Member Reviews

I enjoyed this story! As soon as I read that it was inspired by one of my favorite Taylor Swift songs, I knew had to read it!

I loved that the chapters went back and forth in time and helped explain the relationship. While I definitely think some of the emotions and aspects of the FMC’s career could be more fleshed out, I still really enjoyed the build of the story.

Also, the Christmas play was adorable and I loved seeing the kids grow as the rehearsals went on. 🩵

Thank you to Netgalley and Kimi Freeman for gifting me an arc for an honest review! And kudos to Kimi for being so young and yet so amazing!

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A Hollywood starlet caught in a scandal, Aspen Moore is forced to return to her hometown. She reconnects with her first love, Roman Torres. Their past and present are quite contrasting and she knows she should keep her relationship status to him as platonic only but will be she be able to do it?
The characters are quite contrasting yet the way the author has penned down their story kept me hooked till the very end. I had a great time reading this.

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Wow. I don’t even know where to begin with this one. This book will probably be one of my top reads for the year. It was so engaging that I read this book in less than 24 hours. If the Taylor Swift references didn’t already make my heart happy enough, the love between Pen and Rome warmed me right up and had me giggling and kicking my feet at their perfection. I laughed, cried, gasped, and cheered while reading this book. As if I wasn’t already obsessed enough, I then found out the author wrote this book at 15! Simply amazing!

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I read this as a Taylor Swift fan fiction romance, and from that perspective I thought it was cute. Based on the age of the characters and some of the plot points (backstabbing best friend and the harmful effects of gossip), it read more as a YA romance. I appreciated that it was a holiday-themed romance that could be read anytime during the year, and I look forward to reading more from the author as she continues to grow!

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I can see what this was trying to achieve but unfortunately it fell flat for me. I love me a book with short chapters but the story just felt so rushed and surface level it was pretty much “she did this… he said that….”, I don’t know how else to describe it than basic? It read like a YA novel but then there was the random C bomb dropped in there that felt completely out of place and also the mention of SA that didn’t fit with the tone of the book.

I think the whole book is marketed on the fact that it’s full of Taylor Swift references but a lot of them felt so forced, most of it didn’t even relate to her songs other than shoving the title of the song in the chapter somewhere.

I started out hopeful that I would enjoy this but by 40-50% I was just fully skimming it to get to the end.

Thank you to Parson Press and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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When I saw this book was inspired by the taylor swift song of the same title, I immediately picked it up. This was a quick and easy read and I basically finished it in one sitting.
However, going into this book with high hopes, I was kind of disappointed.

Firstly I’d like to say that I absolutely loved the playlist and the fact that a song was assigned to each chapter.
But in my opinion, the relationship development could have been done much better and I didn’t like the fact that there was no pining or angst. This book wasn’t for me but i can definitely see a younger audience enjoying it.🫶🏻

*please check TW before reading.

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I received this as an ARC and DNF'd at 8% so I will not be giving this any numerical review.

This book is basically Taylor Swift fanfic and follows the 'what if' of "What if Taylor Swift came home for the holidays to her childhood crush who is in love with her/ IE a retelling of "'Tis The Damn Season" where Taylor is not really Taylor." It's a cute idea.

The Good:
- I wanted to read this book but my one worry was that it would have too many Taylor Swift quotes that would get on my nerves. I am happily surprised that I was wrong! There certainly were a few references, but it never felt like I was getting hit over the head with these references. I felt like if I truly linked the book with the playlist then I may feel like it was too much TSwift but since I am not too into playlist I just skipped over that option.
- The pacing felt natural and moved quickly.
- The author laid out the history quickly and clearly.

The Bad:
- Personally, I avoid clean/modern romances and I started to feel like this book was just not for me pretty early on because of how sweet and cute it was. This book feels like a Hallmark movie, which is not my thing but will be someone else's thing. Once church was brought into the book I knew that I just did not want to continue.
- I feel like if you are going to have a book that mentions Church then maybe the title of the book should not curse and point to being a 'dirty/edgy/spicy' Christmas book. I could totally be wrong about this though since I DNF'd so early on.
- I don't like the 'friends to lovers' trope and this is the main trope for this book, so again, just not a book for me.
- I felt like the POV was very YA and that our FMC was very young because she was written like a high schooler. I did not like being in her head and I felt like the writing was not a very mature style. Because of this, she also felt like a 'pick me' girl which I think is a product of the writing and not an actual character trait. Not a bad thing for this style of book, but again, not my jam.

The Ugly:
- Nothing about this book was just plain bad.

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As a Taylor fan, I was so excited to read this book. I loved how each chapter tied back to a song creating the ultimate book playlist. It was an easy read and the story did keep me entertained, although I wish there was a bit more substance to it.

