Member Reviews

i got tired of the humor a little fast and stopped reading it. in tv its fun but in a book i was tired of it

The Philomena Cunk character is one of the funniest comedy bits right now. For fans of the Netflix series, I highly recommend.

Philomena Cunk, a British icon for asking the real, important questions regarding history, science, but most importantly, life.
This is an incredibly funny book. Whilst often the claims she makes are naturally outrageous, there are sometimes really valid, human inquiries within.
As with the show, Philomena remains outrageously funny, but in this we get a version that cannot rely on visual cues, so it’s done very well in remaining funny and engaging.
Given it’s narrated by her, it is of course fantastically done, and couldn’t be relayed by anyone else.
A funny book that acts as a great palate cleanser

This was a fun audiobook! I’ve never actually watched any of the Cunk TV shows, but I’ve heard of them and this was funny enough to make me want to go watch.

I love the Cunk TV shows. This is an encyclopedia version of that. A somewhat small and very incomplete encyclopedia.
I got the audio version, but if you get one of the book versions with all of the words in it you'll be reading it in her voice anyway.
It's all of the humor Cunk humor: dry/British, dad jokes delivered by someone who might not be in on them, pop culture references that still work even if you've never heard of the things being referenced.
But you're still reading an encyclopedia, so it feels like you're reading an encyclopedia. Not much plot. You're never wondering "'Hiccups!' Oooohhh, I wonder what happens next!" (spoiler: it's 'Human mind, the').
It's a good read if you just like hearing the word 'bum' in that cute little British way that refers to backsides and not that angy way American way that refers to homeless people.

AMAZING. First watch Cunk on Earth or Cunk on Britain. I recommend seeing her in action so you get a full understanding of her humor. Then listen to this book! Every time I turn it on, I’m laughing out loud and have literally cried laughing multiple times. I don’t even mind all the UK references I don’t get. It’s worth it! Highly recommend

This book belongs on every History class’ reading list.
That is not hyperbole.
I’ve followed Phil on both IG and Netflix for awhile now, and this book continued my education. I can’t say I laughed out loud, but I snerked on several occasions.
High praise from this cynic.
Don’t try to read (or listen) to this all in one sitting. First off, you’ll get dehydrated. Second, why binge when you can snack?
This is the perfect bathroom book, and I mean that in the most sincere, favourable way.
My only issue is with the format. I didn’t love the Dictionary-style. A meandering Cunk is a Cringe-but-Free Cunk.

Listen, I will read/watch any and everything involving Philomena Cunk. Like, the shows, the book is subversive, witty, and pulled me in immediately. Should be required reading.

Oh what to say about this?? I picked this up because I watched Philomena Cunk's mockumentary "Cunk on Earth". And while I found her odd, she was amusing in that way we Americans watch British comics (you know...with that confused half smile on your face where you don't know if she's joking or serious)
Anyway this is a dictionary of everything Cunk thinks we need to know and it's like having a conversation with a Gen X individual who gets it wrong but does it with such conviction you question which of you is right.
Yes there are jokes Americans might not get, mostly when referring to some British politician or lesser known celebrity.
But it did make me laugh at times, roll my eyes at others and a.damg good way to spend a sleepless night.
If you like British humor you will enjoy this.
Thanks to @netgalley and Grand Central Publishing for allowing me the opportunity to listen to this ebook in exchange for my honest and unbiased opinion.

This is one of the funniest books I have ever listened to. The audio recording was delightful getting to hear Philomena voice every joke on her own.

Thank you to NetGalley, Grand Central Publishing, and Hachett Audio for the audio copy of this book.
If you have seen Philomena Cunk’s Netflix show, Cunk on Earth, then you will know what to expect with this book. I listened to the audio version, wonderfully read by the author, and it was a hysterical ride.
This is my kind of humor and I loved the absolute nonsense of everything. Cunk explores the universe’s quirks and complexity from A-Z with wit and brilliance. She offers a comedic yet surprisingly insightful take on humanity’s big questions.
Cunk on Everything is such a gem that had me laughing out loud and pondering at the same time. This is a must-read (or listen) and would make a perfect gift for the person in your life with a sense of humor. Without a doubt 5 stars, this is brilliant.

Thank you to the author, narrator, publisher and Net Galley for providing a free e-audio version of this title in exchange for my review.
I have watched the Netflix series with Philomena Cunk, so I had a guess as to what this book would be like, and I wasn't disappointed. It was so much fun to listen to, I had to purchase the book when it was released. It's funny to hear some of her definitions and explanations to every day things.
4 stars for 'I really liked it"

One of the funniest books I have read. I had heard about Cunk after seeing a few viral clips and this book pairs perfectly and does not disappoint. I loved listening to everything from A to Z - this book was quirky and fun. Highly recommend!

Cunk is wonderful and just plain fun but if someone were to ask me if you could get too much of her? The answer would be a solid 'yes'. As a printed book, I think this would do better- you could simply set it down after a paragraph/'fact' (boy am I using that term lightly) or two but as an audiobook it's not as simple. Diane Morgan, excuse me, 'Philomena Cunk' herself does the narration so there's certainly no lack there but it's hard to really absorb in anything other than mini-soundbites because it's just so much information coming at you all at once. On top of this, I do miss the give and take with her expert guests and while I'll certainly not abandon Cunk over this - I will stick to the print version going forward. Her friend, Paul, would probably want it that way.
This review is based on an advance copy that I received for free.

Delightful. Just like the tv show. I really enjoyed this. Funny and at the same time informative. Would recommend

Cunk on Everything is a hoot and a half! if you have ever watched Cunk on Earth you know what kind of humor you are in for. It's a fun time and I found myself laughing out loud when listening. Being able to hear Philomena Cunk delivering it all in her specific style makes it just that much funnier. I listened to about one section a day on my way home from work and it made driving through traffic much more bearable every day.
It's also worth noting that like any good encyclopedia, there is a LOT of content. which while it will make re-listens or reads just as fun as the first time.
Thanks to the author and publisher for providing a free copy of the audiobook through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

Loved this audiobook. I'm always down for a good bit of comedy and Philomena Cunk never fails to disappoint. Her accent and dead pan approach makes it all the better.

Thanks to Netgalley for the audio ARC.
I'm a big fan of Cunk on Earth, and I really enjoyed listening to this, there were many laugh out loud moments, although I think given the encyclopaedia format its probably better suited as a physical book you can pick up and read a small passage of and then put down again rather than listening/reading it from cover to cover in one go. I definitely enjoyed it more at the start, by the end the jokes were starting feel a bit samey. In saying that though, you would definitely miss out on Philomena's narration which was, of course, excellent.

I honestly don't know how Philomena says all of this with a straight face. I love watching her videos because she never breaks character. The innuendo, implied meanings, and misinformation are just fantastic.
I could listen to Philomena all day!

Thank you Netgalley for this audio edition of Cunk on Everything by Philomena Cunk.
If you've already seen Cunk on Earth, then that's all you need to know about this silly listen. She is just as ridiculous and hilarious as she is on everything else she does. You will laugh out loud, mostly out of the sheer surprise of her humor. I adore Cunk.