Member Reviews

I've been a Rice fan for decades. She's written better ones than this but worse ones. This was a bit of a slow-burn, pacing sometimes dragged. But the characters drew me in the most, and the ending was a nail-biter.
I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I have to admit, I'm a huge Luanne Rice fan and was so excited to receive a galley of this one. A murder happens at the Ocean House in Rhode Island at the beginning of the book. Rice writes what she knows and loves- the Ocean House, Newport, Galilee, the fishing fleet, and the special relationship that's shared by sisters. A page-turner with a twist that I only partially saw coming. Highly recommend

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Thanks to NetGalley for the ARC. I’ve not read this author before. I’m not sure why, she’s very popular. I enjoyed the book. Very atmospheric. The plot kept me turning the pages to find out what was happening. The author did a great job w details.

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I was thrilled to receive advance copy of Last Night from NetGalley.
I have read Luanne Rice since the beginning of her career and have enjoyed her books.
The iconic Ocean House hotel becomes the center of a murder and kidnapping…. Who would want to murder Maddie and kidnap CeCe her adorable daughter.
Maddie has had her share of problems in life with a divorce on the horizon to a law suit from her best friend who claims her fame wasn’t really her original idea but stolen. Read the story to find out who did it!

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What an incredibly gripping story. My heart broke for little Cece. There were lots of twists and turns. It was a complex story. The writing was great. I couldn’t turn the pages fast enough. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley

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Last Night by Luanne Rice is a good murder mystery. Maddie and her young daughter are staying in a hotel on the beach in Rhode Island, when her sister arrives, she is told that Maddie and CeCe went for a walk on the beach during a snowstorm and haven’t returned. She starts to worry and goes searching for them, she finds her sisters body and her niece is nowhere to be found. Who killed Maddie and where is CeCe? This book kept me guessing until the end. Thanks to Netgalley for my arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I’ve read most of Luanne Rice’s books and enjoyed them but for some reason this one didn’t grab me. I thought it so so.

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Author Luanne Rice writes another suspenseful thriller—Last Night. She never fails to write entertaining fast-reading novels.

The novel opens with a murder as seen through the eyes of a six-year-old girl as she witnesses her mother’s death and is then kidnapped. Maddie, a famous painter, is killed, and the novel gives her backstory and reveals why she was murdered, as told through the voices of key characters.

I loved the voice of the young girl Cece who is brave and smart. I liked that the author based the setting on a real place—the Ocean House, a winter paradise. Rice’s descriptions of the area and Maddie’s unique paintings add to the story. Unfortunately, keeping track of the villains and their motives is hard. Some parts are unbelievable, and why would someone paint their own death?

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This is a mystery set in the middle of a blizzard in a Rhode Island hotel. Maddie takes her small daughter, CeCe out in a blizzard to meet someone. When her sister Hadley shows up and they are still gone she too runs out into the blizzard and finds Maddie's body but CeCe is nowhere to be found.
A really solid read..

The police are called, but there is also a detective from another precint staying there with his girlfriend. They are there when Hadley discovers the body, and they get involved.

I have some mixed feelings about this book. Overall, I loved it, and was sucked right in. I read it in a day! I could see this as a movie.

So why not 5 stars? I struggled with the numerous people. Maddie, Cece, Hadley, Maddies' ex husband, the detective and his girlfriend, the police actually assigned to the case, the bad guys.. It was a little much at times. And the bad guy who wasn't as much of a bad guy didn't ring true to me.

One the other hand.. ; Like I said I couldn't stop reading it. And I had to know who she was meeting in the blizzard and why. So I am going with a soldi 4 stars.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book for review.. This did not impact my review.

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I am trying to read some different genres than what I normally read. I am not a person who likes surprises and I only want to be scared up to a certain point. And if a mystery/thriller involves children, the point is even lower. This book is a mystery, and it involves a six year old little girl. But it is not all gory and the author does not create unnecessary drama just because a small child is in the story. It is a good book and I am glad that I read it. There is a love story intertwined in the mystery that, for me, made reading the book more enjoyable. I thought that I had the mystery solved but I did not and that too kept me reading. The storyline was well written and the characters were believable. I will be recommending this book. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for allowing me to read an advance copy for my honest review.

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I read this is 1 day! I could not put it down. What an ending too. I am also a fan of Luanne Rice. This murder mystery will leave you wanting more and more. Look no farther for you next favorite read.

