Member Reviews

Tilly in Technicolor by Mazey Eddings is a rom-com story about an ADHD girl named Tilly and an autistic boy named Oliver. The pair's meet-cute is an absolute disaster and they never expected to see each other again, but in a twist of fate, they do.
The story itself is a fun, cute, and quick read. The representation was enjoyable, even when there were moments when it felt like it was the character's entire personality. As much as I loved the story, some things drove me nuts. I mean, I was ready to rip out my hair. (The window. The entire thing with the breaking of a hotel window felt like it was added only for drama and to showcase Tilly's struggles, but it wasn't properly addressed. We don't know if they notified anyone. We don't know if the glass was swept up before they stayed the night there. Was the window even boarded up before they slept in the room for the night? In the next chapter, Tilly's sister didn't even address it that we know of. It was completely forgotten about.) There were a lot of moments where there was more telling than showing, and other moments that felt forced. That said, it was still a fun read.

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I absolutely loved Tilly’s story. This was an amazing neurodivergent journey. The banter and angst was great. The audio was perfect. Great listen!

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The representation in this book was amazing and I connected with the MC's so much. Every Mazey Edding book I pick up I love and adore and even with this being a YA I still love it!!

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I really tired with this audiobook but I just couldn't do it. I had to dnf this one.

I thought everyone was just so mean to Tilly for no reason. I understand the character has ADHD but I did not think it justified everyone being so rude and condescending.

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The female narrator in this one is excellent. I think the male's narration could have been a bit softer to fit Oliver's character better.

Mazey Eddings has become one of my favorite authors this year. I absolutely loved this book! I will be thinking about Tilly and Ollie and everything they taught me about neurodiversity for the rest of my life.

My 3 year old son is ND. He is a Gestalt Language Processesor, which means he first learned how to copy full sentences and phrases instead of single words. He's also on a (2 year!) waitlist to be evaluated for autism. As his mom, I will be doing everything in my power to make sure he's happy and not pushing him to be "normal". Bring on the stims!!!

Preorder this book if you love YA romance that makes you laugh out loud with some amazing mental health representation. Or even if you like closed door adult romance. The main characters are just out of high school.

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I’ve enjoyed everything Mazey Eddings has written so far, but Ollie and Tilly just stole my heart! I was swept up in their story from their not so meet cute on the phone to finding out they were both interning with Tilly’s sister.

I loved the autism and ADHD representation. It was lovely to see them begin to open up and share with each other as they became more comfortable. I loved when Ollie knew she was struggling in the bustling city and found somewhere quiet they could escape to. They had so many sweet and hysterical moments.

I also really loved seeing Tilly’s babble posts and how she expressed herself and how ADHD affected her world. Also, I may be the only one but I loved the use of Pantone colors as Ollie discussed his photos and particularly Tilly. I found myself highlighting and googling them. Mazey Eddings will continue to be an autobuy author for me and I can’t wait for what’s next!

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It was my first time reading YA story and I absolutely loved it.

The story was just so funny and cute. I really liked Tilly´s character development. It was nice to see her finally be herself because throughout the majority of the book, her family wanted her to be just like Mona. But it was great to see her doing what she wanted to do. And Oliver was the cutest. I have no words to describe how much I loved him!

This book was another amazing story written by Mazey. 100% recommend it!

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I looove this author and was so excited to see this YA debut about two neurodivergent teens who form a connection one summer.

It was written so well, and Tilly and Oliver were such great characters, and so fun to read about! Tilly was hilarious, and I loved the way the storyline included the representation of neurodivergent characters and from the LGBTQ community.

I listened to the audiobook format and loved the narration so much! I had such a smile on my face while reading, which I knew would make for a five star read for me.

