Member Reviews

This is for you if you want a quick, sweet, and cozy read. My Book Boyfriend by Kathy Strobos is definitely one for us readers, especially with the two main characters being book lovers! I mean, how do we not love that?! A sweet, closed-door romcom with the intrigue of enemies, gardens, and banter.

Meet Lily. She’s a librarian who is fond of her community garden. One day, a mysterious man comes into the library looking for a book. She is smitten with him, but what will happen when she finds out he’s the one trying to destroy her beloved community garden?

I appreciated the unmanufactured conflicts, and how relatable the story was. It was a story I could see happening to one of my friends, and I think that’s what helps to make this story of Strobos’ so special. Her ability to create a community also adds to the special nature of this story. I would highly recommend this for anyone looking to read a cozy romcom as the weather turns cooler!

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I really liked to story and the characters (particularly the fact that they both love to read). Unfortunately the writing was not for me, it was a little too simple and the way the characters talk was not so natural sometimes.
But I did enjoy this book, so it is a 3 stars for me.

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This was an absolutely delightful romantic comedy and I adored it. Super cute and super sweet, what's not to love? A great romance!

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My Book Boyfriend was a good romcom that went quickly to read.
We get to read about the love story between a struggling librarian and a developer that sent the librarian a cease and desist letter regarding her community garden.

If you want a funny and easy to read romcom that gave me a little You've got mail vibe (the movie with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks for those of you who doesn't recognize the name.) then this might be a book for you.

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This book follows Lily, a librarian in charge of her community garden, and Rupert, a real estate developer, set to take over the land used for the community garden. Lily is instantly drawn to Rupert when he visits the library in search of the hottest new release, but quickly finds herself fighting the attraction upon finding out he was the one who sent the cease and desist letter to her community garden.
Throughout the book, Lily fights her attraction while Rupert tries to make things right and works to interact with the librarian during book clubs and other interactions. I enjoyed their interactions and how Rupert was looking to do the right thing once he knew the full story of the garden.
One of my favorite things about this book was that it didn't utilize miscommunication like a lot of books do. If you're looking for a cozy enemies-to-lovers city romance, this is the perfect read for you!

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I've read so many great romances recently and this was definitely another! I'm loving all the bookish romances around at the moment, with the characters reading together, discussing books and going to book clubs etc. Especially since Rupert's job is nothing to do with books or reading, he just does it for fun.
I'll admit I was a bit confused at the beginning because the idea was that this group of people had created a beautiful community garden out of an abandoned lot and were now being asked to stop because the owners of the land wanted to use it to build on. The garden people seemed to think that the developers had no right to the land back because they've built a garden there for years and they'd abandoned it which didn't make sense to me. I mean I don't know much about laws like that but as far as I'm aware it's their land, surely the garden people have just been trespassing for years. I'm all for trying to persuade them to keep and incorporate the garden as part of their plans because a garden could make a good selling point and everything, but genuinely thinking they have no right to their own land just because you've been using it (presumably illegally) for years kinda surprised me. Other than the fact they thought they had a right to someone else's land and the literal lawsuit, I thought the rest of the story was great. The protesting to ask them to save the garden and all the other ways they tried to convince them were all really fun and great ways of going about it. I adored the dual POV and the trying to date but trying not to date while being on opposite sides of the issue was really cute and funny. The way they kept bumping into each other too.
This was the first in the series but I discovered at the end that some of the side characters have stories in previous books so I'll definitely be checking those out too since I loved this one and they're kind of related. Plus I think it might link in even more with book 2, Love is an Art, and I really want to read that when it comes out!

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First of all, this was such a cozy read for me and sweet as well.

Lily wants to save the community garden which is pretty much understandable but Rupert's company has to destory it and it is also important for him to become CEO so he has to respect his grandfather's wishes and destory it so he can become CEO.

Moreover, I adored Rupert's efforts in saving the garden as well as trying to balance to make CEO as he saw the value of the garden as well.

However, the characters could have been written more in detail. But in any book where a man is reading or even looks at books, is a winner. The plot felt pretty real and the setting of the book was amazing. Kathy is an amazing writer and someone just get me a Rupert asap please.

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My book Boyfriend is a rom-com starting Lily and Rupert. Lily is a Librarian who also run her community garden. She first meet Rupert when he come in to her library to buy a new released book. When they see each other there was an instant attraction. However, when Lily finds out that Rupert is the developer who just sent her community garden a cease-and-desist letter, we see her try to figure out how she can stop him from destroying the garden that holds so much sentimental memories for her and also see if she can resist her attraction to him. We also see Rupert trying to save the community garden and while proving his grandfather that him and his cousin Rowena can be co-CEO's of his family company.

I really enjoyed this book! It was so cute and fluffy. A perfect summer read. I enjoyed reading Lily and Rupert love story and the way they resolved their conflict like adults. #nomiscominication trop! We love to see that! This book has some of my favorite trops like romcom, group of girlfriends, it's set in NYC, and found family to name a few. If you love any of this trop, you should definitely pick this up when it comes out!
Thank you NetGalley for letting me enjoy this story for an honest review
#MyBookBoyfriend #NetGalley

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This was such a cute read!
The perfect romcom for the summer months, the relationship was absolutely adorable and the conflict has me racing through pages to see what will happen next.
Definitely worth picking up for a fun summer read that still has some depth to it.

