Member Reviews

I have been a fan of Catherine Bybee for a while now. Her books are a great combo of humor, relatable, real-people problems, and jealousy-inducing romance. The D'Angelos series is no exception!

Salena moves into the apartment above the D'Angelos restaurant against her strict parents' wishes. Despite not having any extra money, she needs to be on her own and be independent of her parents. Salena meets Ryan, and he fills places in her life that she wasn't aware were empty.

Salena has some things about her life that she doesn't want to share with Ryan. Will her secrets keep them apart, or will he break down her walls and be able to accept her secrets?

One big thing I love about Bybee's books is that she writes steamy romance but doesn't sacrifice the meat of the story. You definitely get spice, but you also get the emotion, tension, depth, and details that make her books some of my favorites!

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Sassy fun!

Another book in the D'Angelo series, this time focused on Salena, who is Chloe D'Angelo's best friend. When she meets Ryan at a family wedding, sparks fly. But Salena isn't used to being committed, she's more of a one and done woman, which suits her just fine....until now.

I loved Salena's independence, her ability to put just about anyone in their place with a smile and a laugh. But she's a pro at keeping people at arms' length to protect her heart, yet Ryan managed to find his way in. Unfortunately, there is a major secret she's kept from him, and it could cause big problems if he finds out!

This was a fun, quick read by an author I absolutely adore. I'm hoping there are more books to come in this series, but if not, I'm sure Ms. Bybee has another queued up!

Thanks to the author, publisher and NetGalley for the opportunity to read and review this book, but my opinions are my own.

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This book unfortunately is not for me. There is a lot of over the top-ness, both in dialogue and in plot. There's a lot of swearing, which didn't feel really true to any of the characters. The overall premise is sweet, but both Salena and Ryan (as well as the family members) felt more like caricatures instead of well-rounded characters. If you like silly, over the top rom-coms you may enjoy this one. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to provide my honest review.

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Catherine’s books never disappoint and I think this may be my favorite in the series! I was here for it! I loved Salena’s sassiness and how she was attempting to do life on her terms, not her parents’ terms. Salena had no plans that included a guy. But we know how that goes, amirite?! Ryan was supposed to be a good time. Ryan wasn’t the type who worried about what others thought. He did what he wanted and was confident with who he was. He grounded Salena and suddenly they were experiencing something very new. This book gave ALL. THE. FEELS. and I didn’t want to leave their world! I can’t recommend this book enough.

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Salena Barone is the manager at D’Angelo’s, a well-known family restaurant in San Diego. Moving into the apartment on the third floor of the restaurant will give her some space from her mostly disapproving Italian parents. She is not an obedient daughter; she enjoys life, but is not ready to marry. When she meets Ryan Rutledge at the wedding preparation for his sister Emma, there is an immediate attraction between them. They flirt and she soon learns that Ryan also has issues with his father, but he is his own man. When her car can no longer be repaired, she needs to make more money to buy one as what she makes at the restaurant will never be enough. Working out at a pole dancing studio, she learns that she could make enough money posting her workout videos online, but what would her parents think if they ever found out? What about her family at the restaurant…and Ryan? Well, she will soon find out! I so enjoyed spending time with the D’Angelo’s and their extended families - such truly heartwarming stories and characters! I received an advance review copy at no cost and without obligation for an honest review. (paytonpuppy)

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Book four in the series can be read as a standalone and ends with a HEA. It is written in third person from a dual POV. Readers met both Salena and Ryan in earlier books in the series as minor characters. This book gives readers a deeper look at their characters and how they are completely interwoven into the D’Angelo family’s love and chaos.
Salena is a strong and feisty heroine. She tries hard to walk the line between following her own path and respecting her Italian family heritage and the parental expectations that go along with it. She has a few secrets along the way, but I love how strong she is. When Ryan first sees her, his response of “Who is that?” in stunned adoration sets the tone for their relationship to come. Though neither one is looking for a deep relationship, they find it with each other. Friendship, trust, and passion lead them to a place where Ryan accepts Salena in all her glory. And Salena comes to terms with the possibility that Ryan might just have real feelings for her that match what she is feeling for him.
Steamy moments, laughs, and the dynamics of loud, involved Italian family made this another book by this author that I have loved completely. I have said it before, but I will say again: I want to be adopted by the D’Angelo’s. Swoony romance that hits deeper than many, this author wraps up the series with a perfect epilogue. I am really excited to see what comes next.

