Member Reviews

Moving, lyrical and I'm so excited to get my physical copy. It's plot is fast paced and perfect for a fall read.

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Ruying lives in a world occupied by Romans who conquered her lands after invading from a portal in the heavens. They overpowered the magic of her people with new technology and unparalleled violence. Ruying was born with the power to drain the life force from any mortal she is near, but she fears her power, not only for the destruction it causes, but because it comes at a cost: each time she uses her gift, she is draining her own life force, potentially forcing herself into an early grave. When her magic is revealed in front of a Roman prince, she is given the opportunity to ally with him in order to keep her twin sister and her grandmother safe from the violence that has been a detriment to her people. Ruying must choose between her nation and her family in this epic, high-stakes fantasy.

The premise of this book is very interesting and Chang’s use of language and lore throughout the book was beautiful. I also enjoyed the dynamic between Ruying and Antony and how politically savvy the book is. I did feel like some parts of the book moved really slowly and were kind of repetitive. I also would have loved to see more development in some of the supporting characters.

Thank you so much to NetGalley and Random House Publishing Group-Ballentine for the ARC in exchange for my honest review!

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I did not enjoy "To Gaze Upon Wicked Gods" in the slightest. It's a shame, because so many things about the premise sounded like things that were right up my alley. I love fantasy, I love stories about revolutions and rising up against oppressors, but what was given to the reader here was nothing short of clumsy and repetitive nonsense. Even something as simple as 'opian' being the chosen word for the drug felt so lazy when clearly it's some kind of take on 'opium'. The characters were flat. Nothing about the world interested me. This is the kind of book that either needed to be cooked longer in the oven, or should have been rewritten from scratch.

While I appreciate the scale in which Molly Chang is trying to deal with, it was all overambitious, and ultimately fell completely flat.

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A girl with the magical ability to take lives, struggles to survive in an alternate world where an enemy Rome has taken over her homeland. In a twist of fate she finds herself working with a Roman prince but when war looms, she no longer knows who to trust nor if her choices can actually ensure the survival of her people.

This was a quick read, a bit slow paced at points but emotionally charged and politically savvy. I liked the world and the author did well painting a picture of the desperation of the people of Er-Lang.

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I love the cover of this book, that's what caught my eye. I've read a few Asian mythology books and this books tops all of them. Asian fantasy with slow-burn enemies to lovers 100% loved it!

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Was an amazing book, it sucked me in until the last word. Loved the authors style of writing.. is for sure a re read for me.

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i really thought i was going to love this novel, but the execution left me wanting much, much more than i got.

pengu is invaded and occupied by the romans. ruying and her sister, meiyu, are twins who live with their grandmother. ruying has the ability to rip the qi from others and kill them, whereas meiyu has the gift to bring life back. meiyu is addicted to opian and ruying must gather enough coin to keep her sister alive. in a desperate attempt for money, she witnesses a roman man gift a single gold coin to a peasant girl. jealous, she steals his pouch of money and returns home. however, she was followed and ruying is captured and imprisoned as she had stolen from the prince of rome himself: antony.... and he wants her gift.

there is little character development over the course of the story. antony is stiff, and ruying lacks the ability to think for herself or notice what is happening under her nose. the supporting characters are underdeveloped and rarely present. i don't know how chang expects us to believe that ruying would give up her country and her kin for a man who kills and kills and has racist ideology that puts romans as gods. antony is a genocidal white knight.

although we are told that when ruying uses her gift to kill it takes a toll on her, we never see this toll. the magic system is not fully explained, yet there is so much telling, not showing. the romance aspect feels outlandish.

the main issue i have with this novel is that when antony says that he and ruying come from different worlds, i did not realize that they meant literally from different worlds. i didn't figure it out until the very end of the novel and i was so confused when advanced technology was mentioned (mainly helicopters, what? i was under the impression this took place in a pre-colonial/colonial setting, not one with helicopters). no, the romans came to pengu through... portals (?) because they killed their world with pollution and greed.

why create a fictionalized china, yet include roman civilization? could the romans not have been renamed? the romans did not have guns or helicopters, right? it's very, very confusing.

overall, i felt this novel was supremely underdeveloped. the plot is formulaic and dull. the romance is quite literally disgusting. there are little to no visual descriptions. it's dialogue upon dialogue upon dialogue.

thank you to netgalley and the publisher for an arc in exchange for an honest review.

