Member Reviews

I’m a cover-lover—what initially pulls me into a book is usually the cover. The cover art of "Capturing Hope" certainly captured my attention, and the story that followed did as well.

WWII stories have always interested me. It is such a pivotal time in history, and the perseverance and resilience of so many is inspiring. I enjoyed witnessing the choices the hero and heroine of this story, David and Nadia, made as well as the changes they experienced within themselves. Their empathy, sacrifices, and determination kept me captivated.

What delighted me the most are the elements of faith and hope. Even in our darkest hours, there is always hope, and this story showcases that beautifully.

First Line: Hiding away with any novel would be preferable to this, but Nadia Roenne forced her mouth into a demure smile and tipped her head to one side, ignoring the twenty-four pins scraping her scalp.
Series: Heroines of WWII book 12
Genre: Historical Romance
Author: Angela K. Couch
Page Count: 256

#CoverLoverBookReview received a complimentary copy of this book.
Opinions are 100% mine.

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3.5 stars.

I really enjoyed Couch's [book:A Rose for the Resistance|60393223], another installment in the Heroines of WWII series, and looked forward to this read. It was good, though I did prefer _Rose_ ultimately!

This installment felt more like a news story ("just the facts, ma'am") than a fleshed-out fiction read, until closer to its end. A few elements (especially a notable reveal, which came full circle in the epilogue) could have, I felt, been fleshed out more. Also, David's relationship with alcohol (something I've struggled with myself) could have been addressed more--he had such an aversion to it, but it obviously had a hold on him, but we don't see growth or long-term change on the page.

That being said, I did truly enjoy it and obviously was curious to find out what would happen, as I read it in just a couple of days! It's fast paced and packed with history and faith, all things I enjoy and appreciate.

I received an eARC of the book from the publisher via NetGalley. All opinions are my own.

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Capturing Hope is a captivating tale full of history and heroism plus harsh realities of life and so much more! It’s a wonderful novel that you’re going to love reading. The characters are so real and raw. And the children will cry out to you.

This book is part of the Heroines of WWII series. I’ve had the immense pleasure of reading them all and can say without a doubt that every one of them becomes my favorite until I read the next one. This is a talented group of authors who are amazingly bringing history to life. They take places and times that we might not have been super familiar with and make them into something that we are never going to forget.

Within the pages of this novel, you’ll get to know Nadia who starts out as a noblewoman sure of herself and who she is. But what happens when her very life might be a lie? Who can she turn to as she’s fleeing for her life? Can she truly trust this American who is so beneath her socially?

And you’ll fall in love with the children. They’ll also break your heart. Be prepared for twists and turns and surprises you could never have guessed.

I have voluntarily reviewed a complimentary copy of this book which I received from Celebrate Lit. All views expressed are only my honest opinion. I was not required to write a positive review nor was I compensated in any other way. All opinions expressed are my own. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC regulations.

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Capturing Hope keeps you on the edge of your seat, breathlessly following David and Nadia's journey. Your heart will also sob for the death and destruction they face as they flee in search of safety. Will their sometimes shaky faith in God sustain them?

Another World War II story; another perspective. I recommend Capturing Hope for anyone who is interested in World War II, and learning more about Poland. If you're interested in history, be sure to add this one to your list. #bookreview #giveaway

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A compelling story of faith, family, and love in the face of the Nazi invasion of Poland.

After her father is murdered, an American David Reid is tasked with getting Nadia Roenne out of Poland. Her compassionate heart puts her at odds with David's sense of duty and urgency, but gives her purpose. I liked how David found himself leaning more on his faith, and sharing it with Nadia as they fight to find a way out of Poland.

I admired Nadia's heart for others, and how she is drawn to help families affected by the invasion, putting their needs before her own.

Overall, a compelling read with strong characters, with storytelling that brought the bleak plight of those in Poland realistically to life.

I received a complimentary copy of this book. Opinions expressed in this review are completely my own.

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Amazing. No matter how many stories you hear about war it's always heart wrenching in its own unique way. Nadia is a girl who was raised in Polish nobility. Her father befriended an American photographer and confided in him. As the Germans begin to invade Poland, things change rapidly, and David promises her father to see Nadia safely to England. Their journey changes their lives forever, as well as some of those they encounter. Gripping just have to know what will happen next, how they'll get out. So much sadness, but they also learn to recognize the miracles that happen along the way. Very well told, mostly documenting actual events.

I received this book free from the author, publisher and CelebrateLit book review bloggers program. I was not required to write a positive review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

#CapturingHope #AngelaKCouch #BooksYouCanFeelGoodAbout #CelebrateLit #ChristianHistoricalFiction #FiveStarNovel

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“Swear to me you will keep them safe.” “Keep him safe, David.”

