Member Reviews

When I saw the title and realised it was based on one of my favourite Taylor Swift songs, I was excited! I'm a big Swiftie and loved all the song references dotted throughout the story.
I wasn't a huge fan of Aspen as a character although a lot her self-centredness was purposeful for the storyline. Roman was a cute love interest though and I enjoyed their interactions.
I do think the story was a bit rushed at times and you can tell the author was quite young (15) when this was written - Aspen definitely felt very immature at times and didn't act like a woman in her early twenties, in my opinion.
But, it's a cute romcom with lots of Taylor Swift song references so great quick read for Swifties!

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So it turns out this is really more of a YA contemporary romance - which is not really my thing. I was expecting melancholy late twentysomethings reconnecting with their lost loves, but this definitely has more of a high school/college teen drama vibe.

BUT - I found out Kimi is actually only 16 herself, so it makes sense that she’s writing what she knows! Way to go girl for publishing a whole book at your age!! I’ll be looking out for what she writes next!

Thanks to Netgalley, Kimi and the publisher for an ARC in exchange for my honest thoughts!

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Thanks @netgalley for this review copy.

Aspen is a 23-year old singer. When a scandal hits her, she goes back to her hometown. There she reconnects with Roman, her first love.
We go back and forth to now and 7 years ago.
Dating a celebrity is a very difficult life.

This was a cute book. About a Popstar falling in love with her high school boyfriend again.
But it was not very special. There was not a lot of humor. And the book could have been (a lot) shorter. Because there isn’t happening that much.

Liked it, but didn’t love it.

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"Tis the Damn Season" by Kimi Freeman is a captivating contemporary romance novel. In this story, Aspen Moore, a young and successful singer-actress, grapples with the harsh reality that money and fame do not necessarily equate to happiness. When a scandal disrupts her carefully cultivated Hollywood life, Aspen is compelled to return to her hometown in Pennsylvania.

The novel introduces readers to Aspen, a character who initially seems to have it all—fame, fortune, and a thriving career. However, as the story unfolds, we see the vulnerabilities and insecurities that lie beneath her glamorous exterior.

The heart of the story lies in Aspen's reconnection with her first love, Roman Torres. Their chemistry is undeniable, and the push-and-pull dynamic between them adds layers of tension and excitement to the narrative.

However, some readers might find the pacing a bit slow at times, particularly in the first half of the book. I felt like the story was heavily dialogue driven, which just didn't work for this particular story. I loved the chapters flew by, but there were some parts where it didn't seem like much was happening.

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Thank you Netgalley & Parson Press for the ARC of this title!

Unfortunately, I did not like this book. It was very juvenile for the characters all being in their 20s.
I'm also not on the Taylor Swift hype train so that got to be obnoxious too. While others may enjoy it .. it was not for me.

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If you're looking for Taylor Swift's 'tis the damn season vibes and a cute second hand romance written YA-style, this book is for you. But, unfortunately if you want characters with a personality and a captivating writing style, and a story that feels earned this book is not for you.

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3.5 stars | Thank you Netgalley for an early copy! All opinions are my own.

What a super cute, fun read! I loved the juxtaposition of their past and present relationship. I liked seeing the growth of the characters as they overcame the various challenges in their relationship.

The main characters could have been fleshed out a bit more. There also seemed to be some inconsistencies through the book.

Overall, a good read with fun Easter Eggs for the Swifties!

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I would like to thank netgalley and Parson Press for a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

The writing was in need of more editing.

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When I applied to this ARC it was because I looked the cover and the description, I had no idea that it was a Taylor Swift book, and discovered this while I was reading the book was the hype of my reading journey

This is a friends to lovers slow burn book about Aspen, a Hollywood start and Roman, her school ex boyfriend. The story was really light, basic sometimes, I felt like the book was really boring sometimes. Every chapter I was waiting for something to happened, something huge but nothing. The "plot twist" was not interest and the relationship between Aspen and Roman did not have any hype point. I felt like I was reading a teenagers love story instead of a adults relationship. The whole book was about how Aspen could not be with Roman because he did not want to be involve in any Hollywood situation, and how everyone was against her and no one believe her except for Roman, the only person she trust but did not want to be.

There were so many characters that did nothing to make the story more interest it, they were just there. It was really light to read, nothing too excited. If you like Taylor Swift, read the book, you're going to have a nice time, if you are not a fan, don't read it, not worth it.

Thank you to Netgalley for a gifted ARC of this book- my review is voluntary and my honest opinion.

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TW: FMC references past rape. Between FMC and past character (not MMC), not directly on the page due to being blacked out.

This book was delightful! Seriously so sweet! This story is single POV with alternating past and present timelines, young adult, (and zero spice). This flashback layout makes the story fly by. Much like the song, it’s not a holiday story; it just takes place in the weeks leading up to Christmas.

