Member Reviews

How to Ruin a Wedding is a romantic comedy inspired by the movie, My Best Friend's Wedding. If you liked the movie, then I highly recommend this book for you!!

I absolutely loved this book! Sophie Andrews did a great job making Tilly so relatable. She has a great sarcastic sense of humor, does her best to help others (sometimes selfishly), and is always too hard on herself. I felt all the emotions Tilly had throughout the story. She had me laughing out loud and crying with her like a big baby. Zack is such a sweetheart and he is nothing like her best friend. He is quiet and broody but does a great job showing her how he feels. Tilly is able to feel safe with him from the beginning; she finds herself being completely honest with him with no hesitation, which is new to her. The story is told from Tilly's POV but I would have liked a dual POV from Zack. This doesn't impact how I feel about the book, it's just my personal preference. I will definitely be reading more books from Sophie Andrews. 

Thank you to NetGalley for an ARC in exchange for my honest feedback.

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I love this book. I read it within a day, I didn’t want it to end, I wanted to know what happen with Tilly and Zach. This should be a film!! A mixture of emotions and the right amount of raunchy-ness.

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This book sucked me in from the first page.this was a fun quick read. Fans of my best friends wedding this is a great to read. The main character does not hide faults. The first line in the book, “I’m a terrible person”. She is a very relatable character. Not perfect but a normal person. I found myself hoping the main character would actually fail! The story was great and well developed. I could not put this book down. This is one I would read over and over again.

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Thank you to NetGalley for an eARC of How to Ruin a Wedding.

The premise of the book is one of my favorites, classic 90s movie my best friends wedding. I feel like the character of Tilly was well described and shown throughout the book. I enjoyed learning more about her. I think it was interesting that she learned more about Tyler from his interactions with other people outside of what she had known for years.

Sarah comes off as someone who doesn’t actually know herself. I think having Tilly fall in love with Sarah’s ex was a little too perfect. Overall, this book is very sweet and I would recommend it for anyone looking for an easy read.

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Overall, I enjoyed this book. The beginning felt a bit slow to root for Tilly. The proposal came a bit too fast, which was the point. It's a little over stated that Tyler and Tilly are best friends. It was cute, but nothing too outrageously unique.

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It’s a familiar story - Tilley is in love with her best friend, Tyler. He’s about to marry another woman. So the logical thing to do is break up the couple and ruin the wedding! Tilley enlists the help of Tyler’s fiancée’s ex and it doesn’t play out exactly how she planned.

For lovers of 90s rom coms and a dash of spice - this book is *chef’s kiss*.

At first I wasn’t sure about Tilley - she was candid, outspoken, and a bit of a reckless liar. But she quickly grew on me and I found myself rooting for her. We have to take Tilley’s word about her friendship with Tyler and the complexity of their life-long dynamic, but he kind of seemed like a jerk who took her for granted? Zack on the other hand was just lovely and I really liked the layers of his characterization. The banter between Zack and Tilley was quite enjoyable to read.

The story hit a lot of the beats you’d expect in a rom com, but was exceptionally charming, funny, sexy, and filled with delight.

Thanks to NetGalley and Victory Editing for an ARC in exchange for my honest review.

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Review posted on GoodReads and submitted on Barnes and Noble!

Such a cute book! I’m a new Sophie Andrews fan! I felt every range of emotion with Tilly and so enjoyed her journey - even the awkward and cringy moments! I flew through it in a day — thank you ARC for giving me early access through NetGalley!!!

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I ended up really enjoying this book! The first maybe 10-15% was wobbly, the characters felt a bit too one dimensional but they were developed well throughout the story. The romance was sweet and the emotional conflict of the heroine was complex and realistic. I liked how everything was resolved in the end, though I think Tilly made a bigger deal about her involvement in the breakup than what she was actually responsible for. She really didn't do much and I don't know why she felt the need to confess. I give it a solid 4 stars

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Tilly and Taylor have been best friends since childhood. Tilly feels like it could be more than friendship but Taylor has always just had flings. Now he is engaged to his latest conquest and Tilly is determined to break them up before the wedding. In order to do so she asks the fiance's ex-boyfriend Zach for help...
This was a really entertaining book and I found Tilly's shenanigans hilarious. I rooted for her and Zach and I liked how it all turns out in the end.
If you liked the movie "My best friend's wedding" you will definitely enjoy this book!

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Oh, my god. I’ve got too many running thoughts about this book. About how this was easily one of my fav read of the month, or about how perfect of a romcom it is. I would not only recommend this book, but shove it down people’s throats to make them read it and have as an incredible time as I had. I am not going to lie, I went kinda weary into this book, but how easy-flowing it was. Tyler was totally insufferable, while Zack was literally just perfect. His romance amount was perfect, as well as his humour and his sexiness. I related a lot to Tilly and came down to a whole lot of realizations on my own life thanks to her, so I owe her that much. Overall, it’s my third five stars book of the year and if anyone dares to give it more just hates fun and love!

