Member Reviews

This book is inspired on the film "My best friend's wedding" and it's actually really good. There are funny moments, serious ones, and also some spicy ones.
If you liked the film you'll love the book!

** Thanks to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for an honest opinion. **

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I loved this!! Such a funny crazy ride. I couldn’t put it down and didn’t want it to end. The characters are so relatable I adored Tilly she’s my sort of person. Zach was a brilliant cool charming character their chemistry was off the charts !! This is definitely a must read. A perfect book for summer

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First of all, this book made me cry. Was it because I haven’t slept and it’s currently 5:43 am? Possibly. I don’t feel tired, so I don’t know. But this book pulled at my heartstrings a little bit. Something I’ve noticed with romance books lately is there is a fantastic character growth plot where the main character goes from timid little thing to a flourishing person and I am here for it! Tilly goes through so much, and has gone through even more in backstory before the book takes place, and reading her growth and seeing her gain confidence made me very happy. And Zach, while he has his own issues he’s working through, is patient with her and was always there for her. That’s the best kind of person you could have in your corner, someone that is just there for you to be there for you.

Spoilery section

To be completely honest, I already forgot this dudes name and had to go look it up. That’s how much I care for Tyler. I was already weary for Tyler for how he just ditched Tilly at her cousins wedding, but this guy can’t read Tilly’s emotions to save his life. How do you not know that you are hurting your supposed best friend of 20 years? The interactions were just awkward from that first brunch onward, and I do feel like that was intentional writing. That the author wanted to show that Tyler couldn’t read the turmoil going on in Tilly’s mind because he hadn’t really been her friend for a while. I recently reunited with my childhood best friend, and after five years of not seeing each other I was still able to read her and help her when she was uncomfortable. This is someone he has seen about once a week minimum for the past 20 years. Yeah, no, that’s a bad friend. While I don’t think any of these characters have healthy conversation skills, Tilly confronting him for using her was a needed conversion.

Well, Zach might be an exception. I say might because he didn’t tell Tilly that he wasn’t in her scheme anymore when her realized it. He did still told her sooner than anyone else had their needed conversations.

What I liked most of the book was Tilly pulling herself back together and taking control of her life again. Having to take a break from school is hard, especially when you are taking care of a loved family member. Her being able to admit she doesn’t like working at her moms bridal shop and that she wants to finish what she started with her degree is comforting to see. Being in a similar situation to her, I needed to see this.

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Thanks to netgalley, the publisher and or the author for giving me a chance to read and review this book.

Tilly is in love with her best friend Tyler. When she finds out that he is getting married, she gets this crazy idea to break up the couple.

What possible go wrong?

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I was disappointed in the main character, she was immature.

******************I received an ARC for my honest opinion from NetGalley.*********************

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// thank you to the publishers and netgalley for letting me read this arc in exchange for an honest review!

this book is a weird one to review because i feel it’s very strong in certain aspects and it fell short for me in others. to starts, the main characters is well-developed and her love for her irish ancestry and history was lovely to read. the male main character and his struggles and insecurities were nice to see and the supporting cast of characters was wonderful. the friendship between her and tyler felt very real too—especially in the way she slowly begins to question their relationship and its place in her life.

the book was very strong in the first and last third of the book. the third act conflict felt both realistic and necessary to give the story a satisfactory ending, and the whole book had been building up to it. a little pet peeve of mine are female main character who feel the need to be extremely honest for no reason (if no one asks you if wanted to ruin his wedding, maybe they don’t need to know) but i suppose that’s a personal thing. i would have liked to see tyler get a stronger ass-whipping for being an ass and vaguely slimy sometimes, but oh well.

where this book fell short for me was the middle third. despite being written in only the female main character’s pov, it was extremely obvious from the get-go that our male love interest was interested in her. this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, except that this was one of the driving questions supposed to sustain the tension until the third act conflict. another strange criticism of mine is the placement of the smut scenes. the smut scenes coincide with deep and important conversations related to the progression of their relationship—and as someone who prefers to skim smut, that made it really difficult to follow. it also felt extremely unrealistic, because it wasn’t like they had the conversation first—no, the smut was happening in the middle of the future plans and do-you-like-me conversations.

still a sweet book, and i wouldn’t be opposed to reading more by this author!

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The writing, in the beginning, felt set up and forced to be clever. It was hard to sink in and enjoy because it felt very manufactured. So, I walked away and started on other books that were better written. When I returned to reading this, it got better later when Zack finally enters the story.

It didn't help that the author's acknowledgment that this is her riff on My Best Friends Wedding -- a blah Julia Roberts film. Thankfully, this came with a more palatable HEA.