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Such a great addition to the D'Angelos series. I wasn't anticipating a fourth book since I thought the series would just be about the siblings but I really enjoyed this book about their family friend. It all tied nicely together. I have read a lot of Bybee's work and am rarely disappointed. She has a great writing style and the books flow smoothly. I love the element of romance and heat but an actual connection and plot in her books.

In the previous books you would have met Luca, Chloe and Gio. Salena is best friends with Chloe and has basically been a part of their family for years. When she gets invited to Gio's wedding and meets his soon to be brother-in-law Ryan, there is an instant connection. Trouble (as she is dubbed) meets the black sheep/bad boy and things progress from there. Salena isn't one to do relationships as there has always been pressure from her Italian family to settle down and have kids. Her parents are already upset with her for moving out of their house. But she needs independence and to make her own way. Ryan was born to money but he doesn't live off of his father's wealth; he has made his own way. He wants to get to know Salena and also help her but she refuses to have a "sugar daddy". When Salena's side hustle to earn money gets back to her conservative family and friends and threatens her budding relationship, she panics. It seems all the good things she has going for her could come crashing down. She needs to learn to open her heart and trust both her family and Ryan.

Overall a great book. Love the emotion and characters. Ryan and Salena were great characters that I enjoyed getting to know.

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The Whole Time is the fourth book in the D’Angelo series! I loved the first three books in this series, and was so looking forward to this one.

This story opens as the D’Angelo family are preparing for Gio and Emma’s wedding. Salena Barone is Chloe’s best friend and Ryan Rutledge is Emma’s brother. As soon as these two notice each other at the rehearsal dinner sparks fly. When they see each other the next day at the wedding they attempt to dance but Salena’s overbearing parents make it difficult.

Ryan decides that Salena is someone that he wants to get to know. Salena is very independent and stubborn and at first fights his advances. She just started as the manager at the D’Angelo family restaurant and moved into the upstairs apartment, to try and get some space from her parents.

Ryan goes in slow step by step to breached her walls. Salena loves the attention and the special way Ryan treats her, bringing her flowers, and planning fun dates. This is a heartwarming story that had me captivated from the start to the very end. There are a few bumps in the road to their HEA, but they are all well worth the journey.

We were gifted with an amazing epilogue. I haven’t noticed if there is another book in this series but I would be thrilled for one!!

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Salena Barone has finally moved out of him and moved into an an apartment above the D’Angelos' restaurant, where she works as a manager. Her parents are dismayed that she is still single, but she is determined to be her own woman. Yet living on a restaurant salary, she soon finds herself strapped for cash. Salena soon finds her side job making more money than she ever dreamed of but is concerned that others may not see her job, for what it truly is. When Salena meets tattooed biker Ryan, the youngest member of wealthy Rutledge wine family and a D’Angelo wedding, they soon become a pair. Ryan is captivated but others wonder whether he can keep the independent Salena beyond the first few dates. Yet as this couple spend more time together, Salena is uncertain whether she can keep her business a secret and if it could hurt her relationship with Ryan, if he sees her differently when her secret is out.
I am such a fan of Catherine Bybee and have truly loved this series. However, whilst this was a great romance, I must admit that I didn’t always like the character of Salena. However, I really enjoyed the character of Ryan and found him to be so patient and understanding particularly when Salena was less likeable. A good addition to the series.
I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book from NetGalley. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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~~~ I received an ARC of this book via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ~~~

Every book in Catherine Bybee's series "The D'Angelos" has been fabulous, the newest series addition, The Whole Time, follows suit! The main characters in this book are Selena and Ryan- and their chemistry is hot! They meet at a family wedding and are immediately attracted to each other. Selena is 26 and having grown up in a strict Italian family, has lead a fairly sheltered (if not secretive) life, but she's breaking ties and moving out (unmarried!). Ryan and Selena begin as friends, which of course, doesn't last long. This story is about trust, love, romance, and family. All the characters in this series are great- I love how the main females are so confident and the men so supportive. And I love how in each book I get to see the lives of the past characters also. It's a great series and fingers crossed there are more books in the future!

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I have loved this series. Salena's story was a bonus I hadn't expected. The book can be read as a standalone. Salena's never been accepted for herself except with the D'Angelo family. I loved her independence and self-confidence. It's amazing to me that she has been able to hold onto it. Ryan is a perfect successful rebel. From the moment they meet, their connection was strong. He was so good for her, accepting her as she was and not trying to change or suppress her. I loved this message of the story! I'm sad that this is the end of the series but am always looking forward to the author's next book. I received an advance copy from NetGalley and am voluntarily leaving a review.