-opposites attract
-YA romcom
-neurodivergent MCs

*many thanks to Wednesday Books, RB Media and Netgalley for the gifted copy for review

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𝘼 𝙔𝘼 𝙙𝙚𝙗𝙪𝙩 𝙖𝙗𝙤𝙪𝙩 𝙩𝙬𝙤 𝙣𝙚𝙪𝙧𝙤𝙙𝙞𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙩 𝙩𝙚𝙚𝙣𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙛𝙤𝙧𝙢 𝙖 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙣𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣 𝙤𝙫𝙚𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙘𝙤𝙪𝙧𝙨𝙚 𝙤𝙛 𝙖 𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙚𝙧.

📍 Read if you like:
• Opposites Attract
• YA Rom Coms
• Neurodivergent MCs
• Dual POV
• Europe Tours

I absolutely loved this book, it was so beautifully written and I was obsessed with the way it was told. It has ADHD and Autism representation, which were perfectly written and shared.

The story follows Tilly and Oliver. I absolutely adored both characters so much, the audiobook was fantastic. I also loved the tours around Europe - such an interesting take. Tilly has ADHD and Oliver has Autism, it was so heartwarming seeing both of them come together.

I felt so emotional and moved by the story, it was a fun YA romance, but it also had a deeper meaning behind it. It’s a sweet summer love story for sure.

I also loved the one-bed trope and forced proximity. It was a slow burn, but it had its humorous moments. There’s also a theme around self-discovery, which I found interesting. I do wish the ending was tied up a bit smoother.

I flew through this book and loved the characters so much. I loved the neurodivergent and LGBTQ+ rep in this book, the author did a fantastic job writing this story.

Thank you so much NetGalley and Wednesday Books for the review eARC and Macmillan Audio for the ALC in exchange for my honest review!

•𝗧𝗪/𝗖𝗪: Ableism, Emotional Abuse, Vomit, Bullying, Panic Attacks/Disorders, Cursing

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There are so many great YA novels covering important social issues and highlighting marginalized populations. This book is no exception! It's a refreshing and cute read.

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I love the neurodivergence representation in this book! Tilly is hilarious and her shenanigans while trying to be a little “adult” for the first time had me laughing out loud.

I read this one a mixture of audio and ebook and the audio was SO FUNNY and I loved the narration of the characters.

This book is fun, it’s such a cute YA and I definitely recommend!

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I am an avid reader of Young Adult Contemporary Romance and have also been diagnosed with autism. My personal experience with the condition led me to take an interest in this book, which also catered to my fondness for travel stories. Thank you to NetGalley and Wednesday Books for giving me an advanced copy to read.

Tilly travels to Europe to intern for her perfect older sister's startup company. This gives her the change of scenery she desires so she can figure out what to do away from her overbearing parents who treat her differently because she has ADHD (Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder). Oliver, on the other hand, knows exactly what he wants in life. His autism makes it hard for him to form relationships with others, but his love of color theory allows him to feel deeply connected to the world around him. He also joins Tilly's sister's startup company as a photography intern. Even though Tilly and Oliver have very different personalities, could they ever fall in love?

The narrative’s portrayal of the disabilities of the two main characters, Tilly and Oliver, was skillfully executed. Their disabilities were integrated seamlessly into the story without becoming the central focus. The romantic aspect of the plot was well-developed and not confined to one setting, but instead took place in various locations. As an individual with autism, I found that Tilly's experiences resonated with my own. I appreciate that the story sheds light on the challenges and misunderstandings that people with disabilities often face.

The only critique I have about the book is that I wished to learn more about Tilly's past and how both Tilly and Oliver felt when they were diagnosed with autism. As a person with autism, I am often asked how I felt when I learned about my diagnosis. Therefore, it would have been great to read about their reactions to it.

In its entirety, Eddings has successfully presented a tale of two travelers that is intertwined with a mental health diagnosis. The author’s ability to weave these two themes together provides readers with a unique and compelling narrative. For those seeking a young adult contemporary romance novel that is refreshingly different, this book is highly recommended. Its ability to touch upon mental health issues in a sensitive yet honest way makes it a valuable read for anyone looking to learn more about the complexities of mental health.