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This book was great for what it was - a quick, easy read full of tropes (which I love). It also felt relatable - we all have relationships (romantic or not) that we revisit when we're in our hometowns. The Taylor Swift references were abundant, which made the book that much better.

That being said, I'd love to see more depth to the characters and the emotion behind their actions, as well as more detail into what happened between Aspen and Keith, the relationship between Aspen and some of the side characters (like her friendships and her parents), and Roman's relationships with his parents. It felt like things were sort of thrown together, and while everything worked out in the end, it was hard to feel invested in the relationships between each of the characters. We're told how people were close, but we don't necessarily see it reflected in the text.

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I love a good romance, and this one was wonderful! It had witty banter, and lovable characters. I was rooting for them the whole way through!

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I don't think this one was for me.
It had a very YA feel to it, and just didn't hit my mark.
And it's a total ME problem!
Besides that, it was very cute!

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The story is good but it is not engaging enough. Some conversations feel forced and abrupt and the characters are also in a way superficial.

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As a big Swiftie I was really excited to read this book from the description and the title. I loved the playlist and felt that each chapters song choice was fitting.
The pacing of the book is done really well with drama from the first page keeping you hooked and unable to put it down. I also enjoyed that it’s discussing how stars, especially female stars, are praised by the media and fans until someone accuses them of doing something wrong (even when they didn’t and it was the man’s fault) and then their hated and everyone distances themselves from them. The building relationship therefore reminds me of Taylor and Joe at the start of their relationship during the Reputation era.
I liked the dual timeline as we explore the beginning of her fame and how that changed everything and then the aftermath of the cheating allegation and how again that is changing her life and how everyone sees her.
Over all great plot, pacing and characters with brilliant Taylor Swift references throughout.
I would give 4.5 stars if possible.

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Beforehand, thank you for sending me the ARC of this lovely book!

A book inspired by Taylor Swift’s song of the same title is definitely an enjoyable read for Swifties, including me! I especially love it when a book (especially romance) includes song playlists that I can listen to while reading ❤️‍

The story itself is told in a dual timeline & short chapters, which go back to back from Aspen’s present as a Hollywood star & her high school memories with Roman. While some might enjoy this format, I personally did not enjoy it as I find it more difficult to connect with the whole conflict & the character development.

Also, in terms of how the relationship builds between the main characters, I felt like I couldn’t relate to how easy it is for them to reconcile after not talking for years. It might be because of the character’s personality–I do think that it needs more details too. For a debut novel, I think this would be a great room for improvement in her next books.

Overall, personally, this book is a cute read of a holiday romance. It somehow reminds me of Disney’s Camp Rock in some way. Reminder for all the readers, after reading this book you will be wondering when you could get a Roman Torres in your life ❤️‍

If you enjoy a small-town romance, second chance, friends-to-lovers plus a sunshine male lead who falls first, then this book is IT for you!

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Thank you so much to NetGalley for this arc!

First off I really liked all the Taylor Swift references in this book! There were quite a few. The playlist for the book was also really fitting.

I liked having a Hollywood star as a main character. It was interesting to read about her road to fame, with the flashbacks and how she adjusted to Hollywood life, in the the present.

Although I loved all the references I unfortunately wasn’t the biggest fan of the characters or the storyline. There was a whole lot of getting back together and then breaking up again between the two main characters that I personally didn’t like. It also just felt as if the male mc (Rome) just literally existed in this book to be Aspen’s boyfriend, he didn’t have much of a personality.

This book had such an interesting concept, but unfortunately for me it fell a little flat. I can see why other people would like this book but it just wasn’t for me.

Although it wasn’t for me I would still recommend this book for swifties since it had some great Taylor Swift references!

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Such a cute book! I loved Roman and Aspen. The fact that Aspen and Sierra didn't really talk at all and she was her best friend was frustrating as a reader. I loved the friendship she developed with Leila and the mentorship she provided to Ella. I felt like the title implied more of a holiday theme than just the play though. Would recommend.

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There were a few times I laughed throughout the book. I really enjoyed it. If you haven't you definitely need to.

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Thank you NetGalley for this ARC. First and foremost, there were definitely some things that needed trigger warnings that were not in this book and that you wouldn’t really think about until it was fully done. Overall, it went on for so long. The plot was all over the place and the characters were not developed well enough beyond pining over each other for years while one was famous and one wasn’t. Overall, it fell flat for me.

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The book is cute for teenagers and kids. A cute second chance romance with a celebrity and Taylor Swift references. I will say the characters do come off a bit too stereotypical and I felt as though every moment became predictable after a certain point. If you want something super easy to read that is very fast paced, this may be the book for you.

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publishers for a chance to read this book! I loved it. It was such a cozy sweet read. I loved the subtle Taylor Swift references that weren't too in your face like other books. I loved Aspen. I loved Rome. This was so cute and fun and a really good book to get you into the holiday season.

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