Member Reviews

WOW! JUST WOW! Just when I think Ms. Grant can't get any better, she proves me wrong. I have a new favorite! The Buried Hours is full of both the best and the worst of humanity and the action never lets up. The book was full of betrayals all around and shows the utter depravity of some people. Signe proves that some people can stay honorable and keep their promises. Cole is a loyal friend and proves to be a valuable asset to Signe in the end. When they learn to trust and work together, things start to come together. Every page brings a new revelation and it is hard to put the book down when life gets in the way. I can't wait to see what else R.S. Grant has in store for us.

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The Buried Hours is a dark horse of a story starts out very slow and honestly a little boring but then the action picks up and it becomes a fast paced twisted good plot with crazy surprises some dark humor and I believe this is the first time I can honestly say most of the cast of characters aren't likeable as the plot unravels their actions can be explained and justified by giving a valid explanation for their behavior it will be interesting to see if the author gives us another book with these characters to show case them in a different light.
I received a advance readers copy of this book and I am voluntarily leaving a review

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Crime reporter Signe Gates has very vague recollections of the 48 hours she spent with her kidnappers. In the 2 years since the kidnapping, her husband Leo - also a crime reporter/producer - has divorced her and a couple of her informants have turned up dead. And what can’t report what little she remembers to the authorities for fear of signing more of her informants’ death warrants. So when she receives a cryptic text message from one of her previous informants saying that the recent deaths in Yosemite are related to her own abduction and asking her for a meet up in a remote area of the park, she decides to take matters into her own hand. Only problem is she needs a guide for this trip, which is where archaeologist turned report Cole steps in.

I thought the second half was much stronger than the first. Seeing as this book is labeled as a domestic thriller, we know from the outset of the story that Signe’s husband had a hand in what happened to her during her lost hours. And so I felt waiting for that “reveal” dragged a little. However, once Signe started putting things together and the ball got rolling I didn’t want to put the book down.

I also have to comment on Signe and Cole’s relationship. The Buried Hours is not a romance novel, but Rachel Grant is one of my favorite romantic suspense authors and adventure romance happens to be one of my favorite set ups, so my romance reader brain kept expecting things from Signe and Cole’s relationship. At the same time I wasn’t sure whether we could trust him which made for an interesting read. Of course once I figured out that his suspicious behavior was probably down to him being (spoiler), it made things easier.

Would totally recommend to anyone who enjoys twists and turns and putting pieces of a puzzle together. However, it’s a pretty dark thriller, with themes of abuse, rape, and human trafficking so proceed with caution.

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Wow! This one really grips you and doesn’t let go. You see how Signe has been affected by what happened to her before the book begins and the trauma that she endured throughout her investigation. I had to force myself to stop reading so I could go to sleep, but it was hard. I needed to see how it all unfolded. There was so much at play and you don’t know who and what she should trust.

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This book surprised me! I love crime thrillers as much as the next person but the amount of twists in this book was incredible! This book is simply amazing and I will definitely be reading more by this author!

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I enjoy a thriller that leaves me guessing, and The Buried Hours is one definitely meets that point. Signe is an investigative report that gets tangled in a web of lies, trickery, and, of course, murder. Trust is not one of Signe's strengths, and it gets even more difficult as the mystery unravels. She was abducted and has no memory of being kidnapped and assaulted, hence the title of The Buried Hours. Not a spoiler, but sensitive: I don't like when books and tv/movies involve a plot of sexual assault when it's not truly a crucial element to the story. Yes, bad things happen to women, but for it to be a focal point is not something I enjoy reading, even when the story addresses human trafficking. There are many detailed descriptions of sexual assault that were unnecessary to the overall story. I think R.S. Grant could've painted the picture of what these characters went through without providing all the awful details.

As a murder-mystery thriller, The Buried Hours has the potential for excellence. I would revise the sexual assault plotline to be more sensitive. Had I known how heavy-handed that was, I would not have chosen this book to review from NetGalley.

The Buried Hours was slow to start (I almost DNF), and I did not like the third-person POV, but it really picked up at about 20%. Given my comments about the content of the story, this is a mid-3-star read for me. If this becomes a series, I would not continue it.

