Member Reviews

As a YA read, I think this works. The ending was unexpected but the writer provided a cast of great teen characters/suspects. The MC was a little lackluster at times, but overall I enjoyed the mystery. Could def see this being adapted as a miniseries.

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This debut book was very well written in my opinion. This is a young adult thriller that really blew my mind. It kept me guessing and really threw me off which I love. I hate when I can find out the twists beforehand. The chapters were super short and easy to read. i flew through this book in a day!! The story was just so well written and so were the characters. I found the main character likeable and someone who I wanted to make it out in the end. The author really made you care for her. As I said this is YA so the characters are a little immature which I know some people can dislike so keep that in mind but I didn't mind it at all.

This is the perfect YA thriller for a fast paced stump killing read! Its gritty and twisty. HIGHLY recommend if you're a fan of Holly Jackson and Karen M. Mcmanus

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What a fantastic debut novel!! Once I go into the flow of this book, I could not stop! The twists and turns were well timed and kept me guessing the whole way through! I had a hard time deciding who I wanted to root for and who to suspect. This is definitely a book I will be recommending to others!

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definitely a must read. i was completely engulfed and couldn’t put it down. each time i thought it couldn’t get any better, it did. the characters’ each have their own way of making you feel as if you’re there with them.. it’s not your typical thriller and that’s what makes it better. ps.. if i could rate more than five stars, i’d give it seven.

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Oh wow what a fun book I love the idea of the FMC stumbling into a murder family and then having to save herself. The plot got a little weird in some parts but overall I loved this book and I want to own it. I will say I was surprised she went to the vacation with them but hey to each his or her own.

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Thanks to NetGalley, I received an electronic copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

This debut by Trish Lundy is a young adult thriller that kept me guessing the entire time. It was a fast paced read with short chapters. You aren't sure who to like, who to despise or who to root for but I found myself wanting the main characters to be safe and have a happy ending. I strongly recommend you read this book to find out if that happened.

This book is well written and thought out, leaving you on the edge of your seat. If you are a fan of Holly Jackson and "A Good Girl's Guide to Murder" I think you will enjoy this book as well.

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What, What, What … that was a wild ride!
Twists, turns, theories that get blown out of the water. What a fantastic read.
Without giving too much away, this book follows the life of Lauren, who moved to Pennsylvania with her mom, after a fire incident involving her boyfriend at the time, Clint. Laurens mom has a new boyfriend, Mark who lives in PA with a daughter Lauren’s age, Ainsley. To get over the move, and the incident with her ex, Lauren starts hooking up with Robbie. Unfortunately, Robbie (and his family) are not well liked, in fact Robbie is an infamous outcast presumed to be involved with the death of his ex-girlfriend, Vic. his brother Trevor was also presumed to be involved in the overdose of his ex-girlfriend, Jess. Coincidence, or is this family cursed?Nothing is as it seems when another body turns up dead. Who is involved and what was their motive? Who can you trust? Is everything connected?

Thank you to NetGally, Macmillan Children's Publishing Group, and Henry Holt and Company for this ARC, in exchange for an honest review.

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This is an edge-of-your-seat debut YA thriller about a teen who is forced to confront her past in order to catch a murderer before she ends up the next victim. Perfect for fans of Karen McManus and Holly Jackson.

Loved this. Well-written with great plot twists and well-realized characters.

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Trish Lundy has written a dark and twisty thriller with an ending you may not see coming.

Lauren’s new in town and just happens to end up meeting Robbie and Trevor, two brothers whose girlfriends died last year, both under mysterious circumstances. Lauren’s still reeling from a traumatic experience in her recent past and everything comes to a head when she gets involved with these two boys. There are lots of suspects as she tries to piece together who she can trust and what really happened to the deceased girls. She also has to come to terms with her own dark past.

A fun and twisty ride! Excited to see what this author does next!

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Heart pounding thriller that left me on the edge of my seat. I thoroughly enjoyed reading this one. Definitely one of the best books this year.

