Member Reviews

Jai is a royal hostage, taken from his home on the Steppes and forced to act as a slave for the dowager emperor. His boring life spent tending to the old man is disrupted when the heir of the emperor is betrothed to a princess of the Dansk Kingdom, and she arrives at the imperial court with her family’s dragons. Only Dansk know the secret of binding dragon and humans together, but it’s a secret some in the empire is desperate to acquire… at any cost.

I picked this up expecting a fairly standard fantasy with a young orphan as the main character, and I was blown away. There’s political intrigue, adventure, dragons, an interesting magic system, and more. I was particularly struck with the elegance of the world-building and character motivations. For example, Jai is the third son and the son of a concubine– of lower status than his brothers, who are also royal hostages, to the empire. Thus, he’s chosen to tend to the former emperor because, while he may learn a lot of history and politics through osmosis, he’s less likely to ever rule. His brothers, by contrast, are playthings of the imperial heir.

While this installment is focused on this set-up and a lengthy roadtrip component, I’m very much looking forward to future volumes.

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I loved this book! I am a sucker for all things dragon and animal bonding. I think my favorite thing about this book was the pacing. It constantly had me hooked and interested. Jai quickly became a favorite character and I absolutely did not want to see him suffer. The magic system was fantastic with the use of Mana. I loved how it went from a coming of age story to an unlikely group on an adventure. I also loved that both Winter and Jai didn't automatically have all of this crazy power that they were both experts in. They had a slow continual progress that is believable. Even at the end of the book they are still on the path of training and getting stronger. The ending left me wanting more and I can't wait for the next installment. My only gripe is wish there was more dragon riding. Other than that I loved every second of the book.

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Dragon Rider has a nice world building (loosely inspired by ancient Rome), great characters and of course DRAGONS. And as such the book won’t be able to avoid being compared to Forth Wing in the moment. Yes there is bonding to Dragons and Gryphons and Magic and wars, no there is no school and no smut. Also yes the writing style is way better. I liked it more than FW up until the last quarter of the book which didn’t do much for the story and was way too long
(respectively you know what will happen and are waiting for over 100 pages that it will happen). Nonetheless the rest was so good it still deserves 4*. If you are into good written fantasy with dragons, this is your book.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for providing me with the earc!

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Taran Matharu's 'Dragon Rider' is definitely worth reading. I look forward to seeing more of this new series. I will definitely be recommending it the moment it hits our shelves. 5/5 Stars!

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this kinda hit! i did not expect to like it as much as i did! i love a good dragon but this was a really fun fantasy book

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"Dragon Rider" by Taran Matharu takes readers on an exciting journey through a world filled with political intrigue, magic, and dragons. While the intricate world-building and compelling magic system are highlights, some may find the pacing uneven. Overall, it's a promising start to an =fantasy series that will appeal to fans of the genre.

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Let me start by saying I loved the world that Taran Matharu built in this book. The story is full of interesting, yet brutal, political dynamics and a compelling magic system. This book is worthy of a read and sets the stage for a very interesting series that I plan to continue.

My main issue with the book comes down to the pacing. I thought it started off really well, with very typical high fantasy world-building. However, as the story progressed I felt we spent too much time learning about how Jai, our MMC, develops his power. A lot of time is spent in his head while he is essentially meditating, and I feel like some of that time should have gone to other parts of the story. Then the plot picks up during the last 1/4 of the book, but I almost felt it was a bit rushed at the end. I also felt the book read a bit more YA than adult, but I feel like as the series progresses, and Jai further develops as a character, the tone of the series might shift.

Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for this ARC to review!

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This rating is generous…. I was very on the fence with even finishing this. I almost dnf’d around 30ish %! Once I got about to the half way point though things started to pick up some.
The world building and character development is very well done. There is a ton of politics in this book which could be why I struggled.
That being said this is a very well rounded fantasy. The magic system in this was well thought out and very interesting.
There’s a little something for everyone in this.
Thank you to Netgalley for the arc!!!

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I enjoyed this fantasy novel quite a bit. I felt like the author did a good job with the world building without bogging the reader down with too much information at one time. I'll look for another book from Taran Matharu in the future.