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The Whole Time is book 4 in the The D'Angelos series by Catherine Bybee.
This author is a favorite of mine and I’m so excited to have read the fourth book in this awesome series.
I fell in love with the characters, plot and setting.
What I love most is how Catherine Bybee adds real life situations and emotions to her story. And it makes really connect with the characters.
Happy to say this was a great story and I hope it continues.

I would like to thank NetGalley and Montlake for the opportunity to read this ahead of its publication date in return for my honest review.

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This was way more than just a sweet romance. I really liked the "tell it how it is" type of main characters, but even they had some secrets.

Salena and Ryan met at a family/friends wedding. Their personalities were definitely similar, but with different backgrounds. Ryan came from a rich family, but didn't get along with his dad and was really off doing his own thing. Salena just moved away from her parents. Her parents weren't taking it well and she was struggling to get by working at the restaurant. Salena and Ryan somewhat bonded over her clunker car that bit the dust.

I enjoyed Salena's ambition to try to earn money on her own, even if she had to keep the how secret. She didn't need a man for that. What a mess though when the secret comes out.

This romance felt real and down to earth and wasn't all cutesy, so a bit of a breath of fresh air compared to a lot of books that are currently out right now.

Thank you to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me a copy of this ARC for my honest review.

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The Whole Time is book #4 in the D’Angelo Family series. It’s a well woven tapestry of steam, heart and family drama.

Salena Baron is fiercely independent, confident, and full of sass. She’s finally breaking free from the clutches of her overprotective Italian family. Her freedom has a cost that forces her to find a creative way to supplement her income in addition to managing the D’Angelo family restaurant. She decides to hide this from everyone.

Salena meets Ryan Rutledge at her best friend’s wedding. Ryan too is breaking free from his family’s expectations. He has a reputation of being the family bike riding rebel. Both Selena and Ryan have successfully avoided long term relationships and agree to a friends with benefits situation. But Ryan has long term goals with Salena and watching him slowly break down her walls was so much fun. His endless support of her was heart melting. Ryan really was swoony hero.

This series was so well written that I wanted to be a part of the D’Angelo family and live in Little Italy with them. As with each book in this series I felt a part of the story; as if I was there and part of the family. I love the D’Angelo’s unwavering support of each other and how Salena, and eventually Ryan, were enveloped in that dynamic.

Thanks to NetGalley, Montlake & Catherine Bybee for this ARC opportunity.

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I have absolutely loved the other books in this series. The D'Angelos family just stole my heart and made me want to be Italian and not just because of the wonderful food. I am not as in love with Salena and it isn't because she isn't a D'Angelo by blood. I question a lot of the choices she has made for her life and even though the author tries to present her as a strong woman embracing her sexuality to its' full extent, I call BS on a lot of that.

Salena Barone is as close to family as you can get without being blood. The D'Angelos' family have taken her in, given her a job and loved her like a daughter. Salena is fiercely independent and at 26 has finally moved out of her parent's condo, only to move into the top floor apartment over the D'Angelos restaurant. Not much difference. One Italian mama's eye for another Italian mama's eye, but at least she can claim to be on her own. She works as the restaurant manager and general dog's body, doing a little bit of everything, where needed, but not making a whole lot of money. When a friend offers her a way to make big bucks, legally even, she jumps at the chance, even knowing that the D'Angelos and her parent would not approve.

Ryan Rutledge is they youngest son of a wealthy wine family. He meets Salena at his sister's wedding and is more than a little intrigued, especially when the D'Angelo men try to warn him that Salena likes to walk on the wild side and is not a good bet for more than a few dates. Ryan isn't interested in his family business and has made his own money in his own way. As a few dates turn into a few months, Ryan smacks headfirst into the barriers that Selena has erected around her heart her and secrets.

My thanks to the Publisher and Author for providing a complimentary digital Advanced Reader Copy (ARC) of this novel via NetGalley. This is my fair, honest and personal review. All opinions are mine alone and were not biased in any way.

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💃Salena dances around the possibility of romantic commitment: great continuation of series😍

I found The Whole Time a fantastic read: romantic, at times heated, and filled with the importance of family connection. Although neither of the two main characters has a worry-free relationship with the parents, both are wrapped in the warmth of the D'Angelo family which readily treats them as one of their own.

