Member Reviews

The novel, set in a quaint Irish small town, is a reflective exploration of the quest for identity and redemption set against a dreary existence amidst addiction, crime, and mental issues. Loneliness is a defining trait of all the characters in the novel, and what separates them is their efforts to either escape or embrace it. The novel contrasts the familiarity and closed nature of a small town with its characters' efforts to transcend to survive.

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Wild Houses - Colin Barrett (2024)

I listened to the audiobook in the end and it was an entertaining story set in a small Irish town with great characters, everyday type characters dealing with a life that has been full of hard knocks, young people born into a life where they have to make their own opportunities to improve their lot. It was grim and violent but there is humour and warmth that comes from the characters.

It is Nicky’s character and story that drives this book. Nicky who lives with her brother, is finishing school, works in a pub during the holidays, and inadvertently gets caught up on the edge of the criminal world after her boyfriend, Dolly is abducted by some gangsters who are holding him as ransom until his brother gets them the drug money he owes them. It’s not a unique plot but it’s the characters who make this story.

This is Barrett’s debut novel but I have discovered he has a collection of short stories ‘Young Skins’ (2013) and ‘Homesickness’ (2022). He has been described in reviews for his mastery of the sentence and so I’m keen to read his earlier work. I think I was expecting more from this book because it had been long listed for the Booker Prize and in hindsight it’s probably a book I may have appreciated more if I had read it. I loved the audio narration with the Irish accents. And while an audiobook can capture the essence of a good story you do lose out if you enjoy the written word.

#irishwriters #irishwriter #contemporaryfiction #literaryfiction #contemporaryliterature #colinbarrett #wildhouses #longlistedbookerprize2024 #audiobooks #spotify

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“Wild Houses” – Colin Barrett

“He knew, from the outside, how small and meagre it all might seem, but he had been living in a way that was his own. And then the Ferdias had arrived. They had insinuated themselves, bit by bit, into his life, and now they had brought the kid. It was an intrusion that had thrown things all off course. He could feel it in the pit of his stomach. Nothing now would be the same.”

Thanks to @netgalley and @groveatlantic for my copy in exchange for an honest review.

Nominated for the #bookerprize this year, “Wild Houses” is a tale of young men on the margins of society in small-town Ireland, trapped by their circumstances and bad decisions. One prime example is Dev, unemployed and alone since the death of his mother, living in a house on the outskirts of County Mayo. One Friday night, his solitude is interrupted by two regular visitors, Gabe and Sketch Ferdia, probably to use his house to hide drugs as is their norm. He’s shocked, however, to find that they have brought a third man. Doll English, brother of local dealer Cillian, has been kidnapped by the cousins as a ransom for unpaid debts, and is to be sequestered until Monday. Tied up in the basement, which makes Dev increasingly uneasy, the only one who seems to be concerned for Doll is his girlfriend Nicky, who tries to find his whereabouts and save him before it’s too late.

Quite surprised this is nominated for a prize, if I’m honest. In terms of writing and sentence craft, Barrett is fantastic, and he creates dialogue cut with Irish mannerisms and colloquialisms that always feel authentic, at least to this English reader (though maybe not from the mouths of these particular characters). However, I didn’t find much depth in this story of looking for meaning and hope, especially after reading a very similar book shortly after. Stylish and entertaining, but not something that you need to read desperately.

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4.5, rounded down.

All the while I was reading this and enjoying it immensely, a niggling voice in the back of my head kept saying: "This is really well-written, engaging, deftly plotted, with great characterizations and trenchant dialogue - but IS it a BOOKER book?" Well, the judges must have thought so, and of the five candidates I've read so far, this is certainly the one I enjoyed reading the most.

If the Bookers are supposed to find the 'best' of books in English from the past year, there is nothing within that parameter that says they must be weighty or turgid with philosophical underpinnings or deeper meaning. Sometimes, you just have to go with a 'ripping good yarn - and this is certainly that. And compared to two of the books I've read ALSO nominated this year, it is at least never boring or too full of itself. So, bravo Mr. Barrett - don't think it stands a chance of winning but would love to see it advance to the shortlist.

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I love a good small town story, and this one was excellent. The story was very insular, in that the plot only involved and affected a handful of characters, but I was tense the entire time!

