Member Reviews

This book was a deeply heartfelt look at live when you are a neurodiverse young adult. It was the book I needed when I was that age but still spoke to me as an adult. The audiobook was well done and thank you to NetGalley for the early listen! Honestly, Mazey Eddings has quickly become one of my must read authors!

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Thank you NetGalley and RB Media for the free ALC in exchange for my honest review. I ABSOLUTELY loved this YA book by the incredible Mazey Eddings i loved how genuine and honest the characters felt. I also sensed some easter eggs from our super talented author (travelling, mention of teeth/dentist. I will be pre-ordering this beautiful book and cannot wait to hug them. I like we got a glance at her sister and their morphing relationship.

This without a doubt is one of my FAVORITE YA books!!

Highly recommend.

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I listened to this audiobook and I think the narrators did a fantastic job. I like that the story shines a light on the difficulties, but also the joys of having ADHD and autism. As a woman with ADHD I found it very relatable and could see myself in so many of the situations described. The descriptions of their travels were intriguing and made me want to go to Europe again. The ending is particularly moving and I was sorry it was over.

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My gosh this book is just like a warm (firm) hug! 🤗 it was simply wonderful.

🚪 (just kissing, then closer door)

Looking for a change and an adventure, Tilly heads to Europe to intern for her sister’s nail polish company. After a meet-disaster on the plane with a hot British stranger, she finds that he is her fellow intern for the summer.

Oliver and Tilly seem like opposites at first, yet they are more alike than they realize. As neurodiverse teens (Tilly with ADHD & Oliver with Autism), they both struggle to find their place in the world, and how to interact with it.

I can barely put into words just how lovely this book was. I loved being in the minds of these two, seeing the world through their eyes. Oliver’s fascination with color theory and putting that spin on how he views the world was a delightful element to the story. Tilly was absolutely hilarious, with her info-dumping personality of blurting out everything on her mind.

While anxiety isn’t considered neurodivergent, there are definitely a lot of similarities that I could relate to. I often find myself overstimulated in many situations, and at many times overthinking things I’ve done or said.

I mostly listened to the audiobook, and the narrators did a phenomenal job of capturing the essence of the characters!

What you’ll find in Tilly in Technicolor:
🌈 YA romcom
🌈 Neurodiverse MCs (ADHD & Autism)
🌈 Forced proximity
🌈 European adventures
🌈 Only one bed
🌈 LGBTQ+ rep
🌈 Self discovery
🌈 Stepping into adulthood
🌈 Slow burn
🌈 Dual POV/first person

Thank you to NetGalley, St. Martin’s Press & RB Media for advanced copies. All opinions are my own.

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Tilly in Technicolor
Mazey Eddings
Pub Date: August 15, 2023
Narrators: Justis Bolding & Chris Nelson


Tilly in Technicolor was an absolute delight! I just adored Tilly and Oliver and cannot recommend this book enough! As the YA debut by Mazy Eddings, she hit a home run!

Tilly is looking for change as she heads off to intern for her sister and her start-up company in Europe for the summer. After a tough high school experience with ADHD, she is ready for a fresh start, but has no clue what she actually wants. Tilly meets Oliver on her flight from Cleveland to Europe. Oliver knows exactly what he wants. He has a love for color theory and design and that allows him to connect to the world around him, even though his autism makes it difficult to connect with others. After a pretty disastrous flight, the two realize they will actually be spending their summer together. The two could not be more opposite, but they both start to develop feelings that they cannot explain. As their relationship grows, they are forced to figure out what’s next as the summer comes to an end.

I cannot express how much I loved this book. This will definitely be one I read again some day. I loved the character development and found this book to be engaging and I could not stop reading/listening. Oh, and the blogging! Overall, so heartwarming and pure perfection!

Read if you like:
💕Grumpy x Sunshine
💕Forced Proximity
💕Dual POV
💕Neurodivergent Rep
💕Amazing Supporting Characters

I both listened to the audiobook and read this book and I found both formats to be just perfect! The narrators, Justis Bolding and Chris Nelson were perfect for Tilly and Oliver and I felt like the audiobook flowed so well and was easy for me to follow.

Thank you RB Media, St. Martins Press, Mazey Eddings, and NetGalley for a #gifted copy of Tilly in Technicolor!

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I have totally loved every Mazey Eddings book I have picked up - this one, Tilly in Technicolor, is her first YA title and her first novel that delves so deeply into characters that embrace her ownvoices neurodiversity. Tilly has severe ADHD that affects her whole life, and Oliver has high functioning autism but it makes him extremely focused on color spectrum and while he has difficulties with interacting and picking up social cues, he still seems to get through life quite well.

