Member Reviews

This was so cute! I really loved both POV for this one.  Both characters are just the sweetest and I loved hearing both sides of their stories as they fall in love in Europe.  It is both empowering and swoon-worthy with all the elements you would expect in a great YA romance.

I listened to a portion on audio and preferred the e-book because the narrators made the characters sound too young

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This was my second book by Mazey Eddings and I am thinking this author is just not for me. To me, the books come across as trying too hard to have "different" FMC's and MMC's and them not being normal functioning members of society. I wish that the diversity rep was a little less obvious.

Thank you for allowing me to be an early listener!

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This one was delightful! Tilly and Oliver seem to be total opposites. She’s messy, a bit hyper and her mind is always whirling. He is neat, calm and thrives by being organized. When their differences bring them together, they realize they might be more alike than they think!

The sweetest slow burn romance! Highly recommend.

Many thanks to NetGalley and RB Media for an ALC in exchange for my honest review.

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Maybe it's that it hit close to home, but Tilly had me up in my feels. Her mother is terrible and her sister really isn't all that better. Diagnosing neurodivergence is more common than when I was a child (yay me for getting that big OOOOOOH moment this year), but I connected with Tilly in a pretty big way.
Tilly goes abroad to "learn" how to be a responsible adult from her entrepreneurial sister. Life is a hot mess express and she and buttoned up Oliver clash from the word go.
I was actively disgusted by Tilly's family. It hurts to see anyone treated as less than. I enjoyed the relationship of Tilly and Oliver and greatly appreciate Mazey putting herself on page.
The narrator for Tilly was fun and the one for Oliver… was not. I think this book would have sat better with me faster had I not been listening.
It was a happy surprise to get a finished copy from Wednesday! I’m looking forward to rereading it and loaning it to my kid someday.
Thank you to RB Media and Netgalley for the alc and Wednesday Books for the gifted copy. All thoughts are my own.

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Audiobook Review - This is an inclusive teen meet cute story. Hand this to neurodivergent teens who want to read about teens like them. Fun coming of age story with the usual YA antics thrown in. The narrator was fantastic!

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This was sweet and light-hearted and I'd love to put it in the hands of neurodivergent teens in particular, but it didn't quite live up to my expectations. The audio format made it particularly enjoyable and easy to speed through.

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The story has two different POV, Alternating between two charming neurodivergent characters, Oliver and Tilly,

A summer internship brings them together working for Tilly's sister. Tilly's sister is non neurodivergent and from the beginning we see the family dynamics play out when one sibling is neurotypical and one divergent

During the internship, which takes place in Europe, Oliver and Tilly are unexplainably drawn to each other-yet both believe there's no way the other would be interested based on their "awkward" conversations and misunderstandings

Nether if then know they have more in common than meets the eye.

I recommend this book to everyone that has someone in their life that's neurodivergent or is neurodivergent themself as well as being an incredible sweet teen romance.
What a dazzling author- my first read from Mazzy Eddings !

This was a special read from me. As someone that grew up knowing they had ADHD , I've only really started to uncover how it affects me. Tilly is so relatable to me. She's larger than life, sensitive, empathetic and creative. #netgalley

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Tilly Twomley is ready for a change. Working as an intern at her sister's start-up isn't how she imagined spending her summer, but the required travel around Europe offers the change of scenery she wants as she plans for her future. Only, she doesn't know what she wants. Oliver Clark, on the other hand, knows exactly want he wants. Everything is going as planned-internship that will build his resume, a best friend that gets him, and a placement in a prestigious college program. When Tilly and Oliver become seat-mates on a flight to London, it wasn't exactly smooth flying. Hey, at least there were never going to see each other again, or so they thought.

Tilly is high-energy, and Oliver is calm and reserved. They may seem like polar opposites but they also compliment each other in ways they might not have expected. This was an enjoyable YA read that highlights what is it like to be a neurodivergent teen coming into your own and dealing with typical teen situations.

