Member Reviews

I was so excited with the blurb for this book and it did not disappoint. I loved getting different POV - it really helped my understanding of the characters as well as the world. It was a pretty complex story which I really enjoyed. The characters were engaging and the world, while complex, wasn't too hard to follow. I'm looking forward to continuing the series.

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This book is a well written and complex fantasy. It is full of interesting and unique ideas.

The world building in this book was excellent, I really felt immersed in the environment.

The characters were well written. I loved that the boon was written in multiple POVs as it provided a better understanding of the characters and made them more relatable.

I really enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more of Prager's work.

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"Hearthender tells the story of a demented Oracle, who preaches the destruction of Amagiraea at any cost."

This was not what I expected but in a good way. I enjoyed it and hope that there are more books in the future.

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I'm not quite sure how to fit this story into a box. It's not a nice neat book. There is no real timeline you can figure out until the very end. It's a story that seems simple in it's construct but really isn't. We have a king who is mad, a prince trying to protect his kingdom. A dying princess with more fight in her than any man. We have a sneaky rat of a man humbled by circumstance. We have a witch fleeing from her home. The cast goes on an on. The language can throw you off at first. The way the story describes the character's feelings and interests can confuse you at times. At least it did me. But for all the oddness of the novel itself I could not put it down. I kept being drawn back in over and over again. It's like we are just seeing the edges of reality in this story and have to keep following along to grasp at the tidbits of knowledge as they flow past. It makes for a very interesting read in a strong fantasy story. I'm not sure where the author will take this or if she is done with this world for now. The end was as confusing as it was revealing. Thanks to the author and netgalley for letting me read this interesting book.

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