Member Reviews

This is a very nice workbook, and I would recommend it to those with an interest in astrology, however, it is not appropriate for library patron use.

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The Cosmic Companion workbook by The Pulp Girls was such a nice breath of fresh air when it comes to interactive astrology! I have been a long follower of The Pulp Girls on socials and just absolutely adore their designs and takes on astrology with the crossovers to pop culture. This workbook is a fabulous tool for both beginners and those familiar with astrology who are wanting a refresher. The book is broken down by zodiac signs, elements, modalities, planets, houses, stelliums, chart rulers, your big three, the vibes each sign emits, compatibility in all types of relationships, and further fun interactive ways of thinking about how each person’s chart represents their personality and behavior like creating playlists and which tarot card someone is, occurrences ie moon phases, retrograde, etc. I love that through out the book there are check-ins to ensure the info resonates. I will absolutely be recommending this to those who are interested in exploring and learning more about astrology. I am so grateful to The Pulp Girls, Quarto Publishing Group, and NetGalley for the free arc!

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A wonderful workbook! The illustrations were lovely and really colourful. It was great ti learn more about my signs, the planets, the houses and a bit of tarot.

I received a free prerelease ebook version of this, so obviously I did not have the full, immersive reading experience, but I definitely will be getting the paperback so I can fill in all my zodiac information.

Note: This is complimentary workbook to the Pulp Girls "Astrology for the Cosmic Soul" book, which I am yet to read. I don't believe it's necessary to buy both as I most definitely enjoyed reading this workbook as a standalone but I'm interested in astrology so will be buying it.

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Such a fun, insightful book! I loves the journaling concept and spiritual elements. Beautiful colours and drawings throughout the book which is appealing and captivating.

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This book was interesting as it goes through how you think. I process your zodiac signs and I think generally it’s a really cool word, but I think it’s more geared towards a younger audience than myself who is in my 20s. I would recommend this for young 20s teenage years, so I can understand themselves and where they are, but I think it is quite interesting and I would recommend to people about age range.

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A really cute, easily accessible guide to astrology. I could have done without the compatibility section because I feel like astrological compatibility is incredibly nuanced and can be a bit misleading for people sometimes when they're beginning to learn about it. Otherwise, I really enjoyed this workbook!

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The Cosmic Companion Workbook has gorgeous images and is very colorful. The book has different sections that cover astrology, the astrology of you, compatibility, astrology fun, astrology occurrences, etc... Each section is also followed by a workbook/journal area where you can add/resume information about your chart. I was very excited to get this book but once I read it I was not as excited anymore, I felt the information was not as deep as I wanted and the journaling section felt more like a "play for fun" than a "analyze your information." This can be a great book for someone that is beginning their path in astrology or if you want to have a beautiful book that talks about astrology.

Thank you to the Quarto Publishing Group and NetGalley for the eARC!

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The Cosmic Companion Workbook is perfect for the complete beginner - I knew a little before starting this workbook and have always had an interest but nothing has prompted me to start diving any deeper before. The workbook gently guides you through the information with fun little tasks and questions along the way.
I've added this to my Amazon Wish List so that I have a physical copy to refer back to and to carry out the activities in the workbook itself.

On top of all the well written information, all the colours used are enticing and the art work is beautiful. I wasn't following The Pulp Girls on IG before, but I definitely am now!

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I have tried to study astrology for many years, but it always felt overwhelming. This workbook makes that first step into astrology much easier. This is not a book that just will drop the information, will let you deal with it on your own and walk away. Although it’s packed with very useful information, it doesn’t feel overwhelming or stressful.

At the beginning of the book the authors explain what will be needed to do the work, and be sure those tools are used all throughout the book (nothing complicated, just some pens and any beautiful decor you want to use. It’s your journey after all!). Each explanation comes with exercises and space for reflection. You are encouraged to work with your birth chart. It makes the journey more personal, as well as to make easier to understand and learn all the information given. The workbook is written in an informal way, and avoids difficult terms that can discourage people.

The art of the book is amazing. From the cover to the very end, every single image is a beautiful piece of art. This, combined with the fun way the authors redacted the reflection exercises, have made me enjoy the book even more. I received this as RAC, but I will definitely buy my own physical copy and do the work properly. I’m sure I will keep using it as reference and refresher over the years. This book has washed away all headaches I had every time I tried to start learning about astrology.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the digital RAC in exchange of an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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The Cosmic Companion Workbook is an easy to follow guide to inviting more magick and divine energy into your life!

The cute illustrations and approachable exercises make this workbook a great resource for anyone who is exploring the spiritual realm and the universe’s energetic impact on our lives and personality.

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As a follower and fan of The Pulp Girls and an avid practioner of astrology, I had to check this book out! It served to be a delightfully, wonderfully interactive read full of all the joy and colorful, diverse art that I've come to associate with Pulp Girls. The journal prompts were engaging and enjoyable, the information was basic enough for anyone to understand while still giving more advanced astrologers something to absorb, and the tone was a perfectly balanced blend of breezy and thoughtful. Highly recommend this for anyone looking to learn more about themselves or start their astrological journey!

