Member Reviews

I received a copy from the publisher via Netgalley.

This book started slow, it took me a bit to get into. I generally like the fake dating trope so this premise sounded ok, but the whole “fake” part of this seems a little forced. There was so much build up to how they got on the road that the rest of the story felt a little rushed. I did like the this though, nothing new but not bad either. This was a light hearted read, like a good beach read.

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So we've got a book that features a roadtrip in a camper van with only one bed, fake dating and an adorable dog, how could I not have a great time reading this? This was indeed a great read. I loved the relationship that developed between Coral and Ruby. From their initial uncertainty and unintentional (and at points intentional) flirting to growing to really care about each other and bringing out the best in each other. The romance was delightful but I also really loved the exploration of Ruby's character, probably because I found myself relating to her quite a lot. Her lack of self confidence, her refusal to ask for help, putting others needs before her own and putting such high expectations on herself hit very close to home. I also loved the relationship between her and her mum, it was so sweet! And Calvin was so cute to read about. He was the sweetest boy.

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The Road Trip Agreement is about a couple of lady YouTube vloggers who decide to take a road trip together to increase their number of followers thus increasing their revenue. However, as the trip progresses and their viewership doesn’t increase, they decide to fake date in the hopes of increasing viewership. Along the way, our MCs learn some truths about themselves and about each other.

This novel is well written and flows really well. We get to experience the Oregon coastline through the eyes of these characters. We also get a glimpse into what it entails to live a van life. Both MCs are strong in their own way. However, I felt that Ruby was making most of the important decisions and Coral was just going along with it until the very end. Apart from that, I felt the novel was a good read.

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Easy read. The plot wasn’t filled with a lot of angst and was a smooth read grammatically. Both characters were sweet in their own ways but not particularly deep. Not many side characters and those that are there, again aren’t very fleshed out. So I go back to categorizing this as an easy read but not one that will stay in my mind as a read again.

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A sweet Sapphic romance about two YouTubers working together for views and more.

Coral and Ruby are both YouTubers who live in converted vans. When Coral proposes a collaboration road trip, Ruby accepts even though their audiences are pretty different. Enter the attraction. And when Coral comes up with the idea to fake a relationship, Ruby agrees to that too. Is it just for the views or is there something real?

Loved this story from start to finish! Especially love that Ruby had a rescue dog she treated so well. Coral and Ruby really helped each other grow as people and complement each other.

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I couldnt put this book away! Its AWESOME! After i already loved Tiana Warners book "From fan to forever" i couldnt wait for her next book.
This time we follow the story of Carol and Ruby, 2 girls who live inside their camper van and make money by filming themself living their lifestyle like this. But both couldnt be more different, while Carol is fun and into adventure and takes her followers with her on these, Ruby is more quiet, as a more refine astetic and has many follower due to her quiet and charming cooking account.

When Carols deal deathline with her parents comes up and she needs to prove she can live with this job, she realizes she needs more of a push. Enter Ruby, who is much more know and while their audience might be a different there might be some overlapping who Carol would love to win over.
With barly hope Carol asks Ruby for a coorperation, and couldnt believe her luck when Ruby says yes. Ruby is more know but also struggels financially and her van is not working properly so she jumps into an adventure with Carol. Along the way they learn a lot from the other while discovering the Oregan coast, and before they know it and while still faking it, sparks fly.

This book was again very well write, the story was fun and i loved the idea about it. Minor things that are a bit far from reality for me were the fact that Ruby with 1 Million follower should not struggel, knowing what a youtuber this big makes a month (especially when they have on top of their daily videos a Patreon Account) and the missed fact that Ruby with that much follower would have partnerships with companys which was not mentioned. But this is just me beeing annoying because i like if facts are more accurate.

I read this book in one night even if that meant i was tired the next day, that says all about how much i loved it.

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YouTube bloggers join together to improve their views and their income.
This book was an easy, light read with low angst and a fake romance.
In hindsight, I think this book was ‘too young’ for me but would be appreciated by YA as it was well written and told a good story.