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I thought I was going to love this one, but unfortunately it wasn't for me. The premise was interesting and what I usually look for but the execution of it left me wanting more. This one had so much potential. Unfortunately not for me as a reader.

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Very interesting views. The right and wrong merge sometimes and the borders between them disappeared. You can identify with all the characters which is confusing at times. Although the end is predictable the road ti it has some up and downs and some switchblade turns. I really looking for the book. Hopefully it won't take time to write it.

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I thought I was going to love this one, but unfortunately it wasn't for me. The premise was interesting and what I usually look for but the execution of it left me wanting more.

The character depth wasn't there. Supporting cast were hardly there and not developed at all.

Prose was extremely repetitive. Information that we had already been given was given over and over like opium being addictive. Some information was contradicting. For most of the book the MC tells us that magic is weak and can't beat science then later the MC is thinking about how maybe they could beat the invaders with magic.

There was a lot of telling not showing.

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Book title: To Gaze upon Wicked Gods
Author: Molly X. Chang
Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟
Publication date: April 9th, 2024

Our MC Ruying is from a world of magic. Another world Rome, by way of a portal, has come and overtaken Ruyings world with technology, science, wepons and drugs. Ruying's magical ability is death and finds herself kidnapped by one of the two Roman princes Antony. He claims he wants peace between worlds unlike his family, and inlists Ruyings help by means of protecting her family into killing people he seems are causing uprisings and aiding the threat of war.
I really appreciated all of the morally gray characters and actions in this book. Every character in the book is an antihero. It really makes you think about what you would do in those situations, would you betray your kingdom to keep your family safe? Would you risk everything to be free?
Many times I've read the enemies to lovers trope. In this book it truly is the closest I've read to really really enemies to lovers. You feel the internal struggle of both characters dealing with their feelings for each other amidst the pending war of their people.
A great YA novel with no spice. The only things it was lacking in my opinion was more characters and world building.
The ending was great and left on an awesome cliffhanger, I can't wait to read the next one! I really did enjoy this book and give it 4 stars.
Thank you to NetGalley and Random House Ballantine for an advanced copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

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Thank you to NetGalley and the publisher for an early copy of this book! Below is my honest review.

Potential trigger warnings: drug addiction, death of a family member, violence, death, gore

This book caught me off guard in the best way possible. Ruying is a girl who just wants to survive and protect her family, but she's cursed/blessed (depends on who you ask) with the power to take away someone's lifeforce without even touching them--making her a valuable asset to people. Two people try to recruit her and her power, but she only accepts one (reluctantly to protect her sister and grandmother).

The author does a great job exploring the themes of sacrifice, power, loyalty, science versus magic, and being morally gray. Ruying is not the hero that readers typically see. She is a person who wants to do good things but has to do bad things in order for those good things to happen. Same goes for the person who Ruying becomes allies with. What is the line between right and wrong? Between wanting to protect your people versus yourself? You can really see Ruying grapple with these ideas and coming to a realization that there is no right answer; anything she does is a bad choice. She's constantly stuck between a hard place and a boulder.

If you're someone who like fantasy but struggles with high fantasy, I would say this one is for you. The author's writing style is very lyrical and beautiful, and the world isn't too difficult to understand. Could the science part of the story been explored a little more? Yes, but the magic and mythological parts were done very well. Also, I will say though, at times, it felt like the author did more telling than showing, but that personally didn't bother me too much.

Would I recommend this book? Yes!

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The author has a great feel for language, but the storytelling dampened my enthusiasm—this feels like a much longer book than it needed to be.

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"To Gaze Upon Wicked Gods" by Molly X. Chang is a captivating blend of fantasy and science fiction that explores themes of power, loyalty, and sacrifice. With its richly developed world and complex characters, this novel delivers a compelling narrative that will engage fans of both genres.

Set in a world that has been conquered by technologically advanced invaders, the story follows Ruying, a young woman with a unique and dangerous Gift—she can control death itself. Despite her extraordinary ability, Ruying lives in fear of the invaders and their advanced technologies. Her desire to protect her family and people drives her choices, even as she grapples with the moral implications of her powers.

