Member Reviews

"My Best. Friend's Wedding" is one of my favorite movies, so when I saw this book was based off it, I had high hopes. The beginning drew me in immediately, but then it slowed down and I struggled to finish. Overall it was a cute story, but I really wanted more wedding breakup hijinks. The sum total of Tilly's plan was for Sarah to keep "bumping into" Zack. Which leads me to the big fight between Tilly & Tyler... I felt like it was blown way out of proportion. Tilly was actually a pretty good friend to Sarah (aside from wanting her back with her ex) and I felt like Tyler's reaction was super over the top. I did really like Zack though. :)

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I absolutely adored the banter in this book! The characters were amazing & grew so much throughout the book. I loved all of the side history of the friendships & the previous relationships because it allowed me to better understand the dynamics. Such a fun romantic comedy & an excellent 2023 release!

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This was cute but I found Tilly to be annoying and problematic. While she’s cute with Zack i didn’t care for the main characters.

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Really romantic and full of laughter, I really enjoyed this book.
Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an advanced copy of the book in exchange for a review.

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It's always been Lilly and Tyler - best friends since childhood. Tyler's girlfriends may come and go, but Lilly is the constant in his life - and she's convinced they are meant to be together. Until Tyler meets Sarah, and suddenly is engaged just a few short months later. Heartbroken, Lilly starts scheming to break them up - and loops in Sarah's recent ex-boyfriend, Zach, to help her. What Lilly didn't count on was falling in love with Zach along the way!

A cute solid book that I enjoyed. The characters were likeable and relatable - although a bit zany. Zach was perfect and oh so 🔥! My biggest "criticism" was that it was predictable - but much like the Hallmark movies Lilly's mom loves, predictable isn't necessarily a bad thing. It can be a warm and comfortable thing - and that's exactly what this book was. An enjoyable, feel-good, comfortable rom-com.

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Incredibly charming and nicely spicy contemporary romance. The breaking up a relationship trope is hard to pull off without being cringy but this book nails it. I'm looking forward to her next book!

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DNF. I'm not the target audience for this book. I didn't like the characters, and I was expecting a rom com based on the cover. If you enjoy angsty contemporary romance, you might like this novel.

Thanks, NetGalley, for the ARC I received. This is my honest and voluntary review.

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Thank you Victory Editing NetGalley Co-op for this ARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

I have a favourite movie called Sejoli: Misi Cantas Cinta (Translation: Stopping Love Mission, something like that) and it's in my native language (Malay) and I've watched it MULTIPLE TIMES without fail because I love it so much! It was on Netflix for some time, but not anymore (sadly).

This book's premise is so similar to that particular movie! Two exes trying to break up the engaged couple. Okay, the FMC (Tilly) is not an ex, but a woman who had been in love with her best friend since forever. And then comes Zack (the best friend's fiancée's ex) who's just... so... dreamy. Tyler, Tilly's BFF and the one she was in love with, met Sarah at Tilly's cousin's wedding, and got engaged to her three months later, wanting to get married three months afterwards. So, Tilly decided to ruin their wedding, with the help of Zack.

What I like about this book is that Zack is not like six foot five, but the same height as Tilly (who's probably around 5''10' but she wouldn't admit it). They joked around about his height (5''11) and how she was a tall girl and wanted a taller man. But guess what? She didn't need a super extra tall man when she could have Zackary Freaking Olsen who... FELL FIRST AND HARDER.

Tilly and her best friend, Tyler, actually deserved each other. They were both blind as bats. Tilly was in love with Tyler since forever, and Tyler never really saw her, taking her for granted, even. Zack never seemed to want to discuss the plan to ruin the wedding, but he was obviously agreeing to meet Tilly because he wanted to see her and spend time with her. Ugh. What a man. But did Tilly see that? Nope.

Anyway, just as I said, they both blind.

I love the dynamic and growth between Tilly and Zack, because they were friends first and when they fell to bed together, it just felt right. It just clicked. Their relationship felt neutral and sooo adorable!