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While Romantic Comedies aren't my first go-to genre for reading, I do enjoy them if it touches on something I'm interested in. Such is the case for Tilly in Technicolor by Mazey Eddings, her first YA novel. This YA Romcom of two neurodivergent chaotic messes traveling Europe was sweet, emotional, while keeping things on the lighter side and was a fun and fast read, perfect for summer reading!

Our messy neurodiverse leads, Tilly Twomley (ADHD) and Oliver Clark (Autism) meet on the most chaotic plane ride from Cleveland to London, only to find out that the pair will be working together for the summer as they hop across Europe promoting Tilly's older sister's nail polish company. While Tilly is trying to figure out her place in a world not built for her hyperactive mind and find a future, Oliver has found his niche in his special interest of color analysis, but struggles with social interactions, especially when romance is on the table. I enjoyed how their thinking patterns are spelled out to understand what's going on in their heads without being too much of an info dump, and how the get through the world with their not-normal brains. It also helped me connect to their characters and relationship as they learned and grew as they bounced around Europe. And their interactions are so adorable. The book had a great mix of lighthearted fun (mostly in the first 100 pages) and some heartfelt emotional moments (mainly in the second half), especially when one of the POV characters has a breakthrough. While the miscommunication trope is usually annoying, the nature of their brains makes it refreshing and realistic.

One personal issue was while ADHD was covered well with Tilly, I wished that Oliver and his Autism had a little more of the same substance, and that most of his development was learning how to navigate romance.

The other characters were developed as well, with Tilly's family being prominent, wanting Tilly to succeed to the point that it's suffocating. Oliver's family and friends also make appearances and they made for some good fun when they showed up. I was surprised by some of the characters as the story went on for good reasons. There's also some side queer romances with the supporting cast.

Many of the popular YA Romcom tropes are here, like Only One Bed, Road Trip, Forced Proximity, The Airplane Meet Cute Disaster, and Opposites Attract. It might be cliche to frequent romcom readers, but refreshing to me, who only occasionally reads romcoms. There weren't too many surprises, but that's fine. The story ended at a good spot with Tilly and Oliver's story come to a satisfying end, though I wish there were a few more loose ends resolved in the side plots, especially on one of the side romances. Another chapter could have done well.

There is plenty of swearing in this book, so be advised. While there’s no explicit sex (no/low spice), there’s some sexual innuendo, some intense kissing and cuddling.

As I did dive into the audiobook, I enjoyed Justis Bolding and Chris Nelson on narration, with the hyperactive girl and British boy being so different, yet pleasant on the ear.

Overall, this read like a sweet croissant with layers of depth! If you're looking for a fun YA Romcom with some heartfelt moments with two neurodivergent leads, pick this one up!

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All you need to know....Tilly + Oliver = Forever. *happy sigh*

I am squealing. This story is the absolute sweetest thing I have read. My heart has a huge appreciation for Mazy Eddings latest. I am obsessed with Oliver's mind. The way that he can see colors is beautiful. I cannot get over it. I will always gush about a story when author's give appreciation to any type of art. Between Oliver's eye for color and Tilly's mind swirling with ideas for producing stories, I easily fell in love with everything about "Tilly in Technicolor."

I was enchanted by all the amazing countries the pair got to visit throughout the story. How can you not be jealous of these two getting to experience their first internship while exploring the expansive world surround them? What an amazing way to understand yourself traveling and discovering all the greatness out there? I was jealous of the pairs roles in having their hands in the marketing and social media branding of the nail polishes that Tilly's sister created. I wish I was in their shoes when I was twenty years old.

