Member Reviews

Annabelle McCormack is one of my new favorite authors. The new book See You Next Fall was very enjoyable. The characters were amazing. I recommend this book to everyone. Happy reading!

**I received an ARC of this book courtesy of NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions expressed in this review are my own and given freely**

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Thank you Netgalley for this arc in exchange for my honest opinion! I think this book was a solid 4 stars!
I really enjoyed this book even though it was in a dual timeline and in 3rd person, which is honestly not my favorite. It was the perfect cozy fall read especially since it took place in multiple places during fall! My only criticism that didn’t give it a five star read was the slow-burn was especially slow and it felt rushed at the end. However it was the perfect read to kick off the fall season and I will definitely be recommending this book to people!

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Didn’t love that this was in the third person. Felt like several other books I’ve read (people we meet on vacation, love and other words etc). I didn’t like that she became a country singer, that was just too much. And I could have done without Ciara coming back at the end. However, Quinn was adorable and I loved him! Overall not bad just not great.

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See You Next Fall was the perfect cozy fall read exactly what I was looking for to usher in everyone’s favorite season! This book was charming and perfect and finished too soon. I love that it took place in Nashville, Washington, DC, London, and NYC across multiple falls.

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I really enjoyed this book! The chemistry between the leads was great. The only criticism I had is I wish the slow burn wasn’t as slow but overall the book was great!

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I wanted to love this one. I’m a SUCKER for fall. But I just couldn’t. The author wrote in dual POV, bouncing back and forth between past and present, but I could never truly figure out what time I was in. I stayed confused, which stunk. I also struggled to get into the book in the beginning. It took a while, and a lot of talking myself into reading it, and while I loved the premise of meeting up with their 3 rules, it just felt meh. There is a TON of internal monologuing/dialoguing, and that alone is distracting. And the slow burn was lovely at the start, but it became TOO slow. Then it sped up so fast and it was the end of the book. Loved all the ideas behind the story and had hoped it would pan out, but it just wasn’t for me. But if you love friends to lovers, uber slow burns, and dual POVs, this might be up your alley! Thanks for the opportunity to read!

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*First and foremost, I would like to thank Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read and review this ARC! Thank y’all so much!*

If you love rom-coms set in the fall, this better be on you TBR.

This love story spans years where Elle and Quinn revist the same city over a period of four years. A friendship with some rules that later turns into a saucy romance.

This novel literally took on you an international trip as I read about the lives of these two and how for one week; they reconnect and feel as if time never passed.

Such a cute, and easy story to kick off the fall season

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I received this book as an ARC through NetGalley and this review is based on my own opinion.

''But you- you're the sun. Don't let a few clouds deprive the world of your light."

Elle and Quinn met at a conference 4 years ago, they were about to skip it to explore Georgetown, Washington but fate had other plans. Now they've made a deal to come back to Georgetown every first week of October to make up for the week they've missed 4 years ago. But can their friendship survive across the pond?

See You Next Fall was a cute romance which made you fall in love with it's characters immediatly.
The chapters switch between the past and the present and I had to get into that for a bit at the beginning but once I was totally engaged with the story it actually made it more fun to read.

The part about Elle becoming a somewhat famous singer felt too all of a sudden and rushed in my opinion but apart from that it was a heartwarming, fun, romcom.

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I really loved this book! It was so much fun to read. The different timelines really intrigued me and pulled me into the story even more. I really enjoyed reading each fall vacation between the two characters and watching their relationship develop. The two leads were very cute and well written as well. I think their relationship progressed at a pretty realistic pace. I really cannot say enough good things about this book it was just so good. I definitely recommend this. If you're looking for a fun, cozy romance this is the one for you! It's a quick and enthralling read. I would definitely read more from this author.

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I absolutely adored this book! Elle with all her quirkiness and Quinn was just so swoon worthy! I felt I could be friends with these characters, they were both so relatable. I had no idea going in that this book would tug at all my emotions. Love, love, love! Thank you Netgalley and to the publisher giving me the chance to read this book early. I need to purchase the book for my shelf of favorites.

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oh my goodness..captivating, adorable, and such a feel good book!
My TBR is overflowing but “See You Next Fall” jumped right to the top. Quinn and Elle have a not so typical route of friends to lovers but what a memorable route they took. Quinn being from London and Elle being from Nashville makes it hard for them to see each other, but when they see each other every fall, you find yourself rooting for them and aching for them to get more time together.

It was a slow burn romance that I felt burned a bit too long causing the ending to feel a bit rushed..I would have loved to get more of Quinn and Elle learning to be together.

Overall, an amazing read and I’m so glad I picked this to kick start my fall TBR!
Add this to your list for all your fall feels!

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Elle and Quinn's first kiss in the closet and the napkin contract drew me in. Their friendship, annual vacations and banter had me reaching for this book frequently. I laughed out loud when Elle was locked out of her hotel room and wandering through the lobby.

I loved the open door romance - the sex scenes were steamy. The dual point of view, and dual timeline were well done and kept me engaged throughout.

I loved Quinn! He was charming, sweet and caring. McCormack did a great job with Elle. I felt a full range of emotions towards her. I flipped from loving her, to hating her, and loving her again.

Quinn's Dad, Jeremy and Aidan were great supporting characters that I looked forward to hearing about throughout the book.

Overall this was a great friends to lovers romance.