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Wow! Gob smacked! Signe is trying to recover lost hours, or in this case buried hours. There is a lot going on. This is a twisted page turner thriller that wrings all the emotions out of you, leaving you stunned after you read the last page. It starts right out of the gate, which I have to admit I had to read the beginning a couple of times. After that is was full steam ahead. At times this was so intense I had to put the book down and breathe. Everything was handled tastefully, but with depth that pulled on you. Suspense, mystery, intrigue, trafficking, murder and oh so much more. Thank you for the arc. I freely volunteer my thoughts and opinions. #TheBuriedHours #RSGrant #Thomas&Mercer #NetGalley

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The Buried Hours by R.S. Grant was a suspenseful debut.
Grant has a way of bringing you into her story and it was so addictive.
The characters were well-drawn with enough mystery and complexity to keep you guessing.
It was mysterious, suspenseful and wonderfully paced with so much unpredictability.
This is a book that you can read in one sitting and lose all track of time.

I would like to thank NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the opportunity to read this ahead of its publication date in return for my honest review.

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This thriller stars investigative journalist Signe Gates who is trying to rebuild her life after she was kidnapped, drugged, raped and tortured. Besides her self-confidence and sense of security, her ordeal cost her the husband refused to believe what had happened to her and who divorced her and accused her of cheating on him.

Signe has been living in fear because her abusers convinced her that they were watching her closely enough that any attempt to go to the FBI would result in the death of someone she loved. She is also living with guilt because she gave up some of her confidential sources while she was drugged and at least two of them were murdered as a result.

When she gets a text from a source she's named DiscoFever telling her that two deaths in Yosemite were somehow related to her kidnapping, she needs to go there and find out what she can if she ever wants to reclaim her life. But to go, she needs a guide and calls her ex Leo for help in finding one.

Cole Banner is an archaeologist who is slated to be the face of Leo's new video series is drafted to be her guide to Yosemite. But Cole has an agenda of his own and is determined to use Signe to accomplish it.

Signe doesn't know who she can trust. As she investigates the deaths in Yosemite while undertaking a grueling hike to get to the rendezvous deep in the wilderness of Yosemite, she comes to trust Cole and comes to love him. But there are betrayals and more betrayals as she investigates and the course of her new life takes some major twists and turns,

This story deals with human trafficking and is an intense thriller. If you are triggered by stories of rape which is described in brutal detail, this isn't a story for you. If you are interested in characters who overcome great damage and struggle to rebuild their lives, this one was excellent.

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This is a twisty suspense that keeps you guessing as to who the good guys and bad guys are well into the book. It starts a bit on the slow side, then picks up momentum until it takes a turn for the compulsive. Content warning for kidnap, rape, and torture

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A twisty thriller with lots of red herrings. What really happened to Signe during those 48 hours? She's got to find out because someone is threatening her and so she's headed back into Yosemite with Cole as a guide. No spoilers from me but know that there's murder, there's trafficking, there's a little romance, there's lots of bad guys. Thanks to netgalley for the ARC. A page turner.

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This thriller was an adrenaline rush from start to finish, with wild bursts of frenetic activity and so many red herrings.

Sine is an investigative journalist who is used to danger. She interviews drug bosses, mob men, and all of the people working in the dark edges of society. In her recent past, she was kidnapped and drugged and held for two days, and has no memory of the time period. When an informant asks her to meet up the backwoods of Yosemite and says they have information about the missing hours, she hires a cameraman and immediately head to the park. Will it be a trap, or will she finally learn the truth?

The concept was unique and compelling, making this an utterly binge worthy book. I felt sympathy for the things Signe has been through, and for the fact that she is still trying to put the pieces back together. Having missing hours like that would be terrifying, and it makes sense that you would do anything in your power to learn the truth.

The truth might be ugly in this case, and Signe is left unsure of who she can trust and what is actually real. The story reads like an action packed movie, with stressful event after stressful event occurring. The isolated setting works perfectly, the small cast of characters are captivating, and Signe herself is a fantastic protagonist.

Thank you to NetGalley and Thomas & Mercer for the arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I’m really going against the grain here, but this book was most definitely not for me. I just could not get into the writing. The third person writing style was not done in a smooth manner and for me it was distracting. I have read quite a few books this year, and this was the first time I had a problem with this. For whatever reason, it just didn’t work for me. I kept trying to hold out and continue reading because there are so many great reviews, but I couldn’t force myself to continue. I’m very disappointed because I love dark thrillers, and the synopsis of this one made it sound so good.

