Member Reviews

This book immediately caught my attention with the title! ‘Tis the Damn Season is one of my favorite Taylor Swift songs so I knew I had to read this. The love story between Aspen and Rome was so sweet! I loved getting closure on this song through the book and appreciated the ending being wrapped up so neatly.

I normally am not a fan of dual timelines but this one actually didn’t bother me. The time jumping made sense and I didn’t prefer one timeline over the other until the end of the story. It was well paced to where I was equally interested in both storylines.

Overall it was a cute seasonal read with some difficult subject matter woven in that gave the characters more depth. If this is the author’s debut at 16 I can’t wait to see what she writes next!

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Yes, it contains a lot of Taylor Swift references including the book title itself. As a huge Swiftie myself, this was an ARC I was super excited to get my hands on. It’s a solid read, but not one that particularly stands out to me. The author is a bit younger than other romance/YA authors so it could be that she just needs to refine her craft a bit. I am sure younger Swifities will enjoy this book as it does read as a very YA book. There are some YA books that I would say can be enjoyed by YA and adults, but this one very much felt YA with the cheesiness of it all.

I love authors who include a playlist that goes along with the book! Each chapter contains a different song (many of which are Taylor Swift songs of course!) You can definitely tell a true Swiftie wrote this book!

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This was ok. I loved the Taylor Swift reference, but the main character annoyed me. It was fine, but nothing that will stick with me.

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fun fact: tis the damn season is one of my favorite taylor songs

this was fun and quick, i think i'm just in a bit of a rut right now so i couldn't fully get into it -- i think i'll need to go back to it at a later point. i didn't really connect to the characters too much, but i loved reading about them. i'm also a sucker for holiday cliches and a second-chance romance <3

rating: 3.5

A Hollywood starlet caught in a scandal. The boy she never got over. A Christmas season they’ll never forget…

Aspen Moore is living proof that money doesn’t buy happiness. At twenty-three years old, the singer-actress has it all. Fame. Fortune. Her own headlining tour. And yet something—or someone—is missing.

When a scandal rocks Aspen’s carefully constructed Hollywood life, she’s forced to return to her Pennsylvania hometown, where she reconnects with her first love, Roman Torres. Aspen knows they must keep their relationship strictly platonic. This game of push and pull, catch and release she plays with Roman is bad for her. She’s not staying in Fertsville, and he’s not moving to LA. But their chemistry is undeniable, and amidst rumors and drama, the bright lights of Hollywood begin to pale in comparison to the dark brown eyes she fell in love with all those years ago. Could Aspen be willing to give up everything she’s ever wanted for the best thing she’s ever had?

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I absolutely loved this! So much going on, celeb drama, heartbreak, loss, undeniable fire burning love, etc. It's got all of it mixed into one! So many sweet moments and a few tear jerking moments. The ending truly made me tear up. I loved every single sentence of this book. It truly kept me interested, I had to read it in one sitting. I also love that the author themed each chapter and gives a song for each chapter so you can listen to a song with the vibe for the chapter. Love it! Such a great book, wrapped up beautifully at the end! So heartwarming and truly shows determination and how love always prevails!

I received this ARC from NetGalley and the publishers to read/review. All of the statements above are my true opinions after fully reading this book.

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Please add a trigger warning for SA- I personally would not have applied for this particular ARC had I known that was in this book. Thank you!

Other than that I felt this was an easy and fun read. Full of wonderful Swiftie references and cheesy moments. This would be the kind of book to curl up with in front of a fireplace with a cup a tea… yay for cozy season!

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such a fun low angst holiday read. this was really cute to read, A dual timeline reflects on the past/present of this second chance romance. The characters were okay, there were some contradicting personality descriptions of the MCs. Overall, I enjoyed reading.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley for this arc!
This was a super cute Christmas ish rom com and I loved it!
It follows Aspen who is a celebrity and goes back home after a big scandal. Everything is completely false but she leaves because needs some time apart.
Back home she reunites with her high school boyfriend Roman. They have been in love since they were 17 and now old feelings are stirring. The vibe of this book was just adorable and I loved everything about it.

