Member Reviews

If “All My Secrets” could be encapsulated in one line from the book, it would be this: “Junietta believed that Sylvia and Adelaide could both fly freely on their own if they could find the courage to escape from their gilded cages.” Despite their luxurious lifestyle, these three women captured my heart with surprising relatability – even “Ice Queen” Sylvia, but especially Junietta with her cane thwacking and quirky word choices ("mollycoddle," "skullduggery," and "Mr. Muttonchops," to name a few). But what resonated with me the most was Junietta’s voice of wisdom to Sylvia and Addy to break free from societal expectations and embrace God’s purpose for their lives. If you’re looking for that “old money aesthetic,” step into the Gilded Age with “All My Secrets,” and discover that true riches lie not in gold, but in finding your own wings.

“Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles…” – Isaiah 40:31

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Excellent! Couldn't put it down!

I love the three generations of Stanhope women who now have to grapple with how to proceed with their lives after A.B. Stanhope's unexpected death in 1898, and the fact that the bulk of their wealth now goes to a male relative and heir. Junietta Stanhope's health is failing, she takes every opportunity to encourage her granddaughter Adelaide to forge her own future, while Sylvia wants her daughter to marry a wealthy man to maintain their home and way of life, because it's just how things are done at that time. Adelaide Junietta Stanhope feels pulled between her mother and grandmother, and yet through the telling of their stories, each one finds the courage to move forward. A story of forgiveness, courage, and hope that the reader won't soon forget.

I absolutely loved All My Secrets by Lynn Austin and highly recommend it to lovers of historical fiction, romance, and women's fiction.

Thank you to the publisher and Net Galley for allowing me to read an early copy. All opinions are my own. I can't wait for my pre-ordered copy to arrive!

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In "All My Secrets" by Lynn Austin, the narrative unfolds across three generations of Stanhope women—Junietta, Sylvia, and Adelaide. This intricately woven story gripped me as each page revealed the complexities of their lives: the uncovering of dark secrets, aching regrets, profound grief, and worries over future hopes and dreams. Set against the backdrop of the late 19th century Gilded Age, Austin expertly portrays the societal expectations and financial challenges faced by these three women. Makes me grateful to be a woman in this present day and age!

I was truly inspired by the Stanhope women's resilience in the face of limited options and overwhelming pressures. I admired their courageous spirits as each of the Stanhope women struggled to come to terms with the choices they'd made—or ones they would have to make—given the limited options women had in the 19th century.

"All My Secrets" led me to reflect on my own legacy and the impact of my choices on future generations. In this novel, Lynn Austin has skillfully combined historical drama, family legacy, Christian romance, and strong women characters, to create a thought-provoking story that kept me up late reading for many nights!

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Three women from three generations, initially bound by family ties. But sharing their memories and life experiences with each other only deepens their relationship and their faith over time. By revealing their true selves, imperfect and marked by great love, loss, and grief, Junietta and Sylvia experience healing and encourage Adelaide to understand what is truly important in life, to follow her heart, and to trust the Lord to provide.

These women will make you laugh, make you cry, and inspire you through their personal accounts of love, loss, grief, and redemption. You’ll read many nuggets of truth that will stay with you, like Junietta’s advice to Adelaide:
“…When you dare to love someone, you’ll always risk the pain of loss. A broken heart, like a broken leg, will heal in time. You’ll dance again someday. But the greater your love, the greater your limp will always be…”

In All My Secrets Lynn Austin does what she does best by creating characters who are relatable and seamlessly weaving the truths of scripture into their lives and experiences. A 5-star read, for sure!

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All My Secrets by Lynn Austin is a breathtaking Christian Historical Fiction novel written in multiple perspectives during the incomparable Gilded Age in New York. The author writes poignant passion into her words with a clear portrayal of faith. She does not gloss over difficult topics but faces them head on. Consequently, her books are a notch above with plenty of soul, realistic flawed characters and substance. Her level of historical research is wonderful! All-sensory details made me feel I was there in the thick of things.