I enjoyed reading this, but not the scenes with Sarah in them. She felt fake and superficial mostly. Seriously, though. She was kinda a waste of space in the book lol

All in all, a good read! Though to be honest, Tilly didn't deserve that much hatred by Tyler at the end. She didn't even do anything much to break them up. The two times they arranged for Zack to accidentally bump into her, Zack didn't even put that much effort. He just wanted to see Tilly, that hopeless man xD Tyler's anger made it seem like Tilly sent Zack to sleep with Sarah and made it look like she was cheating. But nope. Zack never gave Sarah anything to lead her on.

How to Ruin a Wedding comes out 15 September 2023, MAAAYYYYBE I'LL READ IT AGAIN LOL

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Thank you to Sophie, Netgalley and Victory Editing for an ARC copy in exchange for my honest review!

The minute I read the description for this book, I knew I had to read it. Sophie really had me from “My Best Friend’s Wedding” vibes, one of my fave movies. I’m so glad it lived up to my expectations!

Tilly has been in love with her best friend of 20 years, Tyler, and was hoping he’d fall in love with her too. So, imagine her horror when he falls in love with a bridesmaid at her cousin’s wedding. But not only does he fall in love with Sarah, they get engaged. Enter Tilly’s plan to break their wedding off with the help of Sarah’s recent ex, Zach, so they can keep the bride and groom for themselves. But that’s not what happens, is it?

This was such a fun read that’s easy to fall in love with! Even though Tilly’s plan was crazy, you can’t help but root for her happiness, in whatever form that looks like. She puts everyone’s happiness before her own, so she definitely deserves it.

I fell in love with Zach the moment he entered the story, and the way he understood Tilly completely was so unmatched. We love a secretly romantic and swoon-worthy king.

Each main character has a chance to grow through the story, something I don’t think we see enough of. The MMC and FMC usually get that treatment, but I was delighted to see the development of Sarah and Tyler as well. The relationship dynamics also felt genuine, there wasn’t an immediate happy ending for all the plot points which would have been unrealistic.

All in all, this was such a great book and I wish I could re-read it again for the first time! I’m excited to read what comes next from Sophie.

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Tilly is secretly in love with her best friend Tyler, but Tyler has announced that he's marrying Sarah, a girl he's only known for a few months, and someone who's completely wrong for Tyler. So Tilly decides to recruit Sarah's ex-boyfriend, Zach, to help her break up the happy couple. Oh Lord, what could go wrong? And what will happen when Tilly starts having feelings for *Zach*?

With a title like "How to Ruin a Wedding", you already know that this is going to be a big crash and burn. Author Sophie Andrews does a decent job, though, of bringing some nuance to the characters of Tilly and Zach (though not as much to the characters of Tyler and Sarah). I was concerned that this was going to move too far into formulaic tropes, but Andrews managed to keep it from going overboard.

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I didn't hate this book but didn't love it either, The best way to explain it is that some of the parts were AMAZING and I give them a solid 4.5, but others were barely a 3 for me.

The premise definitely gets 4.5 because it's pretty fresh, and I haven't read a rom-com book recently or that I remember that has an ending like this one. The little Irish cultural aspects and little tidbits were really lovely to have been sprinkled on in there.

I had a hard time connecting with Tilly so it took me extra long to finish the book, for I give it a 3, but overall, I liked the growth the author showed in her character and her story conclusion. Zach was a great character, and I loved his background and his attitude towards life. I found Sarah pretty annoying at first but then quite liked her, and I hated Tyler every second of the book, he reminded me of a toxic ex best guy friend I had when I was younger, which I think is the point so it gets a 4 on that front.

Overall it was a good book to pass the time, I don't necessarily think I'd read it again, and it also didn't make me cry, so overall giving it a 3.5 but rounding down to 3.

Note: receive an ARC for an honest opinion of this book.

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This book was a lot of fun to read honestly. The characters were real and Tilly didn't hold back. She thought she knew what she wanted but She really didn't. I love the antics and serious moments to. I would definatly recommend this book to anyone who wanted to read a good rom com.

