Member Reviews

<i>The Cartoon Guide to Geometry</i> is a high school-level textbook for geometry, with cartoons on each page to help make the material more understandable. I like that the history of geometry was included as well as the postulates and theorems. Each chapter has practice problems for students to complete. As a former geometry teacher, I could see using this as a textbook in the classroom.
Many thanks to NetGalley for providing me with an ARC of this book.

A great book for those who are struggling with Geometry. Shows things in a fairly simple way, although maybe a little silly at times, and includes questions and answers with pictures to help you understand.

A great way to assist students in creating visual understandings of geometry concepts. Simple and to the point.

I remember reading the first volume of the Cartoon History to the Universe in the 2000s. We saw a professor using the power of imagination, textbooks and comic book art to tell us about how civilizations emerged, and rational explanations for phenomena we couldn't otherwise explain.
The Cartoon Guide to Geometry shows how this discipline of math is everywhere. But don't worry; this isn't a math test! (Thank goodness since I struggled with Geometry in high school.) Instead, we learn how people went from measuring area in rectangles to calculating radii in circles to the Pythagoreum theorem.
I got so many nostalgia vibes, remembering the Math Blaster games including Geometry Blaster and how it was so much easier in high school when I knew what proofs and theorems were. You can see that Larry's art has evolved over the years, and he hasn't lost his love for teaching us. What a great read!

I requested this to see if it would help me explain geometry to my cousin a little better. I'm not sure I succeeded, but I will definitely be buying him this book. A great way to comprehend math for visual learners.

I am not sure who the target audience is. It’s crowded with information and quickly gets very complicated. While the cartoon format had me thinking it would be a good homeschool book, the whole book has a strange sexist old white guy vibe. After just a few pages of repeatedly seeing a buxom blond character looking strangely sexy and a shaggy haired hippy guy saying stupid stuff, I had to go look if the author was an old white guy and yes, in every bio he points out that he was born in 1946. It’s a nice premise but this is the first geometry book I’ve ever read that made me feel like the author would sneak a look up my skirt if he could. Also, I just didn’t think explained geometry well.
I read a temporary digital copy of this book for review.

This book was a wonderful, slightly silly way for students to learn geometry! It was wonderfully illustrated, well researched, and easy for students to understand!

The Cartoon Guide to Geometry is a well drawn, accessible, humorous guide to geometry by Larry Gonick. Released 16th Jan 2024 by HarperCollins on their Wm. Morrow imprint, it's 272 pages and is available in paperback and ebook formats.
This book really does introduce concepts in geometry in a fun and engaging way. There's a lot of history thrown in and the author explains (where known) where the concepts came from and how they were used historically and how they're relevant for modern life. The author is brilliant at breaking complex ideas down into bite-sized pieces and making it fun for people who decided when they were 12 years old that "math wasn't their favorite subject".
The format and cartoon style is similar to most of the other volumes in the "Cartoon Guides" and will be familiar to readers who have experienced some of his other books. He really has a phenomenal talent with explaining things in a way that makes them clear.
There are fun (very clever) exercises throughout the chapters which help readers retain and build on the basic concepts. Detailed explanations and answers are contained in the book and easy to find.
Five stars. This is a -must- buy for public and school library, for readers who want to brush up on geometry, and for general non-fiction fans. This is a really really fun read and an important way to pick up skills that might have been skipped or forgotten since 7th grade. The entire series is worth picking up for the home reference library.
Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

This cartoon guide to Geometry provides an irreverent math course that teaches the concepts in an amusing manner. When subject matter is presented in an entertaining manner, people learn. This book should be a required text for math classes! I read a temporary review e-book but I can honestly recommend this book for any young student. This book definitely makes the grade!

Amazing! My math loving kiddo is a bit young for this just yet but when we work up to this level he is going to love this! We are both going to learn so much from this book. I learned so much just from reading through it now and I haven't even done the problems yet. Where was this when I learned Geometry the first time?

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for this very informative eARC.
Embarrassingly enough, I went to a school on the Midwest and I never took Geometry. Although I work in a professional capacity as a writer, I just love these "kid's books" as they work equally well to teach adults who missed our on some early instruction.
Many thanks to the author for helping me address long-standing instruction that was missing in my life, an elemental comprehension of Geometry, in a fun, informative way - fun graphics and content, I highly recommend this book.

If you are dreading geometry class, or looking for a refresher, this graphic novel book is for you! Full of math topics, theorems, postulates, and jokes, you will laugh your way through learning about geometry and how to use geometry in every day activities.
I'm not sure I would have read this 250+ page graphic novel just for fun, but it's certainly an engaging way to learn math!
Big thanks to William Morrow, HarperCollinsPublishers, and NetGalley for the egalley copy of this book. All opinions are my own.