Member Reviews

Quick Summary: A bad boy meets a feisty girl romance

My Review: Fire Me Up by Kimberly Kincaid is book 4 in the Pine Mountain series.

About the Book: After a good guy with a bad boy image gets into an accident, a red hot EMT sets his temperature ablaze. One thing leads to another, and soon the two are dishing out major yummy vibes. When a sleazy lowlife tries to bully his way in, a drastic measure has to be taken, but at what cost?

About the Characters:

Teagan was tough on the outside and fiercely loyal on the inside. She was obviously broken up about her parents life choices and fought hard to compensate for their lack. Her feelings for Adrian came about rather quickly. With that said, it's clear that she let down her guard enough to let him lead when and where it was needed.

Adrian was in a unique situation all the way around. The circumstances he found himself in were of the "wrong place at the wrong time" variety. Still, from jump, he and Teagan had a spark that burned into a flame. I think it would be fair to say that the seeker became the found, as it relates to Adrian finding his lady love.

Teagan's dad was clueless. He needed to have his grown up license revoked. I can't even find the words to properly convey my utter disbelief at his foolishness. Good grief!

About the Conflict/Drama/Action: There were just enough waves in the story to add texture. The author did a solid job with the individual struggles faced by both leads, as well as with the challenges the two had to deal with as a couple.

My Final Say: Readers who enjoy books with impossible situations and HEA outcomes will like this story.

Rating: 3/5
Audience: A
Series: Yes

Thank you to the author, to the publisher (Kimberly Kincaid Romance), and to NetGalley for granting access to this title in exchange for an honest review. The words I have voluntarily shared are my own.

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I adore everything Kimberly writes and this one is no exception. Adrian is one of my favorite male heroes! He is broody, tough, and determined to do the right thing - even when it could cost him everything. I loved the tug and pull between these two and could not wait to get to their happy ending. This series is delightful and just makes me happy to read. I can't wait for the next book! Another 5+stars from me.

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This was a great read! I enjoyed Teague’s sassy and strong character who doesn’t take crap from anybody. She never thought that her going on a call as a paramedic would change her life forever. When she walked up to the gorgeous guy who was in a a motorcycle wreck she could help but fall a little for him. Adrian took one look at the sassy red head and knew that this encounter would be fun. Things will develop along the way and some big things will happen that could affect many lives in their little town. I was given an ARC through NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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Kimberley Kincaid is clearly an author who loves food and cooking, her characters get real enjoyment, relaxation and purpose from spending time in the kitchen. I'm not a big cook, but I enjoy eating, so I felt quite hungry while reading this book.
Adrian is a bad boy with a past, but he's worked hard to turn his life around. Being in the kitchen is all he wants, but after a motorbike accident that leaves him with a broken arm, he must take some time off. He finds a sense of purpose by helping Teagan to turn her father's bar around.
I liked the relationship between Teagan and Adrian and the way that they worked together. I didn't really understand the whole issue around his parole officer, but it added extra tension to the story.
Overall a good read and one that I really enjoyed.
I received a complimentary copy of this book through NetGalley. The opinions expressed in this review are completely my own and given voluntarily.

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I so got into this book. I read it front to back in one sitting, even bemoaning the coffee breaks! It just hooks you in and waves hope and kindness at you. I really got into the romance and the battle to keep the kitchen and bar going. A nasty character to hate and plot the downfall of added to the mix. A great read that I highly recommend you read.

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I think this is the first book I've read by this author. The pacing was a bit slow so I felt bored but the writing and the characters were good. Teegan & Adrian helped each other so much but them hiding their parts was unnecessary. I just couldn't connect with both of them tbh. Overall, it was a good read but any different or remarkable.

I received an ARC from Netgalley in exchange of an honest review

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A great fiery romance with plenty of heat and passion.

A great cast of characters that all give something to the story.

A story full of passion and plenty of heat and a love story that builds into a HEA with all the baggage from both characters getting in the way and some point in their story.

With plenty of spicy romance and will they wont they situations. It reads quick and i really enjoyed it

Thank you netgalley for a copy for an honest review

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What starts off with a literal bang ends up warming the readers heart. After an injury, chef Adrian is left with a sling and time away from the kitchen, a place he always found solace. So with nothing but time on his hands he walks into Teagan's father's bar and as they say the rest is history. Between helping out in the kitchen and falling in love with Teagan, what he had always envisioned his future to be, now becomes something he never saw coming. Throw into the mix a PO from hell and a loan from a very bad source and the reader is taken on a wild ride. Through it all love prevails. A wonderful addition to the series and a book you will enjoy from beginning to end.

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Fire Me Up, is full of drama and romance. The romance outweighs the drama so it's perfect to me.
Adrian is a hard ass that hates to give an inch. Teagan is a hard ass that will take your inch and before you know it your giving her 5 more.
I loved this book and can't wait for the next book in this series.

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I was hooked from the very beginning with the well written and well planned plot and the characters were written with such detail that I couldn't wait to read the next page!.

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Another great one!! I'm loving this series! these books can definitely be standalone though! I am really into thriller mystery books and not romance and lucky these books have a bit of everything! Thus book had suspense, intrigue, action, mobsters, mystery, loan sharks, and of course it was hot hot hot!! I highly recommend reading this book and series! They are well worth reading! I can't wait for more! Thank you Netgalley and the publisher for sharing this book with me!

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I loved the original Fire Me Up and so did our readers! I was sp happy to see that updated version with added content!

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