Member Reviews

This was an entertaining, well-written book. It was fast-paced, held interest and I didn't want to put it down. I enjoyed this book and look forward to reading more books by these authors.

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Great news, they have got it figured out. Great story that focuses on the story and not the architecture of every building!!!

Very well written with some interesting twists, of course JR still beats everyone down but it is fiction. I am back a fan!

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Jack Reacher is just as exciting as ever in this 28th installment of the Jack Reacher series.

1992. Eight respectable, upstanding people have been found dead across the US. These deaths look like accidents and don’t appear to be connected. Until one body – the victim of a fatal fall from a hospital window – generates some unexpected attention.

That attention comes from the Secretary of Defense, who promptly calls for an inter-agency task force to investigate. Jack Reacher is assigned as the Army's representative.

Reacher may be an exceptional soldier, but sweeping other people's secrets under the carpet isn't part of his skill set. As he races to discover the link between these victims, and who killed them, he must navigate around the ulterior motives of his new 'partners'. And all while moving into the sight line of some of the most dangerous people he has ever encountered.

His mission is to uncover the truth. The question will Reacher bring the bad guys to justice the official way . . . or his way?

My Thoughts:
I can always count on Lee Child to create a thrilling adventure that is fast-moving and heroic. Yes, Jack Reacher is always a hero and I like that he sticks by his morals to do the right thing - no matter who is involved. In this one he unravels a mess that occurred at a lab in India in 1969. It is set in the 1990s and Jack Reacher is still a captain in the military police, so it's taking him back quite a bit in time. He is thrown together with several others under a lot of pressure to find a killer who is methodically killing scientists related to a project at the lab in India. The murders are happening quickly and they all are made to look like possble suicides or accidents. What is really happening? An absorbing investigation, a relentless pace, and a complex plot make this a great adventure.

Thanks to Random House Publishing – Ballentine through Netgalley for an advance copy.

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An Intriguing Story OF Mystery and Suspense

1992. Veronica and Roberta Sanson are trying to determine who is responsible for a quasi-military incident in India in 1969. A secret project went sideways with devastating results. These two women leave bodies in their wake, trying to find everyone responsible for the project. They have a list of seven names, all scientists, but they think one name is missing, and that's the ultimate person they hope to find.

When another body is thrown out a hospital window, a task force is put together by the Secretary of Defense. Jack Reacher is assigned to the task force as a representative from the Army. As Reacher and the task force attempt to uncover the names of these two killers, it becomes apparent that secrets are being kept from the task force. Reacher wants to know the truth.

While The Secret is the 28th book in the Jack Reacher series, it is set in 1994 when the six-foot-five Reacher was still a captain in the military police. He is not quite the traveling loner and renegade that we have come to know and love.

Despite taking Reacher back in time, the story is intriguing. Who are these two women, and why are they killing so many people? While a little stiff and mysterious, Veronica and Roberta's character adds a good deal of interest to the book. Overall, The Secret is an entertaining and seamless tale of mystery and suspense.

Thanks to Netgalley and the publisher for an advance reading copy of this book. All opinions are my own.

Publisher Random House Publishing Group – Ballantine - Delacorte Press
Published October 24, 2023

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Even though this book is later in the series it takes place before book 1. Jack Reacher is an MP with the Army and tracking down missing/stolen gun parts. In the meantime, scientists who worked on a project called 192 are dying under somewhat suspicious circumstances so the Secretary of Defense sets up an inter-agency task force to try and find the killer. There is plenty of suspense and intrigue and action (Jack Reacher style). I really liked that we got to read some of his back story in this one and his relationship with his brother, Joe.

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Book #28 in the Jack Reacher series. There are two kinds of people in the world, those that love Jack Reacher and those who have never read a Jack Reacher book. To read them is to love him. Every reader has their favorite or two and every reader will argue with you over why their favorite should be yours too. Each book can be read as a stand alone, but once you join this fan club, you'll want to read the others too. I've read them all. Jack has standards and expects everyone to follow the basic rules of law. He's often disappointed and often dispenses his form of justice, with or without the help of the local law enforcement agencies. This story follows those guidelines and provided this reader with another excellent trip on the road with Jack Reacher.

I am a dedicated Lee Child/ Jack Reacher fan and have recommended this series to any and every one I know. BUT, one of the best parts of a Jack Reacher book is the side trips Reacher makes either physically or mentally during his actions. He is an analytical character and seeing how he reaches his decisions makes him a three dimensional character. This piece of this fantastic series is missing. It leaves the Reacher in THE SECRET more of a two dimensional participant in the story. This is a GREAT series, even a 5 star still, but it's lacking that something that put Jack Reacher on everyone's recommended TBR list. Please put it back.

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Thank you to NetGalley for and advanced digital copy of this book.