Tilly and Oliver meet on a plane to London and have a very difficult flight, not enjoying the others company or the whole experience. When they end up being paired up as summer interns for her sister’s company and have to travel through Europe in forced proximity, they learn to get past each other’s quirks and start to work together with their diversities, and just might become friends - or maybe those neurodiversities could be a good match.

Mazey Eddings is a beautiful writer and a great storyteller - and while I did really enjoy the story, it was definitely for a much younger audience than me (being YA). This is a 4.5 star read, and all young audiences should have this as required reading to understand what goes on behind the scenes in their friends with ADHD and autism. The adults with friends and family with the diagnoses also really should read it as well, to treat others more kindly. Eddings has written a gem!

I received an advance review and advance listen copy from NetGalley and St. Martin's Press (Wednesday Books) and RB Media (Recorded Books), and this is my honest feedback.

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Rating: 4 stars
Such an amazing read/audiobook! I finished this in two days.

This is a YA rom-com and the perfect coming-of-age story. Its dual POV, forced proximity, ADHD rep, Autism rep, LGBTQ, and a European summer trip all in one book. Tilly goes to Europe to intern for her sister's start-up company. Along the way, she meets Oliver and it's not the meet-cute everyone expects. This novel explores self-discovery, genuine connections, friendships, and sisterhood. Mazey Eddings writing is super engaging and the dual POV allows readers to immerse in Tilly and Oliver's emotions and experiences.

Thank you RB Media, NetGalley, and Mazey Eddings for allowing me to have an ARC!

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This book is an amazing neurodiversity affirming hug. Tilly’ has ADHD and her mom is constantly trying to fix her. Oliver is autistic and has found ways to use his love of color as a job/ field of study. The way they are written so authentically and relatable made this book a joy to read.

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"Tilly in Technicolor" is a touching and insightful novel that dives into the complexities of personal growth, unexpected connections, and the beauty of embracing life's unpredictability. The story follows Tilly Twomley and Oliver Clark, two individuals with unique challenges and perspectives, as they embark on a summer internship that leads to a transformative journey of self-discovery.

Tilly, driven by a desire for change and a fresh start, finds herself interning for her sister's start-up and traveling around Europe. Oliver, who thrives on his love for color theory and design while navigating the challenges of autism, is also part of the same internship. Their initial interactions are marked by clashes, yet as they spend more time together, their differences become the source of a connection that defies their expectations.

The portrayal of neurodiverse characters, Tilly and Oliver, is handled with authenticity and sensitivity. The novel delves into their struggles and triumphs, showing how their unique perspectives shape their experiences and interactions with the world. The growth of their relationship from irritation to a deep understanding is heartwarming and beautifully depicted, offering a glimpse into the power of empathy and acceptance.

The setting of Europe adds a delightful backdrop to the story, as Tilly and Oliver's journey takes them through picturesque locations. The author's vivid descriptions bring these places to life, creating a sense of wanderlust and adventure that mirrors the characters' personal growth.

"Tilly in Technicolor" is a celebration of embracing life's unexpected twists and turns. Through Tilly and Oliver's evolving friendship, the novel explores themes of self-discovery, the value of being present in the moment, and the transformative impact of genuine connections. The writing style is engaging and evocative, allowing readers to become fully immersed in the characters' emotions and experiences.

Overall, ""Tilly in Technicolor" is a heartwarming and thought-provoking read that will resonate with fans of contemporary fiction. Its portrayal of neurodiverse characters and the relationships that blossom amidst life's uncertainties make it a truly enriching and memorable story.

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Rounded up from 3.5
Tilly has plans to work as an intern for her older sister in England this summer. On the plane ride to London, she meets Oliver, and a series of unfortunate events make the flight long and awkward. To her horror, the next day she realizes that Oliver is also interning there...
This is a YA, forced proximity romance with neurodivergence representation (she has ADHD, he has autism). Quick and entertaining read. Tilly is a bit all over the place, which made it hard to connect to her at times. I find it annoying how her mother and her sister treat her like a child even if she's eighteen years old. And she does call her sister out on it at one point and both do come around in the end. I didn't like this as much as I loved the A Brush with Love series, but it's probably because I have a harder time connecting with YA material. I did love the representation, I thought it was done well and a good insight into neurodivergence and this beautiful thing that is the human brain. The ending felt a bit rushed, I would've liked to see Tilly and her mom work a bit more over their relationship, instead of a quick (albeit deep) conversation about their issues and an "I'm sorry, I'll do better". Show me how she will do better. I loved to see both MCs work over their communication issues. All in all, it was a quick and cute read. The narration of the audio book was great.
I received an advanced review copy of this book for free and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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so i listened to this audiobook while reading along with the text, so my review is mostly for the book in general! but i will say i very much enjoyed this audiobook as the voice actors really got into character and i loved the way they delivered the lines :) i also appreciated that the accents matched the characters!

