Member Reviews

Best friends, guy falls first, a one sided forbidden romance, girl lives life on the safe side so she doesn’t get her heart broken again, whereas the guy is a wild card who likes to live on the edge (literally, he’s a stunt man) and wears his heart on his sleeve to prove he only wants her.

I loved the LGBTQIA representation and steamy romance scenes in this book. The banter between both characters was also very hilarious, and overall, this book had a lot of loveable characters. The pacing was great too.

However I’m sad to say as the story progressed, our FMC Mina became increasingly frustrating. There were so many instances where she was ungrateful and extremely judgmental.

I understand she underwent a very painful breakup when she caught her boyfriend having an affair. It left her scared to fall in love again and possibly get hurt. However, Timothy not only supported Mina through her breakup, but has loved her and proven it tirelessly through his actions. One of her initial reasons for why he wouldn’t make a good partner was because he’s been with a lot of people, and because he has an unorthodox career and rambunctious personality. Judgmental much??

Overall, I would rate this book a 3.5 because despite how the FMC Mina’s character developed in the book, the overall story was enjoyable to read.

Thank you so much to NetGalley for sending this eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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2.5 rounded to 3/5 stars. This was a quick and spicy read but the characters/chemistry fell off a bit for me. It was really difficult to understand what the main characters saw in each other aside from “good sex”, especially with such little backstory, and the end felt drawn out. The dialogue was a bit juvenile but if you’re looking for something easy with a happy ending, it’s still worth the read. Big points for the LGBTQIA+ representation in this book though!

Thank you to NetGalley for providing this ARC for my honest review!

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This was deliciously spicy and swoony! I think it will appeal to fans of Meghan Quinn and Mia Sosa, with sharp, witty banter and humor infused alongside the romance.

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Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced digital reader's copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review!
I enjoyed the writing in this book and I think that the author had a very well thought out story arc and plan for the characters. The main relationship seemed based on being friends for a long time rather than the characters actually growing together

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couldn't get into this book as the writing style was difficult for me to mesh with. thank you netgalley for the opportunity.

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Hollywood stuntman Timothy Foley loves nothing more than his job as a stuntman, that is until he is faced with a career ending fall that shows him a different way of living. Mina is a seamstress by day for the celebrities, and is trying to run her own line of lingerie at the same time. She just doesn't have time for love, but she always seems to make time for her best friend Timothy.

This book had me hooked from page one. I love their love so much, and her hesitation was written in a way that I felt related to. The struggles they faced, the openness of their relationship, the queer representation, and the friends/family all worked so well together. (I am quite picky when introducing parents or family and making them untouchable, so thank you.) and if I am being 100% honest, the only thing I didn't like was how rushed the ending felt. I felt that I had that nice slow burn through the beginning and middle, but the end was like a smack to the face and it was over. NOT that it wasn't a good ending, I just wish I had like 100 more pages of their story before it ended. Regardless, I really enjoyed this cute book and I can't wait to read it again.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced digital reader's copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review!

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3.5⭐ When stuntman Timothy Foley takes a fall that ends his career, his long-time BFF Mina Andrei ends up helping him pick up the pieces and keeping him out of trouble. Timothy has always pined for Mina, and after his accident, he's done hiding his feelings. Life is too short!

I really enjoyed reading the friendship between Timothy and Mina, but the romance fell a bit flat for me. I appreciate the queer representation. It's nice that more authors are writing about queer characters in different ways!

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for the advanced digital reader's copy (ARC) in exchange for an honest review!

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2.75 rounded up to 3.

Timothy is in love with his best friend Mina, so much so that every birthday he asks her to marry him. Mina always says no, but that’s because she believes she isn’t a good match for a Timothy who is an adrenaline seeking stunt performer. When he has an accident, Mina is even more sure she made the right decision not to pursue a relationship, even if the close proximity they have while she looks after him may be leading otherwise.

I enjoyed the writing in this book and thing the author had a well thought out story arc and plan for the characters. The characters have rich backgrounds and I am definitely intrigued to see what happens with Nic and Jessie’s story (which is MASSIVELY set up throughout this book).