I felt for Tilly. It's tough navigating the world when you're unsure of yourself. It can be tougher when you're doing all of that while your mind and body processes life differently. Being able to step into Tilly and Oliver's shoes was eye-opening. It's very enlightening being able to understand someone else's way of thinking and seeing the world. I thought it was so beautiful the way Oliver could conceptualize color. Personally, I think it's his hidden superpower and beyond impressive. Of course, I have to point out how adorably romantic it was that he couldn't quite place the brown that made up Tilly's eyes. That he constantly was thinking about that color and it reminded him of the beauty that surrounds her. Ugh, I am swooning.

"Tilly in Technicolor" was so delightful. I loved exploring the world with the pair. I loved being able to see into their minds to understand them deeper. I loved that Tilly finally understood herself and her dreams. I loved the way Oliver appreciated Tilly. The relationship that Tilly had with her sister and her mother repairing at the end of the story. The appreciation of art and writing. It was all so beautifully good. I cannot get over it!

This book is for you, if you love reading about:

- Neurodivergent and ADHD rep
- An appreciation for art and writing
- A sweet love story
- Finding your place in the world
- A trip of a lifetime spanning Europe
- Friends-to-Lovers
- Hilarious dialogue
- Underdog story

The audiobook was amazing. The narrators represented Tilly and Oliver in the best way. I absolutely adored Chris Nelson as Oliver. I think I had a soft place in my heart for this audiobook because he sounded very similar to Tom Holland. I was a big fan! I can see myself listening to this story repeatedly solely for narration.

"Tilly in Technicolor" is out now! Pop on your headphones and download that audio or run to your favorite bookstore and read this sweet sweet sweet story asap!

Thank you RB Media and St. Martins Press for the advanced copies of Tilly.

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Let’s start this off by saying I am a massive fan of Mazey Eddings’ contemporary romances. I’m just not sure if I can keep doing young adult romance. Don’t get me wrong. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with YA Romance, I just know it’s not for me anymore. Am I officially too old for this?

This story gave me THE worst secondhand embarrassment I have had in YEARS! The scenes on the plane at the beginning of the story are truly horrifying, and I will not forget them anytime soon. The thing I was reading this for not Galli or I honestly don’t know if I would’ve kept going.

Turns out this is very cute. I love a traveling romance of any kind. We have some great European adventures going on in this one which I adore. And the color theory I mean it’s excellent so there’s definitely tons of positives going on here.

Tilly just drives me crazy. Maybe it’s the fact that her uncontrolled ADHD it is discussed way too much. Having dated and was even married to someone with ADHD, we didn’t ever constantly talk about it. Yes, she has lots of trauma from how her mother deals with it but there’s so much more to the story than that and I think it detracted from it. Nothing wrong with being neurospicy and showing us that - you just don’t need to do so much telling.

The poor man in the story I felt so bad for him. Oliver is just your typical autistic grumpy recently graduated teenager. I loved his sister as well. We love a neurodiverse cast of characters and we definitely get that with this book. It is very interesting, watching these to navigate the complexities of their relationship due to their diversities.

Lots of good going on here and just a few things that made me crazy. A solid four-star read.

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First off wow. I have read and or listened to all of Mazey Eddings’ books and this one certainly did not disappoint. Let me start off by saying Mazey Eddings is neurodiverse; she is open online about being a woman with not only autism and adhd and how that has affected her. This book along with all of her others show case people who are neurodiverse. So if this is something you are interested in or want a cute romance book review please read along.

The book focuses on Tilly, a wonderfully awkward recent high school graduate who is leaving on a once in a life time trip to see her sister for the summer and be an intern; Tilly is looking forward to this trip to her away and spread her wings and figure out what life after high school with look like for her and how she will grow as a person and become more accepting and comfortable with her ADHD. Oliver, is our other main character, a quiet guy who loves all things involving marketing and color and who just so happens to be autistic.

This book is more than just a love story. It’s a love story to the neurodiverse community. There was talk of communication differences, hyper focus, fixations or hobbies that take literally all of your focus and well how being neurodiverse affects not only your family life but your friendships.