Evermore girlies, unite! After a Hollywood scandal, Aspen returns home to her small town to lie low for the holidays. Where of course, her high school boyfriend Roman still lives.

They still love each other, they’ve hooked up when she’s visited in the past, but this time they’re just going to be friends. The two direct a holiday play together, go to NYC for a music event, and generally spend the whole book together. Aspen has to balance the social media chaos and her privacy.

There’s also a past sexual assault experience dropped in right at the end. It doesn’t really tie in with the story anywhere else, so for those that would like to skip it: Ch. 47 after Cade’s interview.

Taylor lyrics are sprinkled throughout the story, and each chapter starts with a song title.

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'Tis the damn season is the name of one of my faorite Taylor Swift songs so I HAD to read this book! A Hollywood scandal during Christmas season. Undeniable chemistry between a singer-actress and her former lover causes her to contemplate life and the season of life she is in. THE ENDING!!

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I read this ARC and was excited.
Taylor Swift inspired? Yes.
Amazing playlist? Yes.

Good story? No.

This had way too much going on. Too many problems and hardships and the writing was amateur and a bit juvenile. If you were looking for Christmas vibes, this won't cut it. It's okay for me to read it in October, but not if you want the warm and fuzzy Christmas magic feeling.

It's a bit disappointing, but you can't love them all.

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Thank you NetGalley and Parson Press for the advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!

So this book drew me in with the title and that it was inspired by the Taylor Swift songs. But that is pretty much where my attention was left. This book just felt very YA and I felt like the chapters were just so choppy and there wasn’t very good Segway between the chapters. I enjoyed the Taylor Swift references but I felt like there were some that were just thrown in there just to have a Swift reference and I felt like there were some times where that just got old and a little overused. Overall, this just was not a book for me but I feel like there might be some people out there that could enjoy it.

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I believe this is marketed as New Adult since the characters are 25, however this book reads very YA. I did not feel engaged with Aspen or Roman. I didn't really understand why their relationship was what it was in the beginning. Just miscommunication and assumptions on both parts.

The writing is very green and when looking into the author, she is only 16. She writes well for 16 however the conflict and the reaction to the bullying and the relationship makes sense.


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Well, this book didn"t make it for me. I thought I was going to read a second chance romance taking place during christmas, and in a sort it was. But I found the writing a little childish, and the spoken part were really "simple". : globally, it always ends the same wat "I'm ok, i't's gonna be ok, I love you". Which is sweet but not really deep.
Sorry for my harsh words, but I think that's because I had others expectations for this book.

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Cute Festive Read
I Honestly really wanted to love this. Christmas + Tay Tay sounded like the perfect combination for me. I think i struggled the most with the time dual timeline, it felt really unnecessary at times and It through me off my flow.

Overall a cute holiday read but I just needed more. There was lots of Taylor references which is an added bonus for swifties but still enjoyable without understanding the little easter eggs. Could be great as a seasonal pallette cleanser

I read this as an ARC via netgalley.

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Such a cute little book! If you’re looking for an easy, quick read with plenty of Taylor Swift Easter eggs - this is the book for you!

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Okay, sadly this one was not for me.

My main issue with this book was that it felt really childish when all the characters are around 25 y.o.
BUT, I just found out Kimi, the author, is only sixteen! mindblowing 🤯
Should have stuck with more of a YA/high school theme and then it would have been perfect!

My best description of this book is, holiday teenage romcom, literally. So, if this is your thing, definitely give it a try!
!!! As a huge FYI, I don't think I saw any TW in the book intro or summary? but be warned that the book touches on SA.

1 star ⭐, because this book is being marketed as New Adult when it clearly isn't.

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"Sometimes you can be a real wild card, Pen."

Wonderful, heartwarming, sweet and romantic. The story of two people who love each other and have been loving each other since forever. Second chance plus right person wrong time. One bed and small town romance after she went and made a career in LA but came back for a scandal. Pain and suffering from his past and her present. Roman truly is the perfect guy and despite the age of the main characters … I love him deeply. This cozy romance is exactly what I didn’t know I needed. So perfect for a more winter/ Christmas season romance. It was so good to read and I absolutely adore a good swoony relationship. And Aspen … she is such a strong person, definitely an inspiration for many. If you’re looking for spice, don’t read this. If you’re looking for feelings and sweetness and Taylor Swift themed chapters, then I would highly recommend you to read this.

“We just needed to lose each other before we could find our way back."

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First of all, I'm not a Taylor Swift fan, so I did not realize this was a play on her song(s?). She is EVERYWHERE right now and I didn't like she was all over this book, too.

The author of this book is only 16. I think she has a lot of potential as she grows, but I was not into 25 year old characters that are super immature.

Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC.

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