Member Reviews

A Light Most Hateful Follows Olivia, who ran away years ago and works at a drive in theatre in the nowhere town of Chapel Hill. The mundanity of her life suddenly changes one night after an encounter with a strange person, a nightmarish monster attacks, and the town turns into rage-full zombies.

This was insane. I can safely say I have never read anything like this before. Just the descriptions themselves were completely incomparable. The closest comp is definitely Helpmeet by Naben Ruthnam, but it’s really only comparable because of how unhinged things get and how unique the imagery is.

I won’t spoil it, but I just cannot believe what I just read?! 😂 like, how does one conjure something like this? I had to reread some things multiple times because I was like, “how the hell do I picture this in my head? What is happening? HOW is this happening?!”

You need to go into this expecting that it will probably be one of the weirdest things you’ve read. It’s very solidly weird horror, that leans pretty heavily into the fantastical with a dash of sci-fi. It’s also got 🚨ALOT🚨 of unique body horror!! That’s where a lot of the crazy descriptions come from.

It’s also very sad, and features alot of dysfunctional, messy relationships, queer longing, finding your place in the world, and recovering from trauma. There’s some sweet moments, with a dash of humor every now and then, but mostly it was deeply emotional and very nuanced.

I loved it so much. Definitely a new favorite. Hailey is just on a whole other level.

Out 10/10/23, definitely preorder it/put it on your priority TBR!!!

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A very unique horror novel…

This book starts out so strong, pulling me in fast. Olivia works in the concession stand of the local drive-in in the town of Chapel Hill. It’s just another night until strange things start happening. A strange storm rolls in, bringing an unthinkable monster. All Olivia wants to do is find her best friend Sunflower, wants to make sure that the terrifying affliction hasn’t affected her like it has to do many other people in town, turning them into sorrow-filled husks of who they were.

Along with a new person in town, Christmas, Olivia seeks out her friend, trying to simply survive the night. She never expected the source of this nightmare to be so close to home.

While this starts so strong, I did lose momentum inside the story with the way it goes. It felt like a fever dream, and while it was unique and inventive, I felt more and more detached from the story and the characters.

I liked a lot of the themes and the pacing of the book. I just lost that initial impression I got from the beginning.

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This was a really weird horror story book.

You really need to read it to get what I mean. If I delve in there will be spoilers.

You're either going to love it, or be like what the heck.

I was like what the heck. I'm sorry but I didn't vibe with it, so I lost interest and had to force my way through it.

The writing was great, it just wasn't my thing. But this doesn't mean you won't like it, cause this book has the potential to be the next best thing. It just wasn't for me.

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I enjoyed A Light Most Hateful a lot. The book opens brilliantly and grabs your attention with the first few lines, refusing to let go until you reach the end. There are moments in the book that remind me of Stranger Things which made me want to read on see where the story would lead. This is a unique horror and hats off to the author for writing something so unique.

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Sadly, I didn't connect with Hiley's writing style, here. I think it's a good book with strong characterization and solid pacing, but I'm not the right target audience. The premise is great and readers who'll dig Hailey's writing style should appreciate it.

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"A Light Most Hateful" by Hailey Piper is a tour-de-force of storytelling, capturing the reader's attention from the first page and never letting go. Piper's masterful prose weaves a vivid tapestry of emotion, tension, and revelation. Every character is complex, and the plot unfolds with well-timed surprises that make the book impossible to put down. It is a stunning exploration of human nature, brilliantly melding elements of suspense, drama, and mystery. This is not just a book, it's an experience—one that leaves a lasting impression long after the final page. Highly recommended!

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"A Light Most Hateful" by Hailey Piper is a tour-de-force of storytelling, capturing the reader's attention from the first page and never letting go. Piper's masterful prose weaves a vivid tapestry of emotion, tension, and revelation. Every character is complex, and the plot unfolds with well-timed surprises that make the book impossible to put down. It is a stunning exploration of human nature, brilliantly melding elements of suspense, drama, and mystery. This is not just a book, it's an experience—one that leaves a lasting impression long after the final page. Highly recommended!