Thanks Netgalley and publisher for this ARC.

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I had never read a Sophie Andrews book before and wow, this was a good one! I love the movie “My Best Friend’s Wedding” and this book definitely had those vibes. Plus, I wasn’t crazy about the ending of that movie but I loved the ending of this book. I loved this book from start to finish. I didn’t want to put it down when I had to.

Tilly is in love with her best friend but nobody knows it but her. When he unexpectedly announces his engagement to someone else, Tilly decides she will do everything in her power to break them up, even if that means getting the girl’s ex-boyfriend involved...

I absolutely loved this story. I hope there’s a sequel!!!

5/5 ⭐️
3/5 🌶️

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I love a good romcom movie, and this book played out like some of my all time favourites in my head. This story is filled with super sweet romcom elements that are impossible not to love, but it also didn't shy away from more serious topics of conversation.

Tilly believes that she's in love with her best friend, Tyler. It makes sense - they've been inseparable since they were children and have constantly experienced all of their exciting life events together for over 20 years. So, when her best friend meets Sarah and very quickly gets engaged, Tilly is determined to break up their engagement and make sure the wedding never happens. She gets in touch with Sarah's ex -boyfriend, Zack, and together they create a plan to break up the engagement. Lines start to blur and feelings start to form as they spend more and more time together in secret. Soon enough, they're forced to confront their feelings and come to conclusions about what they truly want in life, and who they want to spend it with.

I loved this story, and I knew I was going to love it based on the premise alone. Tilly and Zack are so honest, and incredibly real. Tilly experiences an entire character transformation as she comes to terms with major changes in her life, and Zack is continuously encouraged to value himself and recognize his own worth. These two characters help each other realize how valuable they are to others and to one another. Character development is such a huge element in books for me, and I absolutely loved seeing Tilly and Zack break out of their shells. Truthfully, all of the characters Sophie has written in this book are incredibly real - they're all facing real struggles, having serious conversations, and expressing valid emotions. I enjoyed reading about them all from Tilly's perspective. I relate to Tilly's character so much - I'm often terrified with the thought of change and I have difficulty grasping things that are out of my control. It's so refreshing to read about characters who struggle in real ways like this.

On a less serious note, this book was laugh out loud funny at some parts. I adored the banter between Zack and Tilly, and it only escalated as the story went on. The dialogue was very natural and it was so fun to read. Also, I just want to note how much I enjoyed the end of this book! The way this concluded only contributed to the realness of the characters, and how much they loved and valued each other. Tilly and Zack are truly meant for each other, I was giggling and kicking my feet throughout their story.

This book was honestly so so sweet, perfect for anyone who's a fan of romcoms! Thank you so much to Sophie Andrews and NetGalley for an eARC in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.

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This book was super cute and romantic! It gives you the romantic comedy vibes throughout, but also deals with some serious and heavy stuff. I really liked the contrast between the two, you never felt like it was all one tone which I appreciated. The storyline felt so real, and one that many people can connect with.

One of the things that I thought Sophie Andrews did a great job with was portraying the characters as real people. None of these people are perfect and we see them deal with things in a real way, even if it's not pretty. I loved all of the different representation within the main and side characters, it made the storyline even better.

I will admit, I was wary to start this book because I typically enjoy books with more than one perspective, but I didn't mind it in this book. After all, this is Tilly's story to tell and while it would have been cool to take a look into other characters, it was important to see everything play out from Tilly's point of view.

This book is really well written and there is something for everyone in this book, and I feel like it can reach a pretty large audience which is great. I definitely recommend this book if you're a fan of romance or rom coms especially!

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Absolutely! Yes… yes and even more yes!!!!!!!!! This book was soo good! It caught so off guard how much I enjoyed this book! Tilly was such a good character with layers and such a level of relatability that you can’t help but to love her! I loved her relationship with her parents and with Zack! I think this book was funny but it also dealt with themes of independence and the act of taking control of your life. There were so many relatable moment as Tilly grapples with the fear of the future and what she wants to do in life… ( I mean who hasn’t !) I 100% recommend this book ! It was funny, has romance, and sooooo much more!

