Member Reviews

It is cute how the dog goes to the groomers and ends up looking differently. I think that kids will enjoy reading the book.

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Remembering my own dog's first trip to what my dog owning friends have dubbed the "doggie spa", this book definitely brought a smile to my face. Like many children's books, too, it also conveys much in its simplicity. Just like puppies, children are exposed to new things and experiences every day and that can be scary. The author has a puppy named Sally that inspired this story, so I imagine he well remembers the days of his Sally learning to live and thrive in this great big, occasionally scary world. It also showcases not only some aspects of proper pet care but helps show children that new things may be scary but they aren't necessarily always going to be that way. Sally seems to handle it all with a bit of wonder but seems to take it all in stride. That's a sign of a pet that has learned to trust its humans, just as children come to trust the adults in their life.

The illustrations are colorful and fun. I absolutely loved the big "O" on Sally's face on the cover as she begins her new beauty regime. This picture book is aimed at children 3-5, so the ideas are broad but common to the experience of growing up and learning to deal with new things. One of the cutest illustrations in my mind, however, is seen before they even leave for the doggie spa. We see Sally's home, complete with her human child and a childish drawing of Sally on the wall. This is obviously a well loved dog.

For the most part, the grooming tools at the groomers are suggested, made to appear innocuous, which they truly are. I do think Sally enjoyed the dryer more than my girl, though. Loved that look with her fur flying backward in the air current. Sally even notices the smells, I noted, a good reminder of how very, very sensitive to smell dogs are. Nice touch. She's adorable in her bows when her humans arrive to pick her up and, hey, they have a surprise for her, made all the better since the groomer praised her with a treat just before they arrive. Yes, even humans need their hair tended to at times.

Bottom line, this book is only simplistic on the surface. Look beneath and you'll find many concepts to use with children as well as your pets. Sally's need for a nap even hints that a child, after experiencing the new, may need time to recharge, too. Thanks #NetGalley and #OrcaBookPublishers for giving me the chance to catch up with Sally again after her experiences at puppy training classes. My neighbor has a new puppy that is fascinated with her mirror image, btw, so that was a very realistic connections to Sally. Ha

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This is somewhat of a speculative review? I was given an advanced copy of this book on Netgalley, but it seems at least half the pages were missing. It went from Sally going on a walk to Sally already in the groomer's place, and then already bathed and getting blow-dried. Skipped the haircut, too. I don't know if there was an error in the download, but it looks like I'm not the only person who got a partial copy.

Now, I will say, I have read the previous Sally book, and it was great. My kid loved that one, too, and asked for a repeat read. She also asked for a repeat of the little we got here, so I know that my kid WANTS more Sally. It's just that we weren't so much given that.

If Netgalley or the publisher can get my a full copy, I'll update this review. I WANT to read the whole thing, and probably will, once it comes out. But, despite this book releasing in February, it was archived from the system in early September. So, nothing available. :/

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This is a cute, quick story about a dog named Sally and her experience at the groomer. The illustrations are colorful and it will probably appeal to children under 5yo. There isn't much of a plot, and I doubt I would have noticed the owners had gotten haircuts too if I hadn't read the blurb beforehand.

Thank you NetGalley and Orca Book Publishers for allowing me early access to the ARC ebook edition of this book in exchange for my honest opinion.

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I received a complimentary copy of this book via Netgalley. Opinions expressed in this review are my own.

Sally is a cute little pup that is going to the puppy spa!. I loved this book the works were easy to read and understand and the illustrations were perfection. The colors screamed happy.

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Sally's New Look is a cute book about a dog that goes to the groomer. The illustrations are totally adorable. There isn't that much of a story, just an explanation of what happens while she's there. Because of this, I would recommend it for really young kids who are more interested in the pictures than the story itself.

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This book was cute but somewhat pointless. There wasn't really a plot, just a short explanation of Sally's day at the doggy salon. The illustrations, however were cute.

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I loved the illustration in this book! Sally is so adorable, and I love looking at her. I also loved the 'buzz' words such as 'clip', 'cut' , and 'snip'. It is a very "silly" book that the kiddos are sure to love and giggle throughout the book! Great work!

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Super cute! The illustrations remind me of the beautiful ads from the 60s, but with a bit of a modern touch. Sally is absolutely adorable and so lovable! Loved this for a quick but fun and beautiful read!

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Really cute book. Perfect for read aloud or early readers. I love the fun, clever illustrations. Thanks #NetGalley

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Sally’s New Look is short and sweet. Both the book and her new hair cut are adorable. This book follows the puppy on her adventure to the groomer for the first time. Andrew Larson fills the story with sensory imagery. Sally investigates the floral aromas of the shampoos; she thinks that the groomer smells like a garden. Like a small child she is engrossed by her reflection in the mirror. Children follow the rest of her adventure as she experiences a first bath and blow dry. All these heart-warming experiences are illustrated by Dawn Lo’s charming illustrations. The simplistic artwork makes me smile. It has the perfect appeal for little kids. This book would make a great addition to a family's Storytime library. It can also help pet owners explain to their children what their own pet is experiencing on its trip to the groomer. The authors also point out that this book might help ease anxiety of a child going for his or her own first haircut. I highly recommend this book for young children.

I would like to thank the author, publisher and NetGalley for this advance copy in exchange for an unbiased review.

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Sweet and simple story of a dog getting groomed. Very cute.
It is not clear that the mother and daughter also got haircuts because we don't see them throughout the story and there is not a clear mention of haircuts for the people picking up the puppy.

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Sally's New Look is very short, but cute! Over about 6-8 pages, we follow along on Sally's trip to the groomer. Not a lot happens, but she learns about bubbles. The illustrations are very well done and engaging.

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Sally's New Look is about a puppy that needs a hair cut! Her humans take her to the groomer and she gets her shaggy 'do snipped, clipped, and cut. She looks brand new when she's done. (Also, her humans got haircuts, too!) This was a fun book with cute illustrations!

Thanks Netgalley and the publisher for the opportunity to review this advanced review copy (ARC) in exchange for my honest review on the book!

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Perfect book for pre-schoolers and kindergarteners! I loved the simplistic art, the rhyming, and how short and sweet this book is. Great book for a little entertainment and for thinking about what makes dogs like getting groomed.

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This book was very cute! I especially loved the illustrations. The story is short and sweet about a dog that gets a haircut by the dog groomer. My daughter loved this story. It is a perfect addition to a stack of short picture books for family storytime!

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Thank you NetGalley for the advanced copy.
My 4 year old and 7 year old enjoyed this cute book about a dog, Sally, who spends the day at the groomer. It was entertaining, they both laughed, and my oldest was able to read it all on her own!

We would definitely buy a copy for our bookshelf at home.

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Very cute book about a dog’s adventure to the groomer. My kids 2-6 all enjoyed the story. Their favorite part was the bubbles

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I absolutely love this book and Sally. I have a dog that chases bubbles so this book made me laugh. Sally is adorable, the illustrations are awesome, the story is sweet...what is there not to love. More of Sally please...

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"Sally's New Look" was a cute little story about a dog going to the groomers and getting a haircut. The illustrations were cute. I would definitely recommend this for younger kids as the story is a very simple one

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