Member Reviews

This is the final book of the Hidalgo brothers trilogy by Ariana Godoy, and I was pleasantly surprised by the depth and complexity of the story. It revolves around Apolo, the youngest brother, who starts college with high hopes but faces a traumatic incident that changes his path. This leads to meeting Rain, a mysterious girl, and Xan, a café owner, unfolding a tale of friendship and hidden secrets. The book beautifully tackles themes of mental health, abuse, and bisexuality, offering a sensitive portrayal that I found both educational and moving. It deviated from my expectations of a typical romance, delving into darker, more meaningful topics.

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Update: Oookay. Finally finished reading the book, and I'm glad I did. I'm glad Rain eventually did the right thing and that Vance ended up having justice served, but all this happened after a shocking turn of events. Still focused way too much on Xan, and once again, their romance wasn't something I asked for.
The ending was very bittersweet, and I'm glad Apolo was able to find peace and he and Xan were as well with each other. It was kind of sweet that Apolo was able to mentally heal (although I wish there was more emphasis on THAT) and that by the end, he was no longer scared of the rain.
3 stars for compelling story and intense, gripping drama.  

Went back to reading it to see how it ends. Skimmed some of the pages to focus more on Apolo and how it resolves with Vance. Definitely brings alot of salacious drama. Still at 3 stars (for the intense drama and action) since i can do without so much focus on Xan, who basically dominates this story at this point. Once I'm done with this book, I don't think I'd read it again.

I'm sorry. I just can't anymore. This really just isn't the book for me.
There were moments that I was hooked on the book and that kept me going. The reveal about who attacked Apolo really had me shocked and I read on, and put the puzzle pieces together about why Rain acted the way she did towards Apolo, but then the book took a pretty unpredictable turn for me, and it more or less focused on Xan alot more than it did on Apolo and his healing from the trauma, even though Xan'x part is important too, but I felt that it kind of lost focus many times and the book wasn't what I thought it was.
What also didn't work was sometimes the dialogue sounded like a lot of psychoanalyzing, explaining, and I felt like it was either a PSA or a rambling counseling session. Sometimes to the point where the interactions are unrealistic.
There's also quite a few side plots with other characters that kind of dragged on and once again missed the focus of the main conflict. Honestly, I was hoping for more interaction with Rain and Apolo, especially in light of what had happened. But...that didn't happen and the story sort of fell flat and meandered...
What DID work for me was that the characters (with the exception of Vance and Rain, who completely turned into a disappointment) were very likeable and well fleshed out. I liked the part where Apolo has a good chat with his grandfather and finally gets treatment and finally stands up for himself after what had happened to him.
I seriously wanted to like this book and story, but by 78% I stopped caring, and the focus became more about the romance between Xan and Apolo that I really didn't ask for versus Apolo working through his trauma. I mean, others may appreciate that aspect, but I am just not that reader, which is more of a me problem in that regard than the book problem.
I don't know...maybe I'll pick back up and finish the book to see how it ends. Who know? The story itself is rather compelling as is, so maybe I'll pick it back up.
Thank you Netgalley for the chance to read this book.

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Through the Rain by Ariana Godoy was such a good and yuck read.
Ariana can write and she sure held me captive throughout it all.
The characters are ssoooo interesting and I needed to know more about them.
I seriously can't wait to see this on tv.

"I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own."

Thank You NetGalley and Wattpad Books for your generosity and gifting me a copy of this amazing eARC!

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I love how we see Apolo’s story!!! Without spoiling it for others; the interesting turn that I read, I loved it!! The book is a quick read as the other two books and I’m grateful that I was able to get lost in the minds/life of Lollo!

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Through the Rain is another book by the same author who wrote “My Wattpad Love Story.” Ariana Godoy is an incredible author who’s romance books were something I grew up reading. Through the Rain is a much more mature take on her usual coming of age stories.

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Apolo Hidalgo is excited to start college to study psychology and help others. But his plans are shattered when he’s attacked and beaten in an alley one rainy night. A girl (Rain) saves him and he can't forget her. When he finally meets her again, she introduces him to a blue-haired coffee shop owner, Xan. As the three get closer, it becomes apparent that Rain and Xan have deep secrets. Where will these secrets lead them?

I knew that I just had to finish the trilogy with the Hidalgo Brothers but waiting on the English translation of Apolo's story was so hard. I read this book within 2 days; it's just a compelling read.

Apolo is the perfect cinnamon roll - he is serious, sensitive, caring, and always has the best of intentions. In this book, our cinnamon roll is growing up and struggling with his trauma from the attack. He makes some interesting choices -- that cause him to question who he is and how he loves. The spice and tension is amazing!

However, this book is NOT like the other books in this series - Apolo is lost and growing up in this book. His softer side is not like Ares with Raquel or Aretmis with Claudia. Apolo loves with the same passion as his brothers but he has been the cinnamon roll brother, the protected brother and with his attack, he becoming a man and struggling with the angry and negative feelings that are overtaking him -- and the need to protect others.

A quick and possibly controversial word on Rain and Xan -- I love their characters, but I'm happy with how the book ended. I love that Apolo is not bothered that he is attracted to both men and women and that he actively seeks both!

Thank you #NetGalley and WattPad Books for letting me have the opportunity to read this ARC translation!

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I didn't like this at all. I barely finished and was disappointed. The characters weren't fleshed out well nor was the plot. I felt like it was a plot I've read several times before

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