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"The Mayor of Maxwell Street" invites readers to delve into the intriguing world of 1921 Chicago, where vice and virtue clash against the backdrop of Prohibition. The novel follows Nelly Sawyer, a wealthy Black debutante, as she teams up with a speakeasy manager to uncover the head of an underground crime syndicate. The synopsis promises a thrilling narrative set in a tumultuous time, yet the execution leaves much to be desired.

One of the novel's strengths lies in its vivid portrayal of Prohibition-era Chicago. The author successfully transports readers to a time when America was ablaze with societal upheaval and criminal enterprises. The historical setting is meticulously crafted, offering a fascinating glimpse into the complexities of a bygone era.

However, the narrative suffers from its length, with an abundance of unnecessary details that slow the pacing. At times, the story feels like a marathon, as the author delves into minute aspects, causing the plot to lose momentum. Conversely, certain crucial elements are glossed over, creating a disjointed experience for the reader.

The characters in "The Mayor of Maxwell Street" prove to be implausible, and the plot itself is far-fetched, making it difficult for readers to fully engage with the story. The collaboration between Nelly and a low-level speakeasy manager feels forced, and their interactions lack the depth needed to make their alliance convincing. The novel's biggest downfall lies in its struggle to maintain a cohesive and compelling plot. The narrative meanders, making it challenging for readers to follow the story's twists and turns. This lack of coherence diminishes the impact of the novel, leaving readers feeling disconnected from the characters and the unfolding events.

While the time period and setting are undoubtedly captivating, the overall execution of "The Mayor of Maxwell Street" falls short. The book's excessive length, coupled with uneven attention to detail, results in a narrative that feels both overstuffed and underdeveloped. The characters' implausibility and the convoluted plot further contribute to a sense of detachment for the reader. Ultimately, the novel struggles to maintain engagement, leaving readers with a challenging journey that fails to transport them fully into the rich tapestry of Prohibition-era Chicago.

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This was a fun twist on The Great Gatsby and a compelling historical that I read fairly quickly despite its length. It's a promising debut from an author who infuses history with color and richness, and the characters are where this story really shines. (That ending was also a draw.)

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Set in 20s Chicago it explores life, love and troubles of black society in America. An epic tale of those times.

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