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Lauren is using Robbie as a distraction in this new town. But when she discovers that both Robbie's last girlfriend and his brother's girlfriend died suspiciously, she starts to wonder what more there is to his story.

This mystery thriller raised plenty of questions and the plot was fairly good. However the characters were really flat and it didn't particularly hold my attention. Such a shame, because the twists were interesting.

Thank you to the publisher for providing a review copy

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️*Title: The One That Got Away with Murder- a standalone

*Release date: 4/16/24 read: 9/1 /23

*Author: Trish Lundy, debut author

*Book cover: ok, but it's awhile before you learn its significance

*Format: e-book

*Page Count: 384

*POV: 1st person Lauren our heroine

*Setting: Happy Valley, PA

*Genre: YA, Mystery/Suspense


✅ single mom
✅ troubled teens
✅ forbidden romance
✅ family drama

Look out for:
⚠️ serial killer, drug use/overdose, suicide, arson, eating disorders

*Synopsis: Lauren and her mom Kat move to start over. Lauren meets mysterious Robbie and has a " no feelings attached" relationship. Robbie and younger brother Trevor are known as the girlfriend killers. Lauren finds something that makes her start investigate on her own.


Lauren O'Brian-(17) new girl in town, "dates" Robbie, discovers his secrets.

Kat-Lauren's mother, moved from CA to be with new beau Mark.

Mark-met Kat on dating app, they get engaged and want to start IVF.

Ainsley-Mark's daughter, a junior in high school, was Jess's bff.

Robbie-meets Lauren volunteering at Valley Hospice. Accused of killing his ex-Victoria.

Trevor-Robbie's little brother acts suspicious towards Lauren.

Lionel-Robbie and Trevor's father, an attorney,

Victoria Moreno- soccer star, Robbie's ex who drowned at their family lake house.

Jess Ebenstein- dated Trevor, died a year after Victoria at a party by a drug overdose.

Mara-was bff w/ Victoria, on soccer team, and dated Robbie.

Lex-on soccer team, dating Mara.

*Review: There was plenty of intrigue and I did a lot of guessing(wrong) who the killer was. Lauren stumbles through her own investigation, while reconciling her past in CA. It's a definite whodunit with crazy teenager motivations. I loved not knowing and being guided by Lauren and her friends. A great YA mystery/suspense!

*Rating: 4/5

*Spice level- 1/5- no sex scenes

Thanks to NetGalley and Henry Holt and Company for this ARC🖤! I voluntarily give my honest review and all opinions are my own.

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Lauren just moved into a small town for her senior year for 2 reasons. 1 her mom's boyfriend live here and 2 she's running away from tragedies. She meets a boy who helps her take her mind off of her past. However, she finds out his last girlfriend drowned with mysterious circumstances. Not only that his brother's girlfriend also died of an overdose. We're these deaths just accidental tragedies or are there more nefarious reasons? Is Lauren next?

Fast paced thriller that will keep your toes on until the very end. Every character is well developed and has a meaningful purpose to the story. If you are looking for a great thriller/murder mystery this is for you.

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What are the chances of becoming involved with not one--but two-- suspected murderers when you've transferred to a new school to run away from your own checkered past and all its demons? Lauren and her mother move to the idyllic-seeming town of Happy Valley, Pennsylvania, after a fiery incident that leaves her a mentally and emotionally scarred social pariah. Things aren't looking so great in her new school, either, when Lauren's classmates and soccer teammates begin avoiding her and harassing her when they realize she's hooked up with local-rich-boy-with-a-bad-reputation Robbie Crestmont. Folks in the town blame Robbie for the death of his girlfriend, and funny enough, Robbie's brother Trevor also has a relatively recently deceased girlfriend himself. In desperately trying to unravel the mystery of the murders and the family at the heart of them, Lauren is also tangled in the guilt and grief from her own past--which may be blinding her to dangers that are much closer to her than she can even conceive. I read this propulsive thriller pulsing with secrets and twists over the course of a single evening, and it was a great time all the way through.