In 1898 New York, wealthy Arthur Stanhope III died. Unfortunately, his will stipulated the nearest male inherit his estate, leaving his widow Sylvia and youngest daughter Addy with a small income and expensive mansion with a large staff. As socialites in an era when reputation and show of wealth were crucial, changes were necessary. Sylvia desired Addy was assured a beneficial marriage and introduction into society. However, Addy's grandmother Mimi Juni stressed the importance of choosing one's own path rather than marrying money and convenience. Her character is absolutely lovely, full of compassion and faith. She has a past but has been redeemed by her Saviour. Though outwardly Sylvia is stoic, her heart aches with grief and secrets. Both back stories are heart crushing yet so much can be learned from them and we see how they shape the women.
Addy loves both women dearly and must make decisions, too. Most importantly, we are reminded that Jesus' love, forgiveness and grace are freely given. Powerful indeed.

If you seek an intelligent, exceptional and inspiring novel which will stir your heart, this is it.

My sincere thank you to Tyndale House Publishers and NetGalley for providing me with a digital copy of this stellar novel.

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Although this novel started off a little slowly for me, it once again proves that Lynn Austin is a master storyteller, who understands her characters, her audience, and the love of a merciful Heavenly Father.

The unexpected death of business tycoon and mulitmillionaire Arthur B. Stanhope III has drastic consequences for the women he leaves behind. Junietta, Sylvia, and Adelaide come from three very different generations living in Gilded Age New York. Junietta knows the end of her life is drawing near, and as she mourns her son's death, she is driven with an urgency to make sure her daughter-in-law and granddaughter know they have more choices before them than the will her father-in-law left behind dictates. Her son's company might now belong to her nephew, but Junietta knows there is more to life than money, and she desires to leave the right kind of legacy for her granddaughters. She's spent her life paying for the mistakes of her past and doing the best with what her circumstances allowed.

Sylvia now faces life as a widow and is determined to keep her daughter from losing everything the way Sylvia's family did when she was a child. Her heart is in the right place, but is finding a wealthy husband really the best way to secure Adelaide's future?

There isn't much to the character of Adelaide for the first two thirds of the book. She is timid, weak, and quite bland. As she learns her mother and grandmother's secrets, however, her character begins to take shape. By the end of the book, I was rooting for her to make the kind of choice that would allow her more than a life of luxury--I wanted her to find a life full of love.

As usual, Lynn Austin tells a beautiful story of redemption without shying away from the hard topics: abuse, illegitimate children, bankruptcy, poverty, suicide, sin, repentance, and forgiveness. I highly recommend this book for anyone who wants to come to know God from the dark corners of life, because those journeys are often the most beautiful.

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"It's the only legacy worth leaving, darling girl".

All My Secrets is one breathtaking story! I was in total awe as Lynn Austin spins a tale of three generations of women struggling to gain their footing after suffering loss during the Gilded Age. All three women are living life through the filters of their past experiences. It's not until the secrets are revealed that understanding dawns about choices made.

I was on the edge of my seat as Grandmother Junietta revealed her personal story, and what a poignant story it is! I was most sympathetic to her, until I heard Syliva's story. She too had a bittersweet past which was quite the revelation. And lastly young Addy caught in the middle between the two women she loved, wanting to please them both while knowing that was impossible. I loved how the author tied all the characters together, past and present.

This story is full to the brim with memorable quotes, but the one that touched me the most was this,
"To meet a man who was so young and alive-and to know that he's gone-it really brought home to me the story of how Jesus died in my place. I guess I've never had such a vivid example before, of the sacrifice He made for me. I'm grateful for that...". Read the story and see why this is such a powerful quote.

This was such a compelling journey that captivated me until the very end. Our choices are ours to make, whether to live for God or ourselves. I already have it on my best books of 2024 and highly recommend All My Secrets. I appreciate Tyndale House Publishers making a copy of All My Secrets available for review. My thoughts and opinions are my very own.

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I’ve only read a couple of Lynn Austin’s books, but this is definitely my favorite so far. I loved the way she incorporated the stories- and secrets- Of 3 different generations- Junietta, Sylvia and Adelaide. I thought each of the Stanhope women’s stories were unique and interesting. I was equally entertained by the “present” timeline as well as the flashbacks to the past, and enjoyed how it all came together. Sometimes it bothers me when I’m able to easily guess things that will happen later in the plot; that happened a few times in this book but didn’t bother me because I was enjoying the story so much. Loved it!