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So first off I would like to say that my favourite movie is My Best Friend's Wedding and I have seen it a million times (honestly too many times to count) so for this book to be kinda themed like it and even the author mentioned it was loosely based off of it I was instantly sooo happy and excited to read this book.
Was it like the movie, yes and no. Was it what I was expecting NO, it went way above and beyond what I was expecting and I LOVED IT soooooo much.
The characters were great and we got the backstories of them so that was perfect.
Tilly was such a great main character and then enter Zack who was supposed to be a kinda secondary character but WOW he kinda shocks us all by taking over the show a bit and you can't get enough of him and neither can Tilly lol
There are sooo many emotions and feelings that have to be worked through in this book and as a reader you get sucked up into them and these characters' lives and you can feel it.
Such a good book. (I am so thankful that the last few books that I have read have been amazing bc I am a mood reader and I feel like if I get into a bad or slow book right now it will hinder my reading and I will take a break from it. Which I do not want to do, but sometimes it just happens. If you know you know.)
It's funny how you might want 1 thing in the beginning and then you realize it's not what you want anymore and you have new goals, Tilly found this out the hard way and she almost lost it all.
I can't say anymore bc I don't want to give anything away, but you need to read this book.

I am so glad that I was able to get my hands on an ARC of this book (thanks to the publisher and NetGalley). The review above is my own, honest and voluntary.

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Fitting right into the world of lighthearted rom coms and wedding schenanigans, How to Ruin a Wedding is the perfect laugh out loud read. For fans of Elena Armas, Mia Sosa, and Sally Thorne, How to Ruin a Wedding by Sophie Andrews is a perfect addition to your comfort reads shelf.

Tilly is in love with her best friend. Is it love or familiarity? Nevertheless, when her best friend, Tyler, ditches her at a wedding alone to spend some time with another girl, Sarah, and starts a whirlwind romance leading to a wedding, Tilly has never felt so cast aside. She's certain Tyler is making a mistake, and in the haze of jealousy, Tilly hatches a plan to end that upcoming nuptials before they make it to "I Do." On her quest to break up Tyler and Sarah's wedding, Tilly forms an unlikely alliance with Sarah's ex, Zack, the Grumpy to her Sunshine; the stable rock to Tilly's wild and impulsive; and perhaps the personified stability she craves.

I read this novel in one sitting as Tilly kept sending herself deeper and deeper into a hole she dug for herself. Of course Tilly is a self proclaimed liar, but can we take a moment to reflect that she is hilariously c-r-a-z-y?! When I think she's going to do one thing, BOOM she surprises us with another level of "what is going on Tilly." Not to mention, she is the relatable character acting on thoughts ALL of us readers have had (but wisely squashed down) when we felt heartbroken.

More than the plot being so entertainingly funny, what I truly loved about this novel was how real everything Tilly went through was. There was no unrealistic neat little bow at the end haphazardly tying together all the characters. No, the realistic relationship dynamic between Tilly and Tyler, Tilly, and Zach, Sarah and everyone, made a lasting impression on me. I laughed, I shed a tear or two, and completely immersed myself in the world of Sophie Andrews.

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC of How to Ruin a Wedding. #netgalley #howtoruinawedding #sophieandrews #romcom #grumpysunshine

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publishers for the opportunity to read this arc.

I enjoyed this book more than I thought I would. While I thought the initial description was cute, I didn’t think I’d get invested into the characters and plot as much as I did, I do see how it was inspired by the movie, ‘My Best Friend’s Wedding’ I mean look at the title- but it was much more. I enjoyed the story beginning to end- I felt satisfied with the ending and thought everything was wrapped up perfectly!

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What would you do if you were in love with your best friend? The best friend who never seems to date and is a lover of a one night stand? The same best friend who has decided to get freaking engaged to a girl he’s barely known!?
You try and ruin his wedding. That’s what! And along the way mayyybeee you ask his fiancés ex for a little help? Sounds like a perfect plan! Until…. You meet the ex boyfriend.
What will Tilly do?

Lots of fun banter. Top notch steam. And a lot of laughter! My best friends wedding part 2!

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Do you love a good romantic comedy? Are rom-coms your comfort genre? If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, then this book is a must read!

So you’re head-over-heels in love with your best friend. When they announce they’re engaged to be married, what do you do? Anything you can to stop the wedding, of course!

Now, how does one attempt to break off a wedding? You enlist the help of the bride-to-be’s ex obviously!

Tilly has been in love with her childhood best friend, Tyler, for years. (To be fair, he’s spent years stringing her along as it suits his fancy or when he’s bored.)

When Tyler announces he’s engaged to Sarah, a woman he hardly knows, Tilly is distraught to say the least. She hatches a plan to ruin their engagement/wedding so Tyler will be forced to realize his love for Tilly.

Enter Zack - Sarah’s aloof yet charming ex boyfriend (who’s a total hunk, by the way). Tilly ropes him into her evil scheme, thinking she can make Sarah realize she still loves him so Tilly and Tyler can live ✨happily ever after.✨

Zack is reserved with a heart of gold. Tilly is chaotic, smart, and witty. They balance each other out perfectly! As Tilly and Zack grow closer, Tilly begins to realize the feelings she’s developing for Zack and questions if she even wants to continue trying to break up Tyler and Sarah.

