Member Reviews

i devoured this book and cannot wait to read the next one! It definitely felt like a colleen hoover type story.

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I'm genuinely at a loss for words. Prior to picking up "The Confidence of Wildflowers" by Micalea Smeltzer, I had never delved into her literary world, so I had no preconceived notions.

From the outset, I noticed there were trigger warnings, which made me apprehensive, but let me assure you that this book is an incredible investment of your time. It's essential to note that as you read it, you'll likely find yourself shedding tears—because I certainly did. The story is brimming with intense developments that elicit raw and genuine emotions. It's a rollercoaster that will leave your stomach churning, but in the most compelling way possible.

I won't deny that the beginning posed a bit of a struggle for me, and it was undeniably challenging, but I am genuinely grateful for the opportunity to experience it. It's a rare occurrence for a book to leave me feeling this bewildered, simultaneously sad, happy, and profoundly emotional.

However, what truly captivated me was the final 10% of the story. I solemnly swear that you'll experience a sense of heartbreak that you cannot escape. Simultaneously, the ending will shatter you—completely and utterly. It certainly did for me.

Hence, I'm eagerly awaiting the release of the second book. I must know what unfolds next; it's become a necessity for my sanity's sake.

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Catch me acting like a school girl over this book. The banter and steamy scenes omg.

Wrecked my soul but made me feel some type of way. Imm always a sucker for age gap romances. Especially when the guy is a single dad. Yes please.

Forced proximity
One bed
Age gap
single dad

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There was a lot going on here. If felt like too much but also nothing at the exact same time.
First off there's a lot of trauma going on. Some of it feels unnecessary and like it's just there to be in there.
Like the first 75% of the book is just fluff and them living their lives before everything happens and gets smashed into the last 25%.
There wasn't a whole lot of character development going on. It wasn't a bad book it just wasn't my favorite. It definitely didn't make me cry.

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Thank you for the opportunity to read this book, I chose not to continue reading due to the reviews regarding trigger warnings and finding out what the TWs were I decided it would be best for my Mental health not to read this.

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I went in blind, I really had zero idea what this book was about I just saw people raving about it on Instagram. My expectations were high. I was in the mood to read something very emotional, and although this book deals with emotional situations I wasn’t emotionally invested in the story.
It’s an age gap romance, she’s 18 he’s 31, but the FMC, Salem, reads like shes 16. The son has a big vocabulary for a 6year old. I May read the next book because I hate to leave book series’ unfinished.

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I devoured this book and immediately bought the second after, and pre-ordered the third. The end of this book totally wrecked me, but I did really love the book. The second is taking forever to ship and I'm so ready to continue the series! I'd recommend this for fans of the After series and If He Had Been With Me.

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When this book came up on Netgalley I thought, yes! I'll give the book with the beautiful cover a try.

I used to love new adult romance, like it was one of my favorite things to read. I don't know if I'm growing out of this genre or if it was just written younger than NA, but it felt very YA to me (with the exception of the explicit sex after the 50% mark.)

Salem has just graduated college and while all her friends and boyfriend are getting ready for college, etc, Salem is just living in the moment, not making plans because she doesn't know what she wants to do. I'm sure her trauma has something to do with that, but it was refreshing and also kind of off putting at the same time, lol.

When a divorced dad moves in next door, she sits up and takes notice. He's grumpy at first but they form a friendship and he then asks if she can babysit his 6 year old son at times. Lingering looks, movie nights, you know where this is leading. She's 18 and he's 31. I can honestly say I never understand the attraction on his part. Here's an 18 year old girl, part time job at her mom's store, makes cupcakes in her spare time (that she gives him at every opportunity) and candles that she sells at the store (some ambition there,) closer in age to his son than him technically, and he goes out of his way to do anything he can for her. Nice guy or just thinking with his other head? I'm not sure but I was never sold on his "love" for her.

The drama inducing twist at the end was hard to swallow. It seemed cruel, attention grabbing and just A LOT. Again, if this was 10-11 years ago when I was reading OG indie NA romance I probably would have thought this was great and immediately sought out the 2nd book.