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I want to say, kudos to the author for writing this book at such a young age. While this book wasn’t for me, I can see the storyline and characters being intriguing to others.

I think trying to write characters that were older and who have experienced such heavy real life events just didn’t mesh well with the younger light-hearted flashbacks and for how much happened…the characters just fell a bit flat and the chemistry felt forced.

I actually found the chapters that focused on the past more enjoyable and almost wish we would have just had a book about the characters when they were younger.

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Thank you SO much to Kimi Freeman and Parson Press for the ARC!
This is was just the stinking cute cheesy romance that I needed to read right now!!!

I read this so fast and ended up staying up late into the night to finish it! There were so many tropes going on that I love:
- small town setting
- second chances
- big city girl / small town boy
- forced proximity
I was eating it up! Aspen and Roman will stay with me for a while yet, their romance was just SO sweet.

As a massive Swiftie I found the song titles/lyrics distracting at first (DBATC took me out). But towards the end I was so wrapped up in the story that they didn’t bother me. I didn’t love the playlist that correlated to each chapter so I just ignored that.

I was shocked when I found out Freeman’s age in the acknowledgments, she is writing at an incredible level! A fantastic debut!

Trigger warning:

There is mention/discussion of rape, but no gory details. I’ve seen a few reviewers say that they weren’t expecting it at all, but as soon as a certain character was mentioned and the context he was mentioned in, I was expecting it. As a survivor, I found that this was handled well and spoke to the difficulties around reporting, shame and isolation survivors feel following an incident. I think it was a thoughtful, responsible and compassionate approach to exploring this theme.

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This was an easy read and would be perfect for someone who is starting their journey into romance books.
For me the writing just felt a little too juvenile and the author was almost trying to cover too many tropes and romance book stereotypes. (Possibly to be expected with a debut and finding your groove). Chapters also were very staccato and didn’t flow as well as I’d have liked them to.
The dual timeline was nice though to see the background of the characters and why and how it got them to where they are now. The song references were also really cool and would allow a follow along playlist which is always a nice touch.
Overall, a pleasant read and look forward to seeing how Freeman’s writing develops with her next book.

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Great pacing, the dual timeliness were easy to keep up with. A sweet love story that deals with being a celebrity, rape and rumors.

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Okay here we go.
This book was an ARC
This book it's kinda popular because it has a playlist and every chapter comes with a song. Mostly are Taylor Swift songs. Yes, that is an attractive part. But the book itself is so good. It is a kind of book that feels cozy, warm and super cute. It also seems like a combination of a couple of movies and it has a Christmassy vibe.
The only thing is that I have a hate love relationship with Rome. Sometimes I thought of him like a manic pixie dream guy but sometimes he melts my heart and other times I can’t stand him.
And also like this version was an ARC it has a couple of typos.
But in general I really like the book and the story, also it was so easy to read and very addictive and adorable.

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This book is a charming rom-com that captures the essence of nostalgia, second chances, and the enchantment of the holiday season. What really stood out to me was the clever use of Taylor Swift's songs as chapter themes, which adds a unique and engaging twist to the storytelling. As a swiftie, that's definitely a plus star for me! The story also deserves kudos for steering clear of the usual romantic comedy clichés like instant love and excessive miscommunication, opting instead for a more authentic and heartwarming love story. I also liked Aspen as well as her transformation, from a somewhat shallow celebrity to a more likable and well-rounded individual. However, there are some notable drawbacks. The narrative occasionally veers into unrealistic territory with events that stretch believability. The rapid rise of Aspen's career and the unprecedented success of her album and tour within a short timeframe strain credibility and may challenge readers' ability to immerse themselves fully in the story. The character development, particularly of the male lead, leaves room for improvement. His dialogues, intended to be intense and mature, often come across as flat due to a lack of depth in his personality. The consistency of his character between his teenage and adult years diminishes opportunities for growth and may make it harder for readers to invest in the romance. Lastly, the portrayal of interactions among adults in the entertainment industry lacks the complexity and nuance typically found in such relationships. Taking all this into consideration, especially considering that this is a debut novel, I found it to be an enjoyable reading experience. I'm genuinely looking forward to reading more of Kimi Freeman's future works and witnessing her growth as an author.