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5 stars!

I thoroughly enjoyed this book - the plot, characters, settings and their occupations.

This was a very quick and enjoyable read, I was done in just under 24 hours!

I always enjoy a good sapphic romance and this one did not disappoint. The only negative point I would have was the bad communication at times, it's always something that annoys me, but it did add some drama and suspense to the book.

I recommend this to anyone looking for a book that will make them giddy, it's definitely a page turner. It's also a nice little gateway into nature!

I enjoyed getting a glimpse into the lives of content creators/van lifers. Although it is definitely not the lifestyle for me, I do find it very interesting!

Thank you to NetGalley and Ylva Publishing for the ARC!

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Young adults on a scenic west coast road trip
I was skeptical about this story at first, not being a follower or fan of social media personalities/influencers and knowing nothing of vanlife before this, but then got pulled in by the humor and creative twists on classic tropes. A fabulous and adorable dog who steal scenes all thru the book pulled me in even further.
The target audience for the book I suspect is younger/newer adults but older ones can still find the story entertaining and enjoyable. Those wanting additional visuals to the story away from the book can look up Coral and Ruby's destinations and follow along their travel route online to see the sights with them.
Online, Ruby and Coral are orchestrating authenticity for a living which may or may not sit well with some readers but this is escapist reading more than anything, that'll take you on a journey in more ways than one without you having to pay for gas and lodging while on the road. I enjoyed the story even though social media personalities are not my jam and always appreciate stories set outside of the usual wlw romance story locales (London, NYC, Portland, LA, etc). The story is low drama and fluffy romance with a fitting ending, perfect reading for the beach or a few hours in a comfy chair with your favorite beverage at hand. I look forward to seeing what stories the author publishes next.

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Living out of a van while vlogging about the “life” is the unique plot to have Coral and Ruby meet and eventually fall in love. If it were only that simple. Warner infuses family expectations and responsibilities with ironclad contracts, vehicle breakdowns, misunderstandings and a fake online relationship to enhance this fun story.

The writing is pure Warner as she brings us immediately into the filming of Coral’s adventure of the day. From here her storytelling mastery gives you a scenic drive down highway 101 along the rugged coastline of Oregon and Northern California. I have made this same trip back in the 70’s when I was
twenty-three. Three lesbians with two guitars and full camping gear squeezed into a baby blue two door Volkswagen Rabbit. Coral and Ruby may have it easier yet the views and campsites they encounter are as breathtaking as Warner describes.

The push and pull on what is real and what isn’t between Coral and Ruby keeps your attention throughout. The characters reminding themselves of their agreed upon code of conduct was not excessively done, thankfully. The ending has many plot strings to pull together to create the happy ever after bow we all love. This is done rather well with the help of Coral’s sister.

I thoroughly enjoyed The Road Trip Agreement and highly recommend it.

I received an advance review copy from Ylva Publishing through NetGalley. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

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The protagonists of this story are two women who travel across the United States and Canada with their trucks, recording and posting their adventures on social media. Both have chosen this as their way of life and at twenty-five both are at a point where they must make a decision, for different reasons.

Ruby has a huge following on the platforms, she offers them her quiet life, cooking vegetarian, with her shelter dog. But she doesn't show her problems: with her mother, with her insecurities, her financial problems.

And the other protagonist, Coral, has a deadline, imposed by her parents. If she does not manage to survive on her publications on social networks before turning 25, for which she lacks a month, she must return the van and consider a more ordinary life, working for them or in another permanent job.

When Coral asks Ruby about a shared road trip, Ruby's first thought is emphatically no, but immediately her van breaks down and she must undertake a repair for which she doesn't have enough savings.

So off to share a road trip they go.

But Coral doesn't show her quiet life to her followers, she shows her adventures in nature, hiking, swimming, kayaking, rope diving, that kind of thing. So different from how Ruby lives, can the two of them match their lifestyle to get more followers, more income, to continue their life choices?

The journey they have taken has been both physical and emotional. They have learned from each other, they have learned to trust each other. It's been a good trip.