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As a massive snowstorm buffets the coast of Rhode Island, Maddie Morrison and her six year old daughter CeCe leave the Ocean House hotel for a meeting. Later, after a desperate search, her sister Hadley finds her body. Little CeCe has been kidnapped. Fortunately Conor Reid, a detective with the Connecticut State Police Major Crime Squad, is staying at the hotel with his almost fiancée Kate Woodward. He and Kate volunteer to help with the investigation that is hampered by the weather. There are many suspects. Maddie’s first husband lives close to the hotel and her present husband, who she is divorcing, happens to be a guest at Ocean House. Finding CeCe is most important and the search for the little girl will lead them into a corrupt web of local crime.

Last night is well written with vividly described characters. Your heart will break for Ronnie! The luxurious, restored hotel makes a perfect setting for this mystery/thriller. 5 stars.

Thank you to NetGalley, Thomas & Mercer and Luanne Rice for this ARC.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the opportunity to read Last Night by Luanne Rice.

Luanne Rice is one of those authors you can count on to give you a suspenseful story. She knocked this one out of the park.

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Last Night…even the title is intriguing. Written by a favorite author, this book moves quickly with realistic characters. Red herrings add to the mix of secrets. The main character is serious and thoughtful. The others seem to take their cues from her. I liked this story. Hadley wants to find out who murdered her famous sister. She also cannot find her little niece. Mysterious and intriguing. Thanks to Netgalley (The off color language did not add to the story.)

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Thank you, NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the copy of Last Night by Luanne Rice. I read Luanne Rice books many years ago when they were considered Women’s Fiction, so I thought I would give this mystery/thriller a try. I’m so glad I did because Rice still shines at writing great characters and intriguing stories, regardless of genre. The book was great, but the reveal was a little hard to follow. It felt unnecessarily complicated and it was hard to believe someone thought it up! But, the writing really drew me into the characters and their lives, so most of the book was really enjoyable! 3.5 stars rounded up to 4

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absolutely incredible. heart warming, and just all consuming. this book gave me all the feels and I will be sharing it widely.

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After renowned artist Maddie Morrison's body is found buried under a blanket of snow, her sister Hadley desperately tries to find her missing daughter, CeCe, who has disappeared without a trace. With the help of detective Conor Reid and his wife Kate, they uncover twisted romantic pasts, jealousy and revenge amongst those closest to Maddie. In the midst of a fierce blizzard, will they be able to find CeCe on time?

Pros: This book is perfect for those who like a slower paced book with lots of twists and unexpected turns. I can guarantee that you will not be able to figure this one out!

Cons: It was a bit slower moving than I personally prefer. I found the dialogue between characters to not always be flowing smoothly and there was a lot of repetitive information given to the reader. All the loops in plot lines where not closed by the end of the book, but it was still a satisfying ending.

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This is a mystery set in the middle of a blizzard in a Rhode Island hotel. Maddie Morrison takes her small daughter, CeCe out in a raging storm to meet a mysterious stranger. When her sister Hadley shows up and they are still gone she too runs out into the blizzard and finds Maddie's body but CeCe is nowhere to be found.
A Detective from a neighboring city just so happens to be staying at the Ocean House Hotel with his girlfriend and they both get involved with solving the mystery.
This was just okay for me. I didn't like how the Detective and his girlfriend became so embroiled in the case and so close to the family that they had never met before. When the mystery finally unfolds towards the end it was kind of convoluted to me. So many people were involved.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book for review.

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I've been reading books by Luanne Rice for years. After I finished this book, I found out that it is a sequel to her book called the Last Day. Even though I did not read the Last Day, this book was good as a stand alone. The book starts off with the murder of Maddie and the fact that her young daughter is missing. Maddie's sister, Hadley, is devastated. Conor and Kate are hotel guests who just happen to meet up with Hadley and end up helping to solve the case. There are many different characters and twists to the story that keep you guessing. I had a hard time getting into the book but I am glad that I stayed with it to see how it all played out. Those who love a good murder mystery love triangle will enjoy this book. It made me want to go back and read the Last Day to hear about the story of how Kate and Conor got together. Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas and Mercer Publishing for an advanced copy of this book.

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This was an unputdownable story of twists and turns. I kept thinking I knew how it was going to end and I kept on being proven wrong page after page. Thank you to. NetGalley and the publisher for the early read.

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