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There is so much more than hours buried in this gripping plot. There are buried secrets, identities, crimes, assets, bodies. The protagonist is Signe, an investigative journalist, who interviews criminals ranging from cartel lords to artifact traffickers. She’d been married to her producer, Leo, until an unimaginable event changed everything about her life. He didn’t accept the facts of the events and lives are at stake if she goes to the FBI. Just a warning – many heinous crimes are referenced in the plot. They are relevant to the story and certainly not for shock value. There’s also an undercurrent of passionate tension. The setting in Yosemite National Park Is filled with serious hikers and climbers with some captivating archaeological nuggets woven in. Signe is chasing a mysterious unknown source for a story with Cole as aher guide/cameraman. Trust is hard to find with anyone Signe counts on. Betrayal is everywhere and lies prevail more than the truth. There are many people from her past that continue to haunt her. The trip up the trail will test all her resolve, is putting the past to rest worth the sacrifices? There are snitches and sources, double crosses, fake names, disappearing messages, hidden agendas and deep deception. Will she get answers and will it bring her peace with the crimes committed against her?
I’ve read several in Ms. Grant’s steamy romantic suspense series. Her new endeavor into one of my preferred genres, mystery/thriller, is my favorite by far. The plot and characters keep you guessing, it’s emotional and gripping. She kept me rapt and engaged through every unpredictable turn. You need to read it!
Thanks so much to NetGalley for the digital advance reader copy of “The Buried Hours” by R S Grant, Published by Thomas & Mercer, expected to is Dec. 5, 2023. These are all my own honest personal thoughts and opinions given voluntarily without compensation.

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Thanks to Netgalley and Thomas & Mercer for access to this arc in exchange for my honest review.

This is the first time I read from this author and while I think it was quite slow and dragging for the first part of the book, it really picked up afterwards. Twists upon twists until everything came together ! I felt so sad for her, everything she went through. But in the end, I have to say i loved it !!

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So good. It has the perfect amount of angst and intrigue throughout the whole book. I thought I knew the bad guy, but it was way more complex than I originally thought and I loved how there were so many twists that would have me questioning everyone’s actions! Cole is a multi faceted character and is colorful, well developed, and kept me guessing. Signe is fierce and I was rooting for her throughout the book. My MVP was DiscoFever bc holy goodness did that character take us for a ride and also experience one heck of a rollercoaster themselves. I couldn’t put the book down and I hope we see more of this world and character set, especially DiscoFever and Jasper!

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The Buried Hours (Kindle Edition) by R.S. Grant
Signe Gates’s life became a nightmare, 48 hours is missing, she is getting threatening messages and videos. This is a very tense story about human trafficking, drugging, kidnapping, deceit, murder, can Cole Banner help her or is he just another bad guy? This is an edge of your seat book, but it was well worth the read. There is some romance and some steam mixed with the great suspense to get to a HEA.
Reasons I enjoyed this book:
Informative Happily Ever After Romantic Unpredictable Twisted Steamy Scary Tragic Haunting Page-turner Tear-jerker Realistic Great world building Action-packed Witty Wonderful characters.

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There were so many parts where it seemed like they were added only to add to the word/page count. Not very well written and not smoothing I would recommend to others.

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Suspense and Mystery

This book by R.S. Grant was suspenseful and leaves you with not knowing who to trust from one page to the next. You will be turning pages as fast as you can read trying to solve the mystery. I highly recommend reading this book as soon as you can.

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"How many men will betray her before this was all done", this question from crime journalist Signe Gates, the lead character of this book, sums up nicely the plot twists in this book by R.S. Grant.

With time missing from her memory from a horrific attack two years ago Signe lives with the nightmares, grief and guilt of that attack and the events that followed as she is taunted to keep quiet about what happened to her.

Now as an old informant makes contact again with the lure of her finally discovering what really happened all those years ago and who was responsible, will she be able to handle the truth. With each twist and turn in the book, she is constantly wondering who she can trust, and how many men in her life have betrayed her.

This one book will keep you gripped to the end!

Thanks for the ARC Netgalley.

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