When an enemy prince discovers Ruying's Gift, he proposes a treacherous deal: become his personal assassin and eliminate his political rivals, and in return, her family will be safe from harm. The prince's promises of a better world conflict with Ruying's instincts and principles, forcing her to confront difficult decisions that will shape the fate of her nation and loved ones.

Molly X. Chang's writing is both evocative and thought-provoking, delving into the complexities of morality, duty, and the consequences of wielding immense power. The world-building is immersive, with a richly detailed setting that blends fantasy elements and advanced technology seamlessly. The characters are multi-dimensional, and Ruying's internal struggles and growth are portrayed in a compelling manner.

The moral dilemmas that Ruying faces add depth to the story, as she navigates the blurred lines between right and wrong, individual and collective good, and personal desires versus the needs of her people. The pacing is well-crafted, keeping the reader engaged as Ruying's journey unfolds.

With its unique blend of fantasy and science fiction, "To Gaze Upon Wicked Gods" explores themes of identity, power dynamics, and the complex choices individuals must make in the face of impossible circumstances. Chang's narrative is both gripping and thought-provoking, making this novel a must-read for fans of genre-blending stories that challenge conventions and ignite the imagination.

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Thank you to NetGalley and ARC provided by Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine for this eArc! You will find my unbiased review below.

To Gaze Upon the Wicked Gods is an Adult Sci-Fi Fantasy written by Molly X. Chang.

Blessed with the magic of death, Ruying struggles to live in her empire when foreign invaders have taken over. When she is taken from her family and given a deal by a prince of Rome, she has the choice to become an assassin for the enemy to keep her family safe or die. But would she want to become a traitor to her people to keep her family safe or die for her empire?

This book of full of magic, science, betrayal, lies, romance, and sorrow. The author wrote this world beautifully and the emotions that our main character goes through. Ruying struggles with what is right and what is wrong. Then also what she wants. I believe Ruying is a morally gray character and to be honest no one in this story is a “hero” or “good person”. I loved that aspect of it. The author did so well with world building but not making it complicated. Even though there was a lot of information about the world it didn’t feel overwhelming which I appreciated. I haven’t been this excited for a release and so happy I got the ARC! It’s definitely a Slowburn, enemies to lovers. I believe Prince Antony is also a very complicated character and I hope he doesn’t end up a terrible villain in the end. I can’t wait for the next installment in this series!

Rating: 4.5/5

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This was one of those cases where I chose the book for the cover, but stayed for the story. The story starts out slow. Politics, world-building, and character backstory take precedence at the beginning, but all of that groundwork is needed to understand the plot and the protagonist's motivations as you get further in. The first-person narrative style makes it easier to sympathize with Ruying’s perspective, an imperfect person trying to do the best she can for herself and those she loves in bad circumstances. Her magical power, in some way, more burden than blessing and being brought up to feel less than for being female further add credibility to her position. These themes are not new to YA, but the author is very respectful of her characters there is no pure good or bad, no "hero" just flawed people trying to get through life to the best of their ability with the truth they perceive. And there is growth, Ruying learn from the events she experiences and people she encounters and realizes that some of her choices were not best and tries to do better. In the end, I was excited for her self-empowerment and I wanted to know what is next for her.
The one thing I'm not a fan of, though even this was made somewhat understandable, is her attraction to her captor. I'm afraid that at some point "Stockholm Syndrome" will become a "trope" in YA if it isn't already (it is, just called something like "enemies to lovers"). Her feelings for Anthony just make her oppression more evident and her eventual realizations about her feelings propel her growth in courage and bravery.
Overall, I enjoyed this novel and I am excited for the sequel.
I received advanced digital access to this book thru NetGalley (for which I want to thank NetGalley and the publisher, Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine, Del Rey) for an honest review. The opinion expressed here is my own.

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I'd like to thank the publisher and NetGalley for allowing me a chance at reading this book.

I chased after this book due to the current CDrama obsession I am going through. Also, look a that gorgeous cover! Invokes some current xianxia stories that have released (Till the End of the Moon, anyone?).

This book was difficult to grasp at first. Imagine that the FL's world is in a different dimension than ours. The invaders are from earth, our world, and they're called Romans. I am not quite sure if they are related to Romans. But they invaded the FL's world and are influencing her government / rulers. The people are forming resistances and the Romans are forcing the FL's world to stop to it.

