Member Reviews

I wasn’t sure what to expect from this book as I’m not a massive dystopian fan, but this was well written, descriptive and quite engaging.

Although not my favourite read, it would be something I would purchase as my students would enjoy it.

Thanks for the opportunity

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YA dystopian is one of my favorite genres so I was instantly attracted to this book. I enjoyed the fact that it is based in a post pandemic world. The way that technology has overtaken society was very interesting. The writing was a little on the younger side of ya for me and there was a bit of repetition but other than that it's a good story.

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This book is great for a younger YA audience. I loved dystopian as a young child, and I would have eaten this right up. I would definitely buy this book for a younger teen if I had one in my life.

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✰ 2.5-3 stars! ✰
I picked this book up when I was in the mood for something dystopian. I liked the plot with the idea of the government closely monitoring citizens after a pandemic, and the disappearance of Rami's mother. I also thought Rami's character was alright, but I didn't rlly connect with the characters. I also disliked the pacing (it felt kind of long at some parts) and the romance, which seems to be a common trope seen in many dystopian books. Overall, I did like some aspects of the book, but it ended up being a read that I wasn't super attached to. Maybe I just haven't read a book from this genre in a while? I'm not sure but I think this book is better suited for younger YA readers who enjoy dystopian stories.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Thank you to the publishers, author and NetGalley for the free copy of this book.

I enjoy dystopian books and this was a decent one. A bit disjointed feeling at times but overall ok. I wasn't fully connecting with the story so it took me a while to get through but I could see a lot of people liking this.

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This book was AMAZING!!!! I loved the new society that was created. It seems like something that’s possible to happen

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This book is a entertaining read, full of twists and turns. The main character, Rami, is relatable in her struggle with the question 'why me?' Her normal life without intrigues beckons, but she also understands that STaR's manipulation doesn't make life any better. Highly recommended.

I got this arc in exchange for an honest review.

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This was a very interesting take on dystopian. It's a concept I hadn't fully ever seen explored. At least I had never read one like it. It had me on the edge of my seat wanting to know what was going to happen next which is always a great reaction to have. I enjoyed the story, and think it was done fairly well in being brought to life.

Thank you NetGalley for an arc of this book.

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The Text by Julane Fisher
4.5/5 stars

I am a huge a fan of dystopian novels, and The Inheritance Games series so this felt like the perfect book for me. I was instantly hooked.

Julane Fisher does a great job with The Text. It nicely paced with an easy to follow plot that kept me on my toes during the entire book.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Skies Publishing for providing me with an eARC of this title in return for an honest review.

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After I read that if you loved The Inheritance Games and Legend, I was instantly hooked in this book. I really wish I could say that I liked it but I didn’t.

What I liked about this is that it is based after the pandemic and that everything and everyone are being controlled by electronics. I found the concept of perception really interesting that in which everyone’s perception could be changed by what they saw on social media which is such an amazing outlook to what we are actually currently facing.

This book could’ve easily been 100 pages shorter. I felt like there was a lot of filling and no action. And could someone explain to me what happened to the dad? One point he was there and then suddenly he was not. I loved Finley and that’s about it. I don’t know if it’s because I’m older but the characters were childish and so out of touch. Like I could figure the whole plot, mysteries and turns before the characters did. I guess the book was just predictable but once again is a book for a younger audience.

I believe I would’ve liked it if I was 12 years old. It wasn’t bad but I don’t think it was the right fit for me.

Thank you to NetGalley for an E-arc of this book in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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This book has all the makings of a fantastic YA Sci-Fi.
For me, there was a lot of filler information that didn't need to be there, dragging out the book much longer than needed.

Well written, unique premise, interesting characters.

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Thank you so much to NetGalley and Skies Publishing for providing me and advance eCopy of this book in return for my honest opinions.

Pub Date: 19 Sep 2023

Wow! I am blown away. The book is so scarily realistic. I can totally see this happening in the next 20 to 25 years. With social media and technology advancements I can see the government being able to track and brainwash the population to think and act the way the government wants

The book was beautifully written. I became totally invested in Rami and the mystery involving the disappearence of her mother and the stalking if her by STaR.

