Member Reviews

The story was predictable, but sometimes it's nice to read a book without any huge surprises or revelations.

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Do I find the “oh no this person got cancelled and had to escape to the country until it rolls over” trope a little tired? Absolutely. But did I enjoy this book anyways? Yes. (Do I understand that this happens in real life, also yes).

Jenny, who needed to escape LA, goes on an extended holiday break to visit her family and friends, and gets to help with her best friend’s wedding events. However, the other person helping with the bachelorette party is someone who has hated her for years, Blake. As they work together to plan the bachelorette party, they find they may have more in common than they thought.

Do I love a hot disaster child who is so incompetent around their crush it comes across as disgust and dislike? Yeah I think it’s hilarious. Do I love when people work together and support each other? Also yes. And do I love super supportive characters who are considerate and understanding of their partners dreams and life plans? Absolutely yes. So all of those things were great.

This book felt like a hallmark movie. Not a ton of substance, but a fun fall book with almost no angst. It also felt like I’d read almost exactly this storyline before, because it used a lot of tropes and similar plot points from other books I’ve read (I believe it was In the Event of Love that it felt most similar to—maybe because of the cancelled person goes to the small town to let things die down, but it still felt very similar). If that’s what you’re going for then this is a great book for you.

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*Shoutout to West Bruswick Press and NetGalley for sending an e-book copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!*

I love a sweet sapphic romance, and this one hit it on the nail for me.

I found myself quite interested in Jenny and Blake's story - individual and together - as well as digging their chemistry between them. The story was quite immersive, somewhat short but definitely sweet. The side characters were well developed, the setting of Sapphire Springs felt rather cozy - whether it be because of the story's theme or the writing style, I'd say it's a matter of personal opinion to see which it is.

The only reason I didn't give this a full 5/5 stars is because it did feel like it missed a little something. The stakes between then felt relatively light, even with the topic of Jenny being an influencer and her "controversy" and both her and Blake not wanting to be hurt by love. However, it wasn't a bad thing at all, and I would not only read this novel again, but I'd be happy to own a physical copy as well!

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I loved the small town Hallmark feel of this book. It has great fall vibes, corn mazes, dogs, cute book store coffee shops and a snow storm This book was a very quick read. Not exactly a enemies to lovers but a miscommunication to lovers read.

I hard a really easy time connecting with Jenny but a harder time with Blake. I give this a 3.5 stars

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC of this book.

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3.5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️✨

thank you to netgalley for providing me with this arc!

Not Just Gal Pals by Elizabeth Luly is a cute hallmark esc. fall romance. It’s autumnal, it’s fun, and it’s overall a good book. It’s a feel good book that follows a wlw relationship. Also, there isn’t a prominent focus on homophobia or anything negative regarding sexuality, which was so refreshing to see!! If you want a fall themed hallmark type of book that includes returning to a small home town, falling in love with someone from high school, and LGBTQ rep (wlw) THIS BOOK IS FOR YOU! It was so enjoyable and is the perfect fall read. It’s quick paced, and entertaining enough to keep you hooked. Yes there were parts that we a little bit “cringey” but honestly- thats what I was expecting/wanting from this book. I cared about the characters and became attached to their story. I’d recommend this to anyone who thinks the concept is remotely interesting!!

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Happy Sapphic September (and the official staff to girl in red season)! What better way to start the month than with a book called “Not Just Gal Pals”?

This was a cute, hilarious, and cozy rom com with the perfect fall setting! A bit grumpy + sunshine, a bit opposites attract, and a whole lot of chemistry! I really loved the dual POV because it added so much depth to both Jenny and Blake!

I very much related to Blake when (after being told to include emojis in her texts so she wouldn’t come across as gruff) she was trying to compose a socially acceptable enthusiastic reply to Jenny’s sweet message and decided on “👍🏼”. This is also the level of emotional expression I’m currently at in life.
And also, a dog named Walter!!!

Thank you NetGalley and West Brunswick Press for this arc ☕️🍁

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I love that this book felt like a Hallmark-esque cheesy rom-com, it was the perfect fall read!

After nearly getting canceled as an influencer her boss tells MC Jenny to take a few months away from the city and return to her quiet hometown, Sapphire Springs. Jenny is reluctant but goes back when her best friend asks her to help plan her bachelorette party with the help of Blake, Jenny's sworn enemy and the only other queer girl from their high school.

