Member Reviews

A very interesting "cookbook".

This is packed full of incredible information about diabetes and how to support your lifestyle. It has tons of tips and ideas and lists to help keep you in track. It is a great resource book.

Thank you to NetGalley, the author and publisher for a temporary, digital ARC in return for my review.

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Thanks to Mayo Clinic Press, NetGalley, and Donald D. Hensrud for the opportunity to review this new edition of The Mayo Clinic Diabetes Diet. This book is filled with fascinating information on diabetes and ways to help live a healthy lifestyle with the disease. It covers everything from lifestyle choices to exercise to recipes as well as what you should look forward to as you adapt to this diet plan. This is a book I will be recommending to several people in my own life that have diabetes and I look forward to trying many of the healthy options myself. Even though I don’t have diabetes most of the healthy habits listed in the book are applicable for anyone and I will be making sure to apply them to my life. I definitely recommend this book for anyone who is struggling with diabetes or is struggling with pre diabetes. Here’s to your good health.

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This is my opinion and I am not an expert.

I was very disappointed in this book. This book diet suggests turning your back on nature and eating more processed foods. It was not an easy book to read, and if I personally followed this diet, I am certain I would gain weight. I would definitely consult your doctor or chiropractor before trying this diet, I don't think it would be healthy for most. Again this is my opinion.

I received an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Quick Summary: A practical guide to diabetes and pre-diabetes management

My Summary: The Mayo Clinic Diabetes Diet, 3rd Edition: A Healthy Eating Program to Improve Your Type 2 Diabetes by Dr. Donald D. Hensrud is a noteworthy resource. I found it to be a functional aid for those seeking to get a handle on their health. It was broken down into a step by step process and covered everything from preparation and assessment to dietary considerations and living out a personalized plan. I especially appreciated the degree of encouragement and positivity associated with the content. The fact that readers were repeatedly directed to consult with medical professionals was not lost on me. Lastly, the post care suggestions and tools were a bonus.

My Final Say: This book was incredibly beneficial. I would highly recommend it. I think it will appeal to a large audience. I liked that it was reasonably priced, as it makes it more accessible for the masses, as it should be. Living with a diagnosis of diabetes can seem hopeless for many. Having a resource like this can provide help and hope. People can begin to see that diabetes does not have to have a negative outcome (as this is how it is often perceived).

Rating: 5/5
Recommend: Yes
Audience: A

Sincere appreciation is extended to the team who made this book available for review. Thank you for the opportunity.

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As a person who is on this kind of diet, I found the book interesting and most of all helpful. Just like it says in the book, this is a lifelong thing, so this will surely be reread. I recommend it to everyone with diabetes and also with weight loss problems.

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I found this hard to read. There are formatting error, sentences cut off at the beginning and end. Charts aren’t formatted at all. There is a lot of repetition in the book particularly when you hit the 16th chapter, which sound a lot like the earlier chapters. Due to the formatting issues the recipes are impossible to read. Also you should also mention you can’t use the app/digital platform which is referred to extensively in the front of the book, without paying a lot of money. #TheMayoClinicDiabetesDiet #NetGalley

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This is a great, comprehensive guide to managing type 2 diabetes and prediabetes. There is a lot of information out there in books and online, and many times it’s conflicting. This book may not offer any information that hasn’t been seen before, but it’s no-frills, straightforward and practical, and coming from a trustworthy source. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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I have a few diabetics in my family, so it was nice to read through this to better understand thier needs and get ideas for our next family dinner to make sure everyone is happy and healthy.

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This was quite disappointing in my honest opinion. There's really nothing new in here and in fact, some of the advice actually goes against some of the opinions I've received from medical professionals. In fact, some of these ideas or "advice" is antiquated and outdated and just plain old-fashioned. I wouldn't suggest this to anyone who is trying to follow a diabetic diet. I'm grateful to NetGalley for providing an advance copy for my review.

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I'm diabetic and have been since my early twenties. It runs in my family. So I was curious to see if this book would be helpful.
I thought the layout was excellent and I liked how information was presented in manageable chunks for the reader and so visually attractive, while not being overdone. Information was concise and useful. I also saw that the book is very comprehensive and filled with practical advice. It would be a useful reference book for any diabetic as well as a guide for diet planning.

Thank you to NetGalley for an advance copy of this book. It is very thorough and useful!

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