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Having just returned from a mini road trip myself I was interested to read this story. I was pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this. It flowed beautifully and I read it easily in a couple of settings. Having watched my share of videos on social media of people travelling the world, I always take their videos with a grain of salt. As life can’t possibly as perfect as they would like us to believe.

Coral is trying to make a living off her “content” and enjoy her van life, instead of conforming to her parents narrow minded idea of how to live her life working hard and playing little. However, her time on the road is coming to an end unless she can prove to them that she can make enough money to live the life she wants. This is where she has an idea to ask another “influencer” with a higher following, to team up and do a road trip together to increase their followers. Can their “fake romance” give them the boost they both need and finally make life on the road everything they have ever wanted?

I enjoyed this story and was hoping these two could find a way to have a HEA.

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This was a cute, slow burn queer romance. I would have liked a bit more spice, but I understand that’s not everyone’s preference. I did enjoy the elements of influencer culture and also the scenery of the Oregon coast that were highlighted in this book. Also, dog lovers will rejoice :)
Thank you to NetGalley and Ylva Publishing for the ARC and I am leaving a voluntary review.

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This was a cute, fun story that I enjoyed. It made me wish I still had a vehicle, and I also learned a lot about youtubers and vanlife, neither of which I’d ever really thought about before. Warner writes characters that feel real, and this novel is no exception. Two young women who travel alone in vans and record their experiences for YouTube realize they need something more to build their followers and keep afloat financially. They each have their own reasons. After a conversation with her sister, Coral reaches out to Ruby to ask if she might want to partner up for an adventure. To make it more interesting, they are pretty much opposites. Coral is a daredevil who loves excitement and nature while Ruby seems very calm and serene, focusing on cooking for her videos – and of course, her dog, Calvin. Both women have their own dilemmas to deal with. The adventure is sometimes calm and easygoing and other times funny and frenetic. I won’t go into details, but I liked how the two women grew during their few weeks together.

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We meet two van lifers - Coral based in Canada and Ruby in the US. Coral is a roving camper, posting videos of her adventures on the road but she's basically scraping by subscriber wise. Ruby posts structured videos showcasing her cooking and simple life with sidekick Calvin her rescue dog. With almost a million followers her life should be set. But both women desperately need to garner more followers for different (and to them compelling) reasons. To cut to the chase, Coral contacts Ruby re a joint venture - a road trip along the West coast should boost both accounts.
Warner's descriptions of Vancouver then the West coast as they drive along brought back memories of my years there. The beauty of terrain, raw power of the ocean. I enjoyed the negotiations between Ruby and Coral and how compromise and acceptance made the trip easier. How true comfort comes from learning about each other. The pressure self-imposed or by family along with a touch of drama then decision to have a "fake" relationship to spice up their adventures for more followers. I learned about influencers, "clicks" and subscribers, earning income from posting videos and the constant need to provide interesting content. All of this plus beautiful descriptions, neatly woven into a road trip romance. Lights, camera, action, post. The attraction is there but beware the road travelled is not without bumps and potholes. Is that cross-border love possible?
I'm not into any social media but decided to take a chance with this book and am I happy I did! Overall, this was an enjoyable, easy read from the author.

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I received an ARC thanks to NetGalley, the author, and the publisher.

The Road Trip Agreement is a great LGBTQ 🏳️‍🌈 read. It’s a forced proximity, slow burn, HEA romance. Coral and Ruby are both YouTubers who are in the #vanlife niche. They both need to grow their channels for different reasons and feel like they’re stalled. On the brink of losing her van life due to a deal she made with her parents, Coral comes up with a plan to proposition Ruby with a joint road trip. Ruby decides to say yes to Corals idea and they spend 10 days living in a van togerher, despite never having met each other.

This story is very cute. Ruby and Coral are both likable characters, and of course we can’t forget Calvin, Ruby’s dog. They go on adventures, learn a lot about each other as well as themselves, and open their ❤️ to love.