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This debut novel from Colin Barrett is an absolute treat and I’d highly recommend to people who loved The Bee Sting as it’s got a similar literary thriller vibe. Colin Barrett is well known for his brilliant short story collections so this debut was something I was keen to get to and it certainly lived up to expectations.
It’s set in Ballina in the West of Ireland amidst a bunch of low-level drug dealers during the Salmon Festival. The crux of the story takes place across a number of wild houses, hence the book title and I must say, I never realised there was so much drug activity going on in Mayo!
Right at the start of the book we are dropped straight into the action when the house of the main characters called Dev is being used as a safe house for a kidnapping of a teenage boy Doll who they are holding to get the money they are owed. The book then jumps back just a couple of days to the buildup to the kidnapping event and continues during the hostage situation which is really gripping. There is such an ominous sense that violence could break out at any moment.
The book is just so beautifully crafted, the writing is on-point and the characters are so well observed and fleshed out that the just felt like real people trying to find their way in the world. The portrait of Dev’s character was so layered and complex as we learn how he got involved in this ring of criminality but my favourite character was the brilliant Nikki, Doll’s girlfriend who had such a complex interior life and really becomes the key driving force. The book has plenty of violence and misery but has a huge amount of humour interspersed.
Highly recommend this one to readers who likes a literary thriller or just Irish literature in general

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Wild Houses by Colin Barrett was a wonderful read. I loved the Irish setting and the tension and suspense. It also had funny moments.

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Colin Barrett's debut collection of short stories, "Young Skins" seemed to emerge out of nowhere with fully realized characters injabiting superbly captured vignettes of the West of Ireland all wedded to, and driven by, a sure-handed prose shot through with the local vernacular. Barrett's follow up collection "Homesickness" contined to impress, especially the "The Ways" which the new novel "Wild Houses" appears to be a sort of continuation..

"Wild Houses" uses the idea of a kidnapping to surface and describe a particular type of Irish lads and girls on the margin, scraping by on the fringes, dabbling in drugs and working in hotels to make ends meet.

We meet a young kid called "Doll" who is kidnapped and kept in a house until his brother finds a way to pay the debts he owes. Then the kid's released.

There are some brilliant "set-piece" scenes describing acts of violence, especially a bathroom/attempted drowning but, overall, the book doesn't seem to know where to go or how all these bits and pieces fit together.

The owner of the house where Doll is held, a big lonely guy called Dev, goes along with the kidnapping but you can tell his heart isn't in it. A central chunk of the novel delves into Dev's family background, mental illness and a unique kind of Irish hopelessness but this detour also has a thrown in feel to it, this section doesn't really do much but leave the reader feeling maudlin and underwhelmed.

Overall a promising debut novel but the short stories might be a little more Barrett's real calling.

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This novel was a gripping journey through the rugged landscapes of rural Ireland. It is a tale of unbalanced characters whose lives intersect in unexpected ways. There is a tone of dark humor and suspense as well. Many thanks to Grove Atlantic and to Netgalley for providing me with a galley in exchange for my honest opinion.

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Wild Houses showcases Barrett’s talent for capturing the complexities of small-town life in Ireland. His prose is raw and unapologetic, delving into the lives of ordinary people grappling with loneliness, love, and longing. Each thread is a masterclass in character development and atmosphere, drawing readers into the gritty realities of the Irish countryside. Barrett's writing is both lyrical and precise, making this a compelling read for anyone interested in contemporary fiction.

His descriptions of the Irish countryside are a rich backdrop - there’s a real sense of place that is both atmospheric and immersive. From the rugged beauty of the landscape to the claustrophobic confines of the small-town community and the house where the action takes place, Barrett captures the essence of rural Ireland in all its starkness and beauty.

The characters are all flawed but desperate, which means you can feel an empathy even for the bad guy.

This is a great debut novel!

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What a wonderful debut thriller from Colin Barrett. I loved the setting - I am always a fan of Irish settings and characters and this book was no exception. The entire story takes place over one weekend in a small town in Ireland during their big annual Salmon Festival. Lives are changed, dreams are dashed, and the cast of characters is left forever different. And the descriptions! Colin Barrett so intricately described grief, anxiety, and loneliness that they are felt in your very soul as you read about Dev and Nicky.

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Thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for this eARC.

In the verdant backdrop of County Mayo, Colin Barrett’s “Wild Horses” gallops through the lives of its characters with a narrative as untamed and spirited as its title suggests. This debut novel, following Barrett’s acclaimed short-story collections, is a testament to his mastery of prose and his intimate understanding of the Irish soul.

The story unfolds with a caper that is as much about the kidnapping of Doll English by small-time crooks Gabe and Sketch as it is about the emotional abductions of each character by their circumstances. Barrett’s County Mayo is a character in itself, a landscape that holds its inhabitants in a tight embrace, shaping their lives with its rugged beauty and unyielding grip.