book review:
man this book had me giggling and kicking my feet from the very beginning! i loved both tilly and oliver so much and i highly relate to both of them. i found myself highlighting pretty much entire scenes because man so much of this book spoke to me and also was just so cute and i love love loved it! i really truly don't know what to say besides to just swoon <3 i loved the way tilly and ollie seemed to truly care for and understand each other in ways that neurotypical people can really never get. the travelling around europe for the summer vibes were so cozy and nice and made me very jealous that i wasn't there too ahaha

the plot alone was nothing groundbreaking BUT it made me really happy to read just a cute cheesy romcom with neurodivergent (and queer!) rep, because it's what we deserve, we deserve these stories too.

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Tilly and Ollie's are two of the best characters I have ever had the grace to read this year. Tilly has ADHD and sees the world fast and most of the times she's misunderstood. Ollie is in the spectrum and he sees life in colors, for example the sky won't be simply blue but a Pantone 14-4318.

Tilly is sent to London as an intern for her sister's nail polish company. Her parents want her to "gain experience" and go to school and earn a degree. In the flight to London she sits down next to Oliver, she find him cute but he can't be bothered with her and doesn't talk to her most of the flight. She asks for his phone number and he simply says "no". What this two characters don't know is that they will be working for Tilly's sister, and a romance will develop.

"Tilly, you are the whole rainbow."

Thank you Netgalley and RB Media for the ALC in exchange of my honest review.

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I'm was surprised at the depth of this story! Lots of good representation for mental health. Good discussions about family. Sweet love story. It hit so many marks!

I will say the narrators felt a bit frantic for most of the story, but that may have been a choice based on the topics covered here. I enjoyed both of them, but the pacing felt a bit off at points.

Overall a great read!

Thanks to Netgalley and the author and publisher for an advanced copy to review.

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Tilly and Oliver are polar opposites - she's loud and flies by the seat of her pants, he's quiet, calculating, and has everything in his life in order. When they both intern at Tilly's sister's start up for the summer, the forced proximity causes sparks to fly, in both good and bad ways. Tilly is trying to gain some independence from her parents, who don't seem to understand her and Oliver just wants to get the work done and not get close to anyone else.

I loved the dual narration in this audiobook! Both narrators really brought the characters to life in ways that I think worked really well - highly highly recommend this audio!

What this has:
- Incredible ADHD and Autism rep
- forced proximity
- European "road trip"
- a meet disaster that had me both cringing and laughing

The relationships in this book are top notch and so realistic. Tilly and Oliver need to learn how to communicate with each other due to their own neurodiversities. Tilly and her sister need to repair their relationship as they've grown apart throughout the years and Tilly and her mom also need to learn how to communicate and interact with each other.

I thought the independence that Tilly gained throughout this book was really lovely! Oliver's understanding of her was also just so freaking cute!! He had multiple quotes that I wanted to highlight that were honestly just beautiful.

Mazey has this way of writing characters and stories that are so realistic to me and it keeps me coming back for more - I really will read anything she writes. I don't typically read a lot of YA but I found myself absolutely loving this book (honestly I devoured it in a matter of hours) and eagerly anticipating Cubby's book!

Thank you to RB Media for the ALC. All thoughts and opinions are my own and I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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Thank you to NetGalley, Mazey Eddings & RB Media for an audio arc of Tilly in Technicolor in exchange for an honest review. This review is wholly my (except quotations) and may not be reproduced.

I was SOOOOO excited to get an early copy of Mazey's YA debut especially since she is neurodiverse herself & that is a large part of this book.

"Tilly Twomley is desperate for change. White-knuckling her way through high school with flawed executive functioning has left her burnt out and ready to start fresh. Working as an intern for her perfect older sister’s start up isn’t exactly how Tilly wants to spend her summer, but the required travel around Europe promises a much-needed change of scenery as she plans for her future. The problem is, Tilly has no idea what she wants.

Oliver Clark knows exactly what he wants. His autism has often made it hard for him to form relationships with others, but his love of color theory and design allows him to feel deeply connected to the world around him. Plus, he has everything he needs: a best friend that gets him, placement into a prestigious design program, and a summer internship to build his resume. Everything is going as planned. That is, of course, until he suffers through the most disastrous international flight of his life, all turmoil stemming from lively and exasperating Tilly. Oliver is forced to spend the summer with a girl that couldn’t be more his opposite—feeling things for her he can’t quite name—and starts to wonder if maybe he doesn’t have everything figured out after all.