I do have issues with how Timothy’s story was portrayed. I felt really uncomfortable with how the characters all hated his profession and wanted him to give it up. Whilst he get he had an accident caused by his work, it just felt like no one could like him for who he is. Ultimately we need people to do stunt work and Timothy is only going to be happy doing that, so everyone hating he’s doing it just felt consistently uncomfortable. I also found Mina and Timothy’s relationship back and forth dramatic at times and I wanted to shake them both knowing how it would end. The ending feels like a u turn when the majority of the book is focused on everyone hating on Timothy’s life choices.

It has very good LGBTQ+ rep with a bisexual male MC.

This is the steamiest book I’ve read, beyond that of the usual romances you see in mainstream media so be aware of that going in if it’s not your thing. It’s very sex positive and a big focus of the story.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an ARC of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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A spicy romance about a stuntman and how he tries to win the love of his best friend despite her fear.

Mina hasn't dated anyone since she found her ex cheating on her and a then stranger spent the night cheering her up. Timothy is a stuntman who has been in love with Mina since shortly after that night. When Timothy's jealousy gets the better of him during a stunt and he lands in the hospital, he realizes he needs to act on that. His parents decide to pay Mina to stay with Timothy during recovery, and he decides that's the perfect chance to prove they're good for each other.

Timothy is like an excited puppy in human form, and he's adorable. I liked how his support system continued to prove they were there for him. I didn't really care for Mina as much. Their relationship seemed based on "We've been friends for five years" and "the sex is great" and not much of actually growing together. I wasn't mad about the resolution, though.

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When I saw this one up for request on Net Galley it looked right up my alley. After reading it I'm so happy I received a copy. I'm typically more of an enemies to lovers vs friends to lover fan but this one hit the mark. I loved the chemistry between Mina and Timothy. Despite her reservations about being in a relationship with her best friend. And Timothy is the boyfriend we all want. Even with his stubborn daredevil ways. The book was chock full of witty banter and the give and take between our MC's great. Though by the end of the book Mina's constant negative energy began to wear on me, making it a little hard to root for her.

I also really appreciated the sex positive vibes and LGBQT+ representation. Though I wouldn't have picked up on Mina being demi sexual if not mentioned in the blurb. And can we talk about Timothy's parents. Between his moms sass and dads subtle innuendos, I was cracking up. If you're looking for a fun, easy, and steamy read than this is the book for you! Will definitely be watching for the follow up books, hopefully featuring Nic and Jessie. I NEED to know their story.

Tropes: forced proximity, he falls first, friends to lovers, slow burn. opposites attract
TW: work place injury, infidelity.

IG post to follow

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“Larger-than-life Hollywood Stuntman Timothy Foley fears nothing. Falling off a building? Any time. Being set on fire? All in a day’s work. Telling his best friend he’s been in love with her for years? Chokes. Every. Time. For a man who knows how to use his body—in every way—his heart has a way of tripping him up.”

The Good:
• LGBTQIA representation
• Friends to lovers
• Dual
• Good Banter
• Spicy Scenes
• Easy read
• Loveable MMC

This was definitely a cute, east read. I loved Timothy! So much! But I’m finding more and more when I read romances I cannot connect with the FMC and this was definitely one of those cases. I feel that authors sometimes make FMC more combative and stubborn than they need to be just so they can seem strong. I started off really liking Mina, but it kind of all went downhill after that.

I’m actually really excited about Nic and Jessie in the author’s next book!

Thank you Netgalley for sending me the eARC in exchange for an honest review.

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Sarah Brenton’s debut romance is hilarious, blissfully chaotic, and filled with joyful LGBTQIA+ rep, as well as chronic illness and infertility storylines that are both beautifully handled and incredibly important.

A career-ending injury convinces lovably overconfident ex-stuntman Timothy Foley it’s finally time to take the plunge and propose to his best friend, Mina Andrei. Unfortunately for him, Mina wants nothing to do with Timothy’s free-climbing, motorcycle-riding, closet-full-of-sex-toys ways. She’s busy in her day job as a Hollywood wardrobe worker, and carefully growing her eco-conscious underwear business on the side. But when Timothy’s parents hire Mina to stay in his house for a few weeks after he comes home from the hospital, it gets harder and harder to resist his good heart (and even better body). They’re all wrong for each other… Or are they?

