Member Reviews

Minka Kent's books have never disappointed me and this one didn't either, although it didn't feel as twisty as her other books. I still enjoyed it and am looking forward to many more books by her.

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Afton Teachout has a sketchy history! After a history of mental breakdowns, she was accused of the murder of her mother's married boyfriend during a drunken, blackout rage!

Fast forward and Afton is now a local outcast who lives with her grandmother and requires medications to maintain mental stability. After a chance windfall, Afton decides to help her best friend escape her cheating, manipulative husband but now strange things are happening, restricted phone calls, people lingering outside Afton's home, and missing medications.

What's real and what's not in Afton's world? Who can she trust? And, what really happened the night that Afton was discovered covered in blood holding a knife?

After Dark was one of the rare reads that I absolutely couldn't put down! I devoured it because I had to know what was happening! Great read that keeps the suspense up from beginning to end!

Thank you Netgally and Thomas and Mercer for this E-ARC in exchange for an honest review!

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My first book by this author and it won’t be my last! The story kept me engaged the entire time and I didn’t See most of the twists coming. Will highly recommend and also check out some other work by Kent. Thank you to NetGalley for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.

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Love Minka Kent! All her books sit with me for longer than a day, and After Dark is no different! I loved this twisty story of friendship and made family. I thought the characters were well developed and I felt I was right there with them. I would highly recommend this book to those who love psychological thrillers!

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I definitely enjoy Minka Kent's writing. It's easy to read and I overall enjoy her stories. This one was no different. I think the unreliable narrator worked really well, along with getting another perspective of her family members. There were definitely twists I didn't see coming, but I felt like the ending fell short. I'm always hoping for the what now- what happens next. Overall, a decent read though. Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for the e-arc!

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This book did not pack as big of a punch as Kent's other thrillers. Almost all of the characters are annoying and no one has a redeeming quality. There is an unreliable narrator (TW for gaslighting and mental health issues), potentially cheating husband, and weird relationships - it is all a bit of a stretch. The title doesn't seem to match what the book is about other than one MC works the night shift. This book was ok, but felt off to me.

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This is a mystery that has a lot of suspense that pulls you in right away! Once you start you can’t stop as you try and figure out what’s coming next! A must read! I voluntarily reviewed an Advance Reader Copy of this book.

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Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the ARC.

Unfortunately I really wanted more from this book. It felt a tad bit all over the place and without a great plot.
The characters were all quite unlikeable for my taste.

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I received this book from the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review

"After Dark" is a tale of second chances, it masterfully explores the thin line between dreams and nightmares. The plot twists and turns, keeping readers guessing until the final chapters. Minka Kent's novel is a captivating blend of mystery and human drama, leaving a lasting impression and showcasing her prowess in storytelling.

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Wow, just wow! I've become such a huge fan of Minka Kent and this one blew me away! Fast-paced thriller to keep you on the edge of your seat just waiting to see what's going to happen next! Nicely blended dual time periods and POV's. She really got me with the twists at the end!

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Afton and Sydney have the friendship everyone has had at some point - the “cool” one and the “not as cool” one. Only this not as cool girl is thought to have killed someone. Or did she? Loved this one and it had me guessing until the end! Thank you NetGalley for this ARC!

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Minka Kent is slowly becoming one of my favorite authors. When I see a new book coming out by her I know it’s one that I’ve got to read. She writes suspenseful thrillers that are so good, they are realistic and they always hold my attention. After Dark is the story of two friends, Afton and Sydney. Afton is portrayed as a psycho teen who has committed a heinous crime as a teenager and Sydney is the good friend who sticks by her. But this friendship is so deceiving and deceptive. This story had me puzzled at first as to who the villain or guilty one really was but in the end it all becomes crystal clear. I thought it was a great story, I really enjoyed reading it and I will be recommending it to others. Honestly I haven’t read a book by this author that I haven’t liked. I’d like to thank NetGalley for the arc to read and review. I’m giving this book a 4 star rating and I look forward to reading what this author writes next.

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Years ago, Afton was convicted of murdering her mom’s boyfriend, who happened to be her best friend’s dad. Now, she is still infamous but trying to remain hidden. Her life changes when she believes she’s won the lottery and becomes determined to save her best friend from what she believes is a toxic relationship.

I was missing the suspense here. I feel like it was more of a domestic drama than a thriller. There were some good twists at toward the end, albeit I feel like the whodunit of it all was a little obvious. After finishing it though, I can see the unreliable narrators throughout which made me enjoy it a little more. However, again, it didn’t feel like much of a thriller to me.