Barrett’s prose is a delight, a seamless blend of wit and weight that captures the essence of Irish dialogue with an authenticity that is both striking and endearing. The characters are etched with such precision and depth that they leap off the page, their voices echoing long after the book is closed. From the troubled and introverted Dev, whose remote farmhouse becomes the stage for this drama, to the determined Nicky, whose quest to rescue Doll is as much a journey of self-discovery as it is a rescue mission, Barrett crafts a cast that is flawed, fierce, and undeniably human.

The novel’s structure, with its proleptic plotting, adds a layer of suspense that propels the story forward even as it delves into the past, revealing the events that have led to the present crisis. This technique, often reserved for thrillers, is employed with a finesse that elevates the narrative, allowing the tension to build in a crescendo that is both thrilling and thoughtful.

“Wild Horses” is not just a story of crime and consequence; it is a profound exploration of rootedness and dislocation. The characters are anchored to their land, their past, and each other, even as they yearn for escape. Barrett captures this dichotomy with a clarity that is both brutal and beautiful, his descriptions painting a picture of a community that is as resilient as it is trapped.

In the end, “Wild Horses” is a novel that resonates with the wildness of the human spirit, the desire for freedom clashing with the need for belonging. It is a story that is as much about the place we call home as it is about the homes we carry within us. Barrett has crafted a work that is both a mirror and a window, reflecting the complexities of life in small-town Ireland while offering a view into the universal struggles of the human condition.

Colin Barrett’s “Wild Horses” is a must-read for literary fiction fans.

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What a wild ride! I really enjoyed the prose in this, it was vivid and lively and just good craic. I liked the enclosed spaces in which this novel takes place, and I think the characters really work. If you like intelligent, entertaining novels set in Irish semi-criminal circles, look no further, this is the book for you! (And probably your brother and aunt,)

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Colin Barrett's debut novel comes after publication of two enormously entertaining short story collections, Young Skins and Homesickness. The plot of Wild Houses is vintage Barrett, and a very interesting extensions of his skills with short fiction. The scale is small (various locales in and around the county of Mayo in Ireland), as well as a relatively small cast of characters. In this respect, the novel resembles many of his short stories but, as always, there's his signature skill at physical descriptions, feelings of ennui and alienation among young people, tinged in this account by criminal activities. From time to time there's an untypical slack sentence in the novel, but overall Wild Houses is powerful to read, a joy to get to know some compelling characters, and a great introduction to Colin Barrett if you haven't already come upon his work. You really do end up caring a lot about Dev, Nicky, Doll English, as well as the "villains" (known as the Ferdia brothers) who are ruthless and bloodthirsty, though not without a tinge of common humanity. Barrett has done it again.

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A well written book that I mostly liked by got bored at times and it felt like it needed something else. Great writing. Though

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It’s hard to say that this book was enjoyable to read, but it was good. Definitely more character driven and it takes place over the course to just a few days so it’s a snapshot of poor Irish life and the drinking and drugs that go with it.

The Dev, Doll and Nicky all characters that stood out in their flawed, sad, glory.

Well written, well told - for me a bit subtle.

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Thank you grove Atlantic and Netgalley for the ARC in exchange of an honest review.

This book wasn't for me, no matter how hard I tried to get invested into it, I just couldn't.

Normally this didn't happen to me. I never ever feel bored while reading so this speaks a lot for this book. I don't know how it got such glowing reviews.

Dialogues feel sloppy and lazy and too mundane, rather the whole book feels mundane and nothing special. There's basically no plot to describe but lots of dull conversations and it just was meh.

I like reading Irish authors but this is the first book by an Irish author that I couldn't get interested into. Reviewers here liked Dev, frankly I didn't care for him as well nor for others as well . I don't know what I missed that people seem to love.

Nope, not for me.

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I’m ambivalent about how I feel about this book. At the start, I thought this book wasn’t going to be for me. It’s definitely a slow burn , character driven novel. Then I fell in love with Dev’s character and back story and as the book was coming to its conclusion I thought there was gonna be an explosive ending and I was hoping for one to be honest. The ending was lackluster for me and left me disappointed. I’m not sure how to rate this one except to say that I would read more by this author. Maybe he left me wanting more and that’s a good thing.

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It's been ages since I've read a book by an Irish author and I can't believe that this was a debut novel. With all the dark twists and turns, this book just exceeded my expectations from a debut author. Will be looking forward to more of this authors work in the future.

Thank you netgalley for the arc

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We must be in the golden age of Irish authors. This is a fantastic debut novel that exceeds expectations of such twisting, dark and humorous tones I can only image Colin Barrett growing up as a 'quiet achiever' and knocking everything out of the park. I thoroughly enjoy novels that heavily rely on the realities and moments in our lives that we all recognise and reflect on - it pulls us into the novel so much further than anything else.

Huge fan.

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