Member Reviews

The final instalment in this wonderful trilogy, and I thought it did the ending justice! I’ve been so invested in Amara’s journey I couldn’t wait to follow it to the conclusion. Beautifully written and researched.

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And here we are, at the end of the Wolf Den trilogy. Overall, I have enjoyed spending time with Amara and her friends, however, this last book fell a little flat of the previous two.

This book very much felt like a book in two parts - before and after the eruption of Vesuvius and it is the latter part which is the better, but it may be that because my initial interest in this trilogy was its setting, it held my attention more. The first part was a little slow for my liking and quite honestly, when I reached the end of the book, that part felt like a different book entirely as it didn’t seem to “fit”. In all though, I was happy with the ending, it was fairly neat and tidy.

The book art for this series is beautiful and would make a welcome addition to my bookcase.

My thanks go to the author, publisher and NetGalley for my copy of the conclusion to this trilogy.

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This was one of my most highly anticipated releases of 2023 and it did not disappoint. I loved being back in this world with Amara and from the ending I suspect we will see her make an appearance again in future books.

I had wondered how Elodie Harper was going to fit in Vesuvius.. which characters would survive and who would perish in the eruption. Overall I thought it was a satisfying conclusion to the trilogy and I was happy with how everything turned out.

Thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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An absolutely beautiful conclusion t0 one of my favourite trilogies ever written. This book does everything that it needs to do to provide a satisfactory ending for the characters, and creates a sense of justice. Truly an incredible read.

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Amara is living in luxury in Rome. She is a free woman and courtesan to a powerful politician. even though her heart and her daughter remain in Pompeii. When her protector asks her to find out information from the lover of the Emperor's brother, the woman is found dead and Amara threatened so Demetrius proposes marriage and Amara returns to Pompeii. There she reconnects with friends and enemies but dark clouds are forming over the mountain behind the city.
This has been the most terrific series to read, the story of a prostitute slave and how she claws her way upwards with the shadow of the eruption of Vesuvius looming large. At times this is not easy reading but the detailed research into the lives of women at various levels of roman society is wonderful and the violence visceral and realistic. Although there is ostensively a happy ending the journey is fraught with drama. I really recommend these novels to anyone who enjoys reading!

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One of my most anticipated books of the year, and it did not disappoint! If you haven’t read The Wolf Den trilogy yet, you’re missing out. With a fiercely ambitious protagonist who has used everything at her disposal to get to where she is, from being a slave in a Pompeii brothel, to living a life of luxury. But it’s 79AD and Pompeii is about to become history.
With peril aplenty, this had me utterly gripped from start to finish.

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I must confess that when I initially began reading The Wolf Den, I had some doubts, but as I continued with the series, I’ve grown to adore it. The final instalment by @elodielharper within this enthralling trilogy proved to be no exception.

In this last chapter of the trilogy, Harper delves into the impact of Vesuvius’ eruption on Amara’s journey. Like a haunting presence, Felix returns, casting a looming shadow over her future and jeopardising everything she’s worked to achieve.

All our beloved characters make appearances, and @elodielharper masterfully keeps you perched on the edge of your seat as the narrative unfolds, leaving you in suspense as you await the fate of the characters and the twists of their destinies. It’s a fitting conclusion to this enlightening trilogy that transports you back in time.

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It was so good to be back in Amara's world - I have thoroughly enjoyed every title in this trilogy.

I did wonder how Harper would develop this storyline following Amara's rise to a position of relative authority having managed to get herself freed by Pliny. I overlooked Vesuvius and the timeline of this novel, and what a twist to Amara's fortunes that brings about.

This book (the trilogy, actually) felt gritty and real without being too grim. I absolutely adored the characterisation of Amara and many of her close circle. There is never a dull moment in any of the books and I really could not predict the way this title was going to end.

Elodie Harper can certainly write - and I can't wait to see what else flows from her pen in the future. Don't miss this fabulous series!!

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Thank you to Netgalley and the publisher for an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review.

This was the perfect conclusion to the trilogy. I was constantly sympathising for Amara throughout. Always hoping she would get the ending she deserved.

And while this book was shorter than the rest, I felt like it concluded everything well without putting in filler to have more pages. This is definitely going to be a reread series.

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Fans of Elodie Harper's Wolf Den series will be delighted by this final installment, The Temple of Fortuna. From intrigue in the imperial court to street gangs and an infamous natural disaster, Amara continues to defy all odds and survive while climbing into greater and greater power.

Although at times melodramatic and predictable, as so many authors have written about the eruption, it is nonetheless an entertaining read and nice way to complete the trilogy.

Thanks to Head of Zeus and Netgalley for the advanced review copy in exchange for an honest review.

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Oh be still my beating heart.. the final book in the trilogy that I was desperate to read but which I didn’t want to end. Continuing the story of Amara and her life we reach the horror of Pompeii that we have known was coming from the start of this series. I can still taste the ash in my throat it was so vividly spoilers just read this trilogy. I’ve put the final book down but will be thinking of Amara’s world for a long time. Thank you Eloise Harper for such a wonderfully researched vibrant world that you took the reader to. Many thanks to NetGalley and the publisher for the ARC of this novel in return for an honest review.

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The Temple of Fortuna is the last in the Wolf Den Trilogy. It concludes the story of the slave Amara who we first meet as a slave forced to work in ‘The Wolf Den’, a the local brothel in Pompeii.