I will say it's a very easy read and I flew through it quickly.

Sadly I think my book preferences have evolved and this type of book just didn't do it for me like it used to. I'm calling this a case of "it's not you, it's me" and moving on.

Trigger warnings for parental sexual abuse, cancer, cheating, death of a minor.

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The foundation of the plot begins with promise only to have poorly structured storytelling built on it. In short—decent idea, but poor execution. The bulk of the responsibility lies on the shoulders of the editor. There are innumerable grammatical errors, typos, and overused phrases.

The biggest disappointment is the ending of the book—both main characters not having any resemblance whatsoever of who they were in all the previous chapters. Although they have endured an awful hardship, the writing doesn’t seem to give depth to their internal struggle—only that their behavior has changed suddenly. The author seems to have finished the book in a hurry—neglecting the flow of the story.

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Forced proximity
One bed
Age gap
Tragedy strikes

This book is RAW. It made me feel all the feels. Squealing like a school girl at the banter and smut scenes while also making my heartbreak. The ending GOT me bad. Hit too close to home & wrecked my soul. Weirdly, L O V E D the pain it caused 🫣

Some of the beginning is written a little junevile but as the story progresses so doing the writing.
I would definitely recommend! Check the TW’s before reading.

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I read incredibly slowly. Like, weeks to read anything near 300 pages. I finished this in 6 days. I was addicted. Was it a literary masterpiece? Well, no. Was it exceptionally enjoyable and easy to read? Sure, for about 80% of it. At the 80% mark, that’s when my heart was ripped from my body, drawn, quartered, and tossed into a boiling vat of sewage and old pond water. I am physically and mentally not okay after that enormous emotional explosion. My eyes hurt, my throat hurts, and I’ve managed to hurt my back with my outrageous sobbing. The trigger warnings are not to be brushed over people. They’re to be taken EXTREMELY seriously. I loved this book, and I will absolutely be moving on with this series. Now I’m going yo cry for a week and read nothing but children’s stories until I’m well again.

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This was an interesting read. I usually don’t read age gap romances, but I was intrigued by the title and cover of this book. Overall it was an enjoyable read, except for the last 20% or so. That was heartbreaking. Not for the faint of heart, I recommend looking up trigger warnings before reading.

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I liked the story. It had a lot of potential but I struggled with the writing. It was a little repetitive and I kept reading lines that read really cliche and unoriginal. I wasn’t 100% sold on the romance by the time it happened, but I loved Thayer. I had an okay time reading it, and I would have been more forgiving of my issues with it if the second part of the duet didn’t wipe out almost everything I enjoyed about

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I had seen this book so much I. The book community, I was excited to finally read it. I had no idea what I was getting into. I have to admit age gap can be hit or miss for me, but for some reason this worked for me. I am also not always a fan of a slow burn, but again it worked. However to see this book was heart wrenching at gutted me towards the end, would be the total truth. I encourage you to check the trigger warnings because I could see how some of the subject matter could be a tough topic for some. I now need to r ad the rest of the series since it ended on such a cliff hanger.

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i liked the romance and the cute slow burn (ish) and the sweet moments between the two but then there’s some moments and tidbits that really upset me or disappointed me so three stars it is!

this duet wrecked me, let me tell you!!!

it was really beautiful, some moments or quotes. he called her sunshine and i would melt. the way he treated her, the selfless acts. the way he let her in even though he felt he didn’t deserve her. the way he protected her and cherished her. the way he was always there, just incase she needed him. it never failed (until that plot twist point wrecked their world). their love, despite my dislike and hate towards the cheating, was remarkable and although i did feel like their feelings happened quickly, sometimes you have to act fast before your moment is too late.

it came and went far too quickly, and i would give anything to have a different ending. something else to destroy our hearts, anything else. that death. it was a big trigger for me.

after accepting that the death happened and does happen in real life too often for comfort, i really enjoyed this story and depending how the second book goes could see this as a favorite romance duet. this is a very realistic view on life, grief, abuse, living with all of that and more and it’s definitely eye opening and shattering.

beautifully tragic, i need to know what happens next.

caleb was literally so amazing and i actually fell in love with him rather than thayer! caleb is too good for her. literally deserves a woman who will love and cherish him endlessly.

the death was a huge deal and was immensely triggering for me. death usually doesn’t trigger me but it’s very rarely about someone’s child. that is triggering for me, a mother to a boy.

