Member Reviews

Tis the Damn Season was a quick read with a fun premise and lots of potential but ultimately it fell flat for me.

While I enjoyed the dual timeline approach and seeing the MCs past, the writing was uneven and stilted and I thought the characters reactions were often a bit juvenile.

Thank you to NetGalley and Parson Press for the advanced copy.

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Thank you to NetGalley for sending me an advanced reader copy of this book for review. Unfortunately, this book was not my cup of tea. I absolutely adore the idea, and I think it was a very promising concept. The writing felt awkward and juvenile. The pacing was really weird at times. I love stories about hollywood stars, especially disgraced stars. I love a second chance romance, and it definitely exuded the vibes to fit being inspired by a Taylor Swift song. But there was so much to be desired here for me, and I just didn’t click with the book.

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This book had so much potential. I adore the Taylor Swift song, and there is definitely a story that could be expanded upon in the form of a novel. However, this story feels underdeveloped and needs further editing.
The writing reads more like an extended diary entry. There's too much telling rather than showing, which makes it difficult to be invested. I like the concept of the dual timeline, but I think it felt too rushed in this book which made everything feel very surface level. Nothing was explored in depth beyond "this happened and it sucks" and then the next thing happens. The dialogue is a bit robotic, the characters are one dimensional, and the plot feels forced. The main character gets exactly what she wants out of life right away, and all of her problems are solved the second she does something about it.
Upon finishing the book I learned the author is very young which does explain some of the issues. However I still think the book has too many issues in the current form and I wouldn't recommend.
There is also mentions of a sexual assault in this book and there are no content warnings, so I figured I would mention it.

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Thank you NetGalley for providing me with an ARC.

3.5 stars. A very easy, feel good read. Loved the Taylor Swift references and playlist to go alongside each chapter. Felt I was able to really connect with the emotions of the characters and feel what they were going through. Was even more impressed after finishing the novel to discover the authors age. A very bright future ahead indeed.

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While this book was fun to read, it lacked depth into the story and i would’ve preferred it be longer. Don’t get me wrong, it was a fast and easy read to get through, but it’s not something i’d reread eagerly.

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<b><blockquote> ❝I'm not going to...❞ his tone sharpens,❝...apologize for caring about you, Pen,❞ </blockquote></b>

<b><u> blurb~ </u></b>

the narrative centers around a renowned celebrity/singer who is forced to her hometown. she reconnects with her former high school sweetheart. she’s not staying in Fertsville, and he’s not moving to La. but their chemistry is undeniable.

<b><u> writing~ </u></b>

the <b>initial writing exhibited a certain degree of contrivance, </b> as if the narrator's statements were followed by a return to passive agreement. however, it is plausible that this intentional effect was intended by the author. conversely, the latter half of the writing is remarkably poignant, evoking a profound emotional response that moved me to tears. this <b>unexpected turn of events caught me off guard, </b> as i had not anticipated such a powerful impact.

<b><u> characters~ </u></b>

<b><u> roman </u></b> appeared to be an ethereal being, as if divinely dispatched from the celestial realm (literally!). his demeanor was characterized by kindness, gentleness, and an overall delightful disposition. he could aptly be likened to a golden retriever, possessing all the endearing qualities associated with the breed. roman selflessly provided unwavering support to aspen and exhibited a steadfast belief in her abilities that surpassed even her own self-confidence.

from the outset, he was unequivocal in his intentions and emotions towards aspen. i was eager for his POV, as he appeared to possess an attitude of indifference towards societal and interpersonal opinions.

the whole time when i thought what it's like from roman's pov, i heard him sing to aspen, 'you belong with me' by taylor swift (more specifically the following lyrics of the song-
can't you see that i'm the one
who understands you?
been here all along
so, why can't you see?
you belong with me)

<b><blockquote>❝ I never wanted to wear a suit in the first place. but I'll do it for you.❞</blockquote></b>

the portrayal of <b><u> aspen's character </u></b> appeared needlessly complex. despite my earnest efforts to develop affection for her, it failed to transcend beyond a mere simplistic persona. until approximately 70% of the book, she proved to be a vexing subject to read about. however, the subsequent transformation was nothing short of remarkable. the author adeptly bestowed upon the character the treatment she deserved, culminating in a satisfying conclusion.

<b><blockquote> I'm thinking about is me, my guitar, and singing to the love of my life. </blockquote></b>

<b><u> their relationship~ </u></b>

aspen's tendency to overanalyze situations was complemented by roman's reassuring demeanor, which exuded tranquility and tenderness. however, a profound desire arose within me to explore their shared history in greater depth, yearning for an additional fifty pages of narrative elucidation.

