Member Reviews

This was my first read of Minka Kent and I will definitely be reading her books again. "After Dark" was fast-paced and included interesting characters. This flips back and forth between Afton and Sydney’s POV's. I didn’t know who I could trust. It seemed like it could be an unreliable narrator. I liked that though because it kept me on my toes and is a main part of the reason why I finished so quickly. Some of the plot was a little unbelievable, however, sometimes I enjoy that if I can suspend my belief. All in all, this book was entertaining and I thank Netgalley and the publisher for the ARC.

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I really enjoyed this twisty thriller. The beginning was slow, but it picked up midway through and the ride continued until the end. I liked the main character, Afton, and the characters were well developed. Afton was an unreliable narrator, and I enjoy books like that. The storyline was compelling, and I enjoyed the dual timelines. Overall, this was a good and enjoyable read.

Thank you NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for this ARC in exchange for my honest and voluntary review.

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I love this author. The characters are never what you think. It’s a book that even what’s presented to you should be in question. I couldn’t wait to find out the truth.

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This story starts with a bang! Then you’re left with trying to figure out exactly what happened.

Afton has been a lot throughout the years, being accused of something she honestly feels like she never did. It’s always in the back of her mind her innocence. Only a small amount of people believe her.

Sydney seems to be a perfectionist, wanting a picket-fenced house with the perfect husband and kids. Only something just does not seem so perfect!

I honestly did not expect that twist but would have wished for Afton to have gotten better satisfaction towards Sydney!

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Book Rating: 4.25/5
Audiobook Rating: 5/5

I am coming to love Minka Kent more and more with each book I read by her, and After Dark is another perfect example of how talented she is. The viewpoints alternate between Afton and Sydney, and even though I was so sure I had this book all figured out, the twists never ceased to surprise me. There is a little bit of repetition that I noticed, but besides that, I don’t have anything but positive things to say about this twisty little ride. It was a little slow to start but once it picks up momentum it doesn’t quit, and I think this is another book where it is best to go in blind. Afton did drive me a little bonkers at times - like girl go get your money! – but I really liked her viewpoint overall as well as Sydney’s.

This book kills it on audio, and I can’t think of better narrators than Hayden Bishop and Hannah Church. They each voiced their characters so well, that I couldn’t help but feel like these were real people and not just fictional characters. Thankfully, I don’t think either of them are like their counterparts 😆 While the end isn’t completely what I had expected it was thoroughly satisfying and I loved that devious nod to something earlier in the book. After Dark was a satisfying thriller and it felt very short due to the barreling to the end after the pace picked up. I couldn’t wait to find out what would happen, and I highly recommend sticking with it because you won’t be disappointed!

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Minka Kent is one of my favorite authors who I will scoop up and read every time a new book of hers comes out. This one was super fun and devilishly twisty. I loved how things were not what they seemed for Afton (no spoilers so no details here) in the first part of the book so I was second guessing literally everything. I loved how Kent really sells her characters, both good and bad, in such a way that you can't help but be invested in what's happening to them. Again not trying to spoil anything but MAN she likes to use all the tools of deception and I am HERE for it!! What a wild fun ride with a subtle but powerful twist to wrap it all up. Well done, another gem!

Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read in exchange for my honest review. Great read for those who love an unreliable narrator psychological thriller.

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Starts off with a bang and keeps going strong from there. Loved the two points of views and alternating storylines. They blended together so well to tell a story of friendship with some seriously unpredictable twists that I didn't see coming.

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This left me feeling so unfulfilled.
It had all the trappings to be a great read but it just fell flat at the end.
I was hooked for a second, following the mystery and even feeling thrilled by the dark secrets when they were revealed.
I mean, you have 2 unreliable narrators, one struggling with crippling mental health issues. Lies, deception, scheming, all the good spices you’ll add to a recipe primed for drama.
However, the potential to capitalize on the pure karma cultivated throughout the book never came.
I don’t just want the idea of how someone should suffer, I’m too damn petty for that, I want front-row seats and a face guard to the inevitable carnage.
I’m pushing that big mad energy right now.

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Obsessed from start to finish. Kept me on the edge of my seat and turning the page. I was fully immersed with the story.

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That was some heavy stuff, you were always questioning yourself, is this real or not. What’s is this going and on. Ashton and Sydney are best friends and kind of cousins. Something bad happened when they were 17, now 20 years later everything gets strange. The book springs from the past to the present, it was told from both side’s Ashton and Sydney. All in all it was mysterious and a bit haunting for me. It was not a love story and not a romantic book. I did not expected the way the story goes.

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This is my third novel by Minka Kent. I loved this fast paced read.
Afton was accused of killing her best friend, Sydney's, father her senior year of high school with no memory of doing so. She is known to suffer blackouts and hallucinations and is deemed mentally ill after not being able to remember the events that took place the night of the murder.
Twenty years later, Afton is still living in her hometown as well as Sydney. Afton is working night shifts at the local hotel, but soon finds herself with unexpected newfound wealth. Afton forms a plan to help Sydney leave her husband, her high-school sweetheart, who Afton believes is cheating on her. Afton's good intentions soon begin to spin out of control.
Told in dual POV and two timelines that tell the secrets of the friends high school years and present. This is a book I would definitely recommend.

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Ive read one by her and didnt care for it but really enjoyed this one! I was fully invested in the story, enjoyed the plot, some good twists I didnt see coming made this an enjoyable read!

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A basic story that really didn’t do much for me, good or bad. It just wasn’t believable and didn’t land for me, with no redeemable characters

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OK, I think I am addicted. It was not exactly what I was expecting, but in the best way. Such a quick read and it kept me on my toes.

There are dual narrators, Afton and Sydney, and dual timelines, the present and 20 years ago when the two were in high school. The two are high school friends with both having a bit of a tragic past. I saw where this was heading at about halfway, but did not see the one crazy twist coming. But note seeing where this was heading did not stop my enjoyment as I wanted to know it all.

It starts with a bang of Afton killing Sydney’s father, with no recollection of it. From there it is a little bit of a slow burn drama that eventually turns into a thrilling ride of both what led up to the death and the continued fallout for both now.

I wavered back and forth a little on who, if any of the characters, I liked. I’d like a character a little and then poof, I’d learn something new. It lulled me in with the easy writing style and then kept me wanting to know more about these supposed friends.

It’s my first book by the author, but not my last.

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I fell in love with this thriller. I kept guessing what's going to happen till the very last few pages, and couldn't read fast enough.

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Another amazing read by Minka Kent. I absolutely loved After Dark. I loved the pacing of this book and it had me hooked from the very beginning. Can not wait for more from this author.

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Minka Kent just doesn’t miss! I loved this book, what a great plot twist at the end. I can’t wait for the next book from this author!

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A gripping psychological suspense featuring unreliable narrators and intricately woven characters. The fast-paced storyline is filled with unexpected twists, ensuring readers stay on the edge of their seat.

ARC provided in exchange for honest review of After Dark by Minka Kent. #AfterDark #NetGalley

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This was a fun thriller. Unreliable narrator and some good twists. I enjoyed it!

Thanks for the advanced copy!

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What can I say? Minka Kent does it again; another great book! This was an interesting tale of friendship with twists and turns throughout. This was the perfect example of "you think you might know... but you dont". Well done Ms Kent, well done.

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