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Sweet book, it was a nice read. Fun and full of occurrences. Definitely enjoy and looking forward for more books of this author

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This was a cute little read about a librarian (Lily) who loves her local garden space. She is easily attracted to a newcomer (Rupert) who also happens to be the same person who is trying to take away her garden space. This is very much a Little Bookshop Around the Corner/You've Got Mail situation. There are lots of local characters who are amusing. The chemistry between the two mains happens pretty quickly because they both love to read the same types of books, and Rupert joins Lily's bookclub. I wouldn't exactly say that you're surprised by the plot. There isn't anything super new or exciting in the book, but it does feel comfortable, like an old sweater. This is the comfort read for you if you want small town, enemies(ish) to lovers.

Thank you NetGalley for the digital ARC of this book.

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Frist of all, I'd like to thank NetGalley, the author and the publisher for letting me read this book in exchange for an honest review.

Rating: 3,5⭐️

Read, if you like:

📚Contemporary romance,
📚Enemies to lovers (sort of),
📚Found family,
📚New York City setting,
📚Dual POV.

I was drawn to that book by the title😀 It was a pleasant and easy read and I breezed through it, however, I could not feel myself totally lost in it. The book just did not quite hit the mark for me.

I really liked that, the MFC was a librarian and MMC loved books. I liked the MFC's circle of friends and the great sense of community pictured in the book.

If you are looking for a sweet and light-hearted romcom, this book might be for you.

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My Book Boyfriend was very cute and low stakes (though the stakes were high for them!) Lily and Rupert’s romance was what every book lover hopes for in real life. The writing was simple, but it made the book easily readable.

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A great read. I liked both characters and wanted everything to work out for them. Looking forward to reading more books from this author.

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Thanks to #netgalley for the ARC in exchange for a fair and honest review. This was a charming, lighthearted read for me. I was drawn to read this book because both main characters are bookish people and well bookish characters are my kind of people. I enjoyed the frenemies to lovers aspect of this book as it wasn't too far fetched, but seemed very natural in its flow. I enjoyed the conflict of Lily wanting to save the community garden, and how she would see Rupert differently if his company was responsible for its destruction, and it's was also understandable that Rupert wanted to make Co-Ceo with his cousin of the company and that going against the wishes of his grandfather and advocating for the garden might put that in jeopardy.
This was an easy and engaging read a perfect holiday, weekend or beach read, when you need to take a step away from reading as much dark and twisty books as I do. Engaging characters and a fun bookish loving feel to it. #mybookboyfriend #kathystrobos #tea_sipping_bookworm #goodreads #getlitsy #thestorygraph #netgalley #kindle #chicklit #bookish #bookqueen #bookstagram

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Questa è stata una lettura,corta leggera e divertente e perfetta da divorare in un pomeriggio d’estate. Ho amato vedere la passione e la dedizione che Lily impiega per slavate la sua comunità e l’Oasis Garden. Rupert è il perfetto book boyfriend: focus and driven ma allo stesso tempo dolce e supportive. La loro attrazione reciproca è quasi palpabile e mi piace come entrambi siano sempre stati onesti sui loro sentimenti, priorità e la paura di essere manipolati l’uno dall’altra.

Questa storia è corta e dalle vibes cozy mi ha fatto amare tutti i personaggi primari e secondari!

This was a read that was short,light, fun and perfect to devour on a summer afternoon. I loved seeing the passion and dedication Lily employs to save her community and the Oasis Garden. Rupert is the perfect book boyfriend: focused and driven but at the same time sweet and supportive. Their attraction to each other is almost palpable, and I love how both have always been honest about their feelings, priorities, and fear of being manipulated by each other.

This story's short and cozy vibes made me love all the primary and secondary characters!

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Just Not a book for me. The banter was good.
Thank you to netgalley for letting me read this e arc in exchange for an honest opinion

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I loved the premise of this book. Books and gardens. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ I really enjoyed this book. It was fast paced. I enjoyed watching the relationship between Rupert and Lily bloom, and I loved the group of friends that might (please!?) offer more stories in this world in the future. I really appreciated the realistic problems this couple faced, too. So often, light romances just manufacture some misunderstanding. In this case, they had real problems to figure out! Fun book!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced digital reader's copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review!

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This had a promising blurb and ticked several boxes for my favourite romance tropes, but I'm afraid this book comes off as a very rough first draft in need of serious editing. I ended up skipping large parts because it just wasn't enjoyable to read - very sparse on the detail, to the point of being confusing, with some questionable portrayals of property rights (no, gentle reader, you can't just steal other people's property by breaking through a fence to plant flowers on it).

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Another delightful "Enemies to lovers" book about a book club and saving community garden lady versus CEO whose Company wants to destroy it and build something urbanic. That cliche conflict We use to see in other stories, but with a touch of intimacy and originality from the author. The narrative is easy to follow up, the plot and setting is well built, and the most important thing to me was the development of the main characters. Altough Lily and Rupert starts with the wrong foot in their first meeting, as the story goes, the reader can see maturity and honesty from both partners despite of the complex situation they're in. I liked a lot the way the writer did an adult relationship. This was exactly the kind of book that gives all that promises and I loved every page!

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