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I enjoyed this one! I don't have either ADHD or Autism, but I thought the rep was well-done regardless. We see both characters struggle, but also learn to understand themselves better and it was interesting to see all the things they shared in common.

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I just loved this book and Tilly. Yes, she had many uncomfortable moments throughout her European travels, but she rolled with them. The representation in this book for ADHD and Autism was well done. I love anything Mazey Eddings writes! She's an auto-buy author for me! The audiobook was narrated well, I would highly recommend it.

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This was the cutest book!! I loved Tilly and Oliver together- they were so cute and awkward lol. I loved how Mazey Eddings used colors to describe everything, and I loved the representation of autism and ADHD. Definitely a cute, refreshing YA romance.

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I loved this story of two differently-wired young people, who manage to find a meaningful connection with each other that is accepting and judgment-free.

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Mazey Eddings has changed my entire reading year. In September 2022, I read Lizzy Blake's Best Mistake on NetGalley, and I instantly fell in love. Then, in February, I read The Plus One, a book that I can't stop thinking about and is now my favorite adult romance. Now, Tilly in Technicolor, a young adult, coming-of-age story about two neurodiverse characters who find love while navigating a world that often sees them as less than joins my list of favorite books.

Eddings' ability to portray neurodiverse characters is astonishing. Tilly has ADHD, and Oliver has autism. They are joyous yet complex, and their points of view distinguish their strengths and struggles beautifully. I rooted for them the entire time.

I enjoyed the plot, setting, and side characters. There was so much character growth. It was easy to root for everyone.

If I have any complaints at all, it is that the reconciliations, both between Tilly and her family and Tilly and Oliver, seemed a bit rushed.

Mazey's books make me feel seen and give me a safe space to fall into, even if only for a few hours. They provide me relief from feeling anxious and out of place in a world that doesn't fully understand the struggles of a neurodivergent person. I will read anything Mazey writes, even if it is just a grocery list.

I did this as an audio, and I did struggle a bit with the narrator for Oliver.

Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin's Press, Wednesday Books, RB Media, and Recorded Books for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Mazey Edding's YA debut, Tilly in Technicolor, is one of my favorite YA reads from this year. I love how this book features two neurodivergent teens (Tilly who has ADD and Oliver who is on the autism spectrum) who are learning to speaking up for themselves and showing others that their “differences” is a part of them but it doesn’t identify them. There is a great balance between poignant serious moments, butterfly inducing romance, and laughter with the characters.

I really liked the narrator who voiced Tilly but I did have to get adjusted to the male narrator's voice especially when he read Tilly's point of view.

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This was an interesting romance between two neurodiverse teens. Tilly struggled through high school with her ADHD, while Oliver struggled with his expressions and understanding due to his autism. Forced to work together as interns, Tilly and Oliver become friends, and eventually, their relationship develops from there. They work towards understanding each other despite their differences. It was nice to see different neurodiverse perspectives and how they coped in their relationship.

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Tilly’s life is complicated by her ADHD and the way it impacts her behaviors and attitudes. Oliver is autistic and also deals with his own unique perceptions and actions. The two become linked when Tilly accompanies her older sister to Europe for a business trip and Oliver is hired by Tilly’s sister to act as a consultant.

Europe has its own exotic and energizing atmosphere and the two teens embrace the experience. They find they have common challenges that make them different but also serve as a bond that they share.

The romance is light and charming and the two are cute together. Oliver’s penchant for seeing everything through a color palate is fascinating and endearing. Eddings has brought the story of two teens who often don’t fit the traditional pattern of behavior into a relationship that allows them to be sympathetic of the other and share their differences in a comfortable space.

Touching and fun, the book offers insights into some of the challenges facing neuro-divergent people and their need to be accepted for who they are. The audiobook is delightfully narrated by Justis Bolding, and Chris Nelson.

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