There is also a god / goddess aspect. The people in the world of the FL have inherited powers from their gods. The FL's power is channeling /causing death. The more times she uses her power the quicker it brings her to her own death. The Romans know about these people with powers and are capturing them for their own use.

The FL gets captured and this brings her to run into her 'enemy', the second prince. The second prince enlists her as his 'death killer', sending her about to kill people that he disagrees with because he secretly wants to overthrow his own brother's rule and bring peace to their worlds. Yet, there are things they don't quite agree with and this leads to her having a tepid love and hate relationship with him.

Their romance is kind of skewed because you see them start to have feelings for one another, but because neither can fully quit / part from their views on their respective rulers being endgame, there is doubt.

While this sounds good and interesting, the world building is rather minuscule. The FL and the ML are basically taking up most of the conversations / plot of the story and the lack of secondary characters or Plot Points B, C & D are next to none.

The ending of the book drops a bit of a 'bombshell' in terms of where the second book is heading. Yet, I feel like the book given the time I spent did not warrant it. I give the author props though, it had a lot of interesting ideas and intriguing main characters, but with a lack of real depth to the world and not many supporting characters, you feel too confined.

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Goodreads: Name displayed as E. Johnson

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Published on 26AUG23.

· A link to your review, if available, so the publisher can share your review
I dont think you can link specific reviews but I pasted it below.

I was given the chance to be an ARC reader for this book and my opinions are my own and not influenced due to getting an early read.

"When you see someone in trouble, you draw your blade and help"

Two worlds have collided and a magic wielder Yang Ruying has been caught in the middle of the war. She is forced to choose sides and navigate politics and schemes to save her family and her people. Despite her best efforts, all of the twists and turns in the story have her constantly questioning her choices and very morals. Who are her true friends and who is the enemy.

Who is telling the truth and who is lying?

Coward, villain, or hero?

I really enjoyed this book, I finished it in one day. It is a bit of a slow burn, the first third of the book was a bit of a march for me to get through. The main characters internal conflicts with the values she was instilled with gets a bit over bearing or repetitive at times but her whole life has been turned upside down so it is understandable. However I still give this book 4.5/5 stars.

The reader will find themselves also thinking about what the right decisions would be and even wondering "what would I do in this situation?" The author's passion for what this book is based on is very evident and the emotions are raw and real. It must have been emotionally exhausting to write and I commend her hardwork. There is no way the reader won't be able to feel her passion when they read the book.

Congratulations Molly I am anxiously awaiting book #2.

It is the first book in a series and I'm looking forward to the second book. The downside to being an ARC reader means I now have to wait even longer for it.

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To gaze upon wicked gods

4 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

I loved this book and is has been on my tbr for quite sometime. 😃 and I screamed when i saw i got accepted.

Lets talks about my likes

- Yang ruying i loved her character
- I also loved antony he was so sweet ❤️ 💐
- The scenery, and world i loved the descriptions and i feel i got a good grasp on the world

- i feel the romance was a bit too rushed. Wanted more of the enemies
- The politics : didn’t make much sense to me and confused me (probably cause im slow)
- I wish ruyings friend was shown more so we could see more of there bond, hopefully we’ll get that in the sequel


I would definitely recommend, and i read this is one sitting out of excitement. ❤️ ⭐️

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First and foremost, let's talk about the cover – THAT COVER THOUGH! They say never to judge a book by its cover, but in this case the cover art is the first thing that drew me in...and then the synopisis put the nail in my coffin as a must read on my TBR!!

As a fan of Asian-inspired fantasy, I thought I had seen it all, but this shattered my expectations in the most delightful way possible. Imagine a fusion of sci-fi and Roman imperial might colliding with a fantastical Chinese realm. It's a concept that left me utterly intrigued and eager to dive into this uncharted territory.

The journey from enemies to lovers is a classic arc that never fails to spark emotion, and this book handles it with finesse, adding depth and complexity to the characters' interactions. The presence of morally gray characters injects a sense of realism into the story, forcing us to question the boundaries of right and wrong. And then there's the strong female character who defies stereotypes and takes charge of her destiny – a refreshing and empowering addition.

I can't emphasize enough how much I appreciate the opportunity to have received an Advance Reader's Copy from Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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