<b><blockquote> ❝Roman Torres, you can be a damn poet when you want to be.❞
...❝Aspen Torres, I'll be whoever you want me to be, as long as it puts a smile on your face. ❞</blockquote></b>

only one word for cane and keith- karma.

<b><u>side characters~ </u></b>

i absolutely loved reading about <b><u>millie and ella!</u></b> these two little munchkins were just too cute for words. but what really caught me off guard was seeing millie being so kind to ella. it was a heartwarming moment that made me feel proud of millie. however, it also made me sad to think that some parents can be so harsh and always push their kids to be on top, leaving them to pay the price.

<b><u>leila</u></b> is simply amazing! that's it. she's not just a friend, she's a true gem that aspen never knew she needed in her life. it's like she appeared out of nowhere (which is true) and suddenly became an integral part of her world. her unwavering loyalty and support are unmatched, and can always count on her to have pen's back no matter what. leila is the kind of friend that everyone needs in their life, and pen's lucky to have her!

<b><u>final thoughts~ </u></b>

as a debut, this book is truly impressive. the characters, both individually and collectively, are captivating and endearing. additionally, the book is a quick and enjoyable read. it is always a pleasure to delve into the world of high school sweethearts.

<i>i would like to thank Netgalley and the author, Kimi Freeman for this ARC in exchange for an honest review.</i>

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Aspen is an award winning actress and singer but after a scandal caused by her ex-best friend's lying boyfriend she returns home to her parents and her best friend/ex-boyfriend Roman.

Aspen and Roman have a long history after dating during high school but breaking up when Aspen left for LA to pursue her dreams, but they have never stopped loving each other.

When she invites him to an exclusive industry party, the Blitz Ball, in New York City, Roman finally gets a taste of what it is like to be famous - including the constant harassment from the paparazzi and the horrible rumours and lies that are told about Aspen. Initially he struggles to deal with it but then he realises that Aspen handles it all with grace and he decides that if she can do that, then he can to in order to be with her.

After reading a letter written on Roman's computer, Aspen finally sees that he has loved her as long as she has loved him and that he's finally ready to move forward with her. Their getting back together seems to take all of two seconds and then it skips forward to their happily ever after.

The story was cute and sweet, particularly Roman, but not a huge amount happened. I know Aspen had trouble with the public turning on her for something she didn't do and eventually this comes back to bite the people who started the rumours in the first place but she didn't really deal with it at all. She just buried her head in the sand and refused to acknowledge it was even happening and she wouldn't talk to Roman or her family about it. Instead, she decided she was the only one who could deal with it and then when something happens with her dad, we really see just how selfish she is.

Roman was definitely my favourite character in this story and it would have been nice to have seen things from his POV at the same time, instead we see the story from past and present, which was good because it gave a background to what went on between the two of them before they broke up and the early years of Aspen's career. After everything that Roman has been through, he is till a sweet and caring person who really only wants the best for the people he cares about, even if that means he can't be there while it's happening.

Thanks to NetGalley and Parsen Press for the opportunity to read and review this ARC.

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I really liked Kimi Freeman's riff on one of my favorite Taylor Swift songs, 'Tis the Damn Season. This is a very cute story drawing inspiration from a song that can have many layers of interpretation, and I will admit, Freeman took the story in some directions I wouldn't have anticipated. Still. definitely a recommend for the millions of Swifties out there, and for anyone looking for a light, but satisfying, romance.

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The book didn't quite grab me from the get-go; I struggled to get into it, and I even contemplated putting it down at one point. However, what kept me going was the second half of the book, which grew progressively sweeter, and Aspen underwent some much-needed character development (she was rather annoying at the beginning, but I loved her growth).

The inclusion of Taylor Swift references sprinkled throughout the book gave it an extra charm (though I have to admit it made me cringe a bit, but hey, it's Taylor Swift, right?). The songs at the start of each chapter were a nice touch, even though I didn't actually listen to any of them. I have to confess, though, I got a bit nervous when I saw "Would've Could've Should've" at the beginning of one of the chapters.

All in all, it turned out to be an enjoyable read, and I'm looking forward to more from this author.

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This book tackles the double standards of the music industry/Hollywood and shows behind the scenes of narratives of social media and headlines. All while sprinkling Taylor Swift references throughout the entire book. If you’re a romance reader and a Swiftie, you will likely love this book. It (for the most part) follows the storyline of the song of the same title, ‘Tis the Damn Season.

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When I got sent an early access copy of ‘Tis the Damn Season I was hoping for a cosy, wholesome easy read and it certainly delivered!

