Member Reviews

Thank you Netgalley for the ARC of this book. I loved this book! My first read by this author but definitely not my last. The mystery was well done and really kept me guessing until the end. I did see any of the twists coming. Very clever!!

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I know your secret by J M O'Rourke.
Amanda has built her whole life on a lie. It’s about to become undone.As Dr Amanda Jackson moves through her seemingly perfect life in a plush Galway suburb, she knows that a secret she’s buried deep can never be revealed. Not to her husband of over two decades, not to her friends, and especially not to her two beloved children.When she finds an ominous note pinned to the windscreen of her car, Amanda realises her worst nightmare has come someone out there knows her secret. The question is, who?And why are they contacting her now?As Amanda desperately searches for answers, her life starts to spin out of control. One inexplicable, frightening incident follows another, and Amanda’s terror escalates. When even her closest friend rejects her plea for help, she no longer knows who she can trust.What Amanda doesn’t realise is that even she hasn’t understood the terrible truth behind her long-held secret, that the trauma buried deep in her past is darker and more painful than she could possibly have imagined.
I really did enjoy this book. What a cat and mouse game. I couldn't put it down. It was very well written. I did like Amanda. I felt for her and what she went through. I wasn't sure about Edward I didn't trust him. Very twisty with surprising bits too. This did keep me guessing as to what Amanda's secret was. I did not expect that. Very surprised. 4*.

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My first read by the author and I’m looking forward to reading more. This mystery had a great plot and twists that blew my mind. This was a page turner for me and I highly recommend it!

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I know your secret is written by JM O'Rourke. This is the first book that I have read by this author, and it will not be my last. This book drew me in within the first few pages - and did not let go.
As Dr Amanda Jackson moves through her seemingly perfect life in a plush Galway suburb, she knows that a secret she’s buried deep can never be revealed. Not to her husband of over two decades, not to her friends, and especially not to her two beloved children.

However, someone knows. They leave her a note - and she has to figure out - who knows? This book focuses on bad decisions and their consequences. This book took me on so many twists and turns - I did not want to stop reading - I had to know what happened next.

The book is well written - the characters are well developed. I hope to read more from this author. Thank you to the author, publisher and NetGalley for allowing me to read a copy of this book - all thoughts are my own.

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Dr Amanda Jackson is a well-respected physician and has two wonderful children. She loves her husband deeply, but is constantly having to sacrifice what she wants and needs to make him happy. And she is willing to do this as she has a secret she cannot let him know about.

So when she finds a note on her windscreen one day saying I Know Your Secret, she realises she is in big trouble. The question is whether to find out who sent it or let the secret be known. And since there is only one other person out there who does know about it, she needs their help to make sure the secret stays a secret.

With traumatic events in her past coming back to her in flashbacks, she starts doubting their authenticity. And with her husband questioning her sanity, she starts doubting herself, too. As friends and family turn against her, Amanda doesn’t know who to go to. Is keeping the secret worth it?

The book centres on bad decisions and their repercussions. It also highlights toxic relationships between spouses, between friends, between parents and children, and between work colleagues.

For a woman like Amanda who has overcome so much, it seems odd that she would put up with Edward’s behaviour and indeed enable it. Considering even her son tells her to leave him as he doesn’t treat her well, the secret is not worth keeping. What I did like about her character was the growth she went through to eventually find the courage to say “no” and stand up for herself.

Edward’s character was absolutely awful. He is the epitome of an abuser and gaslighter. I did think it was a tad implausible that he would go to the lengths he did to protect himself, though.

Pri was a very irritating character, especially considering her story arc. And the way she kept calling Fiona “that loola woman” was annoying. Looking at it from an outside perspective, though, one could argue that her decisions were not her own and she was guided by an “inner demon”. However, when found out, she came across as being more than willing and not necessarily coerced.

As you move through the clues, you can guess where it’s headed but there are still another curveball or two on their way. While some scenes were set up well and integrated with the story believingly, others (cue logs and an overall) were a lot more difficult to swallow. Even scenes where characters pretend to be someone else in a medical facility don’t sound feasible. And then, of course, the obligatory evil nurse in the mental institute – was it really necessary? And it seems like most victims in psychological thrillers nowadays end the story by writing a book about it!

So I Know Your Secret has its pros and cons and does get dragged out in places, but is overall a satisfying read.

Thanks to NetGalley and Inkubator Books for the opportunity to review the book.