The chemistry between Tilly and Zack is undeniable. The way they interact with each other made me go “Hurry up and realize you two dorks love each other already!” (I really lost all interest in Tyler as Tilly and Zack’s chemistry began sizzling 😅)

Tilly may be chaotic with wild reasoning, you can understand why she makes the choices she does.

In the end, Tilly gets the happily ever after she deserved all along. Tyler gets the ending he deserves for stringing Tilly along all these years.

Read if you love:
💍The movie “My Best Friend’s Wedding”
💍A slightly unhinged heroine with a happily ever after
💍Chaotic “evil” scheming turned true love
💍Smart & sassy female main character
💍Slightly grumpy MMC with golden retriever energy underneath

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For fans of My Best Friend's Wedding and Made of Honor, How to Ruin a Wedding is a rom-com lover's delight. Fun and spicy, this book will satisfy even the snarkiest of wedding guest readers!

* I received an advanced reader copy of this book from NetGalley. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Thanks to NetGalley and Victory Editing for the ARC. I voluntarily read and reviewed this book.
LOVED THIS. So funny. Prepare to add Zack to your book boyfriend list! In another writer's hands, Tilly could have been so unlikeable, but you really root for her and empathize with her. I was excited to read this based on the premise of the movie My Best Friend's Wedding - the book is better. (Isn't it always?) You'll smile your way through this one. Lots of spice. This is a new-to-me author and I was impressed. Highly recommend.

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I l9ved the fast paced and fun read! I felt myself cheering for a happy ending even when it seemed the main character didn't know what that meant. The character development made me feel as though I actually knew these "people." Fun to read amd relatable. Definitely recommend!

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for a copy of this book.

On a late spring/early summer day, Tilly Mahoney receives the second worst news of her life: the best friend she has secretly been in love with for years is engaged to someone else. She decides to follow the same doomed path as Julia Robert’s in My Best Friend’s Wedding and ruin her best friend’s wedding.

I really enjoyed myself while reading this book. While Tilly wasn’t always the most likable main character, her love for her people and fear of change provided a reasonable motivation for her actions.

I can’t fully explain why this isn’t 5 stars, other than to say it didn’t punch me in the gut enough and the pacing was a little slow in the middle. Overall, I really enjoyed myself reading this book and definitely will be purchasing when it is released.

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the beginning had me hooked but lost me not long after. i felt i couldn’t connect to the characters and got more and more annoyed with tilly as the story unfolded. this just was not a book for me but that’s okay!

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4.5 stars to this, it was such a sweet romance about finding love in unexpected places. I love how chaotic and intense it is. I love how she found love in zack and how he accepted all of her and saw her from the beginning. I had alot of fun with this romance. thanks netgalley for the arc.

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ੈ✩‧₊˚ how to ruin a wedding ੈ✩‧₊˚ sophie andrews ੈ✩‧₊˚ netgalley arc
1.25★ ੈ✩

genres: romance
tropes: love triangle, grumpy sunshine
pov: single, first person (FMC)

plot: 1★
world building: 2★
main characters: 0★
side characters: 2★
writing: 2★
pacing: 2★
ending: 1★
emotional impact: 1★
originality: 2★
romance: 2★
overall enjoyment: 0★
epilogue: yes
cliffhanger: no
happy ending: yes


‧₊˚tilly & tyler

overall review:
‧₊˚ i really wanted to love this and had such high expectations after reading the other shining reviews- but in the end i was very disappointed. i really liked the opening line of the book- it definitely had me hooked and wanted me to keep reading, though that feeling was short lived. i felt like the plot really wasn’t making any progress until about 60-70% into the book. tilly, the fmc, was incredibly unlikable the entire book, and i can honestly say the same for most of the other characters too. i guess i just never quite understood tilly- i don’t understand how someone could just ruin their BEST FRIEND’s wedding because of jealousy- she had the chance to make the move for how many years and just didn’t. she acted petty and childish and that just annoyed me. the pacing of this book was weird for me- some chapters were written very well and fast-paced, and other chapters were so slow and bored me. nearly every chapter was tilly complaining about tyler and his wedding- i kept reading the same thing over again and when the plot did make some progress it was completely predictable- there was no wow factor that i craved in this book. the spice was okay- nothing spectacular or memorable. though i liked zack, i don’t understand why he would get with someone that is still obsessed with another guy - that seems like a recipe for disaster. i didn’t like the ending either-tilly really needed to work on herself before getting with someone. her and zack should’ve stayed broken up and her go off and do stuff for herself. i don’t think she should’ve tried to become friends with tyler again either. also there was one line that stood out to me and that was really weird: “i would’ve guessed you have sex like a taylor swift song”.

spice rating: ♡♡.5

thank you netgalley for the arc copy!

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Cute premise right?! I really enjoyed the first half of this book.

Then you get sucked in and it’s like haha here’s 25% of the remaining book that’s just awkward sex and it cheapens the whole effect of the book.

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