Things I loved:
-Meeting in the closet
-The napkin contract
-The annual vacation
-The banter

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Thank you to netgalley for the chance to review this! I would give this a solid 3.5 stars.
This was a really cute, dual POV, dual timeline romance. Elle and Quinn reach by happenstance one weekend in Georgetown and, in the middle of a blossoming "will they wont they", decide to meet every fall to rekindle their friendship. In the present storyline they've had a heavy falling out, and we see what happened to them over the course of three falls.
I actually really enjoyed that this was done in third person close, and I loved the tropes and dual timelines. I really loved the B storyline about finding oneself and finding passion, especially for Elle. Having someone realize that celebrity is NOT what they truly wanted is a bit rare, so I thought that was well done. The steam is pretty fantastic, and the build up to their first hook up is very tense and believable.
Quinn is British and sometimes I feel like that only served to give him a few quips that weren't quite American. I didn't FEEL like they were from two different cultures, even if American/English are relatively similar. I also really hated his 'relationship status' during their reconciliation: I don't love when someone is cheating, even emotionally, and I feel like this was a bit forced, especially when you knew the HEA was around the corner.
BUT all in all, I really enjoyed this. It's a cute, fun, time-of-year appropriate romance that I think alot of people could enjoy!

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i thought this started off really adorable and i liked it alot but then the conflict in the end rubbed me the wrong way. but it's a really cute book for anyone who likes best friends to lovers. unfortunately the conflict was just not for me. thank you netgalley for the arc!

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I have been an ARC reader for a few years now. I have read just about every genre under the sun and have had the distinct joy (as most ARC readers do) of meeting some seriously incredible authors. Annabelle McCormack is one such author; and let me tell you, she sets the bar high.

See You Next Fall introduces the reader to Nashvillian Elle and Englishman Quinn. A chance, work-related convention in Washington D.C. leads to Elle and Quinn deciding upon an annual tradition of meeting-up each Fall. Thus begins the unfolding of this incredibly fun book. First, let me just tell you that the banter is brilliantly written. The author has found the Goldilock Zone for writing dialogue. It is the perfect amount and is equal parts witty and tender. The characters’ inner dialogue is perfectly done, allowing the reader a sense of getting to know both Elle and Quinn on a personal level as the story progresses. (I have a soft spot for Quinn though…don’t tell Elle.) So, you ask…the characters are absolutely amazing, but what about the setting? Girl, I got you. Annabelle McCormack is also an Historical Fiction author; i.e. setting a scene is her jam. Take those scene-setting skills and then write a Contemporary Romance? Let me put it this way. Have you ever read a scene in a book that you could actually hear and feel? You’re about to.

A few tropes you might want to keep in mind: Friends-to-Lovers, He Falls First, Dual POV, Grumpy/Sunshine. There is a slight Miscommunication trope, but it resolves perfectly. There is an Open-Door trope, but it is tastefully done, in this reader’s opinion.

Bottom Line: It’s almost Fall, and you need a new book. Your best friend needs a new book, too. And the lady that does your hair. And the gal who does your nails. Oh, and your favorite Barista does too. See You Next Fall is the perfect solution!

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this eARC of 'See You Next Fall' by Annabelle McCormack.

So I'm a firm lover of Friends to Lovers and this book includes that. Dual pov was great too but sometimes you just yearn for something more, you know? 'See You Next Fall' was the first Autumnal book I have read in 2023 and I did enjoy it! I loved both of the main characters but my heart just cannot give it a 5. I needed something more but I cannot place my finger on it.

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If you're looking for a cozy friends-to-lovers romance, this is the perfect book for you! Following Quinn, a viscount from London, and Ellie, your average girl from Nashville this book shares the stories of their one week get togethers at the start of each October. After meeting at a conference as college students, Quinn and Ellie quickly hit off a playful friendship but swear to have nothing more develop due to the distance, friendships, and life situations. With Quinn working to figure out his family's business and Ellie trying to find her way in the world, a relationship would be too distracting and ruin their friendship.
I really enjoyed the pacing of this book and how each of their meetings was so different from one another. With every year that passed it was obvious how Quinn and Ellie's relationship was developing as well as their lives apart from one another. It was so easy to root for these two with their playful banter and sweet moments where they show nothing but pure care for one another.
This is a great friends-to-lovers read and a perfect read for anyone looking for a warm fall read to get them through the upcoming season.

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I loved the concept of a one week fall trip! Fall vacations are not usually the subject matter of books but they should be because this book proves how cute it is. I love books where he falls first and this book does it REALLY well. loved all the side characters as well. And also the friends to lovers trope was done very well also!

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I want to thank Annabelle McCormack,Victory Editing and Netgalley for this ARC. This is my honest opinion.

I have to start by saying that I'm really not a fan of friends-to-lovers romances. I've only liked maybe 15% of the books I've read on this theme.

And although I'm very hard on this kind of book, this one was a real favorite.

It's one of the only books I rate 5 stars.

The story was perfect, the main characters very engaging. I want a Quinn please!

The author takes us from the meeting of our characters in a closet to the present 4 years later, with flashbacks to their stories.
It's one of the best romances I've ever read, because we really see the evolution of their relationships, their pasts, their differences, and having both points of view really helps us get attached to both characters.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op and the author for an ARC of See You Next Fall by Annabelle McCormack for an honest review.

This was the first book by Annabelle McCormack that I have read. The beginning sucked me in. It was a fun way to meet the two main characters. See You Next Fall is told in dual POV and multiple timelines. I enjoyed the multiple timelines and Elle and Quinn getting together each year. This book is definitely a slow burn, I feel like too much of a slow burn. I wanted to see more of the MC and the growth from friendship to lovers.

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