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First, thank you to Macmillan and NetGalley for the chance to read an early version of this book in exchange for an honest review. The One That Got Away With Murder releases on April 16th, 2024.

Wow, this was a fun book. That opening line? The twists and turns? THE ENDING. It is young adult and you can see it in the story, but that doesn’t take away from the mystery at all. In fact, I would say that it is even on the higher end of young adult.

The One That Got Away With Murder follows Lauren after she is forced to move across the country because of an incident at her former school. She quickly finds herself wrapped up in more bad news at her new school, beginning to fall for a boy who many claim murdered his ex girlfriend. Throughout the book you follow Lauren and her friends as they try to solve the mystery.

Overall, the plot was enjoyable. It was easy to read and easy to follow. The characters felt fleshed out and I grew to love the side characters. My biggest complaint about the book is how they tease the incident at Lauren’s old school throughout the book, only to reveal everything in the last 5% of the book. Honestly, it was hard to care about the storyline that late into the book.

I was trying to figure out who the real murderer was all the way up to the reveal, so that was a fun time.

If you liked A Good Girl’s Guide To Murder, you should pick this book up when it releases - it will be right up your alley.

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A huge thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for this arc in exchange for an honest review.
I give it 3.75 stars!
I was hooked in the beginning, but then I felt that the story was kind of dragging on a little bit. I personally did not care for drug and alcohol use, however that is typical for most high schoolers. This is a good YA thriller because there is a high school romance, dangerous and mysterious boyfriend that the new girl ends up liking despite what rumors she hears and of course, high school drama. Some characters were a little unlikable. There were some twists and turns that I would not have guessed. If you like murder mysteries this is an enjoyable one. Lundy also has a nice writing style which made it a great read.

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3.5 stars — I feel like it took me a long time to get a grasp on these character motivations, and not in a mystery building way.

Lauren and her mom have just moved across the country at the start of her senior year after the events of a fire at her old school left her ostracized. She’s hoping for a fresh start on her soccer team at her new school, but her choice in hookup buddy happens to be the older brother of the most hated brother duo at school. Both Robbie and Trevor’s girlfriends died in suspicious ways and everyone thinks they are responsible.

Everyone’s moods & actions were kind of all over the place throughout this book, including our narrator, which made it hard to really sink in to the plot. About 2/3rds of the way in I had to resist the urge to start flipping to the end to get to the finish.

Okay but could have used some stronger editing.

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We all know the thrillers about someone having a dark past. Love them, theyre spine chilling.
Now jump into a thriller where our girl Lauren has a dark past but so does Robbie and his brother. Plenty of questions where you want ro hear the answer.

Right from the start you're thrown into Laurens world but in a good way. I found her really relatable as she copes with her new home and new life.

I also really liked the pacing in this book from the beginning. It doesnt drag the start out too much.
The only complaint I have about this book is that Lauren comes off easily influenced and its hard to get a read on her personality. It is explained by what shes been through but at times it did bug me. However overall I definately enjoyed this book.

Thank you to net galley and the author for letting me read this arc!

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content/Trigger Warning: depictions of underage drug use, drinking, and smoking/vaping; one scene depicting sex, mentions of sex; depiction of coerced nude photographs; depictions of anxiety and grief; mentions of murder; mentions of suicide.

If you liked Pretty Little Liars (TV show) then you will like this book.

This book was filled with drama and mysteries and I ate it up, My guess on who was behind ...... was spot on but i got it completely wrong on who got away with murder.

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Welcome to the unhappiest of valleys!
Two girls mysteriously died in a small town both dating the cressmont brothers. This story follows Lauren as she begins he second chance in happy valley after starting a fire that nearly killed her ex boyfriend. When the town begins to shun Lauren for her connection with Robbie creasmont the mystery begins, is Robbie a killer? How well do you know someone?! I got the killer wrong multiple times and was shocked! I loved Lauren as the narrator and this book overall was so good!

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