Member Reviews

Thank you to @minkakentauthor for my #gifted copy for honest review.

After Dark is full of twists, turns, and alienation atmosphere! Afton lives a pretty solitary life, except for her and and cousin. Accused of a murder she remembers nothing of! I loved Afton’s character even with what she was accused of you felt for her. She cares so much for her little family. I absolutely flew through this one, just going along with Afton’s life and trying to piece it all together! I loved how the guessing had me going with theories and just what the heck moments!

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Great book. I would absolutely recommend it. Easy and quick read but also a good story. What is real and what is just imagination? No way to know until the end.

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Minka, you minx! Another fabulous twisty thriller that's keeps you on the edge and always guessing. Never disappointed!
Great read!!

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For twenty years, everyone in Shelter Rock has believed that Afton Teachout killed the man her mother was having an affair with, who happened to be the father of Afton's best friend, Sydney. Afton had a history of blackouts and has never remembered exactly what happened that night, but she has had a quiet life ever since, living with her grandmother and working the night shift at a local hotel, on a strict drug regime to keep her anxiety at bay. But things start to go south after Afton thinks she sees Syd's husband meeting another woman at her hotel but she doesn't know if she should tell her friend or not; her grandmother mentions that someone is creeping around their house at night while Afton's at work, and Afton's sleeping pills aren't working any more so she isn't getting any sleep. When things really start to get crazy, the author did a fantastic job of making me question who's reality was real and I felt compelled to keep reading (into the wee hours) to find out what was going on and what was going to happen next!

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Many thanks to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer Amazon Publishing for gifting me a digital ARC of the latest psychological thriller by Minka Kent - 4.5 stars rounded up!

Afton Teachout is trying to move on with her life, after being accused of killing her mom's boyfriend. While she never had to go to jail, she was in a different type of prison. Still living in the same small town where she is an outcast, she's trying hard to work and take care of her grandma. When a sudden windfall comes into her life, she does all she can to help out her best friend, Sydney. Sydney's family were always there for her when her mom wasn't. But things soon spin out of Afton's control.

Best go into this one as blind as possible so that you can fully enjoy the ride! I raced through this book and loved the alternate timelines so that we could get the whole picture of Afton and Sydney's past as well as the present events. I really felt for these characters and wasn't sure how it was all going to end up. Lots of possibly unreliable narrators and viewpoints to add to the mix! Grab this one for sure!

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I read Unmissing by this author either at the end of last year or beginning of this year and I binged it in one sitting and then downloaded the rest of her books immediately so I knew I had to read this one!

Boy does this book portray what it’s like living in a small town where only high school football matters and everyone knows everyone’s business 😅 been there done that, grew up in one of those midwestern towns.

The only issue I had with this book was that it felt like it took a little while to really get me hooked- but after that I started to feel like I might also need a mental evaluation, not just Afton. She was so confused and I was so confused I started to get a headache.

From the books by this author that I’ve read, she writes insufferable side characters that you just want to punch in the face REALLY well. I had developed a theory for basically every character in the book to make them the killer to prove Afton’s innocence- so in the end, I technically wasn’t wrong!

This book really made me feel so sad for Afton because of the life she had to live for 37+ years- so I hope she’s happy in Kansas City now. I’ll have to look her up the next time I’m in town.

(Side note: I’m a Cardinals/Chiefs girl so Drew’s favorite blanket being a Royals one also made him that much more insufferable.😂)

I’d recommend this book to anyone wanting a thriller, murder mystery that’s a pretty quick and fast paced read!

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I wasn’t sure where Afton’s story was going to go, but I truly did not see it Coming or ending the way it did. Afton was accused of murdering her best friend's father. Little did she know how this would take a toll on her life and relationships to follow. All she knew is that Sydney and her family still wanted her around and made her feel like family when her own mother didn’t. The thing is Afton does want to remember what happened that fateful night and she wants to have closure but someone doesn’t want her to remember. Things begin to happen, dazed and confused not understanding what’s happening until one day it all becomes crystal clear. That’s all I’m going to say about this book. It’s outstanding, definitely a thrilling ride. It sucked me in from the start and was hard to put down. Awesome read!