I’ve been looking forward to this book ever since reading the second in the trilogy, ‘The House With The Golden Door’. Amara is a wonderful, engaging character: ambitious, astute and immensely loyal. She navigates her way from slave to concubine to …. no spoilers! You have to read the trilogy in order to appreciate the challenges, obstacles and evil she grapples with on her journey to the thing she desires the most, her freedom.

I love this trilogy and The Temple of Fortuna does not disappoint. Read it!

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i love the cover, it matches the rest and looks great.

set in rome/pompeii

a slow start but i think it was a great ending! when disaster strikes, that was the best part. it was so tense and you had no idea what was going to happen.

ive always loved Felix, even thoigh i shouldn't but i actually disliked him by the end. especially because of the end!!! i also didnt love Amara but i still loved reading about them all.

Beautiful writing!!!

𝗔𝗻𝘆𝘁𝗵𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗜 𝗱𝗶𝘀𝗹𝗶𝗸𝗲𝗱?
only that the first half was a little slow

𝗙𝗮𝘃𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗶𝘁𝗲 𝗤𝘂𝗼𝘁𝗲
"even the most powerful woman can be broken by love

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An absolutely perfect end to a trilogy that has kept me hooked from the first page.

Amara’s world has always been a tough one to visit because of her circumstances but I adore her character and it was great to be back with her in The Temple of Fortuna. Whilst it had been a while since I’d read the previous instalment, I settled back into the story quickly and read the book in one sitting. As with other books in the series, Elodie Harper’s writing makes you feel as if you are in Pompeii - the research she has undertaken must have been incredible. The stakes were very high as the book reached its climax but the ending was extremely satisfactory and it’s safe to say that this is one of my favourite (if not my favourite) historical fiction series and I can’t wait to read what the author writes next.

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This series is so special to me and I couldn't be more thankful for this third and final book being the perfect ending I needed. It is a work of art and I will read absolutely anything Elodie Harper writes because she has some speciously special talent.

I was so worried about the ending of this trilogy and how Amara's story would unfold but I needn't of been. It was handled in a way that was perfect to the nature of this series and to Amara as a character. The atmosphere built in the setting of Pompei is amazing and the way she writes really brings the place to life and the tension and fear of its inhabitants really shows through the page.

This book is perfectly paced and I couldn't tear myself away from the story for a moment. The characters always have me enthralled by their depth and ability to feel real. I will sincerely miss them and pray for a spin off forever!

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An incredibly satisfying conclusion to this compelling historical fiction trilogy. The final book is pervaded by a sense of dread as the reader awaits the eruption of Vesuvius. Despite the tragedy though, the story ends on a hopeful note and a promise of a brighter future. Well-written, engaging, and vivid.

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This was an incredible conclusion to Amara's story!

Amara has come so far, from her enslavement and her time at The Wolf Den, to a freedwoman, her strength, ambition and determination through struggle have been truly inspirational.

With part of the story taking place in Pompeii around such a prominent time in history, Harper gave insight into the horrors and loss people experienced as a result of the eruption of Mount Vesuvius.

I loved the ending and the epilogue, it was full of hope and finally gave Amara and her family the ending they truly deserved.

This trilogy was absolutely fantastic and I look forward to what Elodie Harper writes next.

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The tension that ripples through the final instalment of The Wolf Den Trilogy is not just for the precarius political situation facing Amara's patron under the new Emperor, or the secrets of her past that could destroy her and her daughter but the fact that as a reader you know that Vesuvius has a potentially big part to play in this story.

Elodie Harper writes so beautifully, you feel once again the grittiness of the streets of Pompei contrasting to the luxurious lifestyle Amara now lives. The story turns in many directions.

I was dissapointed that this is the final book!!

Thanks to NetGalley and the publishers for allowing me to read The Temple of Fortuna.

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A great end to a thoroughly enjoyable trilogy. I've loved Amara's character development throughout these books as she learnt to fight for herself in a brutal world. The depiction of Vesuvius' eruption was hauntingly done, and I liked that EH depicted the relief effort as well as the immediate impacts of the eruption. The ambiguity of the ending was the perfect end for me

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My thanks to Head of Zeus Apollo for an eARC via NetGalley of ‘The Temple of Fortuna’ by Elodie Harper.

This is the third book in Harper’s Wolf Den Trilogy, following on from ‘The Wolf Den’ (2021) and ‘The House with the Golden Door’ (2022). As this was a trilogy with a continuous storyline, the books should be read in order. As a result, I won’t say too much about the plot to avoid spoilers for the events of the first two books.

‘The Temple of Fortuna’ opens in Rome, 79AD and continues the story of Amara, who had originally been a slave in Pompeii's infamous wolf den. Clearly her fortunes have changed since then though she still feels a powerful connection to those she left behind in Pompeii.

Due to a changing political climate in Rome, Amara returns to Pompeii. Not long after her arrival the eruption of Vesuvius occurs destroying and burying Pompeii under a thick layer of ash for the next 1,500 years. The scenes of Amara and members of her household as they seek safety were powerful and conveyed the sense of confusion and desperation created by the catastrophic eruption.

It’s obvious that Elodie Harper had undertaken a great deal of research in order to bring the characters and settings of the trilogy so vividly to life. While there was no historical notes accompanying the book, her website contains a wealth of background information, photographs, and a list of recommended books for those interested in further reading.

Overall, I found ‘The Temple of Fortuna’ a satisfying conclusion to this excellent trilogy. Highly recommended for readers seeking well written and intelligent fiction set in the ancient world.

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