This book is straight up delightful, and will appeal to readers who love Pippa Grant’s arrogant and lovable male main characters, as well as readers who fell for Stephanie Archer’s running gags and ridiculously hilarious set pieces in her Queen’s Cove romcom series. A little bit madcap and a lot sexy, it’s the best kind of escapist fun. I’m very much looking forward to the second and third books in Brenton’s Foley series.

Thanks to Netgalley and the author for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review!

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Thank you Netgalley for sending me the eARC in exchange for an honest review.
Love and Other Risky Business is a friend to lovers romcom with lots of spice, particularly female sex positivity. There's great LGBTQ+ rep with a bi main character and LGBTQ+ side characters.
I'll start by saying I'm not a big fan of friends to lovers and unfortunately this book showed me why. I do like it if it's done well or if we see a couple become friends then develop feelings and a relationship but I felt there was no build up here - just a lot of pining and lack of communication. I feel like there was very little development of the story - a career altering injury which could have been really explored and the start of a new career path. There was potential for a lot more depth that didn't really go anywhere, particularly for Timothy. I found that both of their stories were really put to the side of them constantly talking about how much they love the other. It was immediately about Timothy crushing on Mina for years but I didn't really find I got to know them. I do think this is part of my wariness of friends to lovers - I don't find that we really get to know why the characters actually like each other or see them interact in a way that develops strong feelings.
I did enjoy the spice elements, especially the idea of pleasure for both of them that you don't often find in m/f romances. You may want to look up content warnings though if spice isn't for you! I really enjoyed how Timothy's bisexuality was explored and think that was done well but the synopsis said Mina was demi-sexual and I didn't really pick up on that at all.
You can also really see the story that will be for two side characters and I actually wish we'd have got to know a bit more about them, especially Jessie, in this one but I do understand that they'll clearly be getting their own story next.
Overall a 2.5/3 stars read for me but if friends to lovers is something you enjoy this may be the one for you!

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DNF - I really wanted to enjoy this book. For the most part this was a great story. However, it felt like the author kept adding trauma or issues to the couple for no reason other than to have it there. The MMC disrespected boundaries and feelings; the FMC was really immature and ignored everything in front of her…

I really wish I had loved this book especially because it’s the authors debut book. I wish her so much success

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Love and Other Risky Business is a friends to lovers, opposites attract romance told from dual POV. Timothy is a fearless Hollywood stuntman and Mina is a Hollywood seamstress, building her own business but scared to take risks in life. 
I liked the premise of the book and of course enjoy a HEA. The writing was good and easy to read. A dual POV is always a big plus for me. The characters had good banter and some really hot spicy scenes. 

Timothy was my favorite character. He was so happy and enjoyed life. The accident changed him understandably, but I felt he was more positive and allowed himself to grow. 
I liked Mina at first but struggled liking her throughout the story. I related to her in the sense of being fearful of change and taking risks, but at times I would get so frustrated with her because she refused to be positive about anything. She was so stubborn and controlling at some points I wanted Timothy to give up on her because I couldn't see why he loved her so much. 
I wish there were more intimate conversations between them as well as more date/spending time together moments. I think it would have helped to have more background of their friendship leading up to the point of him asking her to marry him. Based on their interactions, I could not see why he loved her so much. It was odd they are considered best friends but they did not talk often or even spend much time together. She hardly knew anything about his family and had never been to his house, which was so weird to me. 

Overall it is a good story and I would like to read the story of Nic and Jessie next. I'm very intrigued about their past and possibilities. 
Thank you NetGalley and Victory Editing for sending this book for review consideration.

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Love and Other Risky Business is hands down a must read. I want to start my review by saying I love when a book has your stereotypical characters but when these two unique characters, Timothy and Mina, I might love even more. I’ve never read anything with a stunt man and clothing designer. Besides the uniqueness of the characters, their story built an unconditional love that surpass their own fears. Overall, this book has the character development, relationship, “spice “, and banter that I want in a romance. I’m looking forward to reading more of Sarah Brenton’s work and hopefully we’ll get Nics journey to love (crosses fingers).

