Member Reviews

I have to say, I love Philomena Cunk. This book made me laugh out loud numerous times, and I absolutely loved the narration of this audiobook. However, I feel like I was listening to the same things over and over again. I’m not sure how this translates to an audiobook. In the future, maybe I would break it up, and only listen to 10 minutes at a time. But then I would be faced with the same problem of the same material over and over. What’s missing is her interviews with unsuspecting individuals, like on her show, which breaks the routine up.

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This is perfect for fans of dry humor! I really enjoy the Cunk on Earth show and this book is right up that same alley. Diane Morgan, oops I mean Philomena Cunk, is the perfect narrator and even without visuals like the tv show this audiobook literally made me laugh out loud throughout the whole thing. I might have even guffawed a few times!

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Absolutely hilarious! Thankful for the time I lived in the UK so I could understand some of the references; wish I would have been able to understand more, but it definitely did not take away from the humour at all! Felt seen and called out with the bit about jell-o. I don’t know how Cunk comes up with the content but her delivery is spot on. Would love to know the process that went into selecting the topics because it was so amazingly chaotic. If you are considering this book I highly recommended listening to the audiobook as hearing Cunk’s narration is perfection.

Thank you NetGalley and Hackett Audio for the ARC

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Thank you to NetGalley for providing me with the audiobook to review

First of all, there literally couldn’t have been a beter narrator for this book than Philomena Cunk herself so the narration itself was an obvious 5 stars.

On the book, it was definitely hilarious but at some point I got rather tired of the same thing over and over, it might just not be for me or maybe I should recommend not trying to read it all in one go.
There were definitely a lot of quality one liners and it is in fact enjoyable but, I got bored. And that’s disappointing

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I'm rating this book with 3 stars because I don't want to damage the rating by giving it a single star when I didn't finish it, but I also don't want to inflate the rating with 5 stars when it certainly wouldn't be my idea of a 5-star book.

I DID NOT finish this book. In fact, I barely got past the first few pages. I suppose I should have researched Philomena Cunk a little more before picking up her book to see what I was getting myself into. Not doing that was totally on me.

I've heard a lot about her from people whose opinions I appreciate it, though I've never seen her on television myself. People speak highly of her and talk frequently about how hilarious she is, so I thought, "Hey! This book will probably give me something to laugh at! Let's read it!"

But yeah... I was so turned off by the opening pages that that's as far as I got. I'm not your typical Karen. (I suppose no one wants to think of themselves as a Karen, but I really, really am not. I am a liberal democrat who believes in LGBT+ rights, a woman's right to choose, and all that other good stuff that most conservative Christians think is "of the devil.")

So yeah, I love leftist comedy and comedy in general. I'm not easily offended. I devour Key & Peele, SNL, and other satirical, dark, and sometimes raunchy comedy. But the opening of this book immediately references Adam (of Adam and Eve fan) having sex with God, God having sex with himself, and more.

That was a big no for me. While I'm not often offended by most things and don't mind a little faith-based humor even at Christians' expense (I freaking love "Good Omens" -- satanic nuns and all), that was way too much for me. I turned off the book immediately and deleted it from my Netgalley shelf.

So, potential listeners, be forewarned: This book could easily be offensive to those of us of the Christian faith -- even if, like me, you don't mind a little dark and racy humor from time to time.

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Review below is posted on goodreads

Got this for review on Netgally.
I don't know quite how to review this but I will try my best. It was a fun, ridiculous, yet relaxing couple of hours with complete nonsens. It's a non fiction parody of completely random things in rapid pace that in honestly nothing important has nothing might be true facts or some are but mixed in with just randomness. It might sound like I'm giving a bad review but I enjoyed it as itbwas nice to listen to something that held my interest but didn't need to think to much just listen while I colored. I've seen a few tiktoks of this but hadn't really watched a lot before requesting it but I'm very glad I did.

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(4/5 stars) If you've watched and enjoyed the Netflix mockumentary Cunk on Earth, you will enjoy this book. I feel like as I was reading it, it was so easy to read it *IN* the voice of Philomena Cunk and that's a true sign that art and artist have become so intertwined that one and the other cannot be separated. Very enjoyable, would be a great coffee table book. The audiobook is so great, since it was narrated by the author.