I received my copy from Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I must be on a roll with books that feature unhinged and delusional MCs recently 😅. I just finished the newest installment by @minkakentauthor, and boy was #afterdark a mindf*ck. 🤯

I adore the way that Kent crafts #psychologicalthrillers - and by psychological, I mean PSYCHOLOGICAL. She does such an incredible job of getting deep into her characters' minds and thoughts - and creates so much chaos along the way. In fact, I really disliked most of the characters throughout the entire book, and that's a telltale sign of an amazing read.

The chapters are well paced, and the 2003 flashbacks were such a fun part of the plot. As an 80s/90s baby, I loved all the references ❤️.

You'll zip right through this one - #unmissing will never be replaced as my favorite book by this author, but this one comes close! Thank you, @netgalley and #thomasandmercer, for my #gifted copy - OUT NOW!


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I love Minka Kent’s books, they’re always twisty and full of drama. This one, while a little unbelievable at times, did not disappoint.

Afton killed her best friend Sydney’s Dad. He was also having an affair with Afton’s mum. Afton and Sydney are still best friends 20 years on …. YES!

A well written, duel narrative story on toxic relationships, mental health illness, and in part the justice system. I totally felt for Afton and was rooting for her the whole way.

Many thanks to @netgalley, Tomas and Mercer for an advanced reading copy 🎧

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Wow! This story took twists and turns with danger thrown in for good measure. Afton has had a troubled past no doubt. Her life takes an unexpected turn when luck finally seems to be on her side. But is it real or just a delusion? Truths will be revealed but will justice be served? Perhaps!

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Such an engrossing story—Afton is accused, convicted and vilified for an act she committed as a teenager. The story is told from two points of view—Afton and her cousin Sydney, who is also her best friend. The story is told mostly in the present with some bits of the past. It’s a story about the complexity of relationships and the multiple facets of ourselves that we show others. There’s not many characters but we get to know them and their dynamics fairly well. This was a quick, uncomplicated read and I enjoyed the small surprises in the story. I wanted a larger serving of justice but sometimes a life well-lived is enough. Thanks to Thomas & Mercer and NetGalley for the review copy.

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Afton was accused of murdering her best friend's father 20 years ago. She doesn't remember a thing, she had some sort of blackout and was put on medication. She still lives in the same small town, where she is treated as an outcast, working the night shift and running on pills to get by. Her best friend Sydney and Sydney's mother believe Afton didn't do it and basically take Afton under their wing as her own mother wants nothing to do with her.

Sydney herself is struggling, she and her childhood sweetheart Drew are struggling financially, she works 2 jobs as well as juggling looking after the kids and keeping her husband happy. But Afton has been a bit distant of late, she's a bit worried about her.

Afton has been having some unexplained blackouts again and seems to be hallucinating, and she's not quite sure what is real any more.....

This was a bit slow to start off with for me, but did pick up about halfway through. Not sure I would have waited if I had won the Lottery like Afton did! Anyway, there are some good twists and turns in this and I didn't see the who dunnit coming at the end! An enjoyable suspense read.

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I can always rely on Minka Kent to spin a great mystery and keep me on my toes and this book did just that!
As a teen Afton was found covered in blood standing over the body of her moms boyfriends body, who also happened to be Aftons best friends Sydney’s dad. Labeled crazy and a murder her past has followed her she’s an outcast. Now as an adult Afton lives with her grandmother and works the night shift at the local hotel in her small town, she relies on pills to help her sleep and make it through the day. Luck has never been something Afton has ever felt, but one night everything changes. Afton creates a secret plan in motion to help her only friend Sydney yes the same Sydney whose dad she’s accused of murdering! Afton sees how Sydney is struggling being a wife and a mom and a business owner. Afton also believes Sydney’s husband is toxic and lazy and a possible adulterer. What could go wrong?! Afton begins receiving unsettling phone calls from a restricted number, and someone has been lingering outside her home. But soon it’s apparent her best intentions maybe spinning out of control and whose lurking in the dark or is it just her imagination?

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This is the story of two best friends, one with a murderous past, the other happily married with children. Now if only the past can stay in the past. 

I'm not sure what it was about this book that just made me think it was okay. The storyline was good. I liked the characters and their personality differences too. Maybe the execution didn't live up to the rest? There was a lot of potential but then when I was finished, I just thought "is that it?" I enjoy Minka Kent's books though so I'll read whatever she writes and despite my review here, I look forward to reading another book by her.

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