The novel centers on another romance for a member of the D'Angelo restaurant crew and I loved this one as much as the previous novels in the series. Salena is a hard-working manager at their restaurant, a strong character, refusing to bow to her parents and their conviction that an Italian woman should remain living with her parents until marriage. She's got some financial worries though, with a car on its last legs and not enough income from her restaurant job to replace it.

Ryan, the soon-to-be brother-in-law of Gio D'Angelo, gets one look at Salena and is totally smitten. His first moves are an attempt to help with the car and their mutual attraction moves on from there. Their romance has its hiccups but most of the story is a slowly building trust undercut with a major secret Salena is afraid to share with her nearest and dearest, including Ryan. Ryan is very supportive, a modern man who understands Salena's need for independence.

I am a fan of Catherine Bybee's writing. The pace is great; there's no excess description, just a focus on the action and emotions of the characters. She brought in some traces of humor and snark, included a spoiler character to set the proverbial cat among the pigeons, and crafted an excellent, thoroughly enjoyable story with a happy end result and plenty of appearances of the characters from the other novels in the series. I particularly liked her judicious, mostly restrained use of heat in describing the romance and Ryan's thoughtful ways of showing Salena the depth of his feelings.

Thanks to Montlake and NetGalley for sharing a complimentary advance copy of the book; this is my voluntary and honest opinion.

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My big fat Italian family....

Salena never does what is expected of her...
Her Italian family, restuarant included, has their nose in her business, except for the one secret she is trying to keep from everyone.

Ryan is the entitled rich boy she's having fun with benefits with.
A large, over involved family, a secret and a new beau.
Fun read.

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I found Catherine Bybee with the previous book in this series (Beginning of Forever June 2023) and opened this one with high anticipation. This is actually the fourth in the D’Angelos series. The D’Angelos family runs an Italian restaurant in San Diego’s Little Italy. The previous books have focused on romances for the D’Angelos siblings. This one begins with the wedding of the previous couple. At the wedding the brother of the bride is flirting and attracted to a very close family friend of the D’Angelos. She is also their new manager and has moved into a small apartment above the workplace.

Salena Barone has finally moved out of her traditional Catholic Italian parents home. When her dilapidated car breaks down she needs money faster than she can make it at the restaurant. A friend from her gym helps her with a side gig. She is very attracted to Ryan Rutledge. He isn’t part of his family wine business but enjoys his life and the success he has in commercial real estate.

Salena has a past and owns it. She is known for being the hook-up girl and hasn’t been into relationships. Ryan is similar (but of course that isn’t a stigma for him). So a relationship is new for both. I like that the book takes small time jumps to show they are getting to know each other over months and not days. Bybee has a light and easy way of writing. The story flows smoothly with conversations and just the right amount of steaminess. I think the only surprise to me is how late the side gig comes to the attention of others. The D’Angelos are an Italian family that is welcoming and a bit in each other's business but always with love and not judgment. Half the fun of the series is the continued interaction with the couples who’ve paired up in the previous books. I’m not sure if this is the end of the series but I will look for more from the author.

Thank you to NetGalley and Montlake for the ARC and I am leaving an honest review.

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I really enjoyed this book, Ryan and Selena were great characters with a fantastic "cast" of secondary characters. Their story was enhanced with some drama but the HEA was definitely worth waiting for!

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𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘞𝘩𝘰𝘭𝘦 𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦 is a friends to lovers which screams femme fatale but really Sloane is a softie and Ryan is determined to be the best parts of her life.

- ~ -

Sloane has just moved into that one apartment above the D'Angelos, finally free to be independent.
But savings are low and costs high, so she takes up a second job as a pole dancer on an infamous site.
And despite the growing relationship between her and Ryan, secrets might just be destructive but as they say truth has the habit of getting out somehow anyway.

- ~ -

Sloane was such a softie despite her reluctance to show her sensitivity. And Ryan was simply perfect for her. He handled the crazy situations with respect and love.

- ~ -

Overall: An amazing addition to an already perfect series and I certainly hope there's more to come.

3.86 / 5✩

𝘛𝘩𝘢𝘯𝘬𝘴 𝘵𝘰 𝘔𝘰𝘯𝘵𝘭𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘕𝘦𝘵𝘨𝘢𝘭𝘭𝘦𝘺. 𝘈𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩𝘵𝘴 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘱𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘰𝘯𝘴 𝘢𝘳𝘦 𝘮𝘺 𝘰𝘸𝘯.

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