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I voluntarily read and reviewed an ARC of this book. This is psychological thriller with lots of twist I didn't see coming.
Afton has a very haunting past that she has never been able to out run. Everyone in town knows she is the girl who murdered her best friends dad. Years later she has done her time and gotten forgiveness from her best friends family. At work one night she checks her lotto ticket and finds out she has won. With her new found money she can finally quit her job and get her and her grandmother out of this town. She also wants to help her best friend Sydney with her financial troubles. Things are finally looking up for Afton or so it seems.
I really enjoyed this book. Thrillers are not my usual go to genre but I couldn't put this one down.

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This book started off MESSY (in more ways than one) 1.) a homicide and 2.) one of the FMCs; Afton covered in 🩸with a 🔪 and soon becomes the main suspect 3.) The ☠️😵🪦 is the highly regarded Head Coach of the Varsity Football team (aka a local celebrity), Dad of her best friend, her Mom’s boyfriend, but also the husband of her best friend’s Mom (who also happens to be her Mom’s lifelong bff AND 2nd cousin)!!!!! THE DRAMA🤭🤭🤭

I was fully invested in every second of the story as it was fast paced, very well written and ultra descriptive, and full of small town secrets, jealousy and lies. The dual POV of the two main FMCs was perfect and added some background and extra messiness to the plot which I love!

This 100% reminded me of a compulsory, can’t turn away from Lifetime Movie with all the twists and turns and the drama!!



Special thanks to Thomas and Mercer and NetGalley for the review copy!

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Quiet a fast-paced, easy book to read. Lots of twists and turns, and moments of "I know what's going to happen", then being proven wrong! What a roller coaster ride this was! I look forward to more of Minka Kent!

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If you're looking for a fast-paced thriller that hooks you in until the last word, look no further. I loved the pacing this story had, and every question that arises gets answered in due time, which is a favourite thing of mine. There are twists and turns throughout the whole book, but I was still reeling at the very end too. Very well written. Minka Kent must be an author on your radar!

Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for providing me with an advanced copy of AFTER DARK in exchange for an honest review.

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In true Minka Kent style she put me on a rollercoaster and didn't buckle me in! What a ride. I loved this book, the plot, the characters. I love thinking I have it all figured out and then I don't. I never do.
A definite must read for thriller lovers.

Thank you for the opportunity to read this arc for my honest review.

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This was a really enjoyable thriller. The build up of the story was great, and the entire time I had a feeling that I’m waiting for something bad to happen. Afton begins suffering from blackouts, and when her past collies with her present, she begins spiraling. The author did a great job a capturing an unreliable narrator. Though some of the plot was unbelievable, but it was still entertaining. I will recommend this twisty thriller. This was my first book by the author and I really enjoyed her writing style. I plan to read more of her books in the future.

Thank you NetGalley, Thomas & Mercer, and Minka Kent for the ARC!

Read if you like:
✔️Dual POV
✔️Dual timelines
✔️Unreliable narrators
✔️Character-driven thrillers

Favorite quote (pre-publication): “My mother always says that inside each of us is a stranger- someone who looks like us and sounds like us but is anything but. She calls is our shadow self. It’s where we keep our anger, our shame, our guilt, our darkness.”

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After Dark
By Minka Kent
Main Characters: Afton and Sydney
I voluntarily and honestly reviewed this book without bias or persuasion from the author.
4 out of 5 stars
This is not a romance, more like a mystery thriller with plenty of suspense. Afton was accused of killing her best friend Sydney's father about 20 years ago. The accusation has basically ruined her life and she has no memory of the murder or her part in it. When she unexpectedly wins some money in a lottery, she sets herself up to try to figure out what really happened that day. Throw in Sydney's husband and odd friendships and you end up with a thriller with twists and turns and a surprising ending. I love this author's books.

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AFTER DARK was quite the unexpected read. I found myself really liking Aston. She is living as the town outcast due having “allegedly” murdering her best friends dad *that was doing the dilly dally with her mom. You hear from Aston that she didn’t commit this crime so you’re immediately wondering well if not her than who. And is she sure she didn’t? She had been prone to blackouts so anything was possible right? Aston comes into some money which can change the world whole life and along with helping herself, she wants to help her friend. The dynamics of this friendship have to be paid close attention to as well as her closeness to her besties mom. Minka Kent does a great job developing her characters and allowing you to get to know them while you get to read a suspenseful and satisfying story!

Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for this ARC!

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Afton Teachoult is an outcast in her hometown. 20 years have passed since she killed her best friend’s father. Or did she? Afton swear she has no memory of the event, though all the evidence pointed directly at her
With a life-changing winning lottery ticket in her hands, things finally seem to be looking up for Afton. But strange things start happening, things that mirror what happened all those years ago.
An intriguing mystery for the most part, but the whodunnit and why just didn’t totally work for me. I will still look forward to the author’s next book. Not every book I read can be a winner. Afton and her best friend Sydney did make for two cray cray POVs.

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4.5 Stars

As the book begins, readers are placed in the scene of a murder. Afton is a 17 year-old-girl and her mother comes home to find her standing there with a bloody butcher knife in her hands and blood all over her clothes, and a dead body on the couch. It seems fairly obvious what has happened and she calls the cops to report the crime, knowing her own daughter will likely be charged. Afton can’t remember killing the guy, because she blacked out and when she came back to awareness, the knife was in her bloody hands. Nevertheless, her hometown is convinced she is guilty, and they treat her poorly as a result. Years later, she lives with her grandmother and she makes a life for herself, even though she is still surrounded by hate and judgment from her neighbors. Afton’s best friend is Sydney, and we learn a bit about their relationship within the story.

There are all kinds of suspicious happenings within this story. Afton is seeing things that make her question Sydney’s husband. Afton’s grandmother is hearing things and finding open doors. Things get a little wacky at times. Regardless, the creativity and plot development within this story are top-notch. This author is known for her surprising plot twists. I dropped half a star in my rating because there were a couple of places that didn’t hold my attention as much as the rest of the story did. It’s still an amazing piece of storytelling! Things are not always as they seem…

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I’m a big fan of Kent and After Dark by Minka didn’t let me down.
I was utterly absorbed in this story right from the start.
The story gradually builds in momentum as the story unfolds heading to an exciting conclusion. I enjoyed the characters the author has created and found myself invested in their story and outcome.
This is a quick and thoroughly entertaining story.

I would like to thank NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the opportunity to read this ahead of its publication date in return for my honest review.

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This was a really good story about two friends with a history. Afton is trying to move on from her past where she was accused of killing Sydney's dad. He was dating Afton's mother, but also still married to Sydney's mom. DRAMA!! 🤣 Can you imagine staying friends with your BFF after her possibly killing your dad?! Not me, but either way….this story was great. This was a very quick read full of unexpected twists. You'll go back and forth between Afton and Sydney, learning about their past. It felt like 2 unreliable narrators and I was here for the ride. Really good, but I wish I could have a sequel. If you read this, you'll know what I mean, but I say give this a go. It's entertaining!

Thank you to the publisher and netgalley for the gifted copy. All opinions are my own. My review will be posted on Instagram, Bookbub, Goodreads, and Amazon once it comes out.

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From the outset, the brisk pace of this book gripped me, propelling me through its pages with an urgency that held promise. However, as the story unfolded at breakneck speed, I found myself yearning for more substance. The rapid tempo, while keeping me engaged, seemed to sacrifice the depth and intricacy I had hoped for.

The initial secrets teased at a hidden complexity, sparking my curiosity and anticipation. Yet, as the plot accelerated, instead of unfolding into a richer narrative, it took a detour into unexpected disappointment. The reasons behind the twists and turns left me speechless, not in awe, but in a sense of unmet expectations.

Even with a wonderful buddy reader to share the journey, the consensus was disbelief and a shared desire for a more fulfilling experience. The speed, while a testament to the author's ability to maintain momentum, couldn't compensate for the lack of emotional resonance and narrative depth.

In the end, the rapidity of the storytelling felt like a missed opportunity. I yearned for a more measured exploration of the intriguing secrets introduced early on, an unraveling that would have allowed for a more satisfying and fulfilling reading experience.

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