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Thank you NetGalley and Avon/harper voyager.
This was a very interesting book. The author did a great job of really taking the time to build the world and politics up around the reader. They also did a great job with explaining things like what it means to be soulbound.
This book was very long and did not hook me. I kept reading because I wanted to find out if the two main characters survive. We only find out what might happen to Jai, but not Frida.
I also stayed for Winter. She’s my favorite.

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DNF @ 70%
After seeing that this book had dragons, I really wanted to like this one. Unfortunately it just did not do it for me. I understand that with any fantasy book, especially the first in a series, there is going to be a great deal of world building. However, I just could never get fully immersed into the story. It took a long time for the plot to move forward, and once it did, it slowed down all over again. I found myself bored and skimming through some portions. The writing was not bad at all, it just felt like nothing was happening in the story.

Thank you NetGalley and the publishers for providing me with an ARC for my honest review

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I think my review needs to come with a few disclaimers to help any fellow readers decide if this is right for them. I will fully admit I am new to the fantasy genre. After reading a few reviews about this book falling into the high fantasy category, I am not sure I have enough experience to compare/understand what classifies as a great fantasy to most readers. That all said, I am grateful to NetGalley and the publisher for this advanced read. I am glad I got to spend time in this world.

For me this read was like a roller coaster. There were some really good and actioned packed moments that sucked me in and had me fully engaged - thinking oh yes this is where this story picks up. I super enjoyed those moments. The world building and politics were interesting. However, it's quickly followed by some long extended sections of story that nothing really is happening and left me feeling meh and struggling to get through. I liked learning about the mana and how it works but also felt those descriptions got to be too much and started to bore me a bit. I think I was hoping for more or a different way to show the bonding between human and dragon than just the MC building up his mana skills - like make them communicate (this goes for all the soulbound in this book).

I am uncertain if I would return to this world for future releases. I wouldn't hate if I did but I also would be waiting like a child for Christmas morning for it either. I do want to know where the story goes and if Jai ever actually gets to hop on a dragon and go for a spin.

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This book takes readers on an enthralling journey through a meticulously crafted world brimming with survival challenges. Along with the irresistible baby dragon Winter, the main characters steal the spotlight. There are intricate political landscapes and betrayals, but the narrative doesn't lack in intensity. Brace yourself; this isn't a tale for the faint-hearted, delving into themes of gore, torture, and the brutal realities of war.

Our time is predominantly spent with four compelling characters: Jai, Frida, Rufus, and Winter, each with their charm. They harbor secrets, hindering our connection with them. This, however, seems intentional, setting the stage for a gradual unveiling across the series.

Dragon Rider is captivating with its rich world-building, genius magic system, and exploration of royal dominance. Quiet moments allow for character and world development, with soul-bonds and dragon connections adding depth. Taran Matharu's debut into adult fantasy shows promise, blending imaginative storytelling with intricate characters and compelling magic. This is a must-read for aficionados of epic fantasy and dragon tales, promising an enchanting journey ahead.

This epic fantasy combines magic, adventure, and mythical creatures. Jai, our seemingly unlikely hero, shines through perseverance, adding depth to the narrative. Kudos to the author for pacing the romance just right—slow burns reign supreme, adding a layer of authenticity to the tale. I truly loved this story and cannot wait for the sequel!

Thank you to NetGalley and the Publisher for the eArc of this book in exchange for my honest review! All opinions are my own.

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3.5 stars.

For a book I largely requested simply because it had a dragon on the cover, it ended up being quite entertaining.

Dragon Rider isn't an innovative story, The story unfolded as I expected. Jai is the only one didn't see those twists coming. The relationships between the people and their magical creatures is pretty standard for the genre. There are pacing issues with the book as well. I wish the third act was more tightly written.

However, the book does include a decent amount of world-building. I was able to understand how the magic works. The main cast of characters are sympathetic and likeable. Additionally, the writing straddles the YA and Adult line making this story appropriate for a large age range. It isn't completely juvenile, but Matharu doesn't go overboard with the language or violence.

I'm interested in reading the sequel.