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I loved “The Confidence of Wildflowers”! Micalea Smeltzer’s writing certainly has a way of captivating readers. The characters in the book were well-crafted and added depth to the story. While the age gap between Thayne and Salem was a bit concerning for me, I was able to overlook it due to the author’s skillful storytelling.

As for the ending, it seems that “The Confidence of Wildflowers” doesn’t offer a happy ending. However, the fact that there is a second book for Salem and Thayne means that their story continues, and I am looking forward to reading it. It’s always exciting to see how characters evolve and what new adventures await them.

Happy reading!

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Thank you NetGalley for the E-arc in exchange for an honest review.

I don’t normally like to read books with an age-gap romance, so I was a little hesitant going into this one because of the difference in the characters ages -Salem is 18 and Thayer is 30. I did like their dynamic throughout the book, however by the ending you could see a very clear split in that dynamic.

I did like how Thayer treated Salem throughout the majority of the book but there were some points where it felt cringy by what he was doing and saying to her. I was grossed out by the hotel interaction and then Salem getting jealous of her mam talking with Thayer.

Also Forrest deserved better

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Right, I have some issues with this book, but we'll start with the good stuff first.

Thayer. Thayer was a sweetheart, from going on morning runs with her to keep her safe, to building a gym for her in his basement when it got cold. Those are just two examples, but in this book, he does a lot of loving things. This book, for the most part, was sweet. For the most part. The age gap in this is a bit much for me, mainly in that she is 18 and he is 31 WITH A KID.

Caleb was also a sweetheart and I felt for him. Just really felt bad for that cinnamon roll of a boy. He deserved better. So much better. Yeah, he was a little absent, but the events of this book were not fair to him.

Forrest was a cute kid. Kids say the funniest things sometimes and this book captured that, and his friendship with Salem was fantastic.

Now, before you read this book, please check the content warnings, because this book has some doozies.

Salem was unfair to Caleb. She didn't have to do that to him. She strung him along, having him think things were fine and she didn't have to do that. She should have pushed Thayer away until things were sorted with Caleb. He just really deserved better. Especially as he was still there for her after everything.

Do not expect a HEA. This book does not have one. I like a HEA, personally, but this book has a horrible plot point 10% from the end. I won't spoil the end, but it gave me a bit of an ick. I did need a HEA though, so I did read the second book in the duet.

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The Confidence of Wildflowers highlighted elements like grief, love and loss, age gap romance, single dad trope and grumpy × sunshine.
As there's some triggering content like death, loss of a child, cheating, illness and abuse mentioned in the book, trigger warning should be included in the synopsis.

Overall the romance is well written, there's also some tragic scenes that are hard to digest especially that last 100 pages. I jumped into the read as the synopsis sounds promising, and leave with a heavy heart. It's a plot driven romance read with a cliffhanger ending, I'm looking forward to read Thayer and Salem's story in the sequel.

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Thank you to Micalea Smeltzer & Netgalley for the copy. Opinions are my own.

I’m gonna need Micalea to pay for my therapy bill after this one.

Salem is eighteen. Thayer is her new grumpy neighbor. Salem is fascinated by this man. Then he asks her to watch his son for a few hours every week and she agrees. As time goes on, the two become friends and one night they become … more than friends. Oh, and he’s thirty one. Everything was going smooth until tragedy occurs and suddenly it’s not.

I finished this book in one day, a day where I had other plans and nothing got done because TCOF was THAT good.
THAYER I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU!!! I felt e v e r y t h i n g while reading this, the cute happy highs and the depressing ass lows. I can’t get my hands on the next one fast enough. BUT know this part doesn’t have a HEA.

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