“If he failed again? How many more lives would he wear on his conscience?”

In 1939 Poland, the country moves suddenly from talking about war to being overrun overnight by Germany. Nadia Roenne goes from ballroom to seeing the murder of her father, to fleeing with an American stranger, David Reid.

Nadia Roenne has a sharp tongue, and despite David’s repeated sacrifices for her, arrives at one destination still with her attitude of class superiority. “He’d saved her life, and she still didn’t care enough to remember his name.”

Facing unimaginable atrocities the German Army inflicted on the Polish people, but especially the Jews, can David and Nadia work together, or will their language, ideals, and nationality keep them apart? What inner resources will it take to survive the horrendous onslaught?

The evil of mankind makes this a difficult book to read, although only one who has experienced them can truly understand. Still, I shuddered as the bombs came whistling in, and the sirens screamed. I turned my head ,if possible, at the inhumane sights.

But… there is hope in this darkness, one that makes the novel one you’ll want to read. Facing their own mortality, ultimate hope is uncovered. “I imagine death is like stepping into a warm embrace. Like walking through a doorway away from pain and hurt into the waiting arms of those who are already gone. Family. Friends. Jesus. . .”

As they await terror and uncertainty, reflection with friends again visits, hitting home. “Perhaps there are those who will not like us because we are Polish or because you are Jewish, but not everyone is like that.” “You are not like that.” “No, I believe all people deserve to be treated fairly.” “Even Germans?”

Read Capturing Hope by Angela K Couch. If you dare.

I received a copy of the book from Celebrate Lit and Netgalley. No positive review was required, and all opinions are my own.

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I have loved all of the books from the multi author series, Heroines of WWII, and was excited to get the opportunity to have the newest installment, Angela K Couch’s Capturing Hope. I really enjoyed this action packed story with Nadia and David. It had a lot of suspense that had a lot of twists and turns I could not have been able to predict. Great novel to read!

I am giving Capturing Hope a very well deserved five plus stars. I highly recommend it for readers who love reading clean historical fiction, particularly those centered around the World War II era in history. I will be looking forward to more books like this one from Angela K Couch in the future.

I received a paperback copy of Angela K Couch’s Capturing Hope from the publisher, but was not required to write a positive review. This review is one hundred percent my own honest opinion.

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An enticing book set at the beginning of World War II. It makes me so sad to read about this time in Poland's history and when their allies didn't come to their aid. David Reid, an American, is hired to protect the baron's haughty daughter, Nadia. With so much going on, I just didn't know what was going to happen next. It was hard book to put down. Very well written and history revisited in Capturing Hope. I received this e-book for free from Celebrate Lit Tour and the opinions I express are honest and my own.

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Capturing Hope, by Angela K. Couch, is part of Barbour Publishing’s Heriones of WWII series. This is a series of powerful stand alone stories that are written by different authors about strong women and their part in the war. This story is set in Poland in 1939. Nadia’s father asks American photographer, David, to take his wife and daughter out of Poland before the German’s take over the city.

This story starts out with action and suspense that does not end. It captured my attention right from the beginning. It is well written, easy to read and hard to put down. I was left wondering what would happen next to delay Nadia and David’s trip out of Poland. It is very easy to see how caring both are for others and how quick they are to step in to help others, even putting themselves at risk. As Nadia fleece Poland she meets someone tells her life has not been what she always thought. As she flees, David is left feeling he is once again a failure.

I just loved this story, it gives a brief look into what the situation in Poland might have been, yet it is not to overwhelming to read. It also shows the strength the characters have. I voluntarily received a complimentary copy of this book, this is my honest review.

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Capturing Hope is set during World W II. Nadia Roenne lives in Poland with her parents. The Germans are invading their country and she sees her father who is Polish killed by the Nazis who invade her home and her mother who is German flees to her native Germany. An American photographer, David Reid, has promised her father that he will get Nadia to safety.

The journey is filled with difficulties including bombs over Warsaw and the German army which is invading their country. In addition, they find young children who have lost both parents along the way that they are trying to get to safety. This makes for a book that I could not put down.

I received a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing and Net Galley and was under no obligation to post a review.

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You have no control. You can do nothing. Only God above.

Nadia woke up as the daughter of a Baron on Aug. 31, 1939. Then Evil arrived and she was suddenly in the care of an American, David Reid. This was not to be believed!! Follow along as a spoiled young lady learns how shallow and sheltered her life really was. Will the horror she experiences change her? Suddenly responsibility stares her in the face. What will she do with this new knowledge?