Its 1982. Jack Reacher has just been busted down from Major to Captain and assigned to a task force requested by the Secretary of Defense and charged with investigating the deaths of a group of scientists who were part of a top-secret experiment in 1969 in India. All the personnel assigned to this task force seem to be on the outs with their respective agencies. There is the alcoholic from CIA, the man who doesn't seem to exist from Treasury, and the woman who has been going through a personal problem from the FBI. So it seems not much is really expected to come out of this, except a lot of, as the military puts it, CYA.

But Reacher doesn't let anything get in the way of fulfilling any assignment he is given, and with the help of his FBI and CIA counterparts, they seem to be finding something. Then the CIA agent is found dead in his hotel room, supposedly falling and hitting his head when drunk. But Reacher doesn't buy it. And the hunt is on.

As usual with the books in this series, nothing the government says or does is quite what it seems. And this is no exception here.

The Reacher books have lost a step since the author's son starting co-writing, and they seem to have realized that Reacher himself is getting a little long in the tooth to still be doing the same thing. But the historical books are entertaining and the cameo by his still-alive brother is nice.

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I may have been late to the Jack Reacher party, but I spent the summer getting caught up. What a great character! The writing is smart and funny.. Character series are formulaic by definition, but the authors manage to keep it fresh with the plot lines. This latest addition does not disappoint. Go enjoy!

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Despite being a longtime fan of the Reacher series, I must say that his allure is difficult to define. He's a powerful and violent character, but something about him draws readers in and keeps them hooked. The book portrays him as a brilliant and skilled investigator who excels at getting into trouble. His ethical code compels him to defend those who cannot protect themselves, rendering him a hero to all. He is a Superman, minus the superpowers. This book is a prequel that describes events that happened shortly before Reacher left the army. These events explain some of why Reacher ultimately left the military. However, the novel doesn't quite meet the standard of Lee Child's best books in the series. The book is missing the cleverness of a typical Lee child's story. The book appears to be a brief novella that serves as a filler between two lengthier novels. Thanks to Netgalley for graciously providing a copy of this book for me to review

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Set in 1992, THE SECRET takes place when Reacher was a recently demoted Captain in the army. He’s placed on a task force to help stop those responsible for killing scientists who worked on a secret government project in 1969.

This novel was a nice change of pace, as it shows Reacher working within the confines of his position in the army both in an office setting and in the field. Nevertheless, Reacher being Reacher uses his own special brand of brutal skills and smarts to get the job done.

The secondary characters, particularly the others on the task force, the scientists, and the antagonists, are nicely developed. The clues are well seeded into the story while leaving plenty of room for fun developments and unconventional settings.

My favorite things about this installment is the number of strong female characters and the various quirks that make the various characters unique.

This collaboration of Lee and Andrew Child gets better and better with each new installment.

For me, this installment is a 4.5 star read, rounded up to five.

I voluntarily read and reviewed an advanced copy of this book. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

Thanks to Delacorte Press, an imprint of Random House, a division of Penguin Random House LLC, for providing an Advance Reader Copy via NetGalley.

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This one takes us back to the 90's for another glimpse into Reacher's military history. This was a great read. Thank you to the publisher and NetGalley for the ARC in exchange for my review.

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Another Reacher book! Yay for a wonderful return into his past with a suspenseful mystery. Always engaging and showcasing his firm, wise detecting style, these books are always entertaining to read.

Thanks to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for the opportunity to read this great Reacher ARC.

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The 28th Jack Reacher story brings us back to the early years. In this prequel, set in the 90’s, Reacher is in the army and is trying to find out who is killing a group of scientists and why.

Fans of the series will notice a more toned down Reacher, less disillusioned but equally lethal. It was a fun trip to the early years.

While not a stand alone book it definitely could be your first in this series.

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I always enjoy a Jack Reacher book. In this one the Childs go back to the 1990s so we get a bit more of Reacher’s history. There were plenty of twists and sufficient suspense. Though it was my favorite, I enjoyed it very much. I thank NetGalley and the publisher for the opportunity to read this ARC.

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My Thoughts

Jack Reacher has an inborn talent for putting puzzle pieces together pieces others either overlook or dismiss as unimportant information.

He is a formidable adversary in almost any situation but this time his skill set has come up against an opponent whose own abilities extend beyond themselves because they can easily get others to do the heavy lifting that Reacher must be able to handle on his own.

Over the course of this series Reacher has proven he is an action oriented, decisive planner, not afraid of using violence against others or violence being directed at himself means that his character is a favorite to so many fans of this series.

Myself being one of them.

The fact that this story does not follow the character as a lone wolf persona but rather as part of a team is not one which I am opposed to but also not one that I wholeheartedly support either.

After all Reacher is much more interesting when he is not bound by rules that hinder him from achieving his own brand of justice.

A justice that is long overdue meted out within the bounds of what is legal sometimes falls short of what is needed, not in this instance though.