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Love this character and her take on the world. Funny like the TV shows and comedy bits, but a bit awkward as an audiobook; as a print book, it's one you'd probably flip through randomly, reading subjects/headings as they caught your attention. As an audiobooks, this isn't really possible, and you just go through from A to Z.

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10/10. No notes. Philomena Cunk is Britain's greatest treasure. 100% listen to the audiobook version read by the queen herself. I laughed the whole time.

Thank you NetGalley for an audio ARC. This book is available on September 26th!

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Expert of nothing, Philomena Cunk brings her drive wit irreverent humour with her take on the classic encyclopedia.

Full of her characteristic uninformation, Cunk’s narration is the perfect accompaniment to this guide.

Personally, I found even in ridiculous and Sometimes of scare humour could not really bring to life and make an encyclopedia interesting. They were plenty of funny lines, and outrageous statements, but I found this encyclopedia is not one I would be picking up again.

Thanks to Hachette Audio furthest, advance, listening copy. Opinions are my own.

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Thank you to the author, publisher, and NetGalley!

I requested this book after seeing a few clips Philomena did, and was intrigued. I listened to about an hour of this book and it just wasn’t there for. I’m not sure why, the content just didn’t land for me, and as someone who enjoys history even that wasn’t enough to pull me in.

I’m DNFing for the time being and may try the ebook later on down the line.

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Very funny! I have been a fan of Philomena Cunk for a while so I had high expectations for this book and it did not disappoint. The audiobook is even funnier.

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I did not finish this book. While I enjoy the authors YouTube channel, I was a bit disappointed with the book. Others may enjoy it.

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Fun, silly, completely ridiculous. If you like Cunk on Earth and Philomena's shtick of reporting completely inaccurate information on lots of different subjects in the style of a BBC presenter, you'll like this. However, I didn't feel like the show translated as well on paper/via audio as it did on TV - especially because it was missing the absolutely hilarious element of Philomena interviewing subject matter experts, asking them the dumbest questions, and seeing how they respond. Overall, a good time - which is probably what you're looking for here.

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If you enjoy quintessential British humor and/or are a fan of Cunk on Earth, this book is for you! I loved the audiobook version of this book because Cunk has such a distinct way of speaking that makes her jokes even funnier. I highly recommend listening, although it was a little odd to hear an “encyclopedia” read aloud. I absolutely laughed out loud many times.

Thank you to Hachette Audio and Grand Central Publishing for my ALC!

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Unwaveringly brilliant! This A-Z account of Cunk’s views is unapologetically British—perfectly written dry observational humor. The narration timing makes every joke land right on target. Perfect pacing and execution. Grab this read for your next road trip or to help you through the soul-crushing weight of everyday life.

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Philomena Cunk does it again.

It's no wonder TikTok is COVERED with sound bits from "Cunk on Earth". The genuine tongue-in-check nature of the mocumentary translates so perfectly into an "encyclopedia" and, while I was hesitant about how that would be in an audiobook, it had me cackling with my headphones in on multiple occasions.

Cunk on Everything was supremely British, some of the more political humor landing out of my personal realm of knowledge. However, it was still done in a way that took equal jabs at American systems and was non stop laughter from beginning to end.

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This book legitimately made me laugh out loud. I'm sure the print book is very funny, but the delivery absolutely was a big part of why it was so funny. If you enjoyed Cunk on Earth, you will love this book. Her absurdist definitions were ridiculous and absurd and I loved it.

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I received a free audiobook copy from NetGalley in exchange for a fair review.

OK my review is this:

Get the audiobook. Don't eat or drink while listening to this mock encyclopedia, cause you will likely snort your drink out of your nose or choke on your food. It will be embarrassing.

I mean, you CAN read the physical book, if you like, but you will miss out on Philomena's deadpan delivery and honestly, it's part of the Cunk experience.

Very important philosophical work. A+

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I requested this one because it might be an upcoming title I would like to review on my Youtube Channel. However, after reading the first several chapters I have determined that this book does not suit my tastes. So I decided to DNF this one.

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