As a woman who is both Autistic and has ADHD myself, i saw myself in both characters and the miscommunication that both suffer from is not annoying its truly because people who are autistic are so direct and say what they mean and adhd people read a lot into the meaning of each phrase and look for the alternate meanings that there are bound to be issues. This book shows that but also working through it and about growing comfortable in not just who you are but being okay talking about being wired differently.

Please do yourself a favor and buy this book or rent it from a library and heck while you’re at it buy a copy for a person as well. This book will change people and make them smile while reading it. For people who are neurodiverse I understand that reading is sometimes something that is hard to sit down and focus on. Fear not the audio book is well 10 out of 10. The dual narration from each of the main characters points of view really brought the story to life. At parts of he audio book is was laughing, crying and even cheering them on.

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Tilly in Technicolor
My thanks to @netgalley & @recordedbooks
Out Now | ♥️🍊✨🍃🧵

Y’all this book is still curled up in and warming my #AuDHD heart. The Autism and ADHD representation were so lovingly and accurately portrayed at every turn.

“ADHD hasn’t changed me, which is how my mom views it - it IS me; it is an undeniable and simple fact of who I am: like my black hair or my grey eyes, or the bump on the bridge of my nose; it exists in my DNA, probably right between my hopeless romantic gene and the raunchy sense of humor allele…it’s woven into who I am. It’s not some disease that needs to be cured.”

One of things that I loved best about this book is the way that Tilly grows to see her ADHD and herself as a whole through different lenses. Her self awareness and confidence grow and she loses a lot of the internalized ableism that her mother’s (and her sister’s initial) ableism helped stamp on her identity blueprint.

Ollie had a more supportive upbringing with his family and friends embracing his autism. They never othered him in negative ways. Oliver’s self acceptance, understanding of her, and being encircled by his encouraging group gives Tilly a new perspective and a way forward with her own improved sense of self.

I loooove that the chapters had titles 🥰

🧠 When Tilly and Ollie mirrored each other, understood and bonded over sensory processing stuffs, when they engaged in parallel play…🥹

I loved seeing where their neurodivergent traits dovetailed and I was so enamored by their ability - their brave vulnerability, when they explained their different processes/how they need to navigate the world, then understood and accepted each other so wholly.

🎶 Book as a lyric:
“So come let me love you, and then…color me in.” (Colour Me In by Damien Rice)

The sapphic rep via side characters 🙌🏼

🎧 Really aces narration, especially by @justis7 (Tilly).

Read this one if you ♥️: coming of age, first loves, awesomely authentic neurodivergent characters, if you’re ND and want to feel seen af, if you aren’t ADHD and/or autistic and want to learn.

❓Have you read this author? This is my first @mazeyeddings it surely won’t be my last!

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“𝒯𝒽𝒶𝓃𝓀 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝒩𝑒𝓉𝒢𝒶𝓁𝓁𝑒𝓎 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝒲𝑒𝒹𝓃𝑒𝓈𝒹𝒶𝓎 𝐵𝑜𝑜𝓀𝓈 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓈𝑒𝓃𝒹𝒾𝓃𝑔 𝓉𝒽𝒾𝓈 𝒷𝑜𝑜𝓀 𝒻𝑜𝓇 𝓇𝑒𝓋𝒾𝑒𝓌 𝒸𝑜𝓃𝓈𝒾𝒹𝑒𝓇𝒶𝓉𝒾𝑜𝓃. 𝒜𝓁𝓁 𝑜𝓅𝒾𝓃𝒾𝑜𝓃𝓈 𝒶𝓇𝑒 𝓂𝓎 𝑜𝓌𝓃”

You know what one of the best matches is… ADHD & Autism. Mazey had me giggling from my head to my toe in this one. I had the pleasure to listen to said book on netgalley & also get an eARC over on Fable.

This audiobook has two narrator’s Justis Bolding and Chris Nelson. I feel very deeply that they both worked perfectly and fit the voices of the characters very well. You could tell when each character was speaking not just because the title pages also said the name but their voices as well. I always love when narrator’s can bring a story to life and i would say these two did just that. My reading experience with the audiobook was actually really good, i mean i laughed alot with how they were able to bring the wittiness out into their voices.

