Member Reviews

The Secret History of Bigfoot; Field Notes on a North American Monster
John O’Connor
Thank you NetGalley for the review copy of this book. My reviews are my unbiased opinions.
Author John O’Connor and Bigfooters hunt for the elusive Bigfoot. I found their efforts interesting. I was especially interested in the experiences of those who swear they have seen Bigfoot. But I take exception with the author’s comments on President Trump. There was no need to include them in this book. They served no purpose. The comments were rude and derogatory. Mr. O’Connor you destroyed your own book.

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First time author John O’Connor teaches journalism at Boston College, and from what he writes in The Secret History of Bigfoot, he comes across as an adventurer, a thinker, and an engaging storyteller. In his efforts to follow along with Bigfooters as they go on the hunt, O’Connor meets many folks (among them former police officers, soldiers, and park rangers) who all swear that they’ve come nose to nose with a Sasquatch in the wild — some of whom were forced to leave their jobs in the wake of their experiences — and in the moment, he completely believes their testimony. Later on, O’Connor speaks with experts who insist that without physical evidence (bone, hair, spoor, a clear photograph), it’s nonsensical to believe that there’s a large mammal running around the wilds of North America, evading capture. It’s a fascinating story, told from an engaging POV — this is as much about O’Connor’s experiences and reactions as it is about the legendary Sasquatch — and I enjoyed the whole thing.

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