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How to Ruin a Wedding
By: Sophie Andrews
Pub date: September 15, 2023
“I, Tilly Mahoney am a liar. And I’m in love with my best friend.”
“You know when you’re going through old photo albums, and you see a picture that’s familiar to you, you can almost smell it? You can remember what you experienced in the picture and your heart aches to go back there?
He nodded.
“You’re my album. You contain it all.”
Thank you to @netgalley and @victoryeditingngc for the advanced copy of How to Ruin a Wedding in return for my honest opinion.
Tilly’s whole life comes crashing down on her when she finds out her best friend, Tyler is engaged to Sarah, a woman he just met a few months ago. Tilly has watched and waited on the sidelines while Tyler has enjoyed the single life always hoping he would realize he ultimately wants to spend his life with her. But life doesn’t always go according to your dreams.
The only thing there is left to do is stop the wedding! When Tilly meets Sarah’s ex, Zach through some online investigating it’s game on! It’s during all this scheming and hanging out together to discuss their next moves that Tilly rethinks her plan. Maybe she isn’t meant to be with Tyler. Maybe there is someone else for her.
I read this book in two days, it just flowed so well. I loved that Tilly was curvy with wild curly hair, and that she had this friend that she was secretly in love with. My heart breaks for her and I want to cry and then I am rooting that she gets the one she deserves, because they are awesome together. Life lesson: Life is never going to go as planned, and that’s okay because it can also unfold into an unexpected happily ever after.

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Extremely addictive and completely unputdownable. Once I was sucked in, there was no chance of getting out until I read the last page.

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This is my first time reading a book by Sophie Andrews and I really loved it! This was a page-turner from the get go! I was drawn in by the premise & it didn't disappoint!

Loved the main character, Tilly. Her character development has been dealt with very well throughout the book. Also, loved all the supporting characters including her family! I felt, the friendship between Tyler and Tilly was quite realistically captured till the very end. Tilly's indecision between pursuing her career and supporting her family was portrayed beautifully. I also loved how the author drew a contrast between Tilly's love interest Zack and her friend, Tyler, both have very different personalities.

Upon reading the premise, I was under the impression that this would be a slow burn romance. However, I felt that the attraction & romance between 2 main characters was rather too quick, but maybe that's just me ;)

Overall, I loved her writing and I'm eager to check out the author's upcoming books!

Thank you to Net Galley and Victoria Publishing for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

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This book was fantastic! I cannot say enough good things. If you like Amy Best Fruenfs Wedding You will live this! Tilly the eternal bridesmaid is in love with her best friend and they always do everything together until he falls in love at one of her family’s wedding with a fellow bridesmaid. An engagement happens quickly much to Tilly’s delay and she’s determined to stop the wedding. Enter Zach ex of the fellow bridesmaid and the two tag team up to stop the wedding, but may find they are better suited for each other other. Great dialogue, characters, and relatable content. Definitely one of my favorite recent reads! I hope to here more from this author soon!

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I had such a great time reading this book! The concept of 'My Best Friend`s Wedding', great but the execution was even better. The way the characters were written felt so real, and I really enjoyed having a female main character who wasn`t completely perfect. It felt refreshing. I loved the banter between the fmc and the mmc. I was obsessed with them! I also had a fun time with the chaos of this book. There was so much going on so many emotions, and I was here for all of it. Such a fun and easy read. Thank you to Netgalley and Victoria Publishing for the ARC.

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First time reading a book by Sophie Andrews and i was not disappointed. Such a sweet and funny book. All of the characters in the book were great. I hope there will more books in this series. I would to see what happens to the rest of the characters.
Quick and fun read.

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My Best Friends wedding but hotter!
5 Stars, open door, single pov, first person.

Tilly Mahoney is in love with her best friend Tyler, so when he announces his engagement to Sarah, a girl he met only weeks before, she makes it her mission to break up the wedding. She enlists the help of Zack, Sarah's most recent ex, in the hope that she can get them back together, and show Tyler that he is meant to be with her.
Somewhere along the way, she starts to realise that maybe Tyler isn't her forever guy after all.

I honestly didn't expect to love this as much as I did. I really didn't expect Tilly to be as likeable as she was. This story really worked with a single POV, I liked not knowing how Zack was feeling until it was revealed to Tilly.

Thank you to Netgalley and Victory Editing for sharing an advanced copy of this book.

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The prose won’t win any literary awards and it’s a story that’s already been told. I’m not entirely sure why this book was written. That said, it is an easy, sweet read, and sometimes that’s enough.

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This book was absolutely so cute. I enjoyed it a lot more than I expected to, and it was so much fun to read. It follows Tilly, who is hopelessly in love with her best friend since childhood, Tyler. When Tyler announces his engagement to Sarah, Tilly recruits Sarah’s very recent ex boyfriend to help her break off the engagement.

I really liked Tilly as the main character. My biggest annoyance with romance books is when the main character(s) spiral about the say 2-3 things for the entire book, and this didn’t do that. It also did not have a random break-up that made no sense, which is a win in my book. I really enjoyed Zach as the love interest, and even Sarah as an “antagonist”. I wish there had been more of a resolution with her at the end, but still a good character in my opinion.

The only character I really did not like was Tyler. It’s very clear about 2 seconds into the book how much he led Tilly on for YEARS. Like wtf dude. No wonder she is hopelessly in love with you (enough to try and break up your wedding).

Overall, I really enjoyed this book. Thank you Netgalley and Victoria Editing for the advanced copy!

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Loosely based on the Julia Roberts film My Best Friend’s Wedding, this is a fun little trip. When Tilly finds out her best friend Tyler is getting married, she aims to break up the lovebirds and convince him to love her instead. She enlists the help of the bride-to-be’s ex-boyfriend, Zach, and Tilly realizes she really needs to sort out her feelings. There’s a slow burn, rides on a motorcycle and a dip in a lake at midnight. You’ll fall in love with the characters and their story!

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