“ADHD hasn’t changed me…It is me. It’s an undeniable and simple fact of who I am.” – Tilly”

― Mazey Eddings, Tilly in Technicolor

I really enjoyed this book, i mean it is not a 5 star like i would have liked but i loved the idea of following two neurodivergent teenagers who form a connection over the course of a summer. I also had some enjoyment to there being some form of LGBT in more then one area of said book.

The amount of times i thought “OMG that sounds like me” or thinking how much my two children with ADHD can connect to this. This i feel makes neurodivergent be seen in a good way.

However the ending to me was feeling a bit meh or maybe rushed, i think i would have liked a little more toward some emotions from the mother… if you have read it you would know.

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This book was perfection. The audio was so well done.

Somehow this was my first read from Mazey Eddings and I must now immediately go out and find everything else they've ever written. Tilly had me laughing out loud and loving everything about her. Oliver was her perfect partner. There was so much fantastic representation in this book as well.

Cannot recommend it enough

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4.5 - 5 ⭐️

Full review to come

Initial thoughts: I absolutely adored this book, I enjoyed eddings writing prior however this was in a similar style to Lizzie Blake’s best mistake which I am obsessed with. I adore the way Eddings intertwines the adhd and autism rep into the story and I don’t know if I would necessarily compare the writing to Talia hibberts brown trilogy but the way it felt to read it felt similar to when I read the brown sisters books for the first time (yes the story is amazing but the representation is equally amazing if not better and it feels so natural and normal).

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Cute YA book about a girl with ADHD and a boy that’s autistic and how they see and move through life . It’s a look from their perspective and how they are treated by those around them. Very cute and nicely done.

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I absolutely loved Mazey Eddings adult rom-coms, so even though this was a bit younger than I typically enjoy reading, I jumped at the chance to listen to it... and it did not disappoint! I absolutely love seeing myself in Tilly, I relate so much to the struggles of ADHD. I often feel like Mazey is looking directly into my life experiences and feelings! Mazey Eddings' representation of neurodivergence and mental health is absolutely incredibly well done, and is so needed for youth/YA to read.. especially in romance novels! The character development in this story was so well done - I love seeing characters give themselves grace and understanding.
The narrators did a fabulous job. Highly recommend this one!

Thank you to RB Media and NetGalley for this ALC!

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I’ve loved Mazey’s adult romcoms, and felt so seen by them, so when I saw her YA novel I knew I needed to read it! I’m at that weird age where I still love Ya But often find myself relating more and more to the parents vs the protagonist, but Tilly??? She is me and I am her.

She is on the precipice of adulthood, not knowing what she wants with her future while simultaneously knowing exactly what she DOESN’T want. It’s exactly how I felt in that summer post HS graduation. As she follows her older sister around Europe, acting as an intern (which her parents hope will cement a desire to go into higher education), she bonds with and falls for Oliver.

Where Tilly comes off as a tornado of life and energy and excitement, Oliver seems closed off and almost robotic in nature. But, that’s just surface because Tilly has ADHD and Oliver is Autistic. Though living with two very different, yet magically unique brains, they find that they can absolutely relate to each other and help empower the other to love theirselves and their natural gifts.

I loved this book and absolutely recommend the audio if possible! We have two narrators for the dual POV and each does a superb job. I cannot wait to read whatever Mazey comes up with next!

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Thank you to netgalley for a free e-copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

I liked this book and how it represented ADHD and Autism in the two main characters. I thought their relationship was a bit surface level but it was okay. I also was intrigued reading about Tilly's relationship with her mother. I felt like I could relate and see my brother in Tilly and the pressure her parents put on her especially comparing her to her sibling. Overall I enjoyed the book even though it was not perfect.

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