The author has obviously done a great deal of research into the atrocities that occurred in that period. Poland would never be the same again. Could her people come out of this with a renewed zeal to be free? There were so very many heroes and heroines that never survived to tell their story.

This early copy of Heroines of WWII #12 was received through Barbour Publishing and NetGalley. These impressions are my own and were in no way solicited.

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Poland, Aug. 31, 1919 - Nadia is a young woman of the upper class & is suddenly facing the hard reality of the German invasion of Poland. Dire circumstances force her to depend on an American photographer named David Reid. Together they begin a perilous journey from Poland to England. Their journey exposes them to the harsh realities of war & suffering, but they also find strength and forgiveness. This book was very well written, an intense page turner. I was given a complimentary copy of this book from Barbour Publishing & was under no obligation to post a review.

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I read an ARC of this book and really enjoyed it. I like reading historical fiction. This story captured my attention for the first page. I hated to put it down. The characters were quite well-developed. The story flowed well and the editing was well done.

What I did not like was the use of Polish words and not knowing what they were. That is my biggest complaint.

The history in the story was quite accurate and sad to read. I was thankful that the story had an epilogue to wrap it up. It still left one issue unresolved in my mind, but I do not want to reveal what it is and ruin the story.

I give this book a 4 out of 5-star review. I was given a copy of this book through CelebrateLit and this review is totally my own. I am not required to leave a positive review.

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When Nazi's kill her father, she knows she has to get out of Poland. With the help of American photojournalist David Reid, the two set out on a hazardous journey through Poland. Along the way, they pick up several orphaned children, while learning that they make a good family.

I enjoyed this story. The perspective of Poland during the war is fascinating. I enjoyed this story. Nadia has a good arc and the ending was sweet.

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Capturing Hope is a great addiction to the Heroines of WWII series. Great plot and character development. If you are a fan of historical fiction I recommend this book . I received an advance copy from the publisher and Netgalley. This is my unbiased review.

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This book is a great addition to the Heroines of WWII series. It's well written and will keep you turning the pages to see what happens next. I loved it and highly recommend this book and the entire series to anyone who is a fan of Christian Historical fiction based on fact.
I received a complimentary copy from Barbour Publishing via NetGalley and was not required to write a review. All opinions expressed are my own.

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WWII historical fiction is one of my favorite genres. Capturing Hope is an interesting story set in Poland on the eve of the Nazi invasion of Poland. Affluent Nadia is attending a party thrown by her father and finds herself fleeing for her life with an American photographer, David Reid who has promised her father he would get her to safety. As they travel by various means, they are continuously caught up in the German invasion of Poland. David works tirelessly to fulfill his promise to Nadia's father, to keep her safe. Nadia has a mind of her own and continuously moves them into more perilous situations. David has some deep-seated personal battles to overcome and as a result will not give up on his promise. Bombs keep falling and as their journey continues, they pick up orphaned children they encounter along the way. Searching for safety in world that is full of despair, the characters rely on each other and their faith to help them through. There is a plot twist as well.
Overall, the book is a good introduction but light on specific WWII history, compared to other WWII historical fiction novels. I'm not a fan of the many references to religion in the book. I appreciate the opportunity to read this arc from NetGalley.

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Capturing Hope takes place during Germany's invasion of Poland. I had not fully understood how different their invasion of Poland was to that of many of the other countries they invaded. As the author states in her historical note at the end of the book, the atrocities and genocide in Poland went much deeper in Poland. Hitler had stated that if Poland did not comply he would wipe them off of the map, and try he did. In this story American David Reid is tasked by the father of Nadia Roenne to insure that his daughter escapes from Poland to England. Having been born into nobility, Nadia meets many ordinary and extraordinary people, people of a class she would never have encounter before, as she and David make their way out of Poland. Both become convicted to help several of those they meet along the way, changing their outlook on both themselves and others as well as God. The story is very well written, character development strong, and emotion intense. The theme of self-sacrifice is genuinely expressed throughout the story. Don't pass up the historical note at the end. It is amazing how much of what David and Nadia encounter was historically accurate. May we not forget.

I highly recommend Capturing Hope and am grateful to have received a complimentary copy from Barbour Publishing via NetGalley without obligation. All opinions expressed here are my own.

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I consumed this book in less than 24 hours. I completely fell in love with the characters and had to know what happened to them!

The historical details were so rich, I can tell the author really put in a lot of research!

And oh, I loved the epilogue 💛 I'll definitely be thinking about this book for quite a while.

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