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Gosh did I fall in love with Zack and Tilly. I sat and read this book from beginning to end without pausing. That’s how good it is! I was good to see how through out the book, we see Tilly realize that her “feelings” for Tyler weren’t really real. It was clear to see, at least to me, how Zack almost instantly fell for Tilly when he goes to see her at Michelle’s. How hearing Tilly describe her dream wedding and how it’s literally his dream wedding also. Talk about kicking my feet and giggling like a little school girl.

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Thanks to NetGalley for this ARC. Below are my honest thoughts on this book.

Tilly and Tyler have been friends since childhood. When Tyler gets engaged to Sarah, Tilly decides she’s going to do everything in her power to break up Tyler and his fiancée, since Tilly believes she belongs with Tyler. Along the way Tilly gets Sarah’s ex, Zack involved her plan. As Tilly gets to know Zack she learns that he might be everything she was looking for in a romantic partner.

One of my favorite things about this book is the character development for Tilly. When I started the book I found Tilly to be immature, a little selfish and not a character I could really relate to at all. As the book progressed she really matured, especially when it came to confessing what she did to Tyler. Tilly knew there would be negative consequences for her, but she still owned up to her actions, when it would have been easier for her to keep quiet. Tilly’s growth made her, for me, a very relatable character by the end of the book.

Another thing I loved was that this book doesn’t portray romance in an unrealistic light. Tilly’s idea of romance and looking forward to the normal things in a relationship, was a refreshing perspective in a romance novel. So often I finish a book (and no hate to other romance novels because some days I just need the escape for a total fairy tale happily ever after), and I wonder how many people actually have relationships like the one I just finished reading. But Tilly and Zack reminded me that the romance is in the everyday things that we can sometimes overlook.

Overall I loved this book. This is the first book I’ve read by this author, and it will definitely not be the last. I really enjoyed reading this book and Zack was what my book boyfriend dreams are made of.


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There are three things to know about Tilly
She's a liar
She thinks she's in love with her best friend
She's got a plan to ruin his wedding

Tilly and her best friend have been through it all. For decades, he has been her support system, and she’s been his right hand gal, and now he's engaged to someone else?

Not on her watch.

“Hey, want to help me break up a wedding?” is a dubious start to an unlikely friendship, but the bride’s ex-boyfriend, Zack, is the perfect partner in crime for Tilly’s misguided plan to spoil the nuptials. The bearded and brooding man is clearly desperate to win back the love of his life, and she’s all too willing to help if it’ll break up the happy couple.
However, the more she tries to interfere with the wedding and the closer she gets to Zack, the more confusing Tilly’s feelings become.

This is my first time reading a book by this author and I really enjoyed it!! Right from the start I was hooked and it was different, I haven’t read anything like this before I don't think and I'm kinda glad (SPOILER ALERT) that Tilly didn't end up with her best friend like it usually happens in books.

I loved Tilly as our main character and all the characters… apart from Tyler you could say even if he did have the best interest of Tilly going back to education and doing what she wanted to do, he came off a bit judgmental (to me he did) and I felt like Tyler was leading Tilly on for so many years…like come on how didn’t he know she’d end up falling in love, at times it felt so obvious to me!!

Thank you to Netgalley and Victory Editing for this ARC. How ro ruin a wedding comes out on the 15th September 2023.

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Holy hell this was one wild ride! So let's just get this out of the way: I concur with the author Sophie Andrews that My Best Friend's Wedding is NOT a love story.
Fortunately, despite the premise of sabotaging the BFF-who's-also-her-"love" this IS a love story, in all its hot, sexy, mad uncomfortable glory. The slow burn between Tilly and Zack is so satisfying, and Tilly is somehow humanized while making the reader cringe repeatedly. It's so refreshing to have a story in which the
"other woman" (the obiect of her affection's fiancée) isn't vilified or one-dimensional. I loved this book and cannot wait for more from this author..

I received this book for free from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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