I only rated this book 3 ⭐️⭐️⭐️ because it felt too short and rushed, I didn’t feel like I connected well with their love, and I think their trip could’ve have some more entertainment and adventure to it. Overall it was a cute read, but it wasn’t an engrossing read for me.

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A sweet Sapphic romance about two YouTubers working together for views and more.

Coral and Ruby are both YouTubers who live in converted vans. When Coral proposes a collaboration road trip, Ruby accepts even though their audiences are pretty different. Enter the attraction. And when Coral comes up with the idea to fake a relationship, Ruby agrees to that too. Is it just for the views or is there something real?

Loved this story from start to finish! Especially love that Ruby had a rescue dog she treated so well. Coral and Ruby really helped each other grow as people and complement each other.

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Ruby and Coral are both van-life YouTubers who are struggling to get new followers and make enough money to continue their lifestyle. So they decide to team up and go on a road trip down the coast of Washington/Oregon/California. Along the way, they discover they are both lesbians and their followers think they would make a cute couple. In a last ditch effort to make more money, they start fake dating for their videos. But the lines between fake and real start to blur and Ruby and Coral find that they may just have real feelings for each other.
I loved this book so much. Especially since van-life and vlogging are such huge concepts now compared to even 2020, this book could be a huge hit! The characters were extremely likeable with relatable problems that even non-van-life people can relate to. If you like books like 'Written in the Stars' and 'You with a View,' this book is for you!!

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This was a delightful fake relationship, slow-burn story about two internet influencers who traveled in vans, desperate to get more followers, each with different reasons for needing to earn more money, plain and simple… but it really wasn’t that simple.

Coral had her parents on her back, wanting her to go to college. They bought her a van and she agreed that if she didn’t earn $30 thousand a year by her 24th birthday, she would go to work in their company. Time was running out.
Ruby’s van needed a new transmission but she was devoted to her widowed mother, and rather than have her van repaired, she used her earnings to pay her mother’s bills.

Ruby and Coral had completely different format styles and audiences but decided to take a 10-day road-trip together, share some of their content with each other and hopefully increase their followers. This worked well as they learned different camera and editing techniques from each other.

They did have their differences. Coral loved to “wing it,” go wherever the next adventure was. She believed that living her dream would create her story. Ruby believed that people let life pass by when, really, the day-to-day stuff is where the real meaning is. Both were SET in their beliefs and they both certainly stood to learn lessons from the other.

They had to share the only bed inside the van. There was a cute line that Ruby shared about leaving enough space in the middle of the bed for Jesus, as her grandmother used to say!

When a video commenter noted how cute they were together, it opened up a possibility to them that they could attract more followers if they faked a relationship. The first kiss was supposed to be just a peck, but turned into something way more than a peck! The ensuing part of the story produced a lot of new possibilities and resulted in some steamy moments. Neither would even admit to themselves anything other than self-denial, because, after all, it was just fake. Not going to add spoilers, here!

I can’t continue without introducing the third member and star of this journey, Calvin, a rescue dog and Ruby’s soul mate. I really want to commend Tiana Warner for her incredible ability to convey how sensitive a dog can be to people, being in tune to a person’s moods and to their tone of voice with other people. Calvin was a very valuable contributor to this story.

This book was outstanding, even with some frustrating angst. I loved it and am so happy that I read it. My thanks to NetGalley and Ylva Publishing for the arc in exchange for my honest opinion.

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The first two chapters set up the plot nicely. I don’t follow any influencers on you tube, to be honest my you tube history is mainly cat and how to videos, and as someone who has always done the 40 hours plus traditional working grind I was a bit defensive at one of the mains dissing it, BUT, you have to admire anyone earning their living doing what they love! That last sentence is what the author has done really well, I immediately see the mains as real people. I maybe don’t have first hand experience of their life, but the writer has painted a picture so well I can see their life.
This story kept me engaged and I read it in one sitting, perhaps the result of a quiet day rather than gripped, but I certainly didn’t put it down and potter off.
A couple of poor decisions by mains, but that added a bit of drama. A comfortable 3, neither rounded up nor down.

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