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Published on 26AUG23.

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I dont think you can link specific reviews but I pasted it below.

I was given the chance to be an ARC reader for this book and my opinions are my own and not influenced due to getting an early read.

"When you see someone in trouble, you draw your blade and help"

Two worlds have collided and a magic wielder Yang Ruying has been caught in the middle of the war. She is forced to choose sides and navigate politics and schemes to save her family and her people. Despite her best efforts, all of the twists and turns in the story have her constantly questioning her choices and very morals. Who are her true friends and who is the enemy.

Who is telling the truth and who is lying?

Coward, villain, or hero?

I really enjoyed this book, I finished it in one day. It is a bit of a slow burn, the first third of the book was a bit of a march for me to get through. The main characters internal conflicts with the values she was instilled with gets a bit over bearing or repetitive at times but her whole life has been turned upside down so it is understandable. However I still give this book 4.5/5 stars.

The reader will find themselves also thinking about what the right decisions would be and even wondering "what would I do in this situation?" The author's passion for what this book is based on is very evident and the emotions are raw and real. It must have been emotionally exhausting to write and I commend her hardwork. There is no way the reader won't be able to feel her passion when they read the book.

Congratulations Molly I am anxiously awaiting book #2.

It is the first book in a series and I'm looking forward to the second book. The downside to being an ARC reader means I now have to wait even longer for it.

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To gaze upon wicked gods

4 ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

I loved this book and is has been on my tbr for quite sometime. 😃 and I screamed when i saw i got accepted.

Lets talks about my likes

- Yang ruying i loved her character
- I also loved antony he was so sweet ❤️ 💐
- The scenery, and world i loved the descriptions and i feel i got a good grasp on the world

- i feel the romance was a bit too rushed. Wanted more of the enemies
- The politics : didn’t make much sense to me and confused me (probably cause im slow)
- I wish ruyings friend was shown more so we could see more of there bond, hopefully we’ll get that in the sequel


I would definitely recommend, and i read this is one sitting out of excitement. ❤️ ⭐️

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First and foremost, let's talk about the cover – THAT COVER THOUGH! They say never to judge a book by its cover, but in this case the cover art is the first thing that drew me in...and then the synopisis put the nail in my coffin as a must read on my TBR!!

As a fan of Asian-inspired fantasy, I thought I had seen it all, but this shattered my expectations in the most delightful way possible. Imagine a fusion of sci-fi and Roman imperial might colliding with a fantastical Chinese realm. It's a concept that left me utterly intrigued and eager to dive into this uncharted territory.

The journey from enemies to lovers is a classic arc that never fails to spark emotion, and this book handles it with finesse, adding depth and complexity to the characters' interactions. The presence of morally gray characters injects a sense of realism into the story, forcing us to question the boundaries of right and wrong. And then there's the strong female character who defies stereotypes and takes charge of her destiny – a refreshing and empowering addition.

I can't emphasize enough how much I appreciate the opportunity to have received an Advance Reader's Copy from Random House Publishing Group - Ballantine and NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.

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I was initially drawn to this book on account of the seriously gorgeous cover, and I'm so glad I decided to request it. This series has a ton of potential and I loved the setup of the world. I'm super interested in learning about the world on the other side of the portal, as well as more about Ruying's world. These characters are the definition of morally gray, and the enemies-to-lovers romance is perfect. Unlike a lot of characters who are supposed to be morally gray, Ruying and Antony actually are. This made for such a complicated dynamic between the two characters, and I'm so excited to see how it develops in the next books.

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This was an absolutely marvelous fantasy read! This is my first time reading a book from this author and she did a tremendous job in world-building, flushing out the story with dramatic points, and beautiful characters that are not only relatable, but leave a long-lasting impression on you. The romance was also positively wonderful and kept me consuming the pages at every turn! I cannot recommend this book enough to fellow readers who love a well-done romance with enchanting world-building and words that keep a strong hold on your heart.

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*Thank you so much to the author, publisher, and NetGalley for the chance to review an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.*

Ruyling’s world has been taken over by others. They are cruel and vicious and have no mercy. But she is gifted by Death. Will she use it to save her family? Or her home?

I really enjoyed this book, especially the magic and all the conflict Ruyling felt throughout the book. It kept me on the edge of my seat, never knowing who she should trust and what the right moves to make are. I am really looking forward to the next book!

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I really enjoyed reading this book, and had a hard time putting it down, While some of the main premises of this work are ones I've seen quite frequently lately (girl with special magic that's been disappearing from the world is put into a situation where she must decide how to use her powers to protect her world from the ramifications of violent colonization while dealing with conflicts over a problematic love interest), this story still feels fresh and unique. The use of sci-fi elements might be what sets it apart, as we learn about the proponents of science who have invaded Ruying's world via a portal torn into the sky, and their reasons for doing so. This book has a lot to say, both about their worlds and ours, and I'm really looking forward to reading the next volumes in this series as well as following this author's future works. What a great debut novel!

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