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“The Almighty has a way of bringing good things from our sorrows, if we let Him.”
The world comes crashing down for grandmother Junietta, daughter-in-law Sylvia and granddaughter Adelaide when A.B. Stanhope dies and all their wealth goes to a nephew as the closest male heir. The women have lived so long in the rich and privileged atmosphere that they need to find their way in their new circumstances. “…the memories don’t live in the house. They’re in your heart. You carry them with you no matter where you live.” “…beautiful houses filled with possessions mean nothing if a home lacks love.”
In their struggle, each of the women evaluate what really counts in life. Told from three points of view, we see secrets revealed, lessons learned and priorities reexamined.
Forgiveness and hope are big themes as well as finding what God wants for Junietta, Sylvia and Adelaide.
This was a challenging, insightful, beautifully written story with romance, regets and redemption.
*I received an ecopy of this book from Tyndale through NetGalley. All opinions are mine alone.*

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for this book.

Historical fiction is one of my favorites. What I liked best about this book is that is spans three different generations and we hear the story from each woman's own point of view.

The book is a great read. The author did a great job describing the time period, the city and with the characters.

I would recommend for all Historical fiction readers.

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A ɓook with 3 strong female characters, their past, their futura and their strength. I really enjoyed this book. Thank you to netgalley for letting me read this e arc in exchange for an honest opinion

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This book is a multigenerational story of the women in the Stanford family. You get the perspectives of the grandmother (Junietta), mother (Silvia), and daughter (Adelaide) throughout the story with some flashbacks of the past. There were some elements in the book that I did like, the writing was good, and I found it an easy read. The historical points were very interesting to read as well. Unfortunately, I was not a fan of the grandmother. I found it a little ironic that she was pushy, and then accuses Silvia of being pushy toward Adelaide. As I continued reading, I just didn't like Junietta's character. She was very rash as a young girl, and as you learn more about her life, there were instances that felt "forced". I decided not to finish the book because there was a scene that was disturbing to me.

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Lynn Austin has written yet another stellar novel! This one takes place during the gilded age. When AB Stanhope dies suddenly, leaving 3 generations of women to fend for themselves in the massive Stanhope mansion, long-held secrets come out as Grandmother Junietta and Mother Sylvia have very differing opinions on what Adelaide's future should hold. Told in 3 distinct voices, Adelaide learns the history of the women who have raised her, along with all their secrets.

While primarily a character-driven story, there was enough of a plot that it satisfied my plot-loving heart, fully earning the 5 stars. There was a full range of emotions that happened in the reading of this book - joy, sorrow, rage, vindication, and satisfaction. There was a solid faith thread in the story as repentance and loving one's neighbor were resounding themes. And the character growth and development were second to none. I went from not caring a whit about the characters in the beginning to being emotionally invested in the outcome of their individual stories in the end and cheering for their outcomes. Though this had some heavier moments and themes, the story ended very satisfactorily and I enjoyed taking the journey with these 3 ladies as they trudged through the past into the present in order to make a better future for themselves. If you enjoy inspirational women's fiction with a touch of romance, this is one I would heartily recommend.

Special thanks to Tyndale House Publishers and the author for an advance copy of this novel. I was under no obligation to provide a review and the thoughts contained herein are my own.

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I have been wanting to read a book by Lynn Austin, so I was excited to get the ARC of her latest novel. Set in the Gilded Age with flashbacks to early-to-mid 19th century New York City, I was captivated by the story of the three Stanhope women. I loved learning more about NYC through the years, especially the tense Civil War years. Austin does a fantastic job at weaving in historical details throughout a compelling story that has God’s redemptive love at its center.

I was rooting for all three women, but especially liked seeing Sylvia’s story leading her to a more fulfilled life. As someone in that “messy middle” of life myself, her story spoke to me.

I am excited to read more in Austin’s back catalog as I really enjoyed the way she brings faith into historical settings.

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Three women in the Gilded Age deal with loss, life, and love in the context of faith. The story begins with the loss of A.B. Stanhope. He was Sylvia's husband, Junietta's son, and Adelaide's father. These three women are all thrown into a dilemma due to the conditions of the will. Since they cannot go on living at the heights they have been accustomed to, Junietta insists that they take the opportunity to examine their lives. As they work through their period of mourning, both Junietta and Sylvia share their stories giving Adelaide much food for thought. I absolutely loved the way Lynn Austin structured this book. The past was seamlessly woven into the fabric of the present. And the need for faith and a purpose were beautifully portrayed in such convincing ways.