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not my favourite but another gripping, gritty and entertaining addition to this series
Many thanks to the publisher for this ARC, all opinions are mine

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Thank you NetGalley for giving me the chance to read this book ahead of time in exchange for a review. It didn't disappoint! Must read!!

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I just finished reading this ARC. Although the storyline isn't my typical cup of tea, it was still an interesting story. I enjoyed the twist towards the end as well.

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This was a dark and atmospheric read. I'm not sure how I felt about it really, I just didn't gel with the writing style. I didn't feel it flowed very well and I really struggled to get invested. In saying that, the plot was fine and the twist took me by surprise so I've no complaint there. It's not really my cup of tea but I don't think it's in any way a bad book and I'm sure those who enjoy character driven books and who don't look too deeply will love it

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This was an enjoyable book that is atmospheric. The ending was unique and shocking and I gasped at the big reveal. It's very unique in it's writing style. This is a great book for those that enjoy dark thrillers! Special Thank You to J.M. O'Rourke, Inkubator books, and NetGalley for allowing me to read a complimentary copy prior to publication in exchange for an honest review.

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I loved this book! It grabbed me from the beginning and kept me on my toes and doubting what I thought to be true the whole way through. I kept changing my mind on what was going to happen and was wrong every time. I enjoyed the twists and turns and felt they were relevant and “fit” with the plot. I read this late at night and I was spooked during some scenes. Great read!

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I found it difficult to engage with this book for a few reasons. The premise that two of the main characters were clever enough to achieve success in a senior medical role but both of them, having suffered the same trauma at the same time, bottled it up for many years even from each other, is not credible. The depiction of the mental asylum is a cliché and not credible. There was awful grammar, eg 'he had rang'. Sigh. Not for me, this book.

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I Know Your Secret was my first read from J.M. O'Rourke. It was a well written story about a doctor who has a terrible secret from her past & finds that someone is taunting her that they also know. There are several interesting twists & turns throughout the book that kept me interested. The book touches on SA, mental health, rape, domestic abuse. Overall a good read that I would recommend.

Thanks to @netgalley and Inkubator for this ARC in exchange for an honest opinion.

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The protagonist of this story is a doctor who has been hiding a crushing secret for the past 20+ years. If it gets out, it can bring her whole life crashing down around her. But someone knows. And now they're sending her threatening messages.
The story is plotted very well. The writer skillfully takes us through Amanda's inner journey, her fear; pain; and confusion.
We find out what the secret is at the 50% mark but by that time you've already guessed based on flashbacks. I did find the story somewhat predictable because there's heavy innuendo and sometimes outright statements indicating who the bad guys are. Having said that the reveal at the 80% mark did throw me for a loop. It indicated that the story was more multilayered than it initially appeared.
Thanks NetGalley, publisher, and the author for giving me an advance copy of this book.

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I really enjoyed I Know Your Secret by J.M. O’Rourke it was my first book I have read from this author and it did not disappoint.

Dr Amanda Jackson is a medical doctor married to Edward, who is also a doctor, She has a big secret which nobody knows. So when Dr Jackson finds a note on her windscreen it becomes apparent she isn’t the only one who knows it. As her world begins to crumble so does her relationship with Edward who knows the drs secret and what lengths will she go to protect the life she has made.

This was a very gripping psychological thriller which I will definitely be recommending. Thank to netgallery and the publisher for a advance copy.

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Thank you to #NetGalley, Inkubator Books and J. M. O’Rourke for the opportunity to read an advance copy of I KNOW YOUR SECRET, to be published 27 August 2023. Amanda, a medical doctor married to Edward, also a doctor, has a secret she’s kept her entire adult life. Suddenly, it becomes apparent she isn’t the only one who knows it! Her world begins to tumble as does her relationship with Edward who begins to look suspicious to her over time. Amanda experiences a plethora of traumas beginning early in her life. They seem to be multiplying as she maneuvers through this psychological thriller. 4/5 Stars. #NetGalley. #InkubatorBooks #J.M.O’Rourke #IKnowYourSecret

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This is a well crafted and cleverly plotted psychological thriller featuring Dr Amanda Jackson and set in Galway. The characterisation was very good and the pacing was just fast enough to keep me interested until the end. I really disliked Edward and just wished Amanda would wise up to his antics! What secret is Amanda hiding from her family and why is her life falling apart? Well worth reading to find the answer. My thanks to Net Galley for my ARC.

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