As the duo’s neurodiverse connection grows, they learn that some of the best parts of life can’t be planned, and are forced to figure out what that means as their disastrously wonderful summer comes to an end."

As with all of Mazey's other novels, Tilly in Technicolor was absolutely spectacular. It brought so much more meaning to the book as I read it to know that the author deals with neurodiversity herself and you could just tell that this novel was written so well that it could only have come from someone with the experience she has.

Tilly & Oliver on their own are such unique characters that you are going to absolutely fall in love with. They're so cute, you will just want to eat them up! And then throw in their young love romance and this story is just so emotionally sweet. Their journey is not that simple though. With the issues that they both face with their neurodiversity/autism & ADHD, they both have to learn from one another and branch out from the only selves they've ever known. And the entire journey was incredible to see play out.

I think this is such a relevant and relatable novel, not just for YA readers, but adults as well. I think a lot of people will be able to relate to Tilly & Oliver and what they deal with on an every day basis.

I would recommend this book to literally anyone and everyone. It is impossible to come away from it without having learned something that maybe you didn't know before and see things from a different perspective.

PLEASE grab a copy of Tilly in Technicolor when it releases on August 15, 2023!

4.5/5 Stars

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Me, everyday: Eh, I don’t think YA is really for me.
Mazey Eddings: Hold my beer.

I have been obsessed with every word that Mazey has published, and Tilly in Technicolor is no different. It has the same fun hijinks and hilarity as Lizzie Blake, but with all the uncertainty and self discovery you might expect in a young adult novel. Tilly just finished high school and is “interning” for her older sister’s nail polish start-up (aka traveling across Europe for the summer). She meets a total grumpy pants on her flight, who turns out to be her co-intern and the social media designer, Oliver. Even though they seem like polar opposites on the surface, learning about their shared neurodivergence (her ADHD and his Autism) shows that they actually have more in common than they realized.

Just when I thought I couldn’t love a Mazey Eddings book more than her first three adult romances, Tilly in Technicolor breaks through as one of my favorite books of 2023. The chapter titles, the one-liner jokes, the tension - I ate it all up. I was moved to tears (from laughing and also from the *emotions*) reading both Tilly & Ollie’s inner monologues about their lives as neurodiverse teens and figuring out how to navigate worlds not created for them, and it was a great reminder of how I can continue to support my teen who lives with both ADHD & ASD. I feel like I can see her better because of Tilly & Ollie – what a gift Mazey has given me (and all of us as readers). If you’re an audiobook listener, I enjoyed Justis Bolding & Chris Nelson’s narrations - they were perfect choices for these characters.

Thank you Netgalley, Wednesday Books and RB Media for the advanced copies

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This was so good, I finished it in one sitting! I lt pulled me in and I couldn't stop listening.

The narration was awesome, both narrators did a great job of bringing the story to life.

I absolutely loved how the author depicted neurodiversity! It was very relateable and made me feel so seen.

I fell in love with Tilly and Oliver, they have such a cute story.

Mazey did a fabulous job with this story, I highly recommend you read it!

Thank you to Netgalley and RB Media for allowing me to listen to this audiobook ahead of release in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Love it! So good! Perfect coming of age story. I loved the traveling through Europe aspect and I thought the blogging piece was also beautifully written. If anyone wants a story that makes them feel scene even if they view the world differently or are not "normal" by societiest standards this is the book.

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Mazey Eddings knocked this YA summer romance featuring two neurodiverse teens right out of the park!! It was already one of my MOST anticipated YA books of the year and listening to an early audio copy was a PURE delight!!

The author does such a great job depicting the nuances and variations of neurodiversity. Tilly has ADHD while Oliver is Autistic. Together they are able to find a common ground once they work past their grumpy/sunshine differences in this workplace, forced proximity, dual POV, travel romance.

I seriously couldn't get enough of these characters, trying to figure out what they want out of life, falling in love for the first time and finding a common bond in their differences. I also thought the author did a great job writing the complex relationship between Tilly and her mom and the hurtful parental expectations her mom placed on her to pursue a traditional career path when her true love is writing.

Great on audio narrated by Justis Bolding and Chris Nelson. I cannot recommend this #ownvoices YA romance enough, especially for fans of other YA #ownvoices autism books like Something more by Jackie Khalilieh. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for early digital and audio copies in exchange for my honest review!

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