Thank you so much to Parson Press and Netgalley for allowing me to read this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I was drawn in by the taylor swift references, like many others. Fun, light easy read. I liked the fact that it has a Hollywood backdrop. But I was a bit put off by the young adult vibes of the story. I think it would appeal more to a twenty-something audience.

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obviously i love a good taylor themed book. the coziest and cutest novel for the holiday season. this cured my theatre kid heart.

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A sweet debut book that gave me major Taylor Swift emotions. One of my favourite songs is 'Tis the blasted season, and this book is adorable! This well-known fmc x small-town mmc, second chance romance book was ideal for the current weather as we slowly enter autumn and the temperature drops. I enjoyed the book and wanted to curl up with it! The novel moved quickly because of the timeline's back and forth movement and its condensed chapters. Most of the time, the characters were endearing, but I believe they could have used a little more nuance. One of the things I thought made it clear that this was a debut novel was that. The plot of this book could have been more fully developed if there had been more investigation into how Hollywood operates. The lack of a trigger warning for the sexual assault that was described in this book may have been due to the fact that I was reading an ARC, but I believe that it is really necessary to include and will, hopefully, be in the final edition or wherever readers can see it readily. Overall, a great read that helped me get in the spirit for autumn, and another author whose new books I'll be watching for.

Thank you NetGalley and Parson Press for the ARC, and for giving me the chance to read and review it honestly.

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The cutest book I’ve read in awhile! This had everything from family, friendship drama, romance and healing. The playlist is amazing and that’s coming from someone who typically isn’t too into the whole playlist in books thing.
Taylor Swift lyrical references throughout but done in an elegant way and definitely not overdone like some books have done.
After seeing this book on the authors TikTok for MONTHS I was pleasantly surprised to receive an advanced reader copy and I could not put this book down to save my life! It definitely lived up to the hype and I will be purchasing the physical copy once it comes out.
The characters are so relatable and down to earth; even for being a celebrity. This book is like a warm hug that just keeps giving.

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I was intrigued by the concept of the book. I expected a new adult romance but it definitely read far more young adult. While I did finish the book, I struggled believing the conflict(s) and timeline. The book does flashback every other chapter but the present timeline was all during a short period of time where a lot happened for the main character. Some of the dialogue was painful and surface level. The characters felt forced and two dimensional. There were too many “twists” and issues put into one storyline. There is potential in the story and I think people will pick it up based on the title alone. Swifties will appreciate all the embedded lyrics and chapters associated with her music. But, the book is average at best. 2.5 stars.

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The premise of this book is great! Actress turned singer Aspen Moore returns home to hide from a scandal, just before the holidays, and spends time with her on-again, off-again high school boyfriend. Told in a single POV with dual timelines, the story covers how Aspen and Roman met in high school and fell in love, how they went their separate ways but keep finding each other, and how their past comes to impact their present. This book will appeal to Taylor Swift fans, people who want a light closed-door holiday read, and younger readers just getting into romance who want a New Adult vibe.

Check content warnings (off-page sexual assault by side character).

The one thing I really didn't care for was that, at times, the book felt slut-shame-y in relation to the scandal Aspen finds herself in. I don't think it was the author's intent, though, as she makes good points through the statement Aspen releases. It would have been good to have Aspen thinking more about the double standard women face with slut-shaming and the privacy issues from the start, instead of being upset because she didn't do what people think she did. Considering the author is sixteen, I'm happy to give her the benefit of the doubt here.

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