Member Reviews

Such a unique book, I loved the plot, and oh my god the characters were so amazing!! I definitely will be recommending it!!

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A very compelling debut novel!

YA female main characters are usually very hit or miss for me and I have to say, I really liked Lauren. I felt like she had a really clear internal voice and acted her age, even if that resulted in some more than questionable decisions. I especially liked how Lauren and Robbie’s relationship did not take over the whole book. Their focus was appropriately on the actual murders taking place around them.

I really appreciated how there was always more than 1 viable suspect until the very end. Some murder mysteries make identifying the real killer too obvious by spending a lot of time developing a random minor character, which can only be for the purpose of a big plot twist reveal.

The author mostly avoided using Gen Z references that won’t age well (though I’ve never seen music described as alt-J-esque). However, there are some YA tropes that I personally don’t like. For example, there’s a Gossip Girl-type Instagram account that posts rumors/gossip about the students.

Thank you to NetGalley and Macmillan Children's Publishing Group for providing me with a digital copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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A gritty, twisty ride. What a book! Bad girl meets bad boy, but really, it's nothing like that at all. The characters are great. I enjoyed all of them, even their odd behavior at times. I can say that I thought I had it figured out, but then it twisted, and I was like, OH My, I did not see that one coming.

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Lets start this with WOW. This book had so many plot twists and I LOVED it! Just when you think you figured everything out, you didn't. I read this book in not even 24 hours I could not put it down. I had to know what happened next. A lot happens but it is very easy to follow and not get lost with the details. The only thing that prevented me giving this 5 stars is the " bad guy" didn't make a lot of sense in the ending. I didn't really see a clear motive and was confused as to why it was them who did it. Other than that this was an amazing book and I have already told my fellow book lovers to look out for this title when it comes out!

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WOW. Okay I really did not see that ending coming. What a wildly wonderful tale of intrigue, deception, teenage drama, and deviousness. You think you know what's going on and then the path this tale takes whips you around and takes you on a wild ride in an entirely different direction. This was AWESOME!

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WOW OKAY WOW!! It's been a while since I read YA but I devoured this book. I love YA and I think the mysteries and thrillers in YA can be good if a little unrealistic. I felt like the characters and the plot in this novel was realistic as can be (because it's still a fiction novel and a fantastic one). This was right up my alley and I'm almost sad I finished reading it already!

A major, major thank you to the author, publishers, and NetGalley for the opportunity to review this ARC!

I love Lauren. She's really going through it during this novel and it was refreshing to have a MC who has flaws, who is dealing with issues the way a teenager in her predicament might. And to have her admit her mistakes and own up to them amongst her friends. And to have her stand up for herself throughout the book and not be a frustrating character. I loved her character arc and growth throughout the story and I was sad to let her go once I finished reading.

Robbie is also really going through it and kind of dealing with similar issues as Lauren. His character arc was also so well drawn out. I honestly can't say much about Robbie without spoiling because he's an integral part of the story.

The final reveal though! I read a lot of thrillers and mysteries so I was stumped as to what the twist could be. It hit me right at the beginning of the chapter in which everything comes to light and I didn't guess up until then. The mystery and Lauren & co's investigation kept me on my toes. I loved how a certain theory that seemed to make sense was fleshed out because it reminded me that these are still teenagers and they will be wrong sometimes with the information they have and don't have.

I'm also not a big romance person but the romance in this book was *chef's kiss*. Just absolutely perfect and minimal (because there's dead people and a murderer to find) so I felt it was appropriate, fitting, and believable. I also love that there had to be growth in the characters to have a healthy foundation for it and the outlook looks great on that front.

This novel was such a refreshing read and got me back on my YA groove.

The book hangover after this is going to be tough - I already miss our group of high school athletes and outcasts navigating what to do and how to handle life in Happy Valley, PA. I'm so proud of them. Love the name of the city btw

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"The One That Got Away With Murder" was an absolutely gripping read! The author crafted an intriguing tale of mystery and suspense .

From start to finish the storyline held my attention, it was a fast-paced unputdownable read . I had many whodunnit theories but I didn't guess the big reveal at all.

If you're a fan of the YA Mystery Thriller genre, I'd consider this one to be a must-read! I can't wait to read more from this author in the future.

Thank you Trish Laundry, Net Galley and MacMillan Children's Publishing Group: Henry Holt and Co for providing me with an ARC of this book.

