Member Reviews

It's about time Erika stands up for herself. Kyoya comintues to be a jerk and a nice guy comes all g and he punishes her for talking to other guys. He is a walking red flag. If things progressed faster, I'd reconsider, but I'm very over the "romance" that this book is supposed to be. I'm planning to end it here, believing she came to her senses and worked on herself.

This has quickly become one of my fave manga series. I recommend it all the time to shoujo fans at my store.

In this latest installment, Eirka and Kyoya are making an attempt at a real relationship. But Kyoya is struggling to change his ways.

I gave this series three volumes and at this point, other than the art, there is nothing redeeming about this story. It's a manual for abuse and getting people to believe false Alpha/Beta male BS.

Erika and Kyoya keep running into hiccups in their relationship. Erika has fallen for Kyoya, but Kyoya is fickle in his interactions with her. Sometimes she is sure that he cares for her, other times she is very unsure of him. This does he or does he not gets trying on this reader's nerves so the ending twist comes as a bit of relief. Now the question is does Kyoya actual have feelings for Erika may come out.

I received an eARC of this title through NetGalley in return for an honest review.
I really wanted to give this a chance. I love Ima Koi: Now I'm in Love because it had so many green flags. This series so far is the complete opposite. The main guy you are supposed to want to root for is a walking red flag, and the other guy that is supposed to complete the love triangle but not be the main is way better than the one we are supposed to want the main character to be with.
I get that this is supposed to be a tsundere type of character, but it's a pretty abusive and toxic relationship. Spoiler: but I'm glad the main character finally ends it with this dude. It seems like he is sulking about it, but I'm glad. He was terrible to her throughout. I'm not sure I'll read the 4th volume. Especially if this keeps up the way it has.
And I really do like the artwork and how the story is written. The main guy character is just terrible. Not someone I can get behind or root for at all.

I didn't enjoy this one as much as the other two installments. Probably because the ending was such a bummer. I know everything will be resolved (i think this is 16 volumes?), but I just didn't like it much.

Wolf Girl and Black Prince continues to be a series where I go, "Boy, I'm glad this is fiction, and the author is aware enough to bring some of the more toxic traits to attention and call them out as not okay." This volume ends on an interesting note, because our fake couple has broken it off. Do I think it'll stick? Nope! But it will be nice to have a shakeup of different character dynamics and possible growth for both of them.

Wolf Girl and Black Prince throws a curve into the high school romance tropes. Volumes 3 is full of ups and down and a twist ending leaves you hanging until volume 4. No worries Hatta-sensei gives us a cute chapter at the end that promises another story that I am excited to see develop in future volumes of WG&BP or as its own series.

There is something about this series!!!! The main character is a horrid person. The way he treats his pretend girlfriend hinges on abuse. She continues to accept the treatment believing he really does care. Erika struggles with her exam and needs tutoring help again. Now her intelligence is insulted. Erika gets a little stronger and realizes she deserves better. Vol 4 cannot get her soon enough!
VERDICT Yes for adult libraries. Read prior to adding to high school libraries.

Volume 3 of Wolf Girl and Black Prince continues right after Christmas break. Erika is excited for Valentines Day and even gets approval to bake something for Kyoya. But when the shy Kusakabe begins to get closer to Erika, Kyoya can’t help but act out. Will they survive the arrival of a new love interest?
I forgot how emotional this series actually gets. I’m so glad I’m re-reading it. It is such a solid plot and it covers so many adored tropes of the rom-com manga genre. It makes me feel like I’m 15 again reading for the first time. It definitely still holds up too. Even Erika’s character is not as whiny as many of the FMCs were of the time.
The only bad thing is that it was too short! They added a one-shot at the end so I’m not sure if that affected the volume length. I want more! But then the one-shot was cute and I liked it so I can’t even be mad.
I can’t wait to continue reading this series! Hopefully to the end~