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This book was a pleasant surprise. It started out slow, and I almost didn’t want to finish it. I held on though and it was really good. I loved how short the chapters were, it made the book read so much faster. The story itself was easy to consume and the world building was great. My only complaint was that Jai, the main character, learned everything faster and better than anyone had ever done before. Making him almost a perfect character, but his development in other aspects of his character made up for it.

Thank you to Harper Voyager and NetGalley for providing me with an E-ARC to review.

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I enjoy how well Taran is able to craft these new worlds in every single one of his series. This one felt a bit like The Summoner series, but there were so many new elements that intrigued me. I really enjoy stories where the underdogs, Jai, rise up and really learn about themselves and what they are capable of throughout the course of the story.

Taran is also skilled at creating characters you love and characters you hate. Jai's partners in crime are enjoyable and are given a lot of complexity and growth as well. Now, the villans. Oh boy, do I hate them and want them to suffer when they get theirs, haha. Also, I have to applaud Winter. Best little dragon ever.

The ending was suitable and thankfully not a cliffhanger that makes me tear my hair out. I did a little fist bump in the air at how good the last line was.

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This was my first foray into this author’s writing, and I think his style just isn’t for me. I was anticipating an adult fantasy, but this book read much more like YA, which I’m also not a huge fan of.

For folks who miss the world of Eragon, Dragon Rider might be just what they’re looking for. However, as someone with a ton of amazing books waiting for me on my TBR, getting through this felt like a slog. I couldn’t find it in myself to care about any of the characters, and there was just something missing. It lacked a spark to really draw me in.

Thank you to the author, netgalley, and harpercollins for the opportunity to get an early copy of this book in exchange for a review.

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Jai spent most of his life serving as the personal aide to the aging retired emperor who murdered his father. Held as a political hostage, Jai hardly ever leaves the palace, where he's viewed as a slave and an enemy. When he has a chance to escape during a coup for the throne, Jai runs for his life. But escape isn't easy. Traveling through a large empire with his distinctively foreign looks, practically no money, and with enemies on his tail, Jai will need the help of a newly hatched dragon, a frosty handmaiden, a mysterious drunkard, and lots of luck, grit, and magic to survive.

I really enjoyed this book. It reminds me a bit of Eragon - a teenager finding a dragon egg, bonding with a dragon, learning magic while traveling across the empire and running from enemies... There's a lot to like here, and while this bears some similarities to Eragon, it was also very different.

Jai grew a lot throughout the book. He started off as a sheltered palace servant, and has to quickly learn survival skills. I wish there were more female characters, but the ones who are in here have a strong presence. The magic is cultivation style, mixed with a western type of fantasy setting, culture, and political system. There's a lot of fast paced action, magic, dragons and other magical creatures, and secrets to discover.

When Jai finds a dragon egg during his escape from the palace, he finally has the chance to learn magic and become a soulbound. Traveling through the vast enemy empire with his new dragon, a handmaiden in hiding, and a drinkard, Jai will need to quickly level up in order to survive and find the freedom he's longed for all his life.

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DNF at 50%.

This book is so long, and for what? Why does the synopsis focus on him running away with the handmaiden and they just now did that at 50%? It feels like the book literally just started. Not to mention that I feel like I'm meant to swoon after Jai soon, but he's written as a young teenager with very little (if any) maturity. I could not get into this at all, which made me extremely sad as I wanted a new dragon series to obsess over.

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Thank you to netgalley and the publisher for the chance to read this earc. All opinions are my own.

I thought the book was slow to start and I wish there had been more action, the book was getting great then it was over. I did enjoy seeing the trials Jai went through to grow his core though. The story line was great and iliked the character growth but I needed more meat to the story. I know the answers to some of my questions will probably be answered in the next book but I feel like there is a ton to wrap up! Also Frida being Erica was very obvious the whole time, she was too secretive and the details she gave were suspicious. I can see why Jai believed her though. Rufus was my favorite, im hoping he survived his fight with his nephew. I also loved Winter, im excited to see her growth in the next book. I hope she has a sassy attitude.

What is that secret room?
Who is the little girl?
What's in the journal Jai took?
Why did Leonid have such a soft spot for Jai?

I need answers!!
I would definitely recommend this book.

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