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Wow. This fast-paced debut novel kept me on the edge of my seat all the way through.

Yay! The killer has finally been discovered. Oh, nevermind, it’s not them, it’s this other person. Nope. Not them either…

And the ending…What?! I had my theories on who the killer was, but I did NOT see that twist coming at all. My mouth literally fell open.

5 stars. Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing me with an eARC in exchange for my honest review. Trish Lundy has definitely been added to my list of favorite authors.

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I loved this book. The whole time I was like ok ok I know they are trying to lead us astray with the killer but it’s definitely one of two people. Then close to the end one potential killer was revealed and I was like see im right! Wrong! Then I was like ok ok it’s the other one I thought. Then all signs pointed to that potential killer and I was like see I’m right! Wrong! I totally did not expect who it was at all. I was shocked. I also loved the characters. They seemed like they could be real people to me not overwrites caricatures like I see in many books. I definitely recommend..

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I'm very impressed that this is a debut. While I thought this was going to be a story about infiltrating the rich to take them down, it proved to be much more than that.

It's really well-written with loads of plot twists. Even if you guess early on who is guilty, the sheer amount of red herrings and suspicious discoveries will have you questioning your theory. Additionally, it's a credit to the author that she was able to include so many characters while still making it easy to keep them all straight.

One thing I wanted to note is that this is definitely for an older end of the YA audience. There's a lot of mature content that I didn't expect and it might not be a fit for younger readers.

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I am impressed that this is Trish Lundy’s debut novel! Some YA mysteries can feel very stilted or stagnant, but I was sucked in immediately with The One That Got Away with Murder. The intrigue happens FAST - thankfully, we get into the meat of the story right from the get-go, which contributes to this book’s fast pace and undeniable allure. With the short chapters, it feels like you absolutely speed through this book, which is a huge plus.

We’re following Lauren, who just moved into a small town on the East Coast after going through something extremely traumatic in her hometown in California. With her mom and her mom’s new boyfriend, she tries to blend into her new high school’s soccer team and finish her senior year. Except she starts hooking up with Robbie, a richy rich. Since Lauren is the new girl in town, she doesn’t know Robbie has a dark past that makes the whole school believe that Robbie killed his ex-girlfriend. Is Lauren next??

My true gripe about this book, like my gripe with a lot of YA mysteries, is the obnoxiously (almost stupidly) oblivious parents/adult figures! It was kind of ridiculous to believe, but I was so invested in the story that I overlooked a lot of those character details. If I’m to look a bit harder, I think suspicious was thrown onto a lot of the side characters so you as a reader are never sure where to look, which I liked a lot. I do think everything with Lauren’s past wrapped up very conveniently, but I also liked where Lauren ended up after all (trying to be vague to avoid spoilers lol), since she really grew on me as our main character. Overall, this was a fun page turner and I’ll be looking forward to Trish’s next book!

Thank you NetGalley and MacMillan for this e-ARC in exchange for my honest opinion!

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Wonderfully written, quick, fast-paced, engaging. As an alum of Penn State, loved all the various State College references (Corner Room, the Creamery). Kept me guessing the whole time who were the culprits. Would recommend to any readers of mystery/thrillers.

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i honestly didn't trust anyone in this book. everyone seemed so suspicious that every time the characters suspected someone, i thought that specific character was the one that did it, so i didn't see the final twist coming. the one thing i wasn't a fan of was that i felt like the resolution went by a little too fast? but overall this is really good for a debut novel!

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The Crestmont brothers are trouble, all the girls involved with them end up dead but when Lauren moves to her new town she has no idea what she is getting herself into. Lauren is running from her own past, but no one can really ever escape the past, especially in this social media driven world. This was a page turner for sure and I had MANY theories before the end!

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The One That Got Away with Murder is a decent murder mystery with unexpected twists and turns that teens will love. Thank you netgalley for the arc.

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I really enjoyed The One That Got Away with Murder by Trish Lundy.
Lauren has recently moved to Happy Valley after a devastating event in California. She quickly joins the soccer team and meets a boy, Robbie Crestmont. Falling into a casual affair, she is initially unaware that Robbie and his brother Trevor have both lost their girlfriends to freak accidents in the last couple of years. Although the Crestmonts are a big name in Happy Valley, the consensus is that Robbie and Trevor are murders. Is Lauren in danger?
This was a dark and twisty read with an ending I didn't see coming. This is a recommended read.
Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for allowing me to read this digital ARC.

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