Member Reviews

Impossible to put down. I read with held breath and a pounding heart. Intriguing from start to finish. Full of shocking twists and thrilling turns. I wasn't sure who I could trust. Brilliant book.

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Signe is used to dealing with criminals—as an investigative journalist, she's made them her job. But two years ago, a group of unidentified criminals made Signe *their* job, and her life hasn't been the same since. So when she gets a tip promising answers, she leaps for it—even when everything about the tip screams *trap*, and even when she's not sure answers will bring anything other than heartbreak.

Now, I am predictable: I read this less for the particulars of the mystery and more for the hiking. A big chunk of the book takes place in the Yosemite backcountry, out where there's nobody to hear you scream. Hiking isn't really Signe's thing—give her a lounge chair and a screwdriver over a camping mat and a bottle of lukewarm water, any day of the week—but if that's what it takes, well, she finds someone who understands the wilderness and throws herself into it with vigor. I don't know Yosemite and couldn't always picture the scenery, but I could feel Signe's fatigue and the relief of an icy lake after a hard day of hiking, and I'll take it.

The mystery side of things is a little hit or miss for me. Organized crime isn't usually my mystery reading style—call me basic, but I prefer a good old-fashioned serial killer stalking his victims through the woods with a knife—but thinking about all the details that go into modern-day organized crime, especially the work involved in flying under the radar, was fascinating. But the villains tend to get a bit...evil villain-y...and I never find that as interesting as a complex, flawed character. Here, when we find out who the ultimate bad guy is, it's a great twist...but then he keeps getting worse and worse and worse, without a single redeeming quality. And, partly because the villains are so Big Bad Wolf, the one character whose motives we're really supposed to question never really feels, well, questionable.

A bit of a mixed bag for me but will likely appeal to those who like their mysteries gritty with a splash of romance.

Thanks to the author and publisher for providing a review copy through NetGalley.

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I’m giving this book a 3.5 and here are the reasons why.
1-too much talk about Covid and the pandemic, This book would have been so much better if that wasn’t in there. When I read a book I want to escape, and the last thing I want to read about is that.
2-The use of the F word. How many times was is necessary to be used? Way over used. I don’t mind it it, but wow it was nuts.

Signe was heading to Yosemite in search of lost hours she called them. When she asks her ex-husband for help that last thing she expects him to do is send is a man she saw at a gathering. Cole Burns. The more time she’s with he she wonders about him. She knows she can’t let anyone know what is going on. If she does someone will get hurt.
Cole has secrets he’s keeping for Signe.

I did like the ending. There was some great moments.

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The beginning was kind of slow for me but the rest of the book more than made up for that. There were times I found myself holding my breath. There are a lot of twists and turns and surprises. It was a journey discovering who was the good guys and who were the bad guys. I enjoyed the book. I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced free copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own. I received a copy from the publisher through NetGalley.

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I voluntarily reviewed an Advanced Reader Copy of this book. That story is one of a kind. I’ve been a little sceptical about the book and - well, what got me hooked was Yosemite - but boy did I misjudge the author. This story is absolutely shocking, disturbing, fascinating and everything in between. Yeah, I had my difficulties pronouncing Signe‘s name, but beside that little hiccup which has nothing to do with the writing, I hardly could the book down. I had an idea what or who Cole is, which turned to be right, but I never expected other truths that came out. Very well written. I hope there’s a series - or at least a follow up with Coles friend finding their HEA - getting out of this book. Fantastic, though cruel and now I’ll never walk/drive into Yosemite as I used to…

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Buried Hours is a debut book by R.S. Grant.
I received an ARC copy and this review is my honest opinion.
I received this book on August 15th. I didn’t start reading it until the 18th. I finished it on the 19th and am just writing my review. So why, you ask, didn’t I start reading it immediately and review it when I was done?
Well, I knew once I started reading it, I wouldn’t be able to stop. And how do you write a review a book that has everything? Signe Gates is our heroine. She is super smart, strong, tormented, a victim, and full of guilt. She was kidnapped, brutally raped, and if she talks about it at all, someone dies. Even worse, she has no idea who, if anyone, she can trust. There’s her ex husband, her partner who tapes the stories she tells, his uncle, the man who is leading her to her to her last interview, the men who attacked her, and the person who ordered it all. And an even bigger question: why?
That’s all you get from me. You will have to read it for yourself to find the answers. Don’t be surprised if you can’t put it down, if the action is so intense you are on the edge of your seat, if you won’t be able to sleep when you are done.
Yes, it really is that good!