Remi has so many questions.
Were her friends true friends or enemies? Where is her mother? Why didn't she get the STaR update? What does her Aunt have to do with everything? Who can she trust?
Who keeps texting her (how, why and how do the text disappear with no traceable history)? Who is the mystery man?

The ending was a total surprise. Rami had no clue who she could trust, who was on her side and who was against her.

Five Stars plus!!!

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Thank you to Net Galley and the publisher for allowing me to read an eARC of this title in return for an honest review.

I LOVED this book. I read this in a day because I could not put it down. It was suspenseful and full of action and mystery. I really liked the characters also. Rami and her friends are close knit and are willing to do what it takes to have their questions answered.
Questions like:
*Who is stalking Rami & why?
*Why is she the only one who has to go to the company for the update?
*Why can’t the police find her mother when there are STaR cameras everywhere?
*Why can’t she find her aunt & what does her aunt have to do with her mother’s disappearance?
*Who can she really trust?

And to make it even better - this is a clean book. The story is told without foul language or sex, which is a refreshing change from many YA books.

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I tried with this book. I really did. But unfortunately I ended up not being able to finish it at all. I was very excited for this. Dystopian books have always been a bit of a soft spot and favorite for me. Unfortunately, I didn’t like it as much as I’d hoped. I ended up DNF:ing around 60%.

This book is set in a future a few decades after a devastating catastrophe that killed a big part of the population. They now relay very much on tech. One day after a big shut down of the network, the MC’s mother disappearears. The MC starts getting mysterious people following her. What’s really happening?

Personally, this book really didn’t hit like it should’ve. I didn’t really enjoy the pacing, it was a bit too fast. I also still don’t really understand any of the world building or really what the book was about, which might only be because of my own stupidity, but it is one reason why I could not bring myself to keep reading. I’ve tried reading this book the last few days and has finally had to admit my defeat.

I didn’t enjoy any of the characters. They all felt quite stupid to me and didn’t really have any depth. There wasn’t really a big problem with the writing, it just felt a bit shallow. All of this made me very uninterested in the story at all.

All of this made me finally give up. I hope, if you decide to read this still, you might like the book better!

This review can be found on my goodreads and will be posted to Amazon upon release date.

Thank you to NetGalley for an E-arc of this book in exchange for my honest review. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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Book Review 📚
The Text by Julane Fisher - 3.5/5 ⭐

You'd adult dystopian story, 25 years after a global pandemic. Filled with mystery and drama, it's an edge of your seat, easy and quick read.

It's refreshing to read a dystopian book that isn't full on and in your face. Instead The Text is nicely paced and very well written, with an easy to follow plot. There's intrigue throughout but not an overwhelming amount, a good amount to keep up the suspense and mystery.

The MC, Rami, is perfect. There is not only good character descriptions but also character development along the way. The characters help massively with the story and keep it nice and easy when reading.

My only issue would be the ending. It could of easily been dragged out a bit more and a couple of extra chapters thrown in, but it felt very rushed! It was still a good book with a good ending regardless of the rush at the end.

Thank you to NetGalley and Infinite Skies Publishing for allowing me to read this ARC - this is an HONEST review from my own personal opinion.

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The Text is a young adult, dystopian story about 16 year old Rami Carlton. It takes place 25 years after a global pandemic. They are kept safe by the department of Safety Threats and Reinforcement (STaR). When a power outage shuts down STaR's network, Rami's world falls apart. Her mom disappears, Rami is being stalked, and everyone she loves is at risk. Rami discovers that STaR has a secret - a secret that could change everything.

What I liked: The story had a nice cadence to it, and it was very easy to read. If you like dystopian stories, this definitely fits the bill. The mysteries in the story unravel piece by piece, so you are always learning something new.

What I didn't like: I felt like the end of the story was a bit rushed. There were also some repetitive phrases and descriptions that were just a little too noticeable.

Overall, I enjoyed the story and would recommend to YA and dystopian lovers.

Thanks to Infinite Skies Publishing and author Julane Fisher for the ARC.

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This dystopian novel hits closer to home than others I've read. Unlike other dystopian novels where technology has all but disappeared for one reason or another. One tech company controls the narrative. When Rami's mom goes missing she finds herself in the middle of it all. Who can she trust? If you are a fan of dystopian novels definitely read this one.

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