Member Reviews

An Unexpected Gift is a well written book. I enjoyed the plot and character development. I received an advance ebook the publisher and Netgalley. This is my unbiased review.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher I was able to read an ARC of this novel. I found this novel enjoyable however it was a bit confusing to keep the characters straight in my mind. Overall I enjoyed it but it was a slower read for me.

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A good book, but I got confused trying to keep the characters straight.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from NetGalley and the publisher. All words are my own.

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After reading the 1st book in the series I was looking forward to this one.
I really admired Lindsay who has gone through a lot in the first story so I was was rooting for her in this one.
I enjoyed learning about the Swartentruber Amish and how conservative they are. Not good in some cases.
The author did well on this subject. I found myself trying to imagine what it it's like in how they live.
I finished this book in a day because it was so good and Amish fiction is my favorite genre. So, for me, the story took off from the beginning and stayed at a good clip all the way through.
I honestly thought the author did well with the subplots.
I love this family and midway into the book I felt that they were like my own family and friends. I didn't want to say goodbye.
5 stars for a job well done! I highly recommend this book.
I was very happy with the way the ending turned out. Full and satisfied
My thanks for a copy of this book.
I was NOT required to write a positive review.
All opinions expressed are my own.

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Having not read the first in the series I was glad the author added snippets from the first book. The story is very enjoyable but I found it hard to keep the characters straight. The different Amish congregations and opinions of faith was interesting but confusing at times. It would have been good to know why the Swartzentruber Amish had such little regard for the Old Order Amish and more back information on that aspect. I'd recommend reading the first book and then this one.

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This is the second book in this series. I loved seeing the three sisters back in this book. Loved seeing what was going on in their lives. This book brought in the character Isabella who was in a buggy accident with her soon to be husband. It tells the story of Isabella who is a Swartzentruber Amish. I loved her character and loved learning about the Swartzentruber Amish and how strict they are, This was a heartbreaking story and yet a story of a young women having to make decisions that were hard for her to do.

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This is a well written book that holds your attention from the first page until the last. Isabella's story is full of emotions, forgiveness, and God's grace and mercy. If you are a fan of Amish fiction you don't want to miss this book.
I received a complimentary copy from Vinspire Publishing via NetGalley and was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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A good Amish story of women struggling with having children. Didn't like the strict and pushy parents of course, but they do add to the story. Liked this one overall and would recommend.

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Isabella’s unexpected pregnancy and the death of her fiancé poses a huge problem for the Amish girl. Her parents won’t understand and somehow, she has to decide what is the right thing to do. Two Amish EMT’s want to adopt the baby but Isabella’s parents are from a stricter sect of Amish and won’t agree. Such is the troubled world of Diane Craver’s novel.

Unfortunately, Diane has tried to weave together too many subplots and characters. There are identical triplet sisters with husbands and boyfriends who each have differing views of faith, marriage, etc. There are three sets of parents who also have differing opinions about faith, marriage, etc. There are two pregnancies to track. Weddings to plan. Multiple locations, cities, etc. Even a masterful writer would struggle to pull all this together. With all that is going on, the story is choppy, the dialogue is awkward, and characters seem to blur into each other causing me to try to figure out who is married to who or who is Amish or English or pregnant. All this makes for a confusing read and takes away from any emotional impact of the storytelling. The novel feels like it should have been divided into three or four shorter stories to give more focus on each character’s issues and decisions.

For those who love Amish fiction and are willing to wade through multiple storylines, this might be something to look at. Personally, I wish the author would consider taking this novel back to the drawing board, divide it up and come up with three stories that could be compelling and fresh.

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I would like to say……I wish I had read the first book in the series. I feel like the author did share some of the previous book but I needed more. I will be going back and reading the first book as I did enjoy reading An Unexpected Gift.
This story is full of faith, forgiveness and hope. Often forgiveness is not given in situations that it is needed.
Recommended reading for those that are readers of Amish Fiction/Christian Fiction.
Many thanks to NetGalley, the publisher and author for the opportunity to read this book for my honest review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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An Unexpected Gift by Diane Craver is a touching Amish tale. While An Unexpected Gift can be read as a standalone (the author provides needed details for new readers), I suggest reading The Amish Mother’s Secret first. I thought An Unexpected Gift contained good writing with realistic characters. The characters from The Amish Mother's Secret return and some new ones are added. Somone has good news to share with the family, but the news could upset another. Another family member is struggling with a difficult decision. I like how the triplets along with their biological parents go out of their way to help someone in need. We get to learn about the Swartzentruber Amish. I like that the author explains some of the differences between Old Order and the Swartzentruber Amish. The story has English, Old Order Amish, and Swartzentruber Amish. The point-of-view switches between characters in each category. I did find it an information overload in the beginning as the author introduced the various characters and provided their background (it was so much at once). It became easier as I moved further into the story. An Unexpected Gift has faith, love, forgiveness, compassion, hope, and grace. We also see the importance of accepting a person and not judging them. All things are possible with God. I am looking forward to the next book in the Amish Adoption Series. There is a recipe for coconut cream pie at the end. An Unexpected Gift is an expressive story with a lost love, a surprising blessing, an unpredicted decision, disapproving parents, nuptial upheaval, and a gracious God.

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