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Unfortunately, I did not finish this book. It felt very chaotic and the writing style just wasn't for me.

Thank you NetGalley and Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for the ARC!

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We meet Timothy and Mina on an adorable night that highlights the longevity of their friendship and on the cusp of that friendship ending. Both working in Hollywood, Timothy injures himself at his job as a stunt man leading to a forced proximity situation with his longtime crush Mina.

The premise of this story I loved. That first chapter really captured me and was so intriguing. However, as the story unfolded I tended to like the characters less and less. This book fall into the #lackofcommunication trope. There were so many elements that could have been avoided if they had just shared their thoughts/feelings with each other vs making assumptions! Frustrating. Also frustrating was the 3rd act break up that I felt didn't add much to the plot or the character's development.

I enjoyed the LGTBQIA+ representation of this book and how that incorporated into the spiciness. Brenton does a nice job with the spice level of this book being well balanced with plot and character development. While I didn't love the main characters and thought some of the plot points were forced, I enjoyed reading this book.

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[3 Stars😒] I enjoyed reading Sarah Brenton's Love and Other Risky Business! Sarah Brenton wrote an engaging and intricate friends-to-lovers story against the vibrant backdrop of Los Angeles, and it was a refreshing change of pace from the romance books I've been reading recently.

I liked the evolution of Mina and Timothy's romantic relationship, even though their lack of communication frustrated me. Although Mina was trying to protect herself from additional heartbreak, she came across as judgemental of Timothy and his career. On the other hand, Timothy was the sweet, high-energy golden retriever whose goal was to do whatever it took to get Mina to love him the way he loved her, and at times I felt an imbalance in their relationship.

I also liked the LGBTQIAP+ (specifically bisexual and demi-sexual) representation and the sex-positive nature of Love and Other Risky Business. However, if I hadn't known that Mina was demi-sexual before starting this book, I wouldn't have guessed that she was. I would have appreciated the clarity because it's never openly acknowledged, and I would have thought she was just a picky dater.

However, while I enjoyed these elements in Sarah Brenton's book, I enjoyed Mina and Timothy's friendship the most. I loved their desire for each other to be true to themselves, even if it meant suppressing their feelings and surviving the heartbreak of an almost relationship. Honestly speaking, though? Sometimes I thought they were better off as friends until they could sort out their own issues.

Overall, I think Sarah Brenton put her own spin on the friends-to-lovers trope, creating relatable characters and a tension-filled "will they/won't they" romance that had me turning the pages to see how Mina and Timothy's story ended. I'm also curious to know when Nic's story comes out :)

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I did not finish this book. As the explanation why contains spoilers, I added the details only in my storygraph review (link below) where it is easier to hide spoilers.

The blurb of this book sounded very promising and like a story I could really enjoy. Sadly the small things bothering me kept piling up and at some point I didn't want to continue.

Things I did like:
- the premise of the story (friends-to-lovers, forced proximity)
- two queer characters in a straight-looking relationship, especially asexual representation in the demisexual main character
- The writing was really good, I liked the way it was written and it was easy to read, dialogues and banter were fun

Things that I didn't like:
- Minas sexuality is never mentioned in the story. When you know what demisexuality is you can recognise it in how she describes her feelings, but not when you don't know about the identity beforehand. Of course it's great to have a story where a character is just queer and lives their life and it's not a major plot point. But as it is mentioned in the blurb, I at least expected the label to be mentioned and explained in the book.
- Apparently Mina and Timothy have been best friends for 5 years, but I didn't really feel that friendship in the first part of the book. I would have loved to hear more about their past, that would have helped to understand their friendship better.
- The miscommunication was too extreme for my taste (more detail in spoiler in storygraph review)

Reasons why I dnf'd:
- Timothys behaviour, he was so disrespectful of Minas boundaries. Of course some of the miscommunication was her fault but there were two scenes especially that made me dnf, One in chapter 12 and the end of chapter 14 (more detail in spoilers in storygraph review).

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for providing an advanced copy in exchange for an honest review!

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