With Jenny still holding onto the resentment she has for Blake and Blake's true feelings towards Jenny hanging between them they're awkward around each other and are just hoping to finally be done with having to see one another but as all good Hallmark movies play out, they cannot stay out of each others orbit for long. They both embarrass themselves a lot and that’s where a good portion of the humor comes from. Some of it had me laughing and some of it had me feeling secondhand embarrassment for them.

Jenny and Blake eventually start a friends-with-benefits relationship. They know that Jenny being back in town is only temporary but it doesn’t seem to hold them back much. They end up spending most of their time together, even while not getting any “benefits.”

While they seem to become more than just FWB and go on dates and get to know one another I felt their chemistry just wasn't there, I wished there would have been more depth to both their relationship together and both characters individually.

The book was a cute, fun, and well-written read that is perfect for the fall time, I loved the small-town vibes and storyline.

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Not Just Gal Pals by Elizabeth Luly is a dual POV small-town romance that traces the journey of Jenny and Blake from awkward high school crushes to successful women navigating their growing feelings for each other while trying to maintain their careers. The characters are enjoyable and their compatibility is evident, although there's a desire for more depth to the story at times. The cafe/bookstore in Sapphire Springs, managed by the lovable George, is vividly portrayed and makes you yearn for a similar place to read or work. The promise of George as a main character in a future installment is intriguing, and it's a book I'll be eager to pick up. As the series progresses, I hope for a more well-rounded feel, but overall, it's an easy and engaging romance to jump into. If you’re a fan of the Bright Falls series you might enjoy this series! A solid 3.5 stars.

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This was an incredible autumnal sapphic romance. The small-town romance and community was so fun and charming, I loved everybody involved. Would highly recommend this one!

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If you're looking for an angsty sapphic "omg, I have had a crush on her for forever and ever but I'm pretty sure she hates me" book, then this is the book for you! This book has perfect fall vibes and loads of coffee and pets and just feels like a warm hug. Perfect read as we waltz into pumpkin spice season!

Thank you to NetGalley for an eArc of Not Just Gal Pals!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with an ARC of this book.

I saw the cover and immediately knew I had to read this, it just looks like sapphic fall perfection and it really was that. The vibes, mood and setting were so perfect, a small town somewhere between New England and New York in fall, the MCs enjoying some classic fall activities, it was all just so good and made me so excited for fall.

The romance itself was really cute, I loved the "seemingly enemies" to lovers, grumpy/sunshine and slow opening up to one another. I also loved that the third-act conflict was kept quite short, I saw the author describe this book as cozy/low-stakes/feel-good and it really is just that.

I felt like the setup of the story with Jenny being "canceled" was almost unnecessary, it just felt a bit weird to me. It wasn't a big part of the plot, but the prologue had me raising my eyebrows. So if you feel the same, just keep going, because it doesn't come up a lot after that.
Because of that, my actual rating would be 4,5 stars, but I decided to round it up because I really loved everything else.

Overall, I highly recommend this to anyone looking for a romance novel to read this fall!

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Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for this eARC of 'Not Just Gal Pals' by Elizabeth Luly.

'Not Just Gal Pals' was a great introduction to the Autumn season in book form, cozy and warm hearted. If you love a good Sapphic romance, maybe try picking this up. The reason why I didn't rate this book as much as I wish I did was because it just didn't vibe with me as much as I wanted.

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What a brilliant feel good book this is!!! I was engrossed from start to finish. Amazing characters and story..

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This was cute, like I'd hoped, and the book was filled with fun, cosy scenes. But for some reason, something didn't click for me, and I never felt emotionally invested. I think it was the writing style, which just didn't work for me, and made me cringe a couple of times, especially when it came to the influencer storyline and her being "cancelled" and the things she would post. I don't think this will be very memorable for me.

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Not just gal pals was such a fun read. I would decribe it as the perfect lesbian hallmark movie. I found myself laughing and rooting for Jenny and Black despite the prediablity of it all; I couldnt help but kick my feet in the air because its that cute. The author capture the idea of the small town and its supporting charcters well. The pacing of the book is well done and not once while reading it did I think anything was out of place.