Although I did find it a little cheesy and predictable at times, I went into reading this book somewhat anticipating this so it didn’t bother me and it was the perfect palate cleanser between some heavier reads!

As much as I love Taylor Swift, I didn’t really buy into the chapters being linked to mostly TS songs but that’s not to say others won’t! A little cheese aside, I thought Aspen and Roman were great characters and it was hard not to become invested in their story!

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'Tis the Damn Season is a romance with a Christmas setting, focusing on Hollywood starlet Aspen and her one that got away, Roman. Since dating at high school they have been close, and both have always been open about their love for one another. But with her desire to prove her talent, and his desire to care for his sick mother, things haven't quite worked out for them.
When we first meet Aspen she is reeling after her supposed best friend has deserted her, claiming she tried to steal her boyfriend. Fleeing to her safe space, her parents' home, Aspen can't help but start to question every thing she has worked towards and thinks she wants.
Alongside their present narrative, we also gain insight into the events in their past that led to them living on opposite ends of the country. It's hard not to root for these two from the outset, and as we get to know more about them I felt even more of a need for them to get their happy ending.
Thanks to NetGalley for giving me the opportunity to read and review this prior to publication.

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Meh, not a big fan of this book. While easy to read and witty in parts, the story simply didn't grip me and I found the chemistry between our heroine in our love interest lacking. The Taylor Swift references felt a bit clumsy. Not a terrible read, but if you're looking for a swoonworthy, steamy romcom, I would recommend to look elsewhere.

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This book was so cute!! I loved the dual timeline and following the characters’ journey through life

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i KNEW i had to read this when i saw the book title. chemistry felt forced and i wasn’t obsessed with the characters. this book put me in a reading slump and took me a while to finish. i just didn’t feel connected to the book. i could audiences ages 15/16 enjoying this. there were some cringey moments but it was still a cute book.

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This was actually so so cute and I enjoyed every second of it. The soundtrack, the short chapters, the flowing between past and present, everything was just great. There was so much going on with celebrity scandals, heartbreak, rekindling old flames, friendship losses and gains, but it never felt like there was too much going on and I really appreciated that.

Aspen Moore is a very well known name, she’s got the career, the fame, the fortune, and as we begin the story she’s also got quite the scandal on her hands. With everything crashing around her, she decides to go back to her hometown for a while and lay low. Being back home also gives her the opportunity to reconnect with the man she’s loved since high school.

This book really was just sweet and cozy and such a cute read.

And definitely a book you’ll want to read if you’re a Swiftie.

Thank you to NetGalley and Parson Press for the opportunity to read and review this book.

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I honestly loved this book. In retrospect, it is giving Travis Kelce and Taylor Swift. But ignoring that it was just a really cute and adorable love story.

I listened to it with the playlist that the author included. (WHICH LIKE AHHH) and I was honestly kicking my feet, squealing and dying.

Honestly automatic recommendation for anyone who wants a cute holiday romance.

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Single person PoV , personally i usually prefer duel pov but actually I really didn’t miss Roman point of view as I was so engrossed in Aspen and her story.

The story centres around Aspen who is a tv star turned pop star as her life implodes when false rumours are spread about her. The chapters alternate between past and present and I love that they each have a song title attached to them. I couldn’t help but start singing the songs as I moved between chapters.

The majority of the book feels like a hallmark movie put on a page . However as your delve further into the story there are some tough topic such as r*pe mentioned.

I am usually a lover of spice in a book, this really has no spice barley any kissing but again I really didn’t miss it (believe me this shocks me as much as anyone )

All in all a really lovely feel good book which I loved and would happily recommend for a cosy festive read

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Thank you Net Galley for the advance copy!

This book is PERFECTION! I will 100% be buying my own copy when this book is out!

This book has all of my favorites things! It’s friends to lovers, second chance romance, and inspired by Taylor Swift!!! I loved that each chapter had a song so it could help distinguish the “feels” of the chapter. The love story was so wonderful and raw. Kimi does a great job with showing the obstacles the two characters have to endure just to be together. So much pain and so much strength, all worth it in the end!

Everyone needs to read it!!

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Thank you to Netgalley and Parson Press for the advanced reader copy of this novel.

This was a really cute debut novel for this author. I actually really enjoyed it. I didn't find it to be over the top holiday fluff. A few little references to the holiday season but not too much.

What I really enjoyed was all the Taylor Swift song references! I think there are a lot of Swifties out there who are going to enjoy this book.

As for younger readers, I didn't find anything salacious about the love story that would be inappropriate for a teen reader.

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