For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing, it is a gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast. For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. ~ Ephesians 2:3-10 (ESV)

Thank you to Tyndale House, RB Media, and NetGalley for both audio and digital ARCs in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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This was a compelling story of three generations of women and the choices that they made. It gave a glimpse into what women experienced and the pressures that they were under. I particularly enjoyed the characters of Mimi Junie, Addy and Mr. Forsythe.

Thanks so much to netgalley and the publisher for the arc. The opinions are my own.

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Worthwhile read:
This was an interesting Christian historical intergenerational saga about three women at the turn of the 19th century. It was lovely seeing their connection and ultimate support of one other. Whilst I grew to like all of the characters and finally understood why they acted as they did, my favourite character was the feisty grandmother Junietta!
I thought the author did a good job of presenting multiple points of view, as well as multiple timelines, without the plot or flow becoming bogged down. I also enjoyed the faith elements and the emphasis on forgiveness.
I received a free copy of this book and am voluntarily leaving a review. All opinions expressed are solely my own.

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Another delightful novel by Lynn Austin!
I do not normally enjoy reading more than two perspectives but this one was done very well! Junietta, the grandmother, was my favorite character throughout the entire book! So much wisdom...I began to love Adelaide and Sylvia halfway through when they started making good decisions and thinking for themselves.

I received an ARC from Netgalley.

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Do you like books with multiple perspectives of the same event? Do you like generational stories? Do you like stories of how God works everything for His glory? Or about Romans 8:28 stories? What about ones with characters with baggage who learn to overcome?

Well have I got a book for you! LOL.

All My Secrets is the newest release from Lynn Austin. She is a master storyteller when it comes to weaving multiple perspectives together. In All My Secrets, we get three stories that are woven together: the grandmother Junietta, the mother Sylvia, and the granddaughter Adelaide.

When a sudden death of the current patriarch of the family sets the three women of the house in chaos--secrets become unearthed in the lives of the grandmother and mother.

Desperate for the chance to help her granddaughter use this rare opportunity to be set free from the rigid cage society has set in place for her to "marry well", Grandmother Junietta, begins to tell her life story that has been hidden for decades. Hoping that the lessons she shares will reach Adelaide. the secrets shock her granddaughter and her daughter-in-law. But the daughter-in-law, Addie's mom, has secrets of her own which are driving her to secure Addie's future. As each of these key women in Addie's life tries to help her understand "their side", Addie feels like she's in a tug of war.

The whole book has three beautiful arch that lay out for each woman until they ultimately are set free to accept their personal worth and value for what it truly is--not what society has set it as. And they learn that doing the right thing, means trusting in God for your care and future.

Junietta was my favorite character hands-down. She reminded me of the grandmother on Downton Abbey actually. Even down to the cane. And wow. that Arthur Stanhope the 1st was a piece of work I was very happy to hate.

This was a very good book written as if you are peeling an onion--but also knowing it will eventually come full circle.

4 stars.

*I received this book as an ARC from the publisher and NetGalley. I was not required to write a positive review and all opinions are 100% my own.

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This was my first Lynn Austin book, and I absolutely loved it! “All My Secrets” is a Gilded Age novel with all of the Downton Abbey vibes. Need I say more to compel you?

This beautiful book follows three generations of women as they navigate life after a death in the family and an unfortunate will and testament leaves them without the fortune they once had and little future prospects.

The book has multiple POVs as well as multiple timelines as the novel provides glimpses into the former lives of the two eldest women: the mother and the grandmother. Both women have been living their life with many secrets that their daughter/granddaughter was never privy to. Now, they decide, is the time to begin sharing about their pasts. Will it change the future for the youngest Stanhope woman?

I loved the deep faith themes of this book and how beautifully the gospel was woven through. I absolutely fell in love with the characters in this story and did not want it to end!

I couldn’t recommend this upcoming release enough. If you love Christian historical fiction, you need to read this book! If you haven’t read any Christian historical fiction, this would be a great first book to pick up.

Highly, highly recommend!

Thank you to #netgalley and @tyndalehouse for my free e-copy of this title in exchange for an honest review.

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