A good read with enough familiar elements to offset those that aren’t.
[EArc from Netgalley]
On every book read as soon as it is done and written up for review it is posted on Goodreads and Netgalley, once released then posted on Amazon, Barnes and Nobles as well.

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The Secret takes readers back into the nostalgic blast of the 90’s as we meet Jack Reacher this time as a newly demoted Captain. He may be younger than we’re accustomed to reading him, but Lee and Andrew Child ensure he’s still kicking ass in sheer badass form and racking his inquisitive mind to uncover a dark secret.

After a handful of American citizens, inexplicably connected to a secret, start dying, the secretary of defense decides to form an interagency task force to uncover those responsible. Jack Reacher is one of the chosen few picked. While the task force is created with a bureaucratic approach towards casting scapegoats in case of a possible disaster, Reacher doesn’t stand for it. He’ll do what needs to be done, nothing more, nothing less. Maybe something more in the name of justice. He just doesn’t like sinister secrets.

I finished The Secret in a matter of a few hours and I throughly enjoyed every single page. It felt like a great blend of old-school pulpy thrillers crossed with modern twists and swifter pacing. Even with the narrative focusing back and forth between the antagonists and Reacher along with some other characters, the narrative never gets bogged down in unneeded drama. Reacher is better than ever as he takes down mean guys and bullies with almost effortless attack and defensive moves. Keeping his strengths in mind, the authors present a morally ambiguous conflict for him to process through, which balance out the action marvelously. It has the right tone and amount of twists and turns to keep you engaged and motivated to uncover the secret at the end. It’s not that you won’t have a clear picture of the twists but you won’t expect them to go down the way you imagine. That’s the brilliance of the secret.

You can’t go wrong with The Secret. Whether you’re looking for brutal action, suspense, twisty thrillers, or all of the above, you’re in luck!

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Fans of the series might initially find this journey back to 1992 a bit disconcerting- Reacher is still with the US Army, he works with a team, and well, it's 1992. That said, it's very much a Reacher novel, complete with a complex plot, interesting side characters, and violence against bad guys. And violence by bad guys. Reacher's been pulled to work as part of a task force set up by the Secretary of Defense to identify and stop whoever is killing members of a team of scientists who were involved with a top secret project that went very wrong in the 1960s. The killer - you know early on- is actually a pair of sisters who manage to efficiently execute but who can't quite get the information they want. Reacher is paired with an FBI SA, a CIA officer, and an officer from the Department of Treasury, each of whom bring something to the table. And what of the Secretary and his wife, the CEO of a major chemical company? No spoilers from me. It's fast paced, it's entertaining, and it provides a little more flesh on the bones of Reacher, who had, in recent years, become almost a caricature of himself. Thanks to Netgalley for the ARC. Thumbs up.

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I have just today read in the NYT that this is the last collaborative book between brothers Andrew and Lee Child. Lee is retiring. Before today I had planned to begin this review by saying that the collaboration was getting better, of the four books they have written together, this is the strongest. It's not bad, although giving it 4 stars might be a bit generous on my part. I don't much like to plot and the villain and plot twist were clear pretty early on, There are a couple of awkward sentences and some non-sensical actions on the part of various people, but maybe the editors will read all of our comments and use the red pencil more forcefully when Andrew is working alone.

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#28 in the Jack Reacher series written by Lee Child and his brother Andrew Child does not disappoint. This is a prequel with events going back to 1992 when Reacher was still on active duty as an MP in the Army. After showing his talents he is asked to be on a special investigations unit or task force that reports directly to the DOD. Hard core Reacher fans will pick up on nuances and habits that are different between the Reacher now and the Reacher in 1992. (ex. Coffee, diners, mental calculations, lone wolf) But before you discount or get frustrated with the changes, think about what the world was like in terms of technology (cell phones and computers etc) and what you were like 30 years ago. We all need a foundation – Reacher included.
A fast, action filled novel that is nothing short of enjoyable that will leave Reacher fans asking for more. Thank you to Lee Child, Andrew Child, Random House Publishing – Ballentine and NetGalley for the ARC of The Secret!

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The Secret is the 28th in the Jack Reacher series and I have read them all. I always look forward to the next installment. That said, it is not a typical Reacher book. It is set in the 1990s while he is a captain in the military, and he is not as brooding but still as calculating. Reacher represents the army in a special task force to determine what occurred with a chemical plant in the 1960s and how that relates to important people being systematically killed in the present. There is also a secondary storyline about stolen gun parts. Reacher plays well with others in this story as a younger man, so the feel was a bit different. The mystery was very interesting and the characters varied. I love reading Reacher books and I can’t wait for the next one. With thanks to Netgalley and Random House Publishing Group for this ARC. My opinions are my own. susanh_bookreviews Amazon

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