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Blake had a crush on Jenny since high school and she gets awkward when she is around Jenny. As a result, Jenny thinks Blake dislikes her. MCs are really cute together and it's really sweet to see them getting over the miscommunication and become close. But it stays rather superficial, the beginning of the book is mainly them fighting their attraction for each other. When they finally fall for one another, I didn't really feel the connection or understood what make them fall, expect that they love each other's company. I also had trouble believing any of Jenny's friend didn't know or mention to each others Jenny's scandal, like know one really care about her career.
Still, reading this rom com was like watching a Hallmarks movie. It's easy to read, here to be sweet and lightly entertaining without getting very deep, and it does perfectly its job making you feel light and comfortable.
NB: You can get a bonus wedding scene by subscribing to the author's newsletter

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“Not Just Gal Pals” by Elizabeth Luly is a Hallmark-esque cheesy rom-com. It’s sweet and cozy (perfect for fall) and just about angst free.

After being almost canceled as a social media influencer, Jenny, is told by her boss to go home for a few months and let things calm down. She’s immediately thrown into helping plan her best friend’s bachelorette party with Blake. Jenny and Blake were the only out girls in high school but were never friends because Blake was always rude. Unknown to Jenny, Blake wasn’t being rude, she just had a massive crush on Jenny and didn’t know how to respond and came across as being rude.

They’re awkward around each other and are just hoping to finally be done with having to see one another. And as it happens in Hallmark movies, things keep happening that keep throwing Jenny and Blake back into each other’s orbit again. They both embarrass themselves a lot and that’s where a good portion of the humor comes from. Some of it had me laughing and some of it had me feeling second hand embarrassment for them. Although, there was one line about watching seasonally inappropriate films and I felt that in my bones given I was reading about them drinking apple cider and wearing flannel while it was 109 degrees here. I probably laughed at that more than I should’ve.

Jenny and Blake eventually start a friends with benefits relationship. They know that Jenny being back in town is only temporary but it doesn’t seem to hold them back much. They end up spending most of their time together, even while not getting any “benefits.”

However, while their romance was rather sweet and fluffy and I liked the dates they go on, I felt their chemistry was lacking. I don’t know what was missing for me exactly but they always seemed like friends rather than lovers. Maybe a lack of depth to their characters or relationship?

Overall, I thought this was a cute romance with a lot of small-town fall vibes. This is low steam, especially for a friends with benefits storyline. I enjoyed my time with Sapphire Springs and am looking forward to the next book.

I received an ARC from West Brunswick Press via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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*Special thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing this e-ARC in exchange for an honest review. Pub date: August 24, 2023

This took a classic Hallmark holiday movie trope (big city girl moves back to her hometown and…) and made it sapphic and in fall-cozy! Predictable at times but if you just lean into what it is, it’s cute!

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The newness of this make this such an interesting and engaging read. It's very apparent that the target audience are the social-media-savvy who still have a heart for Hallmark. It's a wonderful combination - especially for a LGBTQIA+ romance!

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Jenny Lynton never planned to be an influencer, it just sort of... happened. But when an unfortunate post results in Jenny almost being cancelled, she heads to her small hometown, Sapphire Springs, NY, earlier than planned for the holidays to wait out the social media storm. Her agent suggests maybe she needs a flannel-clad lumberjack to keep her distracted, but she's sworn off flings, not to mention eligible lumberjacks are in short supply in Sapphire Springs - lumberjanes though...

Blake Mitchell is Sapphire Springs' only doctor, moving back to her hometown after college to open her own practice in town. She's also had a massive crush on Jenny since high school that leaves her blubbering and awkward around her even after all these years. When Jenny and Blake are forced to work together to plan a friend's bachelorette party, sparks fly. They both know Jenny's impending departure back to LA will force them to keep things casual, but they quickly realize it's quite hard to be casual with years of pent up feelings on the line.

I don't know what it is about books set in the fall, but I swear the cozy vibes just make it that much more enjoyable. And then add in a sapphic love story? Sign. Me. Up. I loved the effortless flow of the writing, told in dual POV from both Jenny and Blake, and all of the hilarious side stories and disasters these two face together. I really don't have much to critique on this other than the fact that Jenny seemed so unhappy with her influencer life but couldn't connect the dots that she didn't HAVE to continue on that path.

Thanks to NetGalley for the advanced copy of this book, can't wait to tell everyone to read it!

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