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RS Grant is a master author. This book is magnificently written. It was extremely difficult to put down. There are so many twists and turns that one finds it intriguingly satisfying. Cole is is a hero, hands down. I find myself rooting for him as the storyline progresses. Signe is a very strong woman. I want to be her. This is a definite must read.

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This book kept me interested from the very start. Signe had missing hours two years ago and she will do anything find out what happened to her. With Cole as her guide they trek through Yosemite to find the answers. A must read for lovers of romantic suspense.

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This story explodes onto the page from the get go, there is never a lull and you better be paying attention while you’re reading. Like Signe, throughout this tale I was trying to decide who was trustworthy and who was dangerous. As we go back and forth through time Signe’s horrific missing hours are unearthed and with each revelation her world crumbles. While Cole is a titillating character and was invaluable to the trek through Yosemite, he keeps his cards very close to the vest, is he friend or is he foe? I would have liked to have been distracted by the journey through this beauty of nature but my mind was too busy searching for clues to solve the murders, to who is the informant, to who tortured Signe. From the first page I was captivated.

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The Buried Hours by R.S. Grant definitely had me riveted. Tackling serious topics isn’t easy, but this author did it with skill. A plot filled with twists and turns; the story moved quickly. The suspense was expertly built, as was the relationship between Signe and Cole. I can’t wait to see what this author does next.

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This book was immediately engaging and compulsively readable. I don't want to get too far into the weeds regarding plotlines, so as to avoid spoilers, but I will say that it's a great book about some harrowing topics that are handled realistically. (And on that note, if you need a content warning, then please know that this book involves subjects that include rape and trafficking, particularly labor trafficking/modern slavery.)

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HOLY GUACAMOLE…The Buried Hours by R.S. Grant is going to have you clutching your chest with sheer terror at what the heck is going to be found in those buried hours…RS Grant has totally written such a heart heaving, page turning romantic suspense with so many twists and turns it will boggle your brain. And have you routing for Signe to get any of the dogs dealt her the sheer hello she was put thru! I loved it!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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This book is fantastic! Once I started reading, I couldn't put it down. Signe's story drew me in from the very first page and is filled with so many twists and turns that I was on the edge of my seat as I flipped pages just as quickly as possible. I loved Signe and felt invested in her story.

This one is a must read for fans of the genre. However, be aware that it deals with the difficult subjects of rape and trafficing. While they're addressed with a respectful touch, they are potential triggers.

The author is on my must read authors' list.

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Signe is a crime investigative reporter and her world is turned upside down when she is kidnapped and drugged into revealing some of her informants. She gets a cryptic message that if she tells anyone what happened, those close to her will die. Two years later she gets a message about two men killed in Yosemite and it's connected to her kidnapping. She will receive corrdinates to where she is to meet them but she needs a guide and cameraman.
Cole wants a job on Signe's ex husbands new show and is coerced into taking Signe into Yosemite. Cole is a hiker and helped dig for artifacts. It will take at least two days of hiking to get where they are going. Signe is still receiving messages from her tormentors while they are hiking.
Signe doesn't trust people anymore and doesn't know if she should trust Cole or not. When they see the evidence of who her kidnappers are, it's a matter of time before they find them.

Excellent story. This is the first book by this author, R.S. Grant/ Rachel Grant. Action. Suspense. Sex. Secrets. Treachery. An honest to goodness good v. evil. Characters that are strong and believable. I hope this makes sense but I didn't want to give anything away.

* Voluntarily read and reviewed for Netgalley *

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