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Perennial horror queen, Hailey Piper, returns with an offering that kicks its prelude off with notes of Joe Lansdale's The Drive-in before sprinkling in some counterpoint melodies that parallel Jeremy Robert Johnson's The Loop. But this is just the opening. Where the story goes next is all Piper. Resonant with themes of grief and identity, A Light Most Hateful carefully walks a tightrope that takes the reader from finding meaning in disarray to well, a slightly softer and more thoughtful version of just that theme. This book brims with imagination and manages to find the root of humanity even amid a swirling mess of cosmic chaos. Further proof that Hailey Piper is one of the most vivid and affecting writers in modern horror.

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When a summer storm sweeps through a sleepy town unleashing a monstrous and otherworldy power that threatens to break reality, Olivia will stop at nothing to find her best friend and get them to safety.

Creepy and disturbing. I couldn't put it down. Hailey Piper always knocks it out of the park.

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3.5 stars

A raging storm hits Chapel Hill hard and fast, and with it comes a monster that is only the beginning of the town's undoing. Olivia wants to escape but more than that, she needs to save her best friend.

I'm a long time fan of Hailey Piper's writing, especially her cosmic horror, but I kept going back to check I hadn't misread the tags on this and it was actually YA. I don't know if it was the age of the characters (recently graduated high school) or that under the gore and supernatural, this was a coming of age story at it's heart, but it read much younger than other books I've read by this author. I think it would be great for older teens who are interested in cosmic horror, or for people who generally enjoy YA horror, but this was a bit too juvenile for me.

Recommended to fans of Wilder Girls and Annihilation.

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Olivia works at the drive-in in Chapel Hill. She ran away from home at 15, and for the last 3 years has settled into the town only because of her best friend, Sunflower. Except that one night before her shift, she could swear she hears the hill screaming. That is, before all quite literally, goes downhill.

Wow. This was just an incredible, strange, unique, and imaginary book. If you liked the stomach flipping feeling at the end of a twisted episode of The Twilight Zone or Black Mirror, the adventure of Stardust and beauty and terror of The Wizard of Oz, then A Light Most Hateful is for you.

This indie author's mind is insane. Go into it with an open mind, and let her yellow brick road of prose lead you through to the end. Bonus points for sapphic vibes and non-binary representation.

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I may be in the minority here but this was not for me. The description sounded very intriguing and I couldn't wait to dive in. However, it was a little too fantastical for me. I will read and even love a bit of science fiction or fantasy but this was a bit too much, bordering on corny to me. The writing in itself was okay but not my preferred style. Normally when I don't like a book, I then base the review off the writing and story alone, completely unbiased but this was hard to do with just plain weird and unexplainable storyline. Two Stars.

Thank you Netgalley and Titan Books for this ARC.

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Loved the prose, it was razor-sharp. However, not everything about the story worked for me. Still, this was a bold, fun read and I can see readers loving this one.

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Okay, I know this book has gotten lots of praise, but… it really didn’t work for me.

How many times can someone write the word unstitched in a book? If you read this one, you’ll find out. Also, why in the heck were the stitched together people coming from the moon? And was it supposed to be hilarious that they all had a crescent moon birthmark? Because it was.

There was some good writing in this book, but the central premise of creating people from the moon (WTF?) just felt silly to me.

Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for providing an ARC. This review contains my honest, unbiased opinion.

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I requested a digital copy in order to sample the prose on my phone (since I don't have a eReader) before requesting a physical copy for review. My review will be based on the physical ARC I read (if I qualify)

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A Light Most Hateful is like a gorgeous dream wrapped in razor wire, slicing you through with its beauty and horrors. It is one of those rare novels where the prose cuts just as deep as the terrifying events unfold.

To try and describe what this book is about without spoilers is a fool's errand. Because it's not just about a particular thing but many, all interwoven and joined together like a grotesque nightmarish beast. And it's absolutely beautiful as well.

Some books have scenes that terrify and creep you out and other scenes that might make you feel emotional. This book made me feel creeped out and emotional simultaneously because those two things are so grandly intertwined.

I was so engrossed that, at the end, I thought this was a novella. To my utter surprise, it's a full length novel that clocks in at around 288 pages or so. It didn't feel like it because time seemed to stand still as I read, page after glorious page, until the jaw dropping conclusion.

Themes of Identity, love, dreams, and cosmic horror all have their rightful place in here. And it's definitely one of my favorite horror books of 2023. A must read in every sense. I can't recommend it enough!

I received an ARC of this book with no consideration. This review is voluntary and is my own personal opinion.

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