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The comic Companion Workbook is fascinating. I really enjoyed learning more about the different signs. I’m a Scorpio and I felt like the book was very accurate for me. I liked that there are lots of questions and prompts to further your knowledge. I loved the colors and illustrations. Looking forward to obtaining a physical copy of this book.

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced look at this workbook!

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The illustrations are absolutely adorable! Super cute & girly.

This workbook/journal is easy to read and follow for a newbie such as myself. Perfect amount of information (on such a huge topic) to easily start your astrology journey.

Before reviewing this book I never heard of the Pulp Girls…I’m now following them on Instagram and loving their page aesthetic.

I added this book in my Amazon List. I am definitely buying this book as a Christmas gift for my teenage daughter and niece!!!

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**I would like to thank NetGalley, Quarto Publishing Group – Rock Point, and The Pulp Girls for an ARC of this book! This will be available on 9/26/23!**

This was a fun read! Since it was a workbook, you aren't just reading a few blurbs and all of a sudden the book is over. There are questions and prompts to really get you thinking. The focus isn't just on your Big 3, its about your entire House. Even past the astrology standpoint, there were some great questions that truly made me think and look deeper within myself.

What really sets this apart from similar books is the artwork. It was visually stimulating and eye-catching. I enjoyed reading through it, and also wanted to flip and see what art was on the next page as well. While I had the digital copy, I sincerely hope the hard copy incorporated glitter and metallic into the masterpiece of my dreams.

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I enjoyed this workbook. I had already had it through a book tour company and thought I would review it on here for more people to see. I found it so helpful and interesting and learnt more about the cosmic side of things

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I recently read a different book regarding your star signs in relation to your personality and life. Having found it truly interesting (And somewhat accurate) I couldn’t wait to have a read of Cosmic Companion, as astrology is something I know very little about (Well, bar the twelve star signs).

Being a workbook which is so down to earth and easy to understand I could work through it at my own pace. Revisiting areas was easy if I got confused or just need more time to process (Although actually picked it up fairly quickly). I felt like a ‘friend’ was talking to me throughout the book and would say this book would probably work best for those who have little to no knowledge in astrology. It would also make a great gift for teens, twenty somethings or those who have a fun disposition (Although informative, it’s wrote with a friendly, upbeat voice). In reality all you need to get you started is a pen, your date and time of birth and this handy book (It does mention looking up your birth chart which is easy with the Internet and can be found for free too).

Over all, I came out feeling like I’d learned more about myself through astrology and wasn’t left confused. This is a good stepping stone onto looking at things more in depth if the need is felt. I loved the illustrations and the authors voice throughout. I felt connected to them which in any self help kind of book I feel is important. A solid 4 stars, I did enjoy this and felt somewhat enlightened come the end.

Thank you to NetGalley and Quarto Publishing Group – Rock Point for this ARC in exchange of an honest review.

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I was slightly dubious about this book, as I have read 'workbooks' in the past that have literally been a question and then a complete waste of paper.
However, this book was super useful!

Not only is it excellent for journal prompts, but it has some super useful information too.

I learnt a lot from going through it -and I didn't even complete the prompts. (I was given early access to electronic copy)
I would definitely be interested in buying the physical copy!!

The illustrations are vibrant, and bright too, that makes you want to keep coming back to the book!

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I have been a student of astrology for many years, I'm not usually impressed by most beginner astrology books, i find them too basic and not enough information. When I opened this workbook and started to read it, I was thoroughly impressed. I have never seen a workbook that actually made you think and apply what you learned to gain a greater and more relatable understanding of astrology. The keyword being relatable. There is nothing basic about astrology, you can spend a lifetime learning and not mastering it fully.

The questions in each section make you think about how things affect you, what you've noticed, applying it to different aspects of your life. It even gives the tarot cards associated with each sign. You're encouraged to use your own birth chart as a learning tool to understand astrology and how it not only applies to your personality, but how it can affect your daily life. It even covers mercury retrograde and how you feel this transit.

Lets talk about the artwork in this workbook! It is colourful, ecstatically pleasing, fun and whimsical. I found the book very well organized and with a great flow. I found the design very alluring and enchanting. It just makes you want to pick out your best coloured pens and participate in the magic of learning.

I've studied astrology for well over 20 years and even though this is a beginners workbook, it made me want to participate in this enchanting experience. I feel regardless of level of study anyone can enjoy this workbook, especially for inner work. I will be recommending this to clients and I really hope the authors continue this style of workbooks not only with astrology, but with other topics like tarot, crystals, herbs and workbooks that are for more advanced users.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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This book is so cute. If you're new to the practical applications of astrology like I am, this is a must-read. I can't wait to purchase this workbook and actually use it. The colors are stunning, the layout makes so much sense, and the language used is so beginner friendly. I think this is perfect for someone who's just starting their astrology journey and wants to go more in-depth with their chart.

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This bright colourful book is just like The Pulp Girls vibe we know and love. The journal prompts are really great to make you think and consider things in relation to each topic